Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1058: Royal Youth Academy

Officers from the young army camp, in the Tang military, had no influence when the number was small in the early years, but when the number is now large, the influence is gradually increasing.

Although this kind of influence is not big at present, but considering the future, then this potential influence is very huge.

It was so big that Lieutenant General Lei Wan and Lieutenant General Hao Bo Nian both discussed this issue at the same time.

Of course, they didn't dare to say that the officers of the young barracks were bad, nor did they say that the graduates of the young barracks would not join the army. If they dared to say so directly, they could basically conclude that their political future was over, because everyone Knowing that the young army camp has an independent system, and this system has always been under the control of the royal family, and neither the cabinet nor the military can intervene.

To a certain extent, the officers of the young army camp also represent a part of the royal family.

So they are very euphemistic when they say it on the book.

This euphemism made Li Xuan dispel other concerns, and began to seriously consider whether there was really a problem with his policy of the infant military camp.

At the beginning, Li Xuan did not have much planning and hope for the infant military camp. The original goal was only to settle the war orphans, and at the same time cultivate these orphans to become part of the direct power of the royal family.

Back then, when it was the Zhaoqing era, Li Xuan came with the support of the young army camp and cultivated a group of young people who did not have too many scruples and were only loyal to himself.

But the original idea did not say that the scale was too large. This can be seen from the scale of the young army camp at that time, which is only a few hundred people.

But later, with the expansion of the Tang Empire, the infant military camps also expanded. In addition to the main camp, there were also sub-camps in various regions. At present, basically every province has established sub-camps of infant military camps. Add up to more than 10,000 people.

I don’t know what the scale will be in the future, but now, after the tens of thousands of young military camp students graduate one after another, a very small number of geniuses will enter the Royal Institute of Technology, but most of them will enter the political or military circles.

This means that, not to mention the future, even if there are these existing students, it is estimated that thousands of people will enter the military world, and according to the current system, when everyone first enters active duty, he starts as a major.

Nima, how could the Third Army of the Tang Dynasty have so many positions for them!

Not to mention, the scale of the Imperial Academy is already small, and now there are only more than 100 students enrolled every year, less than 200. From now on, if hundreds of thousands of young military camp students come in every year, no matter what you think It all feels nonsense.

But it is even more nonsense to directly cancel the young army camp, or prevent them from joining the army.

The military students in these young military camps have been given military education since childhood, and they can't do anything except fight.

And it would be a waste not to let them join the army and talk, because no matter what, their personal qualities are quite good. The six-year education they received since childhood, before they entered the Imperial Academy, they learned a lot about military theory, cultural knowledge, and even In terms of physical fitness, they must surpass ordinary soldiers, and giving them up is undoubtedly a waste of resources.

You must know that the royal family spends a lot of money on the young army camp.

After much deliberation, Li Xuan finally made a decision on this young army camp. The first is to restrict the enrollment. It can't be the same as now, even an orphan can be enrolled.

The original intention of the young army camp is not an orphanage, nor is it to solve the problem of social orphans. It is the task of relevant cabinet agencies and local yamen, and has nothing to do with the young army camp.

The purpose of the young army camp is to cultivate talents who meet Li Xuan's mind.

And such talents are not only military talents, but also government talents, and more important scientific talents.

Based on this, Li Xuan plans to reform the enrollment. Whether it is orphans or children from ordinary families, as long as they have enough talent, they can enroll for free.

At the same time, graduates can't directly enter the Imperial Academy to study, and they will become majors after graduation. This is too nonsense. Li Xuan didn't notice it before, but now that he notices it, it will naturally plug this loophole.

In response to various considerations, Li Xuan quietly carried out the second reform of the young army camp. The last reform was to separate the science classes of the general camp of the young army camp and set up the Royal Institute of Technology.

The current second reform is even larger in scale.

At the same time, because the young army camp, like the Royal Institute of Technology, is an institution directly affiliated to the royal family, and is not under the management of the cabinet or the military, so if Li Xuan wants to carry out any reform, he does not need to alarm outsiders. reform can be carried out.

According to the decree, the Zhaoqing General Camp of the Young Army Camp will be divided into the Royal Preparatory School and the Royal Youth Military Academy.

There are great changes in the recruitment and graduate arrangements in the young military camps of various provinces and provinces.

The young military camps in various provinces will recruit students for the whole society. As long as they pass the strict entrance examination, they can be admitted. At the same time, the difficulty of the course will be greatly improved. The start of the course basically It is the level of various middle schools, and students with this level are often seventeen or eighteen years old.

However, the recruiting age for infant military camps in various provinces is under twelve years old. In other words, they only need geniuses!

At the same time, the junior military camps in various provinces abolished more professional military education. Originally, Li Xuan still wanted to start the junior military academies in various provinces, but he found that there would be too many people in this case, and there would still be the situation that was not easy to arrange before, so he just stayed. A Royal Youth Military Academy, and this Royal Youth Military Academy, its positioning is the same as the martial arts school, both for training middle and lower-level officers.

As for the training of senior officers, it is still the Imperial Academy.

Li Xuan does not want to set up a military education system in addition to the existing military education system, which seems superfluous.

As for how to arrange the students in the military classes in the junior military camps in various provinces, Li Xuan also gave relevant plans. The senior students in the fifth and sixth grades should continue to study step by step, and then go to apply for the martial arts school or the youth military academy. And the students of middle and low age actually don't study much, and they can't take the test even if they take the test, so how to arrange it?

Switch to liberal arts and science, then study hard, and make progress every day!

To be honest, what the Tang Dynasty lacked now was not officers, because there was already a well-established education system for officers, not bad for the young army camp.

What they lack is a large number of high-quality liberal arts and science talents!

Because the current imperial examinations and the level of primary and secondary schools in various places are so poor, it is difficult to undertake such an important task in a short period of time. Otherwise, more than 90% of the students of the Royal Institute of Technology will not be born in the infant military camp. .

It's not that other students are not recruited, but the quality of other students is too poor to pass the exam!

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