Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1064: Datang Empire Territory: Yakushima

Chapter 1064: The Territory of the Tang Empire: Yakushima

Navy Major Zhang Linong, although he has a naval rank, is a naval officer. The military academy he attended before was also a serious maritime school, and he has nothing to do with the army, but his style of fighting is with a strong army style!

When commanding troops to attack, the formation listed is exactly the three-column formation that is commonly used by the army now, and there are shotguns in front of the formation. When launching an attack, the shotguns fire first, then use muskets to suppress, and then launch charge!

When charging to the front, do not forget to fire a salvo, and then a wave of grenades!

After such a three-pronged attack, these pirates who are still fighting against the pier have basically suffered more than half of the casualties, and many people died under the guns without even having a chance to escape!

Maybe someone asked, why didn't they hide, and then rely on obstacles and buildings to resist, so that they might be able to last longer and give Zhang Linong's troops greater damage.

The reason is simple!

They are not the army!

They are just a group of pirates. You can't expect them to be able to make the perfect tactics that the regular army only has, and they can fight on their own after being dispersed. In the contemporary age where communication and command methods are backward, let alone these pirates, even if they are big It is difficult for Tang Jun to do this.

In this way, in the end, they can only fight against each other, and then be defeated separately.

Why was there no street fighting a few years ago, and large-scale street fighting appeared before and after the First World War?

Because it wasn't until after World War I that there were machine guns, wireless or wired communications, and the army was more organized, so it was possible to conduct decentralized operations, and before that, decentralized operations were a dead end.

And the fighting mode of street fighting is scattered fighting!

In several battles before, the Ming army also tried to abandon the city wall and resisted in the urban area. In the end, it was not surrounded by divisions and then destroyed. As for those who were forced to retreat to the urban area to fight stubbornly after the city wall was lost, and These battles, without exception, are failures.

If it annoyed the Datang Army, they would simply bombard the whole city, or even set fire to the whole city.

Cities these days are not very big. Most small cities are only a few hundred meters long and wide, and medium-sized cities are only a few kilometers long and wide. Only super-large cities such as Jinling City and Youzhou can have a length and width of more than ten kilometers. , so most cities simply do not have much room for street fighting.

Not to mention, this is just a small pier on a remote island. There are only a few houses. If these pirates were not just behind the slope, the naval artillery fire would have killed them directly, and they would not have been allowed to hide and disperse to fight. Space.

They can only gather together and fight head-on!

As a result, they were defeated simply and neatly!

After more than 100 people were killed or injured, the remaining swarms ran away again!

Zhang Linong, like the last time, still did not let the troops pursue it. Now his main task is not to pursue, but to occupy the dock, stabilize the defense of the dock, and then assist the transport ship to dock.

When his field guns have been transported from the transport ship, it will be time to launch an attack on the towns deep in the interior, now, it's early.

Anyway, it's just such an island, and there are only a few small-scale towns on the island. You can fight whenever you want, and you don't even have to worry about them running away.

Now almost the entire Yakushima Island is surrounded by the Ryukyu Squadron, and the only major port is blocked. They want to run without ships, and even if there are ships, they cannot break through the blockade of the Ryukyu Squadron.

Yakushima is not a big island, with a total area of ​​only 500 square kilometers. This number may sound like a lot, but in terms of growth and width, the north-south length is only over 20 kilometers, and the east-west width is also Only twenty kilometers.

Moreover, most of the terrain on the island is mountainous. There are various peaks on the island. There are more than 30 peaks with sea waves exceeding 1,000 meters, and the highest is even more than 1,900 meters. What does this mean?

This means that most of the terrain on this island is actually unsuitable for human survival, and only a small part of the coast is flat terrain, allowing local people to farm and live.

At present, there are not many people on the island, only more than 2,000 people in total, and nearly half of them are pirates. These pirates and indigenous people are basically gathered in a small port on the northeastern coast of Yaku Island and the surrounding area. In fact, before the arrival of the pirates, this Yakushima Island was even more desolate. Only a few indigenous people lived, not even a port town. It was at most a small village.

The arrival of the pirates made these gradually develop, and finally a dock was built that could park large ships, and a lot of buildings were built, which can barely be regarded as a small town.

The Datang Navy Ryukyu Squadron attacked the only small port on Yakushima Island. Of course, this small port city is not crowded on the seaside, the seaside is just the wharf.

The wharf is a few hundred meters in the past, which is the center of this small port city. There is a simple city wall with earthen and wooden fences, but even such a simple city wall is estimated to be more than 500 meters in circumference.

A town of this size, placed on the mainland of China, is at most a small village and town, and it is not even as strong as the defensive power of the farms of the powerful.

To deal with such a small town like a village, Zhang Linong felt no pressure at all. As long as he transported the artillery ashore, he would basically be able to smash these earthen and wooden fences and city walls to shreds, leaving them nowhere to hide. When the time comes, they either die, surrender, or flee into the mountains and forests of the island, but they have no other choice.

At the same time, the terrain and traffic conditions of Yakushima also mean that as long as the small port city along the coast is captured, the rest will basically be ignored. As long as the coast of the island is blocked, those who escape into the mountains will sooner or later be hungry. If he died, he would become a savage if he did not starve to death, and he had no threat to the next actions of the Datang Navy.

Anyway, Major General Feng Qirong, the commander of the Ryukyu Squadron, is not interested in any follow-up immigration on this mountainous island. He only needs a port and a supply station.

Next, the marines led by Zhang Linong began to consolidate the defense on the dock, and at the same time began to repair the simple wooden dock.

When the fleet bombarded the port just now, some of it was confiscated, and the accuracy of the bombardment was not very good these days. Many shells fell on this small pier, and then the pier was damaged.

This is not easy to repair, there is no way to park and transport a large number of supplies such as artillery ashore.

As for the pirates who were hundreds of meters away, Zhang Linong didn't have the heart to pay attention to them for a while. As long as the pirates didn't foolishly rush over to take the initiative to fight, he wouldn't be in the mood to attack now, just wait.

Those pirates might have been really frightened by the bombardment of naval guns and the attack of Zhang Linong's marines, so they hid in the humble stockade several hundred meters away and did not come out to counterattack.

As for escaping, there must be a few people, but most of them still didn't run, because they didn't know where to go. Could it be possible to run into the deep mountains and old forests, so they didn't need to fight, they would have to starve to death inside. .

When the dock was repaired and the transport ship began to dock to unload the artillery, it was already evening. The advantage of unloading the artillery was busy for more than an hour, and it would be night when the work was over.

So after nightfall, Zhang Linong ordered the troops to be on guard and then began to rest. As for the war, he would not be in a hurry to come back tomorrow.

The pirates who were hundreds of meters away were probably unwilling. They launched a small-scale sneak attack while taking advantage of the darkness. The result was very sad. Although Zhang Linong's troops had rested, they arranged for a security force, and they were on point. There are a lot of torches, the lights are bright, and when I see a dark figure approaching, I will fire a platoon of guns before saying anything.

As a result, after dawn the next day, they found several corpses in the open space, and then nothing else.

After using the rebellion, Zhang Linong led the Marine Corps to officially launch an attack on a town hundreds of meters away!

Needless to say about the process of the The artillery bombed, and then a charge was basically over. After the pirates failed to attack during the day and night yesterday, they have long lost the heart of resistance, just symbolic. After resisting for a while, he surrendered obediently.

Of course, it is not ruled out that someone has escaped!

But it doesn't matter!

The important thing is that they have completely taken down this small port city and used it as a supply port!

When Rear Admiral Feng Qirong led the officers of the squadron ashore, they also held a simple stele erection ceremony. There were several lines on the stele, namely: Yakushima, the territory of the Tang Empire, April 19, Xuanping 8 years .

When the Datang Navy went to many islands, regardless of whether there were indigenous people on the islands, they would do such a thing!

Well, Datang Western Company is similar, except that there will be a sentence behind the monument of Datang Western Company: The territory of Datang Western Company!

In order to stabilize the rear, the sailors of the Ryukyu Squadron did not make it difficult for the ordinary natives on the island after landing. They were just ordinary farmers and fishermen, and had nothing to do with pirates and the samurai of the Ganfu clan.

As for the hundreds of prisoners of war who surrendered, according to the Tang Dynasty's rules against pirates, they were naturally shot and hung on the pier to dry.

However, considering that his fleet is too far from the mainland, and the manpower on hand is insufficient, it is difficult for Feng Qirong to make this Yakushima a stable logistics supply port.

Therefore, it was decided that apart from those pirate chiefs who were extremely sinful and wanted to be shot as a warning, other ordinary pirates should be ignored, let them do their hard work, and dedicate the power of Weibo to the construction of the Yakushima port of the Datang Navy!

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