Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1089: 700,000 troops

Each infantry battalion has six infantry teams, and the standard full strength of each infantry battalion is 850 people.

An infantry regiment has four combat battalions, plus the shotgun team directly under the regiment headquarters, reconnaissance cavalry, guards and other troops, the strength of an infantry regiment has reached a huge 4,000 people.

In fact, the new organization of the Army is still a great reference to the establishment of the Guards, because the establishment of the Guards is the establishment of the battalion.

There is a Guards team with a strength of about 140 people, and each Guards infantry battalion has six teams under its jurisdiction.

However, in terms of regiment-level organization, the Guards also kept pace with the times and followed the example of the Army and changed to a five-battalion organization.

Therefore, in this army reform, in fact, below the regiment level, the guards and the army follow each other's example, and finally formed a unified infantry regiment. Infantry battalion, each infantry battalion has six infantry teams, and each infantry team has one hundred and forty soldiers.

The reform of the Army and the Guards Infantry Regiment has also directly led to the further expansion of the Infantry Regiment!

However, the expansion of the size of this infantry regiment can be regarded as a further extension of the tactical reform of the Datang Army to a certain extent!

Because with the passage of time, the tasks of the corps, divisions, regiments, battalions and other units of the Datang Army have undergone great changes.

In the past, an army was only responsible for one front, and a division was the basic tactical unit.

But now on the army side, an army has become a theater-level command organization, and it is responsible for battles that are often directed at a certain direction, such as the Fifth Army in charge of the northwest, and the Tatar war in the north The Third Army, the Sixth Army in charge of the Liaodong War, and the above three armies are said to be armies, but in fact it is more appropriate to say that they are theaters.

In this context, an infantry division has actually become a strategic unit, not a basic tactical unit. An infantry division is often responsible for the entire front of the war. For example, in the Korean Peninsula campaign , is actually a one-man show of the 15th Infantry Division.

So what is the basic tactical unit, the infantry regiment!

When responsible for a specific small and medium-sized battle, in fact there is not a regiment, and it is often dominated by battalions.

In fact, most of the time, it is an infantry regiment, division-level battle, and often only large-scale strategic decisive battles will appear. In daily life, it is basically carried out by battalion units.

Because the strength of the infantry battalion is strengthened, the Army is happy to see it.

The same kind of change has also occurred in the Guards in recent years. In the Goryeo Peninsula, the Guards dispatched a reinforcement battalion, not a regiment or a brigade.

Because the main task of the Guards is to defend Gyeonggi, and during the war, troops are sent to other places to participate in the war, which is just a rotation to maintain combat effectiveness. This scale of 2,000 people is a reasonable price.

This is why the Guards were previously composed of the 1st Infantry Division of the Guards and the 2nd Infantry Division of the Guards, but apart from accompanying the expedition, there was never a situation where an entire division was dispatched. A brigade, in fact, is the model of a reinforced regiment to send troops to fight in the field, and sometimes even only one reinforced battalion.

Later, Li Xuan simply canceled the establishment of the infantry division of the Guards, and at the same time established a Guards brigade according to the mixed brigade mode of the previous guards' expatriate operations. Each brigade was a standard mixed brigade with two jurisdictions. Guards infantry regiment, a large artillery battalion, a large baggage battalion, a cavalry regiment, plus other direct troops, each brigade's

After all the Guards were reformed, the previous two Guards infantry divisions became three Guards brigades, and the brigade commander was the rank of Major General of the Guards.

But it is said to be a brigade, but in fact the total strength is more than 10,000 people. The total strength of each brigade reaches about 12,000 people. The entire guard army has three brigades with a total strength of 36,000 people.

The use of large establishments can be regarded as a trend of the gradual development of the Imperial Army in recent years. It is meaningless to say whether it is right or wrong, because whether this development is suitable or not is related to tradition.

A brigade of the Guards has reached 12,000 people, and the size of the infantry division of the Army is even larger. Otherwise, it would not be able to undertake the strategic tasks of an entire front.

Three infantry regiments, plus artillery, baggage, cavalry and other units, now the entire infantry division of the army has a total strength of 18,000 people under full staffing.

Sixteen infantry divisions, plus the troops directly under the military headquarters, that is 300,000 people!

And this does not include the independent troops directly under the army. In addition to the sixteen infantry divisions, the army also has three cavalry brigades, each of which is four thousand cavalry.

Then there are several independent garrison regiments, mainly garrison troops stationed in more important areas, such as Jiangyin garrison regiment, Jiujiang garrison regiment, these two garrison regiments are actually fortress garrison troops, one east and one west, guarding the Yangtze River, Point guard Gyeonggi.

In addition, there are garrison regiments stationed in overseas areas, such as the Ryukyu garrison regiment and the Luzon garrison regiment.

Then came the independent troops, such as the Zhouqiao Battalion, the Siege Heavy Artillery Battalion and other troops, which were either directly under the military or the Privy Council.

Therefore, if the infantry divisions and cavalry brigades, plus many independent units, the total number of front-line combat troops of the army is about 350,000 people!

And this does not include the civilian officers and other personnel in the Privy Council, nor does it include the reserve divisions and personnel under the jurisdiction of the provincial garrison headquarters.

In addition to the front-line troops of 350,000 people, the Datang Army also has a large number of reserve divisions. Each province will deploy more than two reserve divisions depending on the situation.

Basically, the importance is relatively high, and the situation is not stable at the same time. Provinces with few front-line troops will have more reserve divisions stationed.

For example, Liaodong Province, although this province has a small population and a large number of regular troops, but because it is located in the frontier and is a newly occupied area, it has a lot of reserve divisions. There are three reserve divisions in the four provinces of the Korean Peninsula alone. The garrison, and then there are several other places. The entire Liaodong Province has a total population of less than 4 million, but it is stationed outside a full seven reserve divisions. If two infantry divisions are added, the total strength of Liaodong Province exceeds 100,000. people.

In Zhili Sidao, the scale of the reserve division is also quite large. Even though the regular army in this place is already very strong, the first army with outstanding military exploits is stationed in Zhili Sidao, and there is also a guard army, two The combined strength of the regular army reached 70,000 or 80,000 people. In the entire empire, almost one-fifth of the front-line combat power was deployed in Zhili Sidao.

The strength of the regular army is strong, and if it is in other places, there will be basically no need for too many reserve divisions, but the four ways of Zhili are different!

This place is really important. Not only does it have Jinling City, the political heart of the empire, but also the Sidao of Zhili has become a veritable economic heart of the empire!

This is the most important grain producing area of ​​the empire, and it is also the core area of ​​the empire's manufacturing industry!

With the rise of Dangtu Industrial Zone and Shanghai Industrial Zone, it has gradually replaced Zhaoqing and Guangzhou in Guangdong as the most important industrial manufacturing base of the empire.

Here, it is no exaggeration to say that it occupies half of the wealth of the entire Datang Empire!

If Liaodong or even the entire North is lost, Li Xuan has the confidence to rearmament and go back, but if Jiangnan is lost, people will starve to death!

This situation is actually the same as that of the former Ming Dynasty, but although the capital of the Ming Dynasty was in Youzhou, the core area that actually supported the rule of the Ming Dynasty was Jiangnan. Once Jiangnan was over, the Ming Dynasty was over. , Regardless of whether it was Emperor Zhengde or Emperor Shaowu, they were all defeated and killed one after another!

Therefore, it is very important to keep one's own basics. It is useless to leave the core ruling area and ignore it by those scholars.

Putting the political focus on Jiangnan and stationing heavy troops, Li Xuan has the confidence to completely grasp Jiangnan in his own hands, and only when UUkanshu promotes various reforms can he be able to proceed smoothly.

In the past few years, the various reforms of the Tang Dynasty, especially the reforms in agriculture and taxation, have offended many people. For this reason, there are countless people who have armed resistance to taxation and even raised an army to rebel, but they are all heroic and invincible. The emperors of the Tang Dynasty suppressed them one by one.

Therefore, Li Xuan has been very vigilant in recent years!

Beware of civil unrest!

Therefore, after the Sixth Army sent troops to Liaodong, the First Army quickly returned to defend Zhili Sidao.

In addition to the regular army, it is not surprising that such an important Zhili Four Roads have many reserve divisions. If you only look at Jiangnan Road, there are four reserve divisions garrisoned in this small one!

Yes, that's right, four preparatory divisions!

In addition to these four reserve divisions, the Second Infantry Division of the First Army is also stationed in Songjiang Prefecture. The most important naval base in the navy, Wusong Naval Base, is also in Songjiang Prefecture. In addition to warships and sailors, the Navy also A Marine Corps is stationed!

This small place in Songjiang Prefecture is a big slap, but in fact it has more than 30,000 ground troops, army and navy troops stationed there!

The situation is similar in the other three disciplines in Zhili. Although there is no such expansion, there are basically two or more preparatory teachers for each Dao!

The reserve forces of the entire Zhili Sidao are more than that of Liaodong Province!

And there is no way to do this, who made the four ways of Zhili so important!

In addition to industrial and economic factors, the source of troops is also important.

Because of the large population of Zhili Sidao, Zhili Sidao was the most important grain-producing area in the Tang Empire, and there were already a lot of people who could support it.


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