Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Come here, the selection department is written by a dragon and a cat by a tiger

From the sixth rank and below, this power is basically handed over to the provincial officials' offices.

There is no way to put the power below the ground, because there are more officials in the Tang Dynasty than in the Ming Dynasty, and there are many more, of course, this kind of more, it just means that there are more registrations on the surface. , but the time for civil servants, the two are about the same.

In a county in the Ming Dynasty, there were at most only a few officials with grades, but in fact the bureau of officials was the county magistrate. Most were hired by county magistrates out of their own pockets.

In the Tang Dynasty, those who wandered outside the official establishment were officially included in the category of officials, and they were given the grades of eighth and ninth grades.

Under such circumstances, there are too many officials registered in the register, which cannot be managed by the Ministry of Personnel alone.

Therefore, it is also very important to distribute some power to local governments. Otherwise, it is impossible to handle so many official appointments.

However, in order to prevent officials from dominating the region for a long time, even for low-level officials, the Tang Dynasty still implemented an extremely firm remote appointment system.

Among them, the eighth-rank and ninth-rank officials are not allowed to serve in the county; the sixth-rank and seventh-rank officials are not allowed to serve in the prefecture; the third-rank, fourth-rank, and fifth-rank officials are not allowed to serve in the province. Of course, there are exceptions, that is, in the central government Directly affiliated institutions are not included.

After all, it can’t be said that officials from Jinling City are not allowed to serve in various central departments!

For example, people like Chen Lifu, he is a Jinling person, but he has always worked in Jinling City!

But this is only limited to the central agency. If he wants to serve as a tax official of Chengtianfu, it will not work!

The characteristics of the official system of the Tang Dynasty were basically determined. The Ministry of Personnel almost held the power of life and death for officials of the third rank and below. Any official would not dare to neglect the summons of the Ministry of Personnel. , Chen Lifu is the same!

A few days later, he arrived at the Ministry of Officials, ready to make his report!

Speaking of which, he did a lot of this kind of thing a few years ago, because at that time it didn't take long for him to be promoted, and this time he would come to the Ministry of Personnel to give a report.

Now that more than three years have passed, doing this kind of thing is a bit unfamiliar!

After entering the Ministry of Officials, he was the most powerful official of the fifth grade in the world, but he was no different from other officials who hurriedly came to prepare a report.

The lowest rank of these people is also a rank six, and Chen Lifu even saw a few bosses of the third rank!

Don't say that he is only a fifth-grade, even those big three-ranked bosses, although the aura of the whole person can be seen to be unusual at first glance, but in this huge conference room, he has nothing to do with ordinary people. The difference is that they are still waiting for the summons of the Ministry of Personnel Selection Division!

After so many years of reforms in the Ministry of Personnel, although the names of the subordinate agencies may be the same as those of the Ming Dynasty, they are actually very different. In the Tang Dynasty, this institution was basically an evaluation institution, and its main job was to judge the work performance of officials. As for the power to decide the appointment, it was not in their hands, but in the Organization Department.

Or to be more precise, it is the departments under the Organization Department. The departments under the Organization Department basically correspond to various provinces and central agencies. For example, there is the Guangdong Department, which is responsible for the appointment of officials in Guangdong Province.

For example, the tax department is responsible for the appointment of officials of the tax department, as well as the Liaodong, Jiangnan, overseas, court and so on.

And the person Chen Lifu wants to meet is the person from the Literature Selection Division!

While waiting in the lobby outside, Chen Lifu finally figured out why outsiders would say that there are so many officials in Jinling as dogs!

Nima, I can't feel it outside on weekdays, but when I got to the Wenxuan Division, I saw that there were more than 100 people queuing in such a small waiting room for debriefing. I heard that the same waiting room is full of Wenxuan Division. There's...well, just one!

Basically throughout the year, this waiting room is crowded with people. You have to wait in line from morning to night. When you come back with a debriefing report, you will be full of sweat.

Many people have a lot of resentment against this waiting room of the Ministry of Officials, saying that there are two major moments in the official career when the court sweeps the floor. It is unbearable, and even turned into a lifetime of psychological scars!

The first was the search when participating in the imperial examination. It was a naked search, and Sven didn’t say anything about it!

The second is to go to the Department of Literature Selection to make a debriefing report, which is also without official prestige and sweeps the floor.

For this reason, people often react to the Ministry of Personnel, saying that your Ministry of Personnel is also an important institution with real power. In the various ministries of the imperial cabinet, the real power is on the same level as the Ministry of Taxation, so you can't make this waiting room a little bigger. Or simply create a few more waiting rooms to divide one or two, and then add more chairs and tables, and put tea and snacks.

But every time it was directly rejected by the Ministry of Personnel, saying that there was a shortage of funds, the land price in Jinling was very expensive, and it was really impossible to build a large waiting room, and the supply of tea and snacks was also very expensive and overwhelmed.

But behind the scenes, someone from the Department of Literature Selection of the Ministry of Personnel said: "When you come to the Department of Literature Selection, it doesn't matter whether you are a provincial governor of the third rank or a county magistrate of the sixth rank, you have to add your tail to the official. Get up and wait!"

This waiting hall is actually a hint in my heart, that is, no matter how majestic you are outside, but when you come here, don't brush your official prestige, it's the dragon who is coiling for me, the tiger is meowing, or else Let you line up every day, anxious to death you!

Seeing that the fourth-rank and even third-rank bosses are sitting and waiting honestly, and then Chen Lifu also took the number plate and sat beside him. Several people also recognized Chen Lifu, and his face was full of Flashes of surprise.

Why are they surprised? Chen Lifu naturally knows it. He has been in the position of Director of the Inspection Office for three years. Or calm, but he must be leaving the inspection office.

He can think of it with his toes. It is estimated that in less than a day, the news of his transfer from the inspection office will be spread throughout the capital, and this way, I am afraid that many people will applaud and celebrate!

But they don't have to think about it, even if they are transferred out, but the new director of the inspection department who takes over from them will let them go?


No matter who it is, as long as he takes the position of director of the inspection department, he will inevitably do what he does, and it may even be more ruthless than what he did!

Because they are not cruel to others, they are the ones who die!

In the eyes of outsiders, tax inspectors are very powerful. When they go to local inspections, they are equivalent to the existence of imperial envoys. They have great power, but the risks of this position are also very high.

When you arrive at the place, if no problem can be found, then the career of the tax inspector will basically be ended, because no problem can be found, either because you are incompetent, or you are corrupted, no matter which kind, it will be. Don't expect to keep your career.

So even for the sake of their official hats and their own lives, when the tax inspectors arrive at the place, they are basically not very polite.

As the saying goes, you are in your position to seek political affairs, or your **** decides your head!

It's just that there are not many people who can see through these!

They think they can be dashing by being transferred, but is that possible?

Chen Lifu knew with his toes that the new director of the inspection department, who took over at that time, would definitely take the three fires of the new office in order to achieve results. At that time, he still didn't know how many tax evaders and tax evaders would be checked.

However, none of this has anything to do with me!

He opened the bamboo bottle that he carried with him to drink, then took a sip of the pre-packed tea, and then took out a snack from the food box and put it in his mouth.

According to his experience of frequent job debriefing in the past few years, he would have to wait at least half a day for this class, and he would definitely not be able to catch up with lunch.

The personnel department does not care about meals, and there is no mention of keeping the number plate here. If this person goes out of the door of the waiting hall to have lunch, the number plate will be taken back, and then he has to queue up again in the afternoon. Eighty-nine times out of ten, you won't be able to rank, so you can only come back tomorrow.

Even if it is drinking water, it is naturally there, but Chen Lifu is sure that the people in the Ministry of Officials must have deliberately made bad things. This tea is inferior coarse tea, and it is bitter when combined.

Therefore, bring your own tea and snacks, which is a must for those who come to wait for the debriefing!

But there will always be someone coming to report for the first time, and no other well-meaning person reminds him, so it is stupid not to bring tea and snacks.

For example, a middle-aged obese man sitting across from Chen Lifu. At first, he frequently looked at the snacks in his hand. After a while, he saw him drinking water frequently, but he looked at Chen Lifu's food box more frequently. .

At first Chen Lifu didn't see it, but this official has a thick skin!

Chen Lifu thought he didn't see him, but he ran over by himself!

This time comes: "I know Cao Sheng in the next Jinan mansion. Looking at Xiongtai's appearance, he is working in the capital!"

When he was talking, his eyes were still aimed at the food box in Chen Lifu's Who is Chen Lifu? He swept the sleeves of his wide official robe slightly, and covered the food box, and then Yes replied: "Yes, Chen is working in Gyeonggi!"

This person immediately said: "The capital is good, Brother Chen must be very happy to be able to live and work in a prosperous place for a long time!"

At this time, he glanced slightly, and saw that Chen Lifu had already covered the food box with his wide sleeves, but his expression remained unchanged, and he immediately said: "This official department is really outrageous, look, there are several people over there. An elderly man who doesn't even have a seat, just went to the officials and asked if he could get that chair, but guess what they said!"

Chen Lifu murmured in his heart: "What else can I say, I'm sure I won't give it!"

If it weren't for knowing that it was not easy to get a seat, he wouldn't have come early in the morning, he wouldn't have been standing and waiting all day like everyone else!

However, he didn't say anything, but made a soft sound.

That person just snapped: "They didn't even give it, and said that there were no chairs, but some colleagues saw that there was a row of stools in the room next to them! As soon as someone asked, those people from the Ministry of Personnel immediately gave it. It's too much to say that it's for other purposes after moving away..."

"Furthermore, the people from the official department don't even prepare better tea and snacks. When the tea is good, although it is rough tea, it can barely quench thirst, but this snack is too much. There are a lot of people who go out early in the morning and haven't even eaten breakfast. It's almost noon, and they're already hungry and dizzy..."

When he was talking, his eyes were aimed at Chen Lifu's sleeve robe earlier. Under the sleeve robe was a food box, and there were snacks in the food box!


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