Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1115: Crisis in Qian Yuli

Although the Ministry of Finance is a new institution, many of its institutions are actually directly transferred from the Ministry of Taxation. Therefore, the Department of Finance is nothing new, and the Securities Division of the Department of Finance is an institution that has existed for a long time.

However, there are not many people in this securities office. Ordinary people will not pay attention to an institution that specializes in managing securities transactions. However, many practitioners in the domestic financial industry, especially those in the regime-related industries that have appeared in large numbers in recent years, are not. know and know very well.

Because they are the ones who are in charge of the securities office!

The Securities Division is an institution that directly manages all domestic securities companies. The two major domestic exchanges, namely the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Guangzhou Stock Exchange, are directly under the jurisdiction of the Securities Division.

Is it powerful? It depends on what agency it is compared with. If it is compared with the previous inspections by the Grain Collection Department of the Ministry of Taxation, it is naturally far inferior, but if it is compared with other department-level agencies, its power is still very large.

The Securities Division is only one of the many subordinate institutions that Chen Lifu is in charge of. Although he is directly and concurrently the Director of the Securities Division in order to carry out his work better, his own position is the Deputy Director of the Financial Department, and he is also in charge of Some other institutions have real power.

The number of deputy positions in the Tang Dynasty is generally not large. There are usually one or two deputy positions under the top leader, and there is basically no situation where the deputy positions have no real power.

Deputy positions are basically all real positions, and they all have real power.

A county magistrate is almost the most typical representative. According to logic, from the county seat of the sixth rank, it is tightly suppressed by the magistrate of the sixth rank, but the magistrate usually coordinates the administrative affairs of the whole county. Will not cover everything and grasp everything in person.

Because they don't have enough time and energy to handle all the business!

Therefore, the county magistrate usually undertakes some of the affairs that the magistrate does not have enough time to personally take charge of, and is generally responsible for local economic exhibitions and education exhibitions and other affairs, and the real power is also not small.

As the third-in-command of the Finance Division, Chen Lifu is a typical deputy!

From the former prefect of Xingquan House to the deputy director of the Finance Department, to be honest, Chen Lifu doesn't know whether this is good or bad for him.

As a place of great political significance, Xingquan Mansion is basically a prefect of Xingquan Mansion. It can be regarded as a gold-plated man. In the future, he can directly follow the path of local officials, and finally he will serve as a governor or even governor in the locality, and become a minister of the frontier. .

But after bypassing this step, it is also very beneficial to directly serve as the deputy director of the financial department, because although the right deputy director of the financial department is also an official of the fourth rank, and the rank of the prefect is equivalent.

But everyone knows that even if the rank of Beijing officials and local officials is the same, the Beijing officials are half a level higher than the local officials. This can basically be seen from the promotion route of officials in the Tang Dynasty.

When the local governor was transferred to Gyeonggi, he usually served as a servant, and the two were of the same rank, but even so, it would be considered a promotion.

Likewise, if a shilang is sent to a locality to serve as governor, if it is not a special circumstance, this situation is usually considered a demotion.

There is no doubt that the deputy director of the fourth grade is more important than the local prefect who is also the fourth grade.

And Chen Lifu's appointment is actually a reflection of this. Chen Lifu did not mean that he was transferred from the director of the inspection office to the deputy director of the financial department, but he was transferred from the director of the inspection office to the prefect of Xingquan Prefecture, and then from Xingquan. The prefect of Quanfu was transferred to the right deputy director of the Finance Department.

Although Chen Lifu hadn't been the prefect of Xingquan Mansion for a few days, and he didn't have time to go to Xingquan Mansion to take office, he just got the appointment document, and he was notified of the dismissal candidate within a few days.

But even so, he had to write the words Xingquan Prefecture prefect on his resume, or at most add a remark: Not taking office.

In this case, Chen Lifu was actually a little unsure about whether he was right or not. Although the Beijing officials were good, the local officials were not necessarily bad either.

Especially in recent years, the trend of imperial politics has exacerbated Chen Lifu's concern!

What wind direction?

That is to pay attention to the experience of governing the place when promoting!

For example, when the Hanlin Academy selects new recruits, it is almost always selected from the local area, and the first criterion for selection is that they need to have experience in governing the locality. The low-level Hanlin needs to govern a county, while the middle and high-level Hanlins need to be in charge of a county. Secretary, that requires the experience of the main state government.

At the same time, the empire's many governors have been transferred in recent years, and the newly appointed governors, without exception, all have experience in the main government.

In addition, there is another point. In recent years, the newly promoted ministers and ministers in the empire have gradually developed a rule, that is, ministers are promoted from ministers or governors.

What's interesting is that even if he is promoted from a servant, this servant has basically had experience in the ruling party. Some have served as governors or Taoists, and the worst have served as prefects.

In other words, in order to become a minister, you must have a job history as a top leader in a local area, even if it is not a high-level position such as a governor or a Taoist priest, but you must have been a prefect.

Even the prefect has never been a prefect, which shows that this person's political career has always been on the fringes of the political arena.

In this way, Chen Lifu had to worry that his lack of experience in the state government would affect his future career, affect his becoming a minister, and then affect his entry into the imperial study.

Well, although there are no clear regulations, ordinary civil servants want to enter the imperial study and become the minister on duty among the outsiders. Without the title of Shangshu, they are not even qualified to compete!

If it is an ordinary official, he will definitely not consider whether he can enter the cabinet as a minister, whether he can enter the imperial study, but Chen Lifu is not an ordinary official!

He has big ambitions and lofty ideals, but he has been working hard to enter the imperial study, and work hard for the prosperity of Xuanping in his heart.

Besides, aside from these ideals and inner thoughts, even Chen Lifu himself knows that his career is valued by many important people. Back then, His Majesty said that he was a talented person, and many big people above him. Also look after yourself.

If nothing else, he is most likely to be included in the list of key training by the Ministry of Personnel. Otherwise, he would not have been able to take the position of director of the inspection department, and he would have been working for three years, and he would not have been appointed some time ago. It is the prefect of Xingquan Prefecture.

Just from these two appointments, a fool could guess that Chen Lifu is the target of training!

Chen Lifu himself is also very clear, so perhaps other low-level officials, their dream in this life is to become the sixth-rank county magistrate or the fourth-rank prefect, but Chen Lifu knows that the fourth-rank and even third-rank positions are just his springboard, so If you go all the way smoothly, it is very possible to become a servant.

And Shang Shu is not hopeless!

It is precisely because he knows that he is the target of the key training, so Chen Lifu is a little unclear, whether this appointment of his is a good thing or a bad thing.

After all, no matter what, in the political arena of the empire, the experience of the ruling party is very important. Now that he is the deputy director of the fourth rank, he will definitely have no chance to serve as a prefect in the future.

Is it possible that I will directly become a Taoist or governor in the future? But there is no precedent for this either!

So when he entered the city, Chen Lifu was a little worried. He became a Beijing official of the fourth rank and the right deputy director of the financial department with real power. For most officials, this is almost the goal of their life. If it was an ordinary official who learned that he had become the deputy director, he would be very happy.

But Chen Lifu is different, so he is a little uneasy, even worried!

worry about what?

I'm worried that the level of emphasis placed on me has changed, and I'm worried that I won't be able to enter the imperial study and become the minister on duty in the future!

Chen Lifu is worried about his future. Similarly, there are many people who are worried about their future at this moment, such as Qian Yuli, Minister of Taxation.

In the past two weeks, he has been fighting on the front line of the political battle, directly fighting with other people who want to split the tax department, trying to preserve the tax department as much as possible.

However, the splitting of the huge tax department has become a consensus among the court and the public, and even the Son of Heaven has acquiesced.

In the face of this general trend, Qian Yuli was also quite helpless, and in the end he could only compromise, but he was not a complete failure during this time. At least, the Ministry of Taxation still maintained its core power: taxation!

At the same time, some authority to ensure the smooth collection of taxes is also reserved. For example, the inspection office of the Grain Collection Department is still retained and has not been abolished. At the same time, the tax inspection team has not been removed, but has remained in the tax department.

At the same time, he also got the customs department back!

In this way, although the Ministry of Taxation said that it was split into several important institutions, it retained the power of tax collection and took back the customs authority, which is considered acceptable.

But even so, Qian Yuli felt the hostility of the court and the opposition towards him!

Although the tax reform plan has been finalized, it has not yet issued an official imperial decree, and the establishment of a new department and the transfer of business to the new department is not something that can be settled in a day or two.

Therefore, the Department of Finance and the Department of Budget are actually still under the management of the Ministry of Taxation. In addition, although the Ministry of Finance is a newly established institution, the personnel are all divided by the Ministry of Taxation. In the future, most senior officials of the Ministry of Finance will also be It was transferred from the tax department.

To put it bluntly, the future senior officials of the Ministry of Finance are all his old subordinates!

There are some juniors that he valued very much in Qian Yuli, such as Chen Lifu!

It is not difficult to see that although the Ministry of Taxation was split, Qian Yuli still used the influence of his old subordinates to save the country through a curve, and brought the newly established Ministry of Finance into his sphere of influence.

However, even so, Qian Yuli is still a little worried that this time the reform of the tax department is very likely to be the biggest crisis he has encountered since he started If you are not careful, you will lose your post!

He has offended a lot of people. Now that the tax department has been split, will it cause a wide range of attacks from the outside world, and then lead to the instability of his title of minister on duty.

Well, this is indeed the case. Many people actually regard the reform of the tax department as a sign that Qian Zhuli will step down. Qian Yuli was completely pulled down!

Just like they impeached and pulled Qian Mengjiu, Wang Wenhua and others down!

There are only nine positions for the minister on duty. If you don't kill the old guys in Qian Yuli, how will they be in the position?

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:


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