Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: Chen Lifu saves himself

Although it is an old officialdom, to be honest, Chen Lifu has really encountered such a high-level fight for so many years in his career.

It's not that I haven't seen a high-level struggle, but that this kind of struggle in the past was a high-level struggle and had little to do with him. At most, it was affected by some irrelevant effects.

But this time, the war between Song Ruangao and Qian Yuli was fought directly in the Financial Department. The Financial Department was in turmoil. He, the right Deputy Director of the Financial Department, instantly became the only high-level executive in the Financial Department!

The director of the financial department was demoted to Yunnan, and the deputy director Zuo was an old man. People just wanted to spend the last few years of his career in a safe and stable manner, and then returned to his hometown in a decent manner. .

Said that he had contracted the cold and wanted to recuperate, so he took a long vacation of half a month!

This man hid, but Chen Lifu couldn't hide!

He just took office, and he took leave after taking office?

Moreover, after the director was demoted, the deputy director Zuo took leave, and he was the only deputy director left in the entire financial department!

If he really takes leave under such circumstances, he really thinks that the personnel department is eating rice, it is estimated that within a few days, there will be such a comment on his file: regardless of the overall situation!

After all, he is the only senior official left in the entire financial department, the deputy director-general of the right. If Chen Lifu doesn't care, then it can be said that the entire financial department will be thrown into chaos.

What's more, the director of the securities office he was in charge of was arrested, and the entire securities office was in chaos. The censors of the Inspectorate had heard the smell of being promoted and made a fortune. During the search, the middle and low-level officials of every securities office were panicked, for fear that they would be caught one day.

It's not just a worry, it's a fact!

The director of the securities department has problems, so will the other people in the securities department have no problems?

Not to mention that the censors of the Inspectorate did not believe it, even Chen Lifu himself did not believe it.

Now in this situation, what else can Chen Lifu do other than grit his teeth and stand it?

What made Chen Lifu speechless was that even if he stood up at such a difficult time, he would never have said that while the director was demoted, the chance that the deputy director Zuo would take leave would go further.

The empire has its own training system for officials. He Chen Lifu was originally trained, so he was promoted by leaps and bounds. It is impossible to say that he has just assumed the post of acting director.

And even if there was such a possibility, Song Ruangao would not agree!

Even ordinary officials in the officialdom know that he, Chen Lifu, is someone Qian Yuli favors. Maybe this deputy director of the right was recommended by Qian Yuli. Well, in fact it is.

Song Ruangao had just brought down the director, and the people in Qian Yuli immediately climbed up and re-occupied the position of director. What does this mean? It means that Song Ruangao was completely defeated.

But would Song Ruangao fail so easily?

Just kidding, people are not easy to mess with!

Even if he was only an official of the fifth rank, he was comparable to Chen Lifu in terms of rank, but Song Ruangao and Chen Lifu were two completely different paths.

Song Ruangao has never gone the way of a traditional official. He has always been a member of the royal family's assets department. He is said to be an official, but in fact, he is more like an employee of the royal family, and his grades mean nothing to him.

You must know that when Song Ruangao was the president of the Royal Bank, he was not an official, not even a rank.

But who dares to say that the head of the Royal Bank has a weak political position?

Weak ass, many of the economic reports that Li Xuan has seen are produced by the Royal Bank. This person has experienced more times than a normal waiter!

The Imperial Academy is known as a small cabinet. Although the officials in it are not of high rank, and because of the large number of departments, some departments are indeed not very strong, but some are special.

One is the secretariat, because the secretaries in the secretariat are actually the group of people who have followed Li Xuan the longest. For example, the four first-class secretaries who are on duty in turn are those who are qualified to participate in cabinet meetings and even strategic meetings. Even if it's just an audition, do something about meeting discipline.

As for the director of the secretariat, he was the bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, and although the bachelor of the master was only of the third grade, he was one of the nine ministers on duty in the imperial study, a veritable important minister.

In addition to the Secretariat, there are two other departments that are very important and cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes. One is the Survey and Statistics Department of the Imperial Academy. Needless to say, the entire empire is home to the famous Hantong Eagle Dog. It's them.

And the head of the survey and statistics department of the Imperial Academy is only a fifth-grade person.

Of course, no one cares about the grades of the Hantong eagle dogs, because they don't play with other people in the Hanlin Academy at all, they form their own system, and even the selection of Hantong officials is not handled by the officials, nor from the imperial examinations. People choose people individually, and the funds are directly from the royal family, so the grade in the officialdom is only a dispensable sign for them, so no one takes their five grades seriously.

Otherwise, the most powerful official of the fifth grade in the entire empire would not be the director of the inspection department of the Ministry of Taxation, but the chief of Han Tong.

The Royal Assets Section and Han Tong actually have great similarities!

Han Tong and Imperial Assets Division, these two institutions are only affiliated with the name of the Hanlin Academy, not to mention the Ministry of Personnel can't control their personnel, even the bachelor of the Hanlin Academy can't control these two institutions.

Therefore, although Song Ruangao used to be only the fifth grade, he is actually far from being the fifth grade. Although he was not well-known in the official circle before, it was because he was not in the official circle before, but it did not mean People's political means are poor, or their power is poor.

Otherwise, people can just kill the director of the financial department with a piece of paper?

Such a character, Qian Yuli is the opponent, as for him, Chen Lifu, he can't hide, how dare he provoke him there!

However, now, Chen Lifu found that he couldn't hide!

I took the position of the right deputy director of the financial department, and there was a raging fire below, but I couldn't jump away, I could only be roasted by the And more importantly, I was roasted by the fire It's okay, but this kind of thing is not good for him.

Want to take the opportunity to get promoted, and finally become the director of the financial department?

This is almost a challenge to the imperial officialdom order and Song Ruangao's IQ!

So Chen Lifu found his situation, no matter how he looked at it, he was unlucky!

Sitting in his office, Chen Lifu was not in the mood to read the report sent by his subordinates, but thought hard about self-protection.

Just this morning, the Inspectorate came to arrest people again with arrest warrants and patrol officers. This time, they took away more than ten people from the Financial Services Department. There was even the Director of the Internal Affairs Department of the Financial Services Department. Two Deputy Division Chiefs, four Section Chiefs!


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