Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1136: The Shanghai Wharf Company that was served by one pot

The boat that Chen Lifu was on was a new-style schooner. It was naturally much faster than those traditional boats. It didn't take long before he left Jinling City behind and headed towards Shanghai. &1t;/

When Chen Lifu was the first to leave, the Chen residence continued to prepare. His concubine and eldest son, accompanied by dozens of servants and maids, would take their own boat to Shanghai and Chen Lifu. Confluence! &1t;/

However, Chen Lifu was too lazy to take care of these matters. Naturally, there was a housekeeper to handle these matters. Even if the housekeeper was not good, his eldest son was still there. &1t;/

Don't look at his eldest son, who is only ten years old, but most people these days are precocious. Women can get married at the age of fourteen. For men, in their teens, they are usually the strong laborers of the family. &1t;/

If you are a scholar, at the age of thirteen or fourteen, you can usually go out for hundreds of miles to study alone. &1t;/

Thirteen or fourteen-year-old men these days, especially when he was still a scholar, were basically more mature and could even be the masters of the house. &1t;/

With the housekeeper and the eldest son, Chen Lifu is not worried about the follow-up family's itinerary, he has more important things to do. &1t;/

As far as he knows, the magistrate of the special county in Shanghai and the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture have not yet been officially selected. There is still a lot of debate on the cabinet side for these two important positions. It was decided that before leaving Beijing, Chen Lifu heard that the Son of Heaven was going to meet several candidates before making a decision. &1t;/

In this case, it is estimated that it will not be able to decide within half a month! &1t;/

Therefore, when Chen Lifu arrives in Shanghai, theoretically, he will be the highest-ranking person in charge in the entire Songjiang Mansion. Of course, even if he is the highest theoretically the highest-ranking person in charge of the Songjiang Mansion, in reality, It is impossible for him to actually represent Songjiang House's affairs. &1t;/

Because now the Taoists of Jiangnan Road are sitting in Shanghai in person! &1t;/

However, even so, Chen Lifu hopes to use this time difference to lay some foundations, and then create some convenience for his subsequent tenure in Shanghai. &1t;/

Therefore, when he was on the boat, he had been studying the situation in Songjiang Mansion! &1t;/

Songjiang Prefecture, because of the existence of Shanghai, this is doomed. The affairs of the entire Songjiang Prefecture are actually carried out around Shanghai. There is no way, whoever allows the economic volume of a mere Shanghai County to occupy the entire Songjiang More than 90% of the government. &1t;/

If it weren't for this, Shanghai County wouldn't have become a special county, and a district magistrate wouldn't be able to be the fourth grade. &1t;/

After the Zhou Lide case, not only Shanghai County, but most of the officials in Songjiang Prefecture were purged. Those with problems were either beheaded, imprisoned, exiled, dismissed, or devalued, even if there was no problem. Some officials were also transferred. &1t;/

The remaining officials were not able to stay in their original positions because of the upgrade of Songjiang Prefecture and the upgrade of Shanghai County. &1t;/

After all, after the reform of Songjiang Prefecture and Shanghai County, the rank of chief officials has been greatly improved, and the rank of subordinate officials will also be improved. &1t;/

In the past, a section chief in Shanghai County was only a rank seven, but now, a section chief in a special county in Shanghai has a rank of five. &1t;/

It is naturally impossible for the original large number of low-level officials to be promoted to several levels at once. Therefore, most of the officials were transferred from other places. &1t;/

The Ministry of Personnel has been busy for more than a month with matters related to Songjiang Prefecture and Shanghai. Except for a few important positions, such as the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, Tongzhi, and magistrate of Shanghai Special County, most of the other positions are already been determined. &1t;/

That is to say, after Chen Lifu arrives in Shanghai, he will not face a situation where no one is available, because the Ministry of Personnel has basically restructured the prefectural yamen of Songjiang Prefecture and the county yamen of special counties in Shanghai. &1t;/

[31 novel network update fast]&1t;/

This kind of situation involving the transfer of hundreds of officials, if placed in other dynasties, may be very difficult, and it is easy to cause confusion. &1t;/

But for the Tang Dynasty, it was not a big problem! ! &1t;/

After all, the current Datang Empire has only been established for more than ten years, and it has only been more than two years to truly unify China. During the War of Reunification, every time the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty conquered a place, he basically needed to rebuild the local political system. &1t;/

This kind of thing has not been experienced once or twice, but hundreds of thousands of times. The Tang personnel department already has a complete set of mature plans for this. &1t;/

Therefore, after confirming the reform of Songjiang Prefecture, a large number of officials, like Chen Lifu, arrived in Songjiang Prefecture for six consecutive posts. &1t;/

Chen Lifu can be regarded as a relatively late official. After him, only the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture and the magistrate of the special county in Shanghai are left. &1t;/

The transport ship of the postal department was really fast. It didn't take long for their ship to arrive in Zhenjiang. In Zhenjiang, people and documents and materials were moved off the ship, and at the same time, people, materials and documents were also loaded on board. &1t;/

However, the stay was not long. After just an hour, the transport ship set sail again, and then continued down the river. &1t;/

Afterwards, 6 continued to Yangzhou, Changzhou, Tongzhou, and Suzhou. During the same period, some people got on the boat and some people got off the boat. &1t;/

Finally, the ship arrived at Wusongkou, and then went to Shanghai along the Huangpu River! &1t;/

This is a regular official flight between Jinling City and Shanghai via Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Changzhou, Yangzhou, Yangzhou Fu Tongzhou, Suzhou, Songjiang Fu Shanghai. &1t;/

This is not the first time for Chen Lifu to come to Songjiang Mansion. Not to mention that he has been here many times before he joined the official post. Even after he joined the official post, he has been here many times for official business. &1t;/

So he thought he was relatively familiar with Songjiang Prefecture and Shanghai. &1t;/

But this kind of familiarity is a bit strange after arriving in Shanghai, because the Shanghai I see is a bit different from the Shanghai I remember. &1t;/

Looking at the north side of the business district on the north bank from the bow, Chen Lifu remembered very clearly that the last time he came to Shanghai, this place was still desolate, but now, there are a lot of unfinished houses and There are many facilities, but there are only solitary construction sites, but no workers are busy. &1t;/

Although Chen Lifu didn't understand any engineering or the like, he could tell at a glance that this should be the construction of a wharf. &1t;/

In the face of this change, even Chen Lifu couldn't help but exclaim: "This change is really fast enough, how long has it been, and a new port has to be built!"&1t;/

At this time, someone was also saying: "Isn't it true, when the empire established a trading port here, the dock in Shanghai was just a small dock, but now you see, there are only two large ports. , No matter which one is the port in the commercial zone and the port in the industrial zone, it is quite huge, and now a third port is being built. I heard that this port is the third phase of the project opened by the Shanghai Terminal Company. Well, the basic investment alone has reached more than 200,000 taels, but in the case of Zhou Lide some time ago, the Shanghai Terminal Company was very involved, and I heard that many projects of this company are now all suspended!"&1t; /

Chen Lifu frowned slightly when he heard the keywords of Shanghai Dock Company and shutdown! &1t;/

As a member of the officialdom, and he is also a new cognate of Songjiang Prefecture, he naturally knows that the Zhou Lide case this time was detonated from this company! &1t;/

Shanghai Wharf Company, a local state-owned enterprise, is nominally under the management of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, but in fact it is dominated by Songjiang Prefecture. Most of the enterprises are mainly manufacturing, such as the three major arms companies, Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company and so on. &1t;/

However, this Shanghai Terminal Company is a port service and real estate development enterprise. Its biggest asset is the land management rights on both sides of the Huangpu River. &1t;/

When it was decided to open Hong Kong and trade in Shanghai, in order to better build a business zone and carry out various openings, the government expropriated the land along the entire Huangpu River at the market price in advance. Part of it is farmland and so on. The government paid a lot of money for the land acquisition. &1t;/

Not to mention a large amount of monetary compensation, several large new villages have been specially built, and a large number of houses are used to supplement and resettle the displaced people. &1t;/

However, at that time, the finances of Shanghai County and even the entire Songjiang Prefecture could not come up with so much money, not to mention, there were various infrastructure construction and development in the later period. &1t;/

At that time, the central finance of the empire was also relatively difficult. The domestic unification war was in full swing. How could there be any extra support for local exhibitions! &1t;/

At that time, the officials of Songjiang Prefecture just slapped their foreheads. Damn, why do they need to pay financially? Just set up a port company to open it. &1t;/

As a result, the Shanghai Wharf Company was established here. The government used the management rights of the expropriated land on both sides of the Huangpu River, totaling 34 square kilometers, as the company's assets, while Shanghai County Finance Holdings, which holds 6% Ten shares, Songjiang government finance holds the remaining forty percent of the shares. &1t;/

At the same time, it is clearly stipulated that the company's shares shall not have any changes. &1t;/

The land acquired by the company is not the ownership of these lands. The ownership of these lands still belongs to the empire. What the terminal company has is only management rights, free authorization, and free authorization without a clear period, because the authorization of this management right can be Take it back anytime! &1t;/

That day, the government took back the management rights of these lands, and this Shanghai terminal company is actually worthless! &1t;/

This was done to avoid the loss of state-owned land. After all, no one ever tried to use state land to set up a business. What would happen if the company was acquired by others during commercial activities? Wouldn't it mean that even state-owned land has been acquired, which is definitely not acceptable. &1t;/

In order to avoid policy risks was approved, officials at Songjiang Prefecture simply restricted share transactions and could withdraw the authorization of land management rights at any time. &1t;/

But even so, the establishment of this company that year caused a big discussion in the central government. After the final approval, it also caused a wave of government-run enterprises in various places. &1t;/

And now, this company is caught in a wave of corruption! &1t;/

The corruption incident not only wiped out the company's management, but more importantly, it also shook the company's business development. &1t;/

The construction stoppage of the third phase of the wharf is a rather bad signal! &1t;/


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