Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1139: Compared with promotion, death is a piece of shit

When Chen Lifu saw Huo Shouqi, he realized that this Huo Shouqi was different from what he expected. It was hard for Chen Lifu to imagine that this short and thin old man was the famous Huo Shouqi!

Chen Lifu has never met Huo Shouqi, because since Chen Lifu entered office, he has been working in the tax department. In the early years, he was patrolling the local area all the year round, and he could not return to Jinling City several times a year. When he became the deputy director of the inspection department After a long period of time, he spent more time in Jinling City. When he was the director of the inspection office and the deputy director of the financial department, he basically stayed in Jinling City.

At the same time, the particularity of these two positions also makes him lack communication with other officials. The former needs to keep a low profile and rashly make friends with other officials, especially those of the non-tax department, who are easily targeted by the inspectorate. It is a pure Gyeonggi institution, and there is not much contact with ordinary officials.

Huo Shouqi, in his early years in Huangzhu Mountain and Zhaoqing era, served in Gyeonggi, but he has been serving in the local area since then. Basically, he will go to Jinling City to face the holy only if he is debriefed and transferred.

In addition, the difference between the two people's political status and grades is quite large, so the two people have not had any actual contact before, that is to say, Chen Lifu has not met Huo Shouqi before, only heard his name and some simple words. material.

As far as he knows, this Huo Shouqi is only forty-six years old. This age is the golden age for an official. When he is young, he will be considered as inexperienced and underqualified. Considered an old man, lacking energy.

Forty-six years old, for an official, this is the golden age in his career!

But Chen Lifu could not have imagined that Huo Shouqi, who was only forty-six years old, looked like an old man in his sixties. He had an old breath all over his body, the wrinkles on his face were very obvious, and his head It's also Bai, if only from the appearance, this person doesn't look like a middle-aged man of forty-six years old.

However, although he was surprised in his heart, Chen Lifu would not reveal the slightest bit of surprise, but bowed respectfully and said, "I see you, sir!"

Huo Shouqi, who was sitting on the seat, looked at him, and then showed an old smile that belonged to the elderly: "Don't be too polite, do it well. I have heard of Chen Tongzhi's name many times in the past. When I saw it today, I was really in good spirits!"

But just after he finished speaking, Huo Shouqi suddenly became more cautious and said: "But Chen Tongzhi used to work in Gyeonggi, and he has no experience in local work. I hope you can be more cautious in the future and study while working!"

These words are basically a direct warning to Chen Lifu not to mess around, especially don't mess around like when he was in the tax department. If there is any large-scale turmoil, it is not what Huo Shouqi wants to see.

The previous Zhou Lide case had already made Huo Shouqi quite a headache and even angry. Speaking of which, Huo Shouqi was also a little unlucky. He also just took over Jiangnan Road not long ago. He only took office in July of the tenth year of Xuanping.

However, the Inspectorate's investigation of corruption in Shanghai actually started in the first half of the tenth year of Xuanping's tenth year, but it was a covert investigation before. It has been confirmed that there is a large-scale corruption problem in Shanghai, and I have communicated with him, a Taoist priest in the south of the Yangtze River.

In August, Zhou Lide was actually targeted by the Inspectorate, and he was secretly controlled in September, but no news was announced to the public at that time. Corruption cases have entered the stage of large-scale network closing, and then continue to carry out in-depth large-scale investigations.

When the case is really exposed, it will be late autumn.

In other words, when Huo Shouqi took office, the case was already under investigation, and Huo Shouqi put a lot of effort into it.

Otherwise, Huo Shouqi would probably be implicated.

But even if he was not implicated, Songjiang Prefecture had such a big problem, and it was enough to give him a headache. The corruption case was so huge that the two-level administrative agencies of Songjiang Prefecture and Shanghai County were almost overwhelmed. In order to maintain Songjiang To ensure the normal operation of the government, especially to maintain the continued operation of Shanghai's economic system, Huo Shouqi spent a lot of effort.

He had prepared a lot of people in advance. In the first time, he personally took a large number of people to sit in Shanghai, took over the government affairs of almost the entire Songjiang government, and then slowly transitioned to the reformed Songjiang government prefect yamen, Shanghai Special county yamen.

During this process, he was a high-ranking official of the third rank, a Taoist priest in the south of the Yangtze River. He couldn't do anything else at all. He looked after the Songjiang Mansion like a nanny every day.

Of course, his appearance is aging, naturally not because of the high-intensity work in just a few months, but because it started a few years ago. He has seen many doctors, and even the Son of Heaven has sent a royal royal The doctors showed him, but they couldn't find any reason.

At the beginning of the year, he even went to the Royal Institute of Technology to find the perverts in the medical department to check on himself. As a result, the perverts had been diagnosed for several days, and finally came to a conclusion that with the current technical means, You can't find out what the reason is from the outside inspection, unless you cut a piece of inspection, maybe there is a little hope to find out what is wrong...

Then this Huo Shouqi, like most of the patients who went to the Royal Institute of Technology's Department of Medicine for a busy stay, ran away!

These people are so terrifying, they want to open their stomachs at every turn!

In the end, he could only ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine for him to recuperate. At the same time, those doctors gave him the same advice, that is, take more rest!

They believe that Huo Shouqi's premature aging is most likely caused by years of high-intensity work.

There is no problem with taking the tonic, Huo Shouqi can eat it no matter how hard it is!

But rest!

As a high-ranking official of the empire, and he is also a high-ranking official of the empire who is in the heart of the emperor, and who hopes to enter the imperial study in the future, how can he have any rest time!

Even if he had time to rest, he would not allow himself to rest!

A mere life and death is nothing compared to entering the imperial study!

Huo Shouqi is very clear that he is Jane in the heart of the emperor, and he didn't just know it. He knew it a few years ago, because since that time, his resume was almost all determined by His Majesty himself.

When he acted as the governor of Guangdong as the governor of Guangdong, others did not know, or at most guessed, but Huo Shouqi heard the Holy Son of Heaven say: I will give you half a year, work hard!

He, Huo Shouqi, is also a veteran of the Datang Empire. When Master Wang of the Tang Dynasty just walked out of Huangzhu Mountain, when he was doing things in Xingquan Mansion, he had already started from the dragon, and he had just entered the Hanlin Academy.

At that time, the scale of the Hanlin Academy was not huge, nor was it too formal, so his starting point was relatively high. When he first entered the official position, he was a fifth-rank official. Why, because the Tang Dynasty used to treat those thieves, no, It starts from the fact that Long's scholars are well paid, and all officials are of the fifth grade!

When Master Wang of the Tang Dynasty just conquered Guangzhou, he was sent to the local government and directly served as the prefect of Guangzhou. In this position, he has been working for four years!

Later, he was transferred back to the Hanlin Academy, but after just one year, he was released again. At that time, he became the governor of Guangdong.

He doesn't have much experience in the office. He is the secretary of the Imperial Academy, the prefect of Guangzhou, the governor of Guangdong, the acting governor, and the Taoist priest of Jiangnan!

But just by looking at his place of employment, you can know that this person has quite a lot of political capital. He went from the Hanlin Academy to Guangzhou and then back to the Hanlin Academy, and then the governor of Guangdong, the acting governor, and the Taoist priest in the south of the Yangtze River.

They are all positions of great weight, and going to the Hanlin Academy, the local leader, then back to the Hanlin, and then back to the local leader, this is also the fastest way to get promoted in the Datang Dynasty, because in this case, basically every step is taken. It's a promotion, and it's a direct leap-forward promotion. You don't have to go to all kinds of messy positions like the promotion of ordinary officials, and what qualifications do you have to work on.

Originally, according to his qualifications, in fact this year, or even last year, he was qualified to become a second-rank or even a second-rank minister, but His Majesty personally suppressed his rank and asked him to be a Taoist of Jiangnan Dao, fool. Everyone knows that His Majesty is deliberately cultivating him.

And if he still needs to be cultivated at his level, there is almost no other possibility other than to cultivate as the future minister on duty in the imperial study.

For other ordinary officials, even today's second-rank ministers, it is impossible to enter the imperial study, but for Huo Shouqi to enter the imperial study, it is a There is a high probability that as long as he is not stupid, he will definitely have a place in the future imperial study.

Under such circumstances, how could Huo Shouqi give up his job and the opportunity to enter the imperial study because he was just sick!

So, rest is impossible to rest!

Despite the hard work, he still worked hard for more than a month to stabilize the entire Songjiang Prefecture. Now, his work in Songjiang Prefecture is almost over, and the transition plan has been carried out perfectly. , he will leave Songjiang, he does not have so much time to stay in Shanghai, he still has a lot of things to do, and the most important thing is that in half a month, he still has a special report to do. Not enough time!

In this case, he didn't want Chen Lifu to mess around and turn upside down the Songjiang Mansion he had managed to stabilize!


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