Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1145: The value of Liu 8 Gou

Even if Jiangbei Road is difficult for economic development, it is only relatively speaking. The object of comparison is Jiangnan Road. If Jiangbei Road is compared with other provinces, then the advantages are much greater, such as nearby Shandong, Henan and other places, economic development. It is more difficult than Jiangbei Road.

There is still a canal in Jiangbei Road, and it can also develop industry and commerce, but it is too difficult for other provinces to develop industry.

At present, there are only two of the sixteen provinces and four roads in the entire empire that rely on industry and commerce as their economic pillars. Jiangnan Road counts as one, Guangdong is barely half, and Wannan Road with Dangtu Industrial Zone is also counted. Counting half of them, other provincial roads still rely on the traditional agricultural economy as their economic pillar.

Those agricultural provinces all need the support of the central government. Otherwise, it would be too difficult to develop them on their own.

In this environment, the idea of ​​the cabinet and even the Son of Heaven, Li Xuan, is that while Jiangnan Province needs to support itself, it also needs to support the development of brother provincial highways, especially Songjiang Prefecture.

If you don't support yourself, don't support provincial roads, you still want the central government to support you, go as far as you can!

Therefore, those candidates who proposed various radical reforms and development policies were personally rejected by Li Xuan, and Xiang Hanyi, who advocated stable and gradual development, became the new prefect of Songjiang Prefecture.

Being the new prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, he couldn't hold back his excitement. The prefect of Songjiang Prefecture was more politically valuable than the prefect of Zhaoqing, Jiangxi Province, and the director of the Ministry of Commerce and Enterprise.

Otherwise, he would not have been transferred to the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture with his resume as the director of the Ministry of Commerce's Enterprise Department.

The two are of the same grade, but traditionally, it is a depreciation to transfer to a place from the Gyeonggi level, but it is different in places such as Jiangnan Province and Songjiang Prefecture.

This situation is similar to Chen Lifu's reassignment. He was also the deputy director of the fourth rank before, and he adjusted the Songjiang House to serve as the cognate of the fourth rank.

The prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, this position is all over the world, the cabinet bosses, and even the Son of Heaven personally pay attention to it. If you do a good job, it is not a problem to get promoted.

Now, he can't wait to go to Songjiang Mansion to take office. The boat has been booked. Tomorrow morning, he will take the transportation boat from the postal company to go east, and it will not take long to arrive in Shanghai.

Along with him, there is the new magistrate Jia Wenbo of Shanghai's ad hoc county. This person is also not simple. He can become the magistrate of Shanghai ad hoc county through layers of obstacles. , If nothing else, just say one thing is enough, this person was also the deputy head of the business department of the Hanlin Academy last year!

These days, officials from the Hanlin Academy basically represent people with background connections, abilities and talents, otherwise they would not be able to enter the Hanlin Academy at all.

After Xiang Hanyi arrived in Shanghai, the main subordinates he had to deal with were actually this Jia Wenbo and Chen Lifu, and neither of them was a fuel-efficient lamp!

Xiang Hanyi felt a bit of a headache when he thought of handling this kind of subordinate relationship within Songjiang Mansion in this way in the future.

Jia Wenbo didn't say it, this person has background, connections, and ability, so it's not easy to deal with, but Xiang Hanyi feels that this person can still be controlled.

But Chen Lifu is hard to say!

Chen Lifu's name, even an official like Xiang Hanyi, who has not been in Gyeonggi for a long time and has nothing to do with the Ministry of Taxation and the Ministry of Finance, has heard a lot of inconvenience. There is no way. Chen Lifu is from the Tang Dynasty Daily. Frequent visitors, most frequently, people's names can appear in the Tang Dynasty newspaper continuously.

Especially when he was the director of the inspection department, he often made big cases.

Even His Majesty praised him personally, saying that he was a talent, and he wanted to be bolder.

With the words of the Holy Son of Heaven Li Xuan, even if Qian Zhuli has been disgusted by Chen Lifu in recent months, he still can't stop Chen Lifu's promotion. If an ordinary official offended Qian Zhuli, how could he be punished? When he was transferred to Songjiang House as a co-chief, Qian Yuli could stop him with a single word.

But he couldn't stop Chen Lifu's appointment!

Because this is an appointment appointed by His Majesty!

Qian Yuli was helpless about Chen Lifu. Although he was Chen Lifu's immediate boss to Hanyi at that time, it would be very difficult to completely control this person.

As for finding a reason to drive him away, it is even more impossible. Chen Lifu's position was determined by the Son of Heaven, and without the Son of Heaven, no one could move.

"Do you want to be the same as Xie Yiwei and adopt a cooperative model with him?" Thinking of this, Xiang Hanyi felt uncomfortable for a while. He was not the kind of Xie Yiwei who only played political battles, but only played wells and dams to fight floods. , but officials who are not at all serious.

He is a practical official, and he is good at developing people's livelihood and economy. He does not need to rely on Chen Lifu's half-hearted ability.

Cooperation is impossible, and exclusion is also impossible, but it is even more impossible to let him do things. Songjiang Prefecture is not a place, how can we make things happen in three days, how can we develop people's livelihood economy after all this tossing.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xiang Hanyi felt that after arriving in Shanghai, he still had to have a good talk with this Chen Lifu, observe and observe carefully, if Chen Lifu knew how to advance or retreat, then he would be regarded as an ordinary deputy.

If Chen Lifu doesn't know how to advance or retreat, and wants to mess around with his own reputation, then don't blame Xiang Hanyi for pushing him down!

Although Xiang Hanyi said that he didn't have the ability to drive Chen Lifu away directly, as long as he was still the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, he could at least make sure to hold him down so that he wouldn't get into trouble, let him stay honest for a year or two, and then get out of the way. go!

At this time, Chen Lifu naturally did not know that Xiang Hanyi had become the new prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, much less that his new immediate boss was thinking about controlling him like this.

But it doesn't matter if you don't know. Chen Lifu is not a fool. He has been in the officialdom for so many years. Although he used to be very arrogant, it does not mean that he does not know some unspoken rules of the officialdom.

It doesn't matter who the new prefect is, he always intends to take care of the Shanghai Dock Company before the new prefect arrives, and then try to keep a low profile for a period of time to avoid being suppressed by being too ostentatious.

A few days later, Chen Lifu finally received news that the court had appointed Xiang Hanyi, the former director of the Ministry of Commerce and Enterprise Department, to serve as the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture after the reform.

Who is Xiang Hanyi? How is his resume? What is the governance philosophy? What is the enemy? What faction do you belong to?

These problems will flood the entire Songjiang Mansion in an instant, not only the people in the official circles are concerned about it, but even ordinary businessmen are concerned about it.

Because the power of the prefect of a prefecture is too great, his governance philosophy will greatly affect the development of the entire Songjiang prefecture.

Chen Lifu is also concerned about this Xiang Hanyi, but like many people, he is not very familiar with this Xiang Hanyi.

Although he is an official of the same dynasty, but he has no direct interest relationship, he actually does not have much contact with him, but he can be sure of one thing. This person, Qian Yuli of the Ministry of Taxation, and Minister of the Ministry of Finance, are currently in contact with each other. It doesn't matter if he has some opinions, because it is said that this person was able to enter the list of candidates because of the recommendation of Liu Bagou, the minister on duty in the imperial study.

And Liu Bagou has always had a high status in the upper echelons of the imperial court. Although he does not have any name, he is, to some extent, an assistant.

Every time at the meeting of the ministers on duty in the imperial study, everyone is sitting on the main seat!

Because Liu Bagou has a status, so he does not form gangs on weekdays, and does not play political fights like Qian Yuli and Song Ruangao every day. He is objective, neutral, and loyal most of the time. maintain imperial power.

Yes, in the past three or five years, Liu Bagou has actually only done one thing: safeguarding the imperial power and the authority of the Son of Heaven!

He hasn't done anything else, and he won't do it. You can't expect a Taoist priest to really handle military affairs. To be honest, he doesn't have that ability.

Strictly speaking, this situation was already the case in the Huang Zhushan era. Back then, everyone else regarded the emperor Li Xuan as a joke, even Li Xuan himself thought so.

But Liu Bagou is always maintaining the majesty of Li Xuan's emperor!

He single-handedly put the Holy Son of Heaven Li Xuan on the throne of the emperor, and then he has maintained the imperial power all the time for many years!

To be honest, no one knows what Liu Bagou was thinking back then and now. In his early years, why did he support the late emperor and ascend to the throne one after another today?

In the mid-term, given the situation of the Tang Empire at that time, Liu Bagou could actually take over Li Xuan directly and then control the entire empire, but Liu Bagou did not do this, and would not allow others to do it.

Later, the Tang Dynasty became a real empire, and Liu Bagou became a de facto person under ten thousand people, but he did not have the slightest taste of a powerful minister.

Before Conglong in the early years, and now after the rapid development, many people have begun to float, enjoying life more, and fighting for power and profit more.

As for Liu Bagou, his life is still simple. He lives in the mansion given by Li Xuan. The whole family uses his own salary for everything he eats and drinks, and he can't use it all up. This information was investigated by Hantong. very high.

As the de facto cabinet assistant of the Tang Dynasty, Liu Bagou never disobeyed the orders from the Son of Whatever the Son of Heaven said, he would do what he wanted.

And that doesn't count!

You do it yourself, and you force others to do the same.

If such a person were to be evaluated objectively, he would have devoted his life and loyalty to the Li Family Dynasty.

This is also the reason why Li Xuan kept Liu Bagou in the imperial study!

Although his ability can't keep up with the times, Liu Bagou's value is not reflected in ability, his value is reflected in maintaining imperial power!

It's always been like this!


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