Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1148: 100 million 2 fiscal expenditure budget

At present, the main source of the fiscal revenue of the Datang Empire is taxation, and when the taxation policy remains constant and generally does not change much, it is basically possible to infer the overall economic growth rate from the taxation revenue.

Li Xuan is quite satisfied with the current increase in fiscal revenue, because without a substantial increase in the proportion of tax revenue, the fiscal revenue can still maintain this growth rate, which means that the economic growth rate is relatively stable and healthy.

Not to mention the issue of economic growth, the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance has given out a fiscal budget of 86 million taels for Xuanping's eleventh year. Now the various departments of the military and the cabinet are just trying to divide up these 86 million taels. arguing over a million taels.

This kind of argument basically happens at the end of each year. Whether it's Li Xuan or those courtiers, they're all used to it. If there is a quarrel, there will always be a result.

Now Li Xuan is too lazy to care, anyway, the big frame has been drawn, just wait for them to quarrel with the details!

The annual budget drama actually starts at the beginning of December, but according to the management of previous years, it is usually determined in late December, that is, before the Spring Festival, so that the detailed budget for next year can be formulated. , so by the middle of December, the quarrel among the courtiers became more and more intense.

By the end of the decade, basically all the ministers on duty in the imperial study were already shirtless.

However, they also knew about Li Xuan's temper in the past few years, so they didn't dare to flood Li Xuan's desk with a lot of paperwork.

Negotiations, compromises, and exchange of interests in disputes.

If they go directly to the budget book as before, Li Xuan doesn't even look at it, and just leaves it without posting it. If they go to Li Xuan directly to talk about the budget issue, Li Xuan also refuses to see it.

If he was discussing the budget issue when he was talking about other matters, Li Xuan would be able to put on a black face and drive people straight away.

So, now they don't dare to bother Li Xuan, they negotiate internally under a general framework, and then try to get a plan agreed by all parties and submit it to Li Xuan.

On December 27th of the tenth year of Xuanping, the Spring Festival will be celebrated in a few days, and the ministers on duty in the imperial study have finally made the final budget allocation plan and sent it to Li Xuan.

Although Li Xuan doesn't care about the small details, he always pays attention to this big budget issue. He wants to ensure that the budget allocation will not deviate from the big framework he has set.

What is a big framework? The big framework is that the military budget should be more than 20 million yuan, but not more than 30 million yuan. The specific amount is to be negotiated by the military and the cabinet.

Then there is the budget allocation within the cabinet. In the fall, Li Xuan had already finalized several of them, such as education funding. This year’s education funding must reach 3 million taels. This is the bottom line. The amount of one million depends on the energy of the Ministry of Rites. If you do enough, you can win more. If you don't do enough, it is estimated that you can only keep the bottom line of 3 million.

Although the education policy formulated by Li Xuan is an elite education policy, this kind of elite education policy is only limited to middle and higher education. For basic education, Li Xuan advocates mass popularization. Li Xuan hopes that in the next few years, local Primary education can be taken to a new level, but basic education can only be organized by local gentry, and it is difficult to popularize private schools on a large scale, and there are still too few government-run primary schools, generally only one per county.

It is inappropriate to have only one government-run primary school in a county, at least two!

Therefore, basic education funding must be increased!

During the previous unification war, everything was for the war, and education funding could be said to be almost zero. However, in the ninth year of Xuanping and the tenth year of Xuanping, the focus was on restoring people's livelihood, so education was still left behind. Next year, Li Xuan plans to invest some funds in basic education.

Then Li Xuan set aside the water conservancy construction funds. He asked Xuanping to ensure 4 million taels of water conservancy facilities in the eleventh year. This money is to be spent on the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the major water systems of the Yellow River and the Pearl River. Flood control funds are used to dredge rivers and build dams.

Just like education funds, water conservancy funds have always been lacking. In other words, since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there has been no serious large-scale water conservancy construction.

In the past, water conservancy construction was a voluntary act of the local government and relied on local finance, while the central finance, in the past ten years, spent less than one million taels in total.

This has also led to the fact that the flood control facilities in the major water systems, especially the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Huai River are generally outdated, and the hidden dangers are quite large. Local officials along the river frequently request the central government to allocate funds to build water conservancy facilities.

Next year, Li Xuan plans to fill some of the loopholes in water conservancy.

As for the others, he did not set any mandatory requirements, and let each department negotiate on their own.

After reading this Xuanping 11-year fiscal expenditure budget, Li Xuan asked a little, these courtiers are really slick.

There is generally no problem with the allocation ratio of this budget, but there is a problem with the total amount!

The first item is the budget for military expenditure. The budget is 25 million taels. This figure is quite normal. With the current military scale of the Tang Dynasty, it really needs more than 20 million taels to maintain it. Among them, only The army family has to spend about 20 million every year.

But the key is the ratio. The ratio of 25 million taels only accounts for 25% of the total expenditure budget.

In other words, the total amount of this expenditure budget is not the 86 million taels of the fiscal revenue budget, but 100 million taels!

The total budget has increased, and everyone is satisfied with the expenditure budgets of the following departments!

But is it 100 million taels of silver?

There's a fart!

The budget for fiscal revenue is 86 million taels. If you don’t plan to issue government bonds on a large scale, you won’t be able to make up 100 million taels. As for the filling of the internal treasury, which is very common in other dynasties, I’m sorry. There was no such habit in the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the emperor's inner treasury actually didn't have much money!

The main income of the emperor's inner treasury is the annual royal family expenses, and most of this part of the funds are actually used to maintain the operation of the guards and the Han Dynasty, and even the royal family expenses do not occupy much.

Last year, the royal family spent a total of more than 600,000 taels of silver. More importantly, more than 400,000 of the more than 600,000 taels of silver were provided by the Royal Family Assets Section. In other words, the country that the royal family spent The income is just over 200,000 taels of silver.

This number is really not a big deal for the royal family of a huge empire!

The annual maintenance of the palace courtyards, the routine rewards to ministers, and the maintenance of the royal institutions cost more than a hundred thousand taels of silver.

As for the royal food and drink expenses, that's not even included.

Strictly speaking, in fact, the royal family has not spent a penny from the national treasury over the years, and the food and drink expenses are basically relied on the funds provided by the Royal Assets Section.

Li Xuan thought to himself that as an emperor, he was able to do it. All he spent was private money, he didn't touch the state treasury for a penny, and sometimes he even posted it backwards.

Therefore, in this case, the Tang Dynasty did not have the tradition of appropriating funds from the internal library. As for the private money of the royal family, that is, the funds of the royal family's assets, there are some, but it is really not much, and absolutely Most of them are various fixed assets, especially enterprises, and there is not much activity capital.

The Royal Assets Division, to a certain extent, should be a large-scale comprehensive group company. The company has a lot of assets, but the working capital is only about a few million taels. Once it is misappropriated, it will directly affect the group company. operation.

These funds for activities are basically Li Xuan's last lifeblood. He also does not allow the Royal Family Assets Section to misappropriate it for investment, nor does it make any figures in the bank account, so it is exchanged for gold and stored in the palace.

What are you going to use it for?

Naturally, it was prepared to be used as a military expense for the Guards in the event of any turmoil.

This is the money used to save his life, so even if the economy of the entire empire collapsed, Li Xuan would not use these millions of taels of gold.

There is no money in the internal treasury, and the money from the Royal Assets Section cannot be misappropriated, so the only feasible way is to issue government And those ministers also suggested the same.

In the spending budget plan, they proposed to issue 20 million silver in national debt, of which 14 million would be used to fill the vacancy in the spending budget, and the remaining 6 million would be used as an emergency reserve fund.

After Li Xuan read it, he murmured, "I want to be beautiful!"

Ma Dan, in the past there was a fiscal deficit every year, and treasury bonds were issued every year. In the past, during the war, it was okay to say that issuing treasury bonds was impossible. Now fiscal revenue is getting higher and higher, and there is no war. People's livelihood economy is also in Gradually recovering, Li Xuan is reluctant to issue a huge amount of national debt.

The debts owed now are more than 40 million taels, and the interest is several million taels every year. If you borrow more, the financial income will not be enough to pay the interest in the future.

At most, it is to issue another tranche of treasury bonds to repay the principal of the treasury bonds. As for the issuance of treasury bonds for other expenses, especially for administrative expenses, Li Xuan is not allowed.

Li Xuan directly rejected the proposal, and then gave a limit of death, 86 million, not more than a tael of silver.

Li Xuan is determined to pay attention. In the eleventh year of Xuanping, he must maintain a fiscal balance. He must not have the same fiscal deficit as before. Every year is a fiscal deficit. Sooner or later, the finances of the entire empire will be dragged by the deficit. died.



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