Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1155: Although the Tang Dynasty is vast, it does not allow an inch of land

Bandan City, just on the edge of the strait, when Datang Western Ocean Company chose to build a city here, not only because this place was the capital of the original Bandan Kingdom, but also because it has a traditional trading port and can still control the Sunda Strait. .

The Sunda Strait is so important and Banten City is so important, so it is not surprising that the Portuguese are agitating behind the scenes to support the natives and pirates to attack Banten City!

The overall area of ​​Bandan City is not large. In normal times, only official aircraft, military or commercial halls are permanently stationed, and the number of people is mostly maintained at the scale of 1,000.

Because this place is not a city in the traditional sense, but a fortress specially designed for war. The heavy artillery on the city head is the main force used to block the Sunda Strait!

This is a bastion. There are actually not many people on weekdays. It was only during the war that more people hid in. Now there are about 3,000 people in the entire city of Wandan, but the army is only 500 and the militia is 300. , the rest are women and children, the old and the weak.

This is not to say that there are no immigrant youths from the Banten area, but that the youths have already been incorporated into the militia!

The small city of Wandan actually had five hundred militia troops before. Two hundred militiamen accompanied the army to the eastern region, and there were still three hundred defenses in the city.

But no matter how powerful the bastion is, with only a few hundred troops, it is still difficult to stop the siege of 20,000 enemies!

Wandan City was besieged. It was no longer a day or two, but half a month ago. Half a month ago, a large fleet of ships suddenly appeared on the sea. The officials, immediately retreated to Banten City.

The result was as expected, this huge fleet began to gradually climb to 6, and then headed towards Wandan City. At first, they tried to attack the city directly, but how could they be able to break through the full 5 Hundreds of soldiers from the 6th Army, and there are more than 300 bastions guarded by militiamen!

After these indigenous people who came out of nowhere failed to siege the city, the siege began!

Time flies, half a month has passed!

Now, the natives and pirates outside the city are almost ready, and they are about to start a general attack. How can Zhu Jiaxiang not be in a hurry, but there is no need to worry, he can only ask the officials under him to cooperate with the military as much as possible. defense work.

As he said this, Zhu Jiaxiang gradually fell asleep!

After seeing Zhu Jiaxiang falling asleep, the military medical officer Ji Dingfeng stepped forward to check it, and then whispered to everyone: "Sir just fell asleep, there is nothing serious!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then Cheng Zhizhai, the clerk of Wandan House, lowered his voice and said, "Let's go out first, and let the adults have a good rest!"

After everyone went out, they went to the living room next door and sat down one after another.

At this time, Zhu Jiaxiang, the highest-ranking official in Bandan City, fell into a drowsiness and was unable to actually preside over affairs. The corresponding authority was naturally extended to Cheng Zhizhai, a fellow clerk of Bandan House.

Of course, this authority does not include military command!

Although the Banten House is an overseas territory, and the prefects have far greater authority than the local prefects, the separation of the military and the government is strictly enforced.

According to the current rules and regulations of the empire on overseas territories, for some overseas territories that are far away from the mainland and have difficulty in communication, the empire will give local local officials some authority as appropriate. The scope of authority is relatively large, and there are no strict regulations. It mainly depends on the specific dispatch of the leader of the overseas territory.

For example, Zhu Jiaxiang, the prefect of Wandan House, his title is more complicated. First, he is his official 'the prefect of Wandan House', then he is the grade: the fourth grade, and then he is a special dispatch that the ordinary prefects in China do not have: "Acting Officer Banten government military affairs'.

To a certain extent, Zhu Jiaxiang is actually the Governor of Wandan. Of course, the title of Governor cannot be given to him, and in the Datang Empire, there is no such dispatch or control as the Governor, but in the Datang Western Company, Engaged in an Indian Governor.

In order to avoid disagreement with the specific meaning of "acting in the military and political affairs of the Banten House" and lead to confusion of powers, the cabinet has a very detailed explanation of this word, with more than ten pages of explanation!

In addition to the authority to handle civil affairs, this dispatch also has some authority for diplomacy, declaration of war, and conclusion of treaties. However, this authority also has clear restrictions, that is, it is only for its jurisdiction, that is, the affairs within the Banten House. The affairs that cross the jurisdiction will not work.

For example, in the case of the Portuguese, Zhu Jiaxiang, the prefect of Banten Prefecture, did not have the authority to directly conclude a treaty with the Portuguese or start a war against the Portuguese, but he could do so for the natives within the jurisdiction of Banten Prefecture.

At the same time, the authority to declare war and conclude treaties does not include military command.

To put it simply, Zhu Jiaxiang, the prefect of Banten House, can declare war on the indigenous forces in the vicinity of Banten House and even the surrounding areas, and give the local garrison, that is, the Banten Garrison, the Banten Squadron, the Banten Militia and other armed forces, Even the company fleet of Datang Western Company issued relevant orders to let them carry out relevant military operations!

And how to fight, that's the military's business!

That is to say, if the military does not approve or say that it is unwilling to fight, it is actually impossible to fight!

But on the other hand, if there is no order from Zhu Jiaxiang, even if the military wants to fight, it does not have the authority to start a war!

According to the relevant regulations of the empire, when the prefect cannot actually handle affairs due to various reasons, the authority of the prefect will be transferred according to the height of the official position.

Therefore, at present this power has been handed over to the hands of Cheng Zhizhai, who is also known as the Wandan House!

This is also the reason why he is sitting on the main seat today. In fact, since Zhu Jiaxiang fell ill and was unable to handle affairs, Cheng Zhizhai has been handling affairs.

He is not good at fighting, but it is his job to handle the affairs of the city and provide logistics for the army.

Cheng Zhizhai did not understand how to fight against this coalition of natives and pirates that appeared out of nowhere. He sat on the main seat just because of his identity.

So after everyone sat down, he turned his attention to Colonel Yang Hong, the head of the Wandan garrison!

Originally, in the Banten area, the highest rank was Commodore Xia Zhiquan, the commander of the Banten Squadron. Banten was far away from overseas and was an archipelago, so the navy had a greater weight. Usually, the military affairs in the Banten area. , In general, the navy is still the main force, and the 6 armies cooperate.

But now, Commodore Xia Zhiquan led the fleet out, and the main defense force in the city was also the 6th Army, so Colonel Yang Hong of the 6th Army also became the highest military commander of Wandan City.

Seeing Cheng Zhizhai looking at him, Yang Hong also sighed inwardly!

In this situation, he has nothing to say, nothing more than stick to it!

In the past half month, they have done everything they should do, and then they just wait for the enemy to attack.

War, not so much complicated stuff!

But the words must not be said like this, but we still need to encourage morale!

"Don't worry too much, my lords, my Wandan City is a bastion specially built for war, and its comprehensive defense capabilities are far beyond ordinary cities, and now there are 500 soldiers and 300 militiamen of our 6th Army in the city. More than twenty heavy artillery, more than ten field artillery, dozens of shotguns, such firepower, even if it is hard to resist the enemy's entire fleet, and whether it is ordnance, ammunition, or food and water sources are sufficient, this is It's not a big problem to defend the city!"

"Of course, our manpower is still relatively tight now. Although we have a lot of artillery, the number of ordinary gunners is seriously insufficient. I suggest that some of the people in the city should be recruited to the city to supplement the shortage of artillery!"

"Selection of the people in the city?" Hearing this, an ordinary civil servant in the crowd said: "But the young and strong people in the city who can be recruited have already been recruited, otherwise the five hundred militiamen will come! This is the rest. The more than 1,000 ordinary people in the village are old and weak, women and children, what can they do!"

Yang Hongdao: "I, Yang Hong, also know this situation. This recruiting them is not to let them go into battle directly, to fight with the enemy army. Our 6th army is there. My idea is to let some people undertake the transportation of ammunition, Loading artillery shells and other matters, aiming and firing such things, naturally the gunner is in charge!"

The civil servant was still a little worried: "I'm afraid it won't work, just those old and weak women and children, how can they stand it? The enemy also has artillery, and this is going to start an artillery battle, I'm afraid these ordinary people can't stand it!"

Yang Hongdao: "I can't help it. We are short of people, so we can't let a large number of soldiers serve as transport soldiers. In this case, who will be responsible for the battle at the head of the city?"

Yang Hong said so, and the others nodded too!

There are few people in the city, a limited number of soldiers and even militia, all of which have to be deployed on the top of the city, ready to meet the enemy's onslaught, and the number of gunners is not enough, it is difficult to operate nearly 40 artillery pieces and a larger number of scattered guns. Bullets, in this case, can only be used by ordinary old and weak women and children as transport soldiers with little technical content.

As for the danger, after all, it is not as dangerous as those infantrymen who want to participate in the battle at the head of the city!

After listening to Cheng Zhizhai, he nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then this matter is settled. After the meeting is over, we will start recruiting the old, weak and healthy women in the city!"

Yang Hongdao: "The number doesn't need to be too much, three hundred people is enough, more is useless!"

Having said this, he sighed deeply and said to Cheng Zhizhai with a look of apology: "Alas, I also know that it is inappropriate to recruit old, weak and strong women, but there is really no way... I won't let the old, weak, women and children go to the battlefield in any way!"

Cheng Zhizhai waved his hand directly and said, "Colonel, you don't need to say In this situation, whether it is the soldiers of the empire or the common people, they should all have the consciousness of devoting themselves to the empire and His Majesty!"

Cheng Zhizhai said: "When the war begins, this official will personally bring officials from various yamen to the city head to help in the battle!"

At this time, Cheng Zhizhai had already stood up and fully let everyone know what an imperial politician is. He might not be able to do things, but he must be able to say:

"Although I am not good at military affairs, I am still a Chinese man, and I can still kill the enemy with a sword!"

"I'm waiting to let the barbarians know that although the land of the Tang Dynasty is vast, I can't give up an inch of land. Although there are many people, I have no fear of death!"


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