Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: united nations pirate force

The oriental trade between the empire and Fuso has become an important foreign trade of the empire.

This is not only because Fusang is close to the mainland of the Empire, from the Goryeo Peninsula, it only needs to pass through the Tsushima Strait to reach Fusang. At the same time, because the current population of Fusang is not small, it also produces gold and silver.

At the same time, many big names are fighting each other, and there is no strong unified regime, which also gives the businessmen of the empire many opportunities to fish in troubled waters.

For example, in order to monopolize the arms business in the Fusang area, they even used various means to weaken and destroy the arms production capacity of the famous people in Fusang. Compared with a few years ago, the self-production of ordnance in the entire Fusang area does not increase but declines. Obvious example.

During the arms trade between the empire and Fusang, the military sold a large number of retired matchlock guns at high prices, and returned a lot of money to replace them. The weapons companies earned several times the profits, and the weapons merchants also earned several times the profits. Hello. Hello everyone!

Even the big names in Fusang who bought Tang weapons thought it was good. Although they paid a lot of gold and silver, they got advanced matchlock guns and even a small amount of small and medium-sized artillery to fight against other big names. Much stronger than slashing with a samurai sword like before!

The success of weapons sales in the Fusang area also made the businessmen of the Datang Empire especially like to use weapons as the main product to sell to Fusang and Southeast Asia.

The only exceptions are the Tatars in the north, the Oaras, and the Tubos. The Tang Empire officially banned trading with them except for the specified mutual market ports. If you want an arquebus, you can, but you can exchange it for a war horse!

If you trade with the Tatars privately, being caught is the end of treason!

The Datang Empire was not the Ming Dynasty. The blockade of the direction of the Great Wall in the north was very strict. In addition, the military had always been preparing for war.

But the system is good, no matter how strict the implementation is, but after the things are sold, they will end up where they will end up, even if they are as strong as the Tang Dynasty, it is difficult to supervise.

In the early years, even the puppet army could obtain arquebuses produced by the Tang Empire through various channels.

The natives of Nanyang and even those pirates can actually obtain some of the arquebuses produced by the Tang Dynasty through various messy channels. This is something that the Tang Dynasty cannot do.

However, the total amount of these arquebuses that have flowed out is still limited, and it is impossible to say everywhere. As for artillery, there are even fewer, because the Tang Empire prohibits the export of cannons in principle, even if they are bought, they will only buy some light ones. Small cannons, such as shotguns, etc., but field guns over five pounds are generally not bought.

The only exception is the armed merchant ships!

If they are not sold to these armed merchant ships, they will be swallowed by pirates when they go out to sea. Therefore, they will still be sold to domestic armed merchant ships, but they will be strictly registered. The door, or all kinds of investigations, the light ones will be fined and their qualifications for sea trade be revoked, and the heavy ones will be arrested and put in prison.

Today, the guns and guns of the natives and pirates outside the city of Wandan are estimated to be only a very small part of the guns produced by the Tang Dynasty, and it is estimated that many of the two or three arquebuses are produced by the empire.

This also caused many soldiers in the city to curse in a low voice. Those **** businessmen sold guns and cannons indiscriminately. Now it's all right. They all fell into the hands of the enemy and beat them in turn.

However, there is no way to curse. On the contrary, they have to be thankful that the empire strictly prohibits the export of flintlocks and medium and large-caliber artillery, especially flintlocks, which are strictly exported.

It is only equipped with domestic armed forces, not even civilian armed merchant ships.

Colonel Yang Hong put down his binoculars. Through the binoculars just now, he has basically determined the basic tactics of the natives and pirates outside the city. They want to bypass the western city wall with dense large-caliber artillery under the cover of artillery. , ran to the east wall to attack.

Moreover, he also saw that the local fleet was gradually approaching, and it was estimated that they would venture into the Sunda Strait and bombard the city of Banten with naval artillery!

Wandan City is a typical bastion fortress. In addition to self-protection, it also shoulders the heavy responsibility of blocking the Sunda Strait. Otherwise, a large number of heavy artillery will not be deployed on the West Fort. Among those heavy artillery, four are included. Eighteen catties of artillery, eight fourteen catties of artillery, and two forty-eight catties of mortars.

In addition, a total of eighteen nine-jin artillery pieces and sixteen five-jin artillery pieces were deployed in the entire fortress.

There are only two catties and three catties of shotguns, which are directly ignored!

Although none of these artillery pieces are new artillery pieces, the artillery pieces have not changed much this year. The nine-jin naval guns used by the empire in the early years are not much different in performance from the current nine-jin naval artillery pieces.

If it can be equipped with the latest howitzer shells, it can still cause serious damage to these natives and pirates!

It is a pity that Banten City, as an overseas territory, is also important, but it is not important enough to allow the Empire to give priority to equipping the limited production and more expensive howitzers here.

At present, the Empire's howitzer shells are only equipped with domestic Guards and some of the main field troops, while in the navy, only warships are equipped with these howitzer shells.

Therefore, it is a pity that most of the artillery shells used in Banten City are traditional solid shells, shot shells, and chain shells, arson shells, grape shells, etc.

Otherwise, when the natives and pirates first boarded the 6th, they could directly bombard them with dozens of artillery shells. If the natives and pirates still have the courage to continue besieging, then they can only say that they Awesome!

It's a pity that these howitzers are not equipped in the city!

When Yang Hong noticed that the enemy was going to bypass the west, where his own artillery was dense, and ran to the east, he also made corresponding adjustments. Go to the east wall.

Anyway, the bastion is specially designed for war, and there are a large number of fast transfer channels inside, not only the soldiers, these artillery can also be quickly transferred.

Of course, those fourteen or even eighteen pounds of heavy artillery are not easy to transfer. On the one hand, it is more difficult to maneuver, and on the other hand, it is also used to fight the enemy's fleet into the Sunda Strait.

Without these heavy artillery, these seven or eight armed merchant ships, mainly pirate ships, would be able to directly approach the shore and fire at Banten City.

And Wandan City is a fortress just built on the coast. It is close to the shore. Although it can block the strait with heavy artillery and protect the port, the enemy can also bombard the castle with naval artillery.

It's just that in normal times, the enemy's fleet doesn't look foolish enough to go up and bombard the fort's artillery, because then they won't take any advantage, and on the contrary, they will suffer a lot.

Colonel Yang Hong had just arranged for the artillery to be transferred, and the artillery originally deployed on the east city wall had already fired in advance!

The Datang 6th Army Wandan Defence Regiment announced the explosion of this offensive and defensive battle by taking the lead in launching an interceptive artillery bombardment!

Those natives and pirates walked around from the seaside, they carried artillery, and there were nearly 10,000 infantry in coordination, but before they attacked, they naturally had to launch artillery bombardment.

Those natives may not know the importance of artillery fire suppression, but the pirates inside are very clear, not to mention, this alliance of natives and pirates, the pirates are the party with a large number of artillery and arquebuses. , Indigenous, just start.

These pirates worked hard to remove the artillery from the ship, naturally not to make these artillery rust, but to fight.

However, in order for the artillery to be effective, it must first enter the effective range!

Just when these pirates pushed the artillery and wanted to continue to advance to the range, the artillery of the Datang defenders on the city head opened fire first. They shot Zhu Yuan according to the already measured, and they were advancing directly outside the city. The pirate artillery fires!

This year, in a war where both sides use guns, artillery suppression is very important!

The reason why the Tang army was able to crush the Ming army at that time was because in almost every battle, the Tang army was able to gain the advantage of artillery. After using the advantage of artillery to suppress the enemy's artillery fire, it covered the infantry to attack. This is the old method of the Tang army. .

Although these pirates are unlikely to have fought any large-scale wars, they still know the basic common sense and know that they want to shell first, but in this kind of terrain, they are always the passive side.

Because what they are facing is a bastion!

Several nine-jin artillery pieces deployed in the east opened fire first. The hit rate of the first round of shelling was not high, only one shell hit, but the shell that achieved the hit successfully destroyed one of the pirates. The whole gun crew!

The solid shell directly smashed the temporary wooden gun mount of the pirate's five-jin artillery, leaving only a solitary gun barrel, and by the way killed several pirate gunners!

See that a temporary wooden gun mount is destroyed ahead!

A pirate who looked like a leader watching the battle from the rear yelled, "Damn!"

If anyone in the city heard this, they would definitely yell, because the pirate spoke the serious Chinese language, and even the clothes he wore were traditional Hanfu.

And many pirates around him are also Chinese.

Of course, there are more people of other skin colors and colors. On the side of the thousands of indigenous people, there are about 500 pirates who are dressed and even ethnically disordered. Among these pirates are Chinese people and Fusang people. , There are Southeast Asian natives, there are Indians and Arabs, there are also whites, and even blacks.

The races that can be found in Nanyang these can basically be found from this pirate gang, a small pirate gang, like a United Nations.

And in front of this group of about 500 pirate gangs of various skin colors!

A middle-aged man in traditional Hanfu with dark eyes looked at the city head with a monocular, and three people stood respectfully behind him!

One of them was an aboriginal with dark skin, short stature, strange clothes, and unknown place. There was also an Arab young man in a robe, with a cloth wrapping his head, and an Arabian machete hanging around his waist. A white old man in a tight suit, with blond eyes and a high nose, with a Western-style rapier on his waist.

The middle-aged man in Hanfu put down the binoculars after a while, touched his goatee, and said softly: "These pseudo-Tang bandits, after so many years, this war is still the same old way, without any progress, you know how to shoot! "


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