Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1180: A wave of industrialization sweeping the country

As a noble person, who is free from low-level and evil tastes, even though Yang Cheng likes women's **** like most men, he prefers ladies who can bring fame and fortune to him personally and to the family. &1t;/

And although he can't study and become an official, he is still the second son with an awkward position, and he is not very favored by his parents. In the future, his position in the family is very likely to become less talented in reading than his two. the same as uncle. &1t;/

His name is Yang Family's son, and he also helps to manage the family business. To outsiders, he is also very beautiful, but he has become a marginal role in the family. Said to be on a par with his elder brother or his father. &1t;/

Yang Cheng didn't want himself to become such a person! &1t;/

He has seen people who are in the big world, and he is also a person who has enjoyed the scenery. He does not want to become a marginal figure in the family in the future, and even his son's status may not be as high as that in the future. &1t;/

He is not reconciled! &1t;/

Since he failed to study, he went into business. Even though many people are laughing at his choice, he still does it with determination and no regrets, because he believes that three hundred and sixty-five lines will lead to a champion! &1t;/

What's more, he feels that doing business in business now is very promising! &1t;/

Because from the beginning of this year, the great, greater than the sun, the eternal sage who rules the whole world, the Son of Heaven, the Emperor of God, the Son of Heaven, Li Xuan has officially shouted the slogan of 'industrialization'! &1t;/

This also means that the entire Datang Empire has already sounded the slogan of marching towards industrialization! &1t;/

Any Chinese people should know that the slogan proposed by the upper management is not just a slogan, but will evolve into a big wave that affects the whole country! &1t;/

In recent months, the word 'industrialization' can be seen in almost every issue of the Tang Dynasty Daily. Son of Heaven has emphasized the necessity of promoting the process of industrialization in several cabinet meetings, saying that industrialization is the foundation of an empire. The major measures of Wannian Foundation, once industrialization is realized, every citizen of the empire will be able to eat enough, have clothes to wear, and have a house to live in. At that time, China will enter a height that has never been seen in thousands of years. &1t;/

The Son of Heaven has said so, and it is naturally impossible for the empire to remain indifferent. From the ministers on duty in the imperial study to ordinary officials, all of them shouted the slogan of industrialization this year. &1t;/

Against this background, the first industrial zone in Shanghai has sprung up, and the empire also plans to increase the number of trading ports to more than 30. &1t;/

In other places, they are more or less based on their own conditions, or expand industrial areas, or attract investment, etc. For example, Qiongzhou Prefecture Lingao, as the largest fishery industrial base in China, also announced expansion plans to Let the output value of Lingao's fishery industry double again within three years, and strive to let the people of the whole country eat their pride of Lingao: Lingao salted fish! &1t;/

The local yamen responded positively, and the yamen in Gyeonggi were not far behind! &1t;/

The Ministry of Commerce has already proposed the first phase of the industrial exhibition plan, and plans to ensure the high growth of the industry through policy support, financial support and other means. &1t;/

The Ministry of State-owned Enterprises has put forward a brand-new investment plan. In the next five years, it plans to focus on investing in basic industries that are the core lifeblood of industrialization, especially the three major industries of steel industry, chemical industry and machinery industry. Eight million taels of silver! &1t;/

The Ministry of Industry has also proposed to improve the national transportation plan, dredging rivers, improving official roads, especially dredging several major rivers, such as the Xijiang, the Yangtze River, and the canal, so as to make the transportation of various products more convenient, smoother, cost-effective lower. &1t;/

The Ministry of Taxation has also announced a plan to reduce the burden on enterprises, preparing to support some industries and reduce the tax pressure on enterprises. &1t;/

Even the patrol police department, which seems to have nothing to do with it, has also made corresponding plans. They plan to increase police forces in some places where factories are densely populated to ensure a good public security environment and contribute to the great cause of industrialization. &1t;/

Of course, the more exciting and more important military also made a statement on industrialization. &1t;/

Generally speaking, the military does not take care of civil affairs, and people are focused on preparing for war, but now, in the environment of the empire's industrialization wave, the military is also taking a stand. &1t;/

The representative of the military, the minister on duty in the imperial study room, and the director of the war department of the 6th Army Privy Council, General Lei Wan, said in an interview with the Tang Dynasty Daily: "Dedicating loyalty to the Son of Heaven and devoting strength to the industrialization of the empire is Every soldier of the 6th Army has an inescapable responsibility. Starting this year, the 6th Army will invest at least 300,000 troops across the country, including the empire itself and overseas territories, and no less than 10 million taels of military spending to fight bandits, and Depending on the situation, we will further suppress the bandits and the corresponding funds in the future!&1t;/

The 6th Army has the confidence and ability to initially eliminate bandit troubles in various parts of the country within the next year, and completely solve the problem of domestic bandit troubles within three years! ”&1t;/

The 6th Army said that the problem of bandits must be completely solved, and the navy was not to be outdone. Admiral Bao Yifen, the minister on duty in the imperial study and the head of the Military Command Department of the Navy Command Department, said publicly: "The mighty Imperial Navy, the brave Imperial Navy officers and men, It has a huge number of battleships with strong combat effectiveness, and every battleship, whether it is a battleship, a cruiser or a frigate, every navy officer, whether it is a general or a soldier, will clear all obstacles to the industrialization process of the empire.&1t;/

The navy will be further stabilized to ensure the safety of the routes. In the next three years, the navy will not only continue to maintain the safety of navigation in the domestic coastal waters and the Fusang waters, but will also invest heavily in the Nanyang waters to ensure that every merchant ship of the empire can be safe. Sailing in the South Seas! &1t;/

The position of the 6th Army and the Navy is actually far more than just suppressing bandits and ensuring the safety of air routes on the surface! &1t;/

There are still many things that have not been said that need to be pondered by the people themselves. For example, in order to ensure that domestic industrialization is not disturbed, the 6th Army will fight for the source of industrial raw materials and the market of the empire while suppressing bandits in the country. . &1t;/

For example, horses and wool in the northern grasslands, cotton in the northwest, etc. Horses are an important tool for transportation and cannot be missed. Wool and cotton are also the most important raw materials for the booming textile industry in China. &1t;/

If one day, the empire's wool source is insufficient, and the nomadic peoples in the north stop selling it, the 6th army of the empire will shoulder the important task of obtaining wool sources for the empire's textile industry! &1t;/

The same is true for the navy. They need to ensure the safety of the air route, and at the same time, they need to ensure the source of industrial raw materials and the sales market of industrial products. Fusang and Nanyang are currently the two areas that the navy attaches the most importance to, and there is no room for loss. &1t;/

If that day, a powerful daimyo appeared on Fusang's side and unified Fusang, and then refused to trade with the empire, then the 6th Army would not have to do anything, and the navy would send the 6th team to board the 6th to destroy this daimyo. &1t;/

The military's statement also gave domestic industry and commerce a big reassurance! &1t;/

Because they can already imagine the future: the army of the Empire will open the way for them to buy goods to every corner! &1t;/

At this time when a wave of industrialization was set off in the empire, many people saw opportunities in it, and Yang Cheng can only be regarded as one of them! &1t;/

However, unlike many people who are still waiting and hesitating, Yang Cheng is much more decisive. When Shanghai first opened the second industrial zone, he came to Shanghai, although his factory is still in the first industrial zone. , but he has already planned that in the future, his factory will still be moved to the second industrial zone. &1t;/

Now it is just the beginning, the scale is not large, and there are not many factories. But if the scale increases in the future, when large-scale factories need to be used, the first industrial zone is not very suitable. It does not mean that this place is not good, but It is because the exhibition is too mature, and the rent of the workshop is too expensive. &1t;/

It's just that the second industrial zone is still in the stage of building infrastructure, and the mode of exhibiting industrial zones and business zones in Shanghai is dominated by the government. The land in the second industrial zone is owned by the government and is carried out by the industrial zone Yamen. Some of them are rented out after the plant is built, and some of them are rented out directly, but they will never sell the land or the plant. &1t;/

Whether it is land or factories and other buildings, they are only rented and not sold, to ensure that state-owned assets are not lost, and at the same time, they can also continue to make profits to maintain the operation of the industrial zone and subsequent development. &1t;/

Otherwise, many people would be able to directly buy land and build their own factories. &1t;/

Naturally, Yang Cheng's company couldn't afford the land to build its own factory, so it could only rent the factory after the factory in the second industrial zone was built! &1t;/

But then again, expanding the scale is something that will happen in the future. Now he is thinking about making good use of the existing factory buildings, purchasing equipment, expanding production, and advertising at the same time, so as to achieve a balance of expenditures. &1t;/

【31 Novel Network】&1t;/

Yang Cheng, who is working hard in Shanghai, doesn't think about getting a wife now. He believes that as long as he is good enough in business, his social status in the future will be too low. &1t;/

After all, he is different from many professional businessmen on the market. Those professional businessmen have a relatively low social status, but Yang Cheng is different. After all, he is also a serious gentleman. The results are here, and no matter how bad it is, it can't be far from there. &1t;/

At that time, you can marry a real lady, who can bring fame and fortune to yourself and the family. &1t;/

After all, this is marrying a wife, not looking for a bed-warming maid, and he really has no shortage of bed-warming women! &1t;/

Yang Cheng's father's Aside from the content that made him marry a wife, other content gave Yang Cheng great confidence. With financial support, he can start his next plan. . &1t;/

So Yang Cheng continued to be busy. On the one hand, he asked Butler Feng to contact the Shanghai branch of Zhaoqing Machinery Co., Ltd. to buy another batch of equipment, and he made it clear that it must be the most advanced equipment, and he had to have another set of steam engines. This thing Although it is expensive to use, the effect is really good, much stronger than water power. &1t;/

He handed over the purchase of equipment to Butler Feng to contact him, and he himself, after making preparations, came to the Tang Dynasty in his two-wheeled carriage with an advertising plan and a cashier's check. Report to Songjiang Prefecture Office of Gangnam-do. &1t;/

He's coming to advertise, a hugely planned advertisement! &1t;/


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