Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1251: direct to the sky

Chen Lifu knew that many people were staring at him and wanted to pull him down.

As one of the most famous middle-level officials in the imperial officialdom, Chen Lifu has been attracting attention from the beginning of his career. When he was working in the inspection department of the Ministry of Taxation, he offended countless people, and the people who offended him The more, the faster he gets promoted.

Even when he was later transferred to the Finance Department and served as the Deputy Director of the Finance Department of the Finance Department, he worked out a securities reform plan, but he didn't know how many people he had offended.

Later, he was transferred to a local office. During his three-year tenure as Songjiang Prefecture Tongzhi, Chen Lifu was relatively low-key, but during his tenure as Songjiang Prefecture Tongzhi, he was mainly in charge of Songjiang because of his previous experience in the inspection office of the Ministry of Taxation. government administration issues.

Although the governance of officials in the Tang Empire was mainly managed by the Inspectorate, generally speaking, various departments under the cabinet and local yamen would have internal institutions to deal with officials' violations of law and discipline. After the problem is exposed, it will cause more harm.

Although Chen Lifu did not have the authority to directly arrest officials when he was in charge of administrative issues, many people were directly impeached after identifying the problematic officials.

Chen Lifu also knew that over the years he had been an official, he had offended so many people that Chen Lifu himself could not count how many people he had offended.

And offended a lot, he was too lazy to answer.

After serving as magistrate of a special county in Shanghai, Chen Lifu basically did not make any big moves in the first year, so even if others wanted to impeach him, they could not find a chance to pull him down.

But now the north bank of the Wusong River is open, especially during the Northern Expedition, a large amount of land has been sold by renting and selling, which is what makes many people think that they have caught Chen Lifu.

Since Chen Lifu brought himself to the door, don't blame them for it.

So, as soon as the plan to open the north bank of the Wusong River started, someone had already impeached Chen Lifu.

Moreover, there are many people who have impeached, and at the same time, they have not alerted Chen Lifu. They even cannot believe the Inspectorate of the Ad Hoc County in Shanghai and the Inspectorate of Songjiang Prefecture. They directly stabbed the case to the Inspectorate of Jiangnan Road.

Several officials impeached Chen Lifu in real names, but the charges of impeachment were not accusing Chen Lifu of corruption or bribery.

After so many years, basically everyone who is familiar with Chen Lifu knows that this person is not poor in money, nor does he embezzle or take bribes. Starting from this aspect will not cause any harm to Chen Lifu, but will prove his name.

Therefore, the content of their impeachment is not corruption and bribery, but malfeasance.

Specifically, it is for self-interest, in order to open the North Shore to gain political achievements, and sell national assets cheaply by renting and selling, so that the country suffers huge financial losses.

These people are obviously prepared, but they have prepared a lot of information, and even the contracts of several companies for renting land in the North Shore Development Area have been obtained by them. Combining the local land prices and rents, we came to a conclusion that Chen Lifu's operation method caused the country to lose at least 2.5 million taels of silver, which is a huge amount!

When Chen Lifu learned of the incident, the Jiangnan Provincial Inspectorate had already dispatched an investigation team to Shanghai based on these reports in order to find out the truth.

Chen Lifu only learned about this when he received an inquiry from the investigation team sent by the Jiangnan Provincial Inspectorate.

Chen Lifu frowned as he looked at the few censors sent by the Jiangnan Provincial Inspectorate in front of him.

It was the eighth time in his political career that he was questioned by the censor. He was no stranger to them, and even knew their procedures. First, they would question themselves in an informal name, and then conduct an investigation.

During this process, if Chen Lifu cannot prove his innocence, or if there is conclusive evidence, then this informal inquiry will become a formal investigation, and the inspectorate will formally file a case and put him under house arrest in the name of assisting the investigation. relevant officials.

Once the crime is established, the Inspectorate will apply to the court for an arrest warrant, and finally will lead the patrol police to formally arrest the offender and enter the judicial process thoroughly.

Generally speaking, once you enter the stage of filing a case, you basically don't expect to get out of the inspectorate.

Because the Inspectorate is also very cautious in handling cases. Cases against officials are the basis for their promotion and wealth, so they will desperately look for evidence, and at the same time avoid making a fool of themselves. When they formally file a case, it is often the time when the evidence is conclusive.

At that time, it will be impossible for anyone who wants to leave the inspectorate again.

The first seven times he entered the Inspectorate was also during his tenure in the Inspection Office, especially when he was the Director of the Inspection Office, and he went there every few months.

But it was the first time he entered the interrogation room of the Inspectorate since he stepped down from the position of Director of the Inspection Office.

Although these censors behaved very politely, talking and laughing, saying that they were just asking themselves to assist in the investigation, as long as they found out the facts, they would leave.

But Chen Lifu knew that this time, he might be in trouble.

He was very cautious and did not immediately refute anything. Even the investigation team's inquiries were always answerable. At this time, I had a hard time with the investigation team. I have the right to keep silent. This is something only a fool would do. , This is almost directly to the censors of the investigation team: I have a problem, come and check me!

Another aspect of maintaining a cooperative attitude is to cleanse yourself.

First, Chen Lifu raised doubts about the loss of 2.5 million taels of state-owned assets in the report.

"During the investment promotion process of the Bei'an Development Zone, a total of six plots of land have been leased to the outside world, and these land leases are all well-known large-scale domestic enterprises, including Zhaoqing Machinery Company, which is planning to build a large-scale land in the Bei'an Development Zone. The scale of the factory, this factory will be the company's largest machinery production base, but also the largest domestic machinery production base.

A total of 630,000 taels of rent was obtained for the six plots of land, all of which were received at one time, and were all used for the development of the North Shore Development Area! "

"And in the report, the estimated value of these six pieces of land reached 3.13 million taels. This is simply ridiculous. How could the market price of these six pieces of land be so high?"

One of the censors on the opposite side said: "How is it impossible, according to our investigation, based on the size of the six plots rented out, the rental income in the next 100 years is enough to reach 3.13 million taels of silver!"

Chen Lifu said: "Impossible, according to the current rent, even the rent for a hundred years is only a maximum of 1.2 million taels, and this is still an annual growth rate of 10%, but You need to know that they are a one-time payment, the current 630,000 taels and the 1.2 million taels obtained in batches over a hundred years, which do you think is more cost-effective?"

Although Chen Lifu is very cooperative, his tone is not too polite, his tone is full of confidence, a confidence to convince others.

That Yushi said: "I'm afraid you can't tell me how much the rent is in the past 100 years. We have consulted economic experts, and they have always believed that the land in the North Shore Development Zone has a great appreciation value, especially after the completion of the North Shore Development Zone. , its value will not be much lower than that in the commercial zone, and according to the existing land rent in the commercial zone, the rent for a hundred years will only be more than 3.13 million taels, but definitely not less!”

The Censor did not give in at all!

But Chen Lifu still didn't care: "You also said that the value-added is based on the completion of the opening.

But what about now? Now the north bank of the Wusong River is barren, just farmland and tidal flats along the river.

If there is no North Shore development area, can these lands still appreciate in value?

If it is not successful, will a large enterprise like Zhaoqing Machinery Co. invest in the construction of the largest machinery production base in the country?

Would the land appreciate in value without these big companies moving in?

If these lands do not increase in value in the future, do you think the management of Zhaoqing Machinery Company are all fools and will pay hundreds of thousands of taels of cash in one lump sum?

If we can't get such a large sum of money, how can we drive the north bank of Wusong River?

Chen Lifu's series of rhetorical questions forced the censors to be unable to say a word. After a few consecutive rhetorical questions, Chen Lifu did not give them a chance to speak, but continued:


"The added value of the land in the North Shore Development Zone is based on the premise of the successful development of the development zone, but now, these lands are not even worth 630,000 taels of silver!

Back then, when our local yamen in Shanghai expropriated all the land in the North Shore Development Zone, the total cost was only a mere 130,000 taels of silver.

If it is calculated according to the price after the appreciation, then they will not only take 180,000 taels of silver, but should take 630,000!

But did they take it? Did we give it?


We paid the local people cash compensation or land replacement according to the land price at that time! "

"It's inappropriate for you to directly apply the future land price to the current land rent!"

Chen Lifu had also made adequate preparations, otherwise he would not have been bold enough to sell it directly for rent.

So this time, he did not talk to these censors about anything, but reasoned!

And in order to prevent these low-level people from not understanding, he was too lazy to use the usual tone of voice, but used simple and straightforward vernacular.

Hearing this series of words from Chen Lifu, the censors also looked at each other. Obviously, although they expected Chen Lifu to make a clever excuse, they didn't expect this person to be able to say so.

All of a sudden they were speechless!

Because what Chen Lifu said is also true.

But they won't give up easily!

In their eyes, these six pieces of land with great potential only received 630,000 taels of silver for a 100-year lease. No matter how they looked at it, they were all state assets sold at a low price!

However, they were just a preliminary investigation team, and they had no decision-making power, so they soon reported the relevant information to the Jiangnan Road Inspectorate in Suzhou, and let the superiors make up their minds.

But the bosses at the Inspectorate of Jiangnan Road were also uncertain after consulting several economists, so they reported to Jinling As for this process, Chen Lifu Naturally, An Ran came out of the interrogation room of the Inspectorate. This case has not yet been formally registered, and they will not restrict his freedom, so Chen Lifu can continue to be the magistrate of his special county in Shanghai.

However, it didn't take long for the Jinling City side to argue again because of Chen Lifu, and it even reached the ears of the Son of Heaven!

This is probably something that neither the whistleblower nor Chen Lifu thought of.

Chen Lifu was also stunned for a long time when he saw the case report from the Inspectorate.

When he looked at this case, what he saw was not that Chen Lifu was selling state assets at a low price, but that Chen Lifu turned out to be self-taught and played with land finance.


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