Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1279: Workplace woman Song Maruko

Although the marriage committee has given these Fusang women great freedom of choice, there are not many women like Song Wanzi who plan to be independent, really not many.

Among the more than 1,500 women who arrived at the port of Busan, there were more than 1,000 women who went on a blind date. People are lovers, and some are even maids.

It's up to them how they choose. Anyway, there are no thresholds for officially organized blind dates. There is only one requirement, that is, the men who need to sign up for the blind date must pay the Fusang women's boat tickets.

Therefore, the Tang men who come to participate in the blind date are more complicated. Some of them are really looking for their wives, but most of them are mainly poor men. It is difficult for these people to pay for the boat tickets directly. This money is basically needed. Installment payment.

And some are planning to come to the outer room, or even to find the maid, and these people, needless to say, most of them are rich.

Other Fusang women are not stupid. If the other party is a pauper, they are not willing to be concubines or maids.

Blind date conference, with official guarantee, absolute freedom!

Both parties are free to choose, and the rich cannot force it!

However, in fact, another thing will happen, that is, some people are more flexible, and they directly find a rich man to be his outer room, and let the rich man pay for the ferry ticket for themselves, but they just run away within a few days. .

And this kind of thing, some rich people can only suffer from dumb losses!

The outer chambers, maids, etc. are not protected by the law. At the same time, the laws of the Tang Dynasty absolutely guarantee personal freedom. These Fusang women are all registered households, proper citizens of the empire, and are protected by the law.

In short, there are various situations,

Human nature is inherently so complicated, and Fuso women are no exception.

But in general, as long as the man is not too much, many Fusang women are still happy to rely on their husbands to live in the Tang Dynasty.

There is no way, alone in an unfamiliar place, even if the marriage committee will arrange preliminary work for them, but if they want to live, it is not so easy, the easiest solution is to directly find a Tang man to marry.

Even the more than 400 fusang women who were reluctant to go on a blind date at the beginning were actually dispatched to work in a textile factory, and they continued to participate in blind dates or through other channels, trying to get married as soon as possible!

Like Song Wanzi, there are very few women who pursue freedom and are unwilling to marry him casually, whether in Fusang or the Tang Empire!

It's just that these fusang women who are looking for someone while working are not the same as those fusang before, no matter who they are, they just get married.

Relatively speaking, they should be more cautious, choosing husbands while working!

But in the end, they still hope to find a husband!

Because working in this textile factory is really hard, and the salary is not high, if they continue to work like this, they will have to work day and night for several years before they can pay off such a ship ticket debt.

As for escaping debt, it is quite difficult!

Because in order to ensure that the boat ticket debts are not maliciously defaulted, the marriage committee's funds were lost and fell into a vicious circle of funds. The marriage committee signed work contracts with them in advance, and also detained their household registration certificates.

Unless someone guarantees or helps them repay their debts, otherwise, they need to be dispatched to factories such as textile factories and other suitable jobs for women, and then deduct a certain salary from their wages every month to repay the ship. ticket debt.

After all, the funds of the marriage committee are also limited. This one-time transportation of 2,000 people will cost a lot of money. Although they are not trying to make money, the transportation costs will always be recovered.

In addition, the Marriage Committee also accepted the advice of relevant financial experts. They would not foolishly wait a few years to recover these funds, but directly used the relevant debt proceeds as a bond and applied for a loan from the Royal Bank.

This kind of business without loss is also a policy matter, so Royal Bank naturally approved it.

In order to get rid of the hard work in the textile factory as soon as possible, and also for the sake of the future of the second half of their life, many Fuso women also began to actively participate in blind dates, hoping to find a husband as soon as possible.

However, all this has nothing to do with Song Wanzi!

Because although she is also a job, she was born in a family of daimyo literate, and she followed her father to and from the business district many times. She was very knowledgeable. After being dispatched to work in a small textile factory in Busan, she was appointed as a team leader on the spot because of her literacy. With a dozen fusang women weaving.

Just one week later, she became the workshop supervisor who manages several groups of female workers, and her salary has increased significantly.

According to her salary, she only needs to work for half a year to pay off all her debts!

However, there are very few Fuso women who can be like her, not to mention Fuso women, not many women in the empire can do this.

The literacy alone is enough to keep 99% of women out of the door.

In the empire, even if the empire vigorously develops education, especially primary school education, it is strongly supported, but it has to be admitted that those who can receive education, especially formal education, are dominated by men. An official or private school that professes to accept female students.

Therefore, if women want to receive education, they can only receive family education, and those who can do this are usually gentry families.

It is impossible for poor families to do this, let alone private family education. Even if the school allows female students, poor families will not send girls to school.


No money!

Studying is not cheap these days. If an ordinary peasant family wants to support a scholar to go to primary school at their own expense, they have to grit their teeth.

This ordinary peasant family still refers to a peasant family with its own fields and houses, and can maintain basic food and clothing. As for the children of peasant families who cannot even afford food and clothing, don’t expect to receive education, the only ones who can get education and even stand out. The way, that is to join the army.

During their service, soldiers can attend literacy classes within the army, and can read and write. After retiring, they can be arranged to work in the system or in factories.

This is enough to change the fate of a poor child and even an entire family!

If this is not the case, or why do you think poor children all over the country are eager to sign up for the army!

Ordinary peasant families have to work hard to support a scholar, and this is basically limited to primary school. If you are lucky enough to be admitted to middle school, the tuition fee of middle school is beyond the reach of any ordinary peasant family, and basically you need to rely on relatives and friends for support. .

As for the advanced preparatory courses, ordinary middle-class families would find it very difficult.

And university, not to mention, tuition fees of several hundred taels per year, more than a thousand taels in four years, are enough to make most ordinary middle-class families heavily in debt!

Some decent gentlemen in the eyes of ordinary people often start preparing tuition fees many years in advance for the education of their descendants to ensure that their children can successfully complete their studies!

Of course, the above is only limited to self-funded students!

If your academic performance is good enough to get a scholarship, you can go from primary school to university without spending a dime. Not only does it cost nothing, even the scholarship can allow students to meet their own tuition fees and daily expenses, and also Can subsidize the family.

With good academic performance, not only can you go to school for free, but you can also subsidize your family!

If you are not only good academically, but also a real genius, then you can try to apply for the Royal Institute of Technology, and you will become an official once you enter!

The education of Datang is now heavily inclined towards all kinds of geniuses, followed by education to satisfy the upper-class children, and thirdly, the middle class. As for ordinary people, it has never been the goal of Datang's education.

In this environment, it is actually more difficult for women to obtain education.

Only the daughters of some gentry families can get family education, and in Fusang, it is even worse. Many famous women are difficult to receive education.

Song Maruko is because his family's territory is close to the Osaka business district, and his father is quite open-minded. When he asks a tutor to educate his son, he also allows his daughter to listen in and receive education.

By the way, the education Song Wanzi received is the most orthodox Chinese education. He is quite fluent in Chinese writing, and even can speak a little, but he is not very proficient.

Fusang has been greatly influenced by Chinese culture. Basically, the upper classes of society use Chinese characters to communicate, and the influence has been even greater in recent years.

Relying on the advantage of literacy, Song Wanzi had a good time working in a small textile factory in Busan. However, she was unwilling to be confined to this small and remote city. She desperately wanted to leave here, and then went to a lot of rumors. Jiangnan, especially Shanghai and Jinling, have a look.

Although she is a small woman and looks extremely weak, her inner pursuit is more than that of many men.

In order to pay off the debt as soon as possible and then leave the textile factory, Song Wanzi worked very hard. In addition to receiving a high salary, she also picked up bonuses.

The management of the also discovered a special talent like Song Maruko. Her identity as a Fusang family, coupled with the accidental disclosure that she was the daughter of a famous name, made her a member of the group of Fusang female workers. great prestige.

The reason why this factory opened here is because it has reached a cooperation agreement with the marriage committee, trying to use a large number of cheap Fusang female workers to reduce costs. Therefore, Song Wanzi, who has great prestige among Fusang female workers, also attaches great importance to it.

As for Song Wanzi being a woman, this was directly ignored by them!

As a qualified capitalist, in order to make money, they can instantly become enlightened people who support women's rights from the most serious conservatives.

After only working in this textile factory for two months, with her talent and knowledge, and at the same time managing a group of female Fusang workers, Song Wanzi was promoted for the third time.

She quickly became the production manager of the textile factory, assisting the management to manage the female Fuso workers in the factory.

She has become a rare working woman in this era!

But at this time, she is no longer satisfied with the little Busan!

She desperately wants to go to the big city to pursue her life!

To be precise, she wants to go to Shanghai!



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