Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1281: Shanghai public carriage

"Every time I go back to Shanghai, it can make people feel that they have come to the wrong place!" On the bow, a middle-aged man in a robe sighed: "The changes in Shanghai are really fast. It’s almost the same every year. I remember when I left Shanghai last year, the north bank of the Wusong River was still deserted, but I didn’t expect that it would be a big change in just one year!”

The other person said, "Yes, since the opening of the port, Shanghai has been going a thousand miles in a day, not to mention every year, even if there are great changes every day, look at the Wusong River estuary in front of you, do you see those bridge piers?"

"That's the famous Wusongjiang Bridge, right? I saw a report about it in the Tang Dynasty newspaper. Today, I see that it is well-deserved. Although it has not been fully completed, such a huge pier is expected to be completed. It must be magnificent!"

"No, this is the largest steel bridge in the empire and even in the world. It is said that in order to build this steel bridge with a length of more than 100 meters, even Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company specially dispatched personnel to build the main body of its steel beam!"

The Wusong River Bridge, with a total investment of several hundred thousand taels, has not yet been completed. It has only begun to carry out preliminary works on both sides of the river and erected two huge piers in the river. However, these preliminary works alone have already made people feel uncomfortable. See the extraordinary of this bridge!

Once the bridge is successfully completed, it will firmly occupy the title of the world's largest bridge!

This bridge is not only large in length, but also large in width. The load-bearing capacity is not to mention, and more importantly, it does not affect the navigation of ships.

There are many bridges in existence today that are up to 100 meters in length. For example, many wooden bridges and even iron chain bridges can actually reach a length of 100 meters, but the length is there, but the load-bearing capacity and traffic capacity are lacking. .

For some stone bridges, the load-bearing capacity has been reached, and the traffic capacity has also been achieved, but in order to support the bridge body, the traditional porous stone bridge technology is generally used, which will inevitably affect the navigation capacity of the ship.

The Wusong River Bridge is the best bridge in all aspects. It not only reflects the engineering ability, but also reflects the industrial strength of the Tang Dynasty.

To build such a steel bridge, the technical key is not several piers, but the main body of the steel bridge, that is, the steel frame.

Secondly, it is not so easy to install the huge and heavy steel bridge body accurately.

The construction company subordinate to the Shanghai Wharf Company also specially ordered a huge and incomparable heavy lift ship for this project. This lift ship uses multiple steam engines as power, and designed an extremely complex lifting mechanism, which is even unprecedented. Steel main structure is adopted.

Although it is said that this kind of crane ship has great limitations, and it cannot even sail independently, it can only be dragged by a tugboat, but I have to say that this is still the highest level of the Tang Empire's industry.

Only the Datang Empire, which was in the early stage of the Industrial Revolution, possessed strong steel, machinery and other strengths, could it be possible to build such a huge construction machine.

When others sighed at the changes in Shanghai, Song Wanzi also looked at Shanghai with wide eyes!

The ships on the Huangpu River seem to come and go endlessly. There are various small and medium ships for inland navigation, and there are also huge sea ships!

At the beginning, she thought that the ships she saw in Busan Port were big enough and there were enough, but she did not expect that compared with Shanghai, there were fewer than 110 ships in Busan Port.

She even saw an incomparably huge ship slowly passing by the ship they were riding on. On the deck of the passenger ship, she couldn't see the whole picture of the huge ship even when she raised her head.

And listening to other people's discussions, she knew that this kind of giant ship is the pinnacle masterpiece of the imperial merchant ship, a giant ship developed and produced by the Hong Kong Dingsheng Shipyard!

This kind of giant ship, when fully loaded, has a displacement of more than 1,100 tons. The huge cargo capacity, coupled with the stability of ocean-going navigation brought by the huge hull, plus the excellent speed of Tang ships. , which enables this kind of ship to have far more nautical performance than the tonnage Galen ship when performing ocean transportation tasks, and can reach its destination faster.

More importantly, the cost per ton of its cargo is already lower than that of the Galen ship, which is very important.

This actually reflects the fact that Tang ships have more advantages than Galen ships with larger tonnages.

Because the ship types of the two are quite different, the cost of using the two is also different, taking into account factors such as labor, sailing time, and shipbuilding costs.

When it is less than 500 tons, in fact, Tang ships do not have an advantage over Galen ships, and there may even be a problem that the overall transportation cost is slightly higher.

In the range of more than 500 tons and less than 800 tons, the freight costs of both parties are roughly the same.

However, this switching point has changed when the tonnage is over 800 tons, that is, when the tonnage of the Tang ship exceeds 800 tons, its comprehensive freight cost will be lower than that of the Galen ship.

However, this cost includes the construction cost, maintenance cost, and operating cost of the ship.

Because of the difference in ship types, in fact, the cargo capacity of Tang ships has always been inferior to that of Galen ships, but the advantage of Tang ships is that they are built in batches, resulting in lower construction costs and lower maintenance costs. In addition, because of the simplified sailing , so that the number of sailors required to operate the ship is also less than that of the Galen.

Taken together, when the two types of ships are compared comprehensively, especially when comparing their entire life cycle, it will be found that on a large-tonnage ship, the transportation cost of the Tang ship is lower.

This is also the fundamental reason why the ship types of Tang ships are generally above 500 tons, and they are getting bigger and bigger.

Among the ships under 500 tons, the Tang Empire preferred to use the traditional sand ships!

That's right, it's a sand boat!

With low cost and large cargo capacity, it is very suitable for offshore and inland navigation.

At the same time, this is also the reason why the ships of the Tang Empire for ocean-going trade are generally more than 500 tons!

Because only Tang ships of more than 500 tons are suitable for ocean-going trade, the transportation cost of small Tang ships is too high, and small tonnage sand ships are not suitable for ocean navigation. As for Galen ships and Fu ships, in the shipping system of the Tang Empire , although it has always existed, but it has always been a marginal role.

Song Maruko took a 500-ton Tang boat from Osaka to Busan. When he went from Busan to Shanghai, he took a Tang boat of the same level!

But now, on the 500-ton Tang ship, she saw the thousand-ton ship passing by her shoulders, and the shock in her heart was undoubtedly unparalleled.

When she was in Busan, she had never seen such a huge ship!

This is because, although the 1000-ton Tang ship is easier to use and has a lower overall life-cycle transportation cost, this kind of ship is still too expensive to purchase. It is not a powerful trading company, and it cannot be bought or used at all. of.

Nowadays, those who can buy and use this kind of ships are all well-known domestic trading companies, and all of them are used to carry out ocean routes, and they mainly run on the South Sea and India routes, and the East Ocean routes, which are generally not used for running. domestic offshore routes.

Among them, the most important user is Datang Western Ocean Trading Company. Datang Western Ocean Trading Company runs the Indian route, and even the farther West Asia and North Africa routes.

This year, they even plan to send a ship to go to Europe for trade with the Spanish fleet.

Regardless of whether it is the Indian route or the European route, the route is long, the sea conditions are complicated, and the Portuguese are looking for trouble every three days.

In addition, the Western Trading Company has a lot of money, so it has ordered more than ten thousand-ton giant ships. At present, there are five ships in service, which travel to and from various ocean-going routes every year.

As for other trading companies, they don’t actually order much. Generally speaking, only the stronger trading companies will order one or two ships. As the flagship of the company, it reflects the strength of the company. Of course, it is more for the sake of making money.

This thousand-ton giant ship is a typical type of ship with large investment in the early stage, but greater benefits in the later stage.

When Song Wanzi first arrived in Shanghai, like many people who came to Shanghai for the first time, she was immediately shocked by the bustling Shanghai.

The numerous ships passing by, the gigantic thousand-ton ships, the almost innumerable rows of ships at the pier on the shore, and the tall buildings on the shore, Daxia, all illustrate the uniqueness of Shanghai.

As the largest city in the empire, Shanghai's industrial and commercial strength cannot be shaken by other cities, even the capital city of has to bow down in front of it.

After the shock, Song Wanzi and others took a boat to approach the pier, and then set foot on the land of Shanghai!

Afterwards, she and several other people in the company got into a very strange carriage. The wheels of this carriage were all in the form of fixed rails on the ground.

This carriage was different from all the carriages she had seen before, not only the railroad tracks, but also the carriages of this carriage were very large, and there were two levels of carriages, which were bigger than the four-wheeled freight carriages she had seen before. be big.

There are at least 40 people sitting in this two-story carriage. The upper carriage has no roof, only seats. On the huge carriage, there are several large characters written on it, "Shanghai Public Carriage Company", "Line 9", etc. typeface.

What's even more strange is that there are only two horses in front of this huge carriage!

This almost subverted her concept!

It was almost impossible for her to use only two horses to pull such a huge carriage and more than 40 people on it.

But that's how it is. This huge carriage full of passengers was actually pulled up by two horses, and then moved slowly on the rails!

This unscientific!



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