Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1288: Whoever dares to disobey will hit him

Fuso, Osaka.

Most of the entire area does not belong to the control area of ​​a certain daimyo, but belongs to the control area of ​​a very special force. This is Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

Yes, this place is within the control of a temple.

And this temple is also different from the traditional Chinese temple. The monks in this temple are married and have children, and the temple can be passed down as a family business. At the same time, in order to manage the large tracts of land and people controlled by the temple, this stone mountain Honganji also has various structures similar to the regime, and it also has a large army.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Ishiyama Honganji is actually a daimyo, and its actual strength is no less than that of ordinary daimyo. Even if it is placed in the whole of Gyeonggi, it is considered to be a powerful daimyo, but The name is a bit strange.

The armed forces directly controlled by the temple are more than 3,000 people. In an emergency, it may be possible to recruit more believers to fight. The key point is that the direct armed forces of the temple are all equipped with ordnance purchased from merchants in the Tang Dynasty.

Arquebuses, steel spears, swords, light plate armor, shotguns, all the armaments were imported from Datang, and even the auxiliary items such as quilts were imported from Datang.

It can be said that the army of about 3,000 people in the temple is a veritable Tang Armament, and its equipment level has reached the top level in the Fusang Islands.

How to evaluate the equipment level of the famous armies on the Fusang Islands does not need to be carefully identified, just look at how many Tang Dynasty ordnance they are equipped with.

The reason why Ishiyama Hongan Temple was able to build an army of 3,000 pure Tang equipment is naturally inseparable from the deliberate support of the Tang Dynasty.

In the early years, when the Tang Dynasty first set foot in the fusang trade, it traded with the temple, and supported Ishiyama Honganji to continuously repel the invasion of several surrounding daimyo, ensuring the actual control of Ishiyama Honganji over the surrounding areas of Osaka.

As the saying goes, when Datang later proposed to set up a trading post in Osaka, Ishiyama Honganji generously sold a large area in the southeast of the sea mouth to Datang, and still adopted the exchange of arms for land. The way.

At the same time, this kind of sale is not an ordinary sale, but the one that signs a formal contract. This kind of sale is a complete sale of sovereignty.

Therefore, from a legal point of view, this piece of land is truly the territory of the Tang Empire from now on. The Tang Empire can do whatever it wants here, and no one else can say a word of nonsense.

This tens of square kilometers of land is also one of the few colonies that Datang acquired on the Fusang Islands in the early days, and it was also the only one that was acquired by peaceful means.

Other colonies, although they were acquired by purchase or lease, were inevitably forced to use force. Some were shot down directly, while others were threatened by force.

Only the Osaka colony was really acquired through friendly negotiation.

The reason for this situation is inseparable from the fact that Datang has continued to support Shishan Benyuan Temple for many years. In order to establish a model of friendly cooperation on the Fusang Islands, the Datang Dynasty has not treated the daimyo more badly. temple.

However, when the Empire adjusted its policy towards Fusang this year, the policy towards the temple was also adjusted accordingly.

Why adjust?

Because the temple has been supported by the Tang Dynasty for many years, its military strength is already very strong in the surrounding areas, but its aggressiveness is seriously insufficient.

To put it bluntly, I don't like fighting, and I don't like attacking the surrounding daimyo!

This is what the Tang Dynasty does not want to see. The Tang Dynasty sold weapons to the famous people of Fusang, but did not want to see them hoarding all the weapons, but hoped that they would use them all, and hoped that they would start a war.

You only buy weapons and maintain an army of 3,000 people, but you don't fight. This is not in the interests of the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, more importantly, because of its proximity to the Datang colony, the people of Shishan Honganji also broadened their horizons, and they also want to rely on the advantage of being close to the Datang colony to develop their own industry, especially the defense industry.

When Xia Wuyan saw the report that Shishan Hongan Temple had established an ordnance workshop with more than 300 employees and was able to produce arquebuses, he frowned.

Strictly control the development of Fusang's industry, especially the development of the national defense industry, which has always been the key work of Datang Fusang Affairs Yamen. Back then, Datang landed in Dayu County, and then sent troops to various places in Kyushu Island, a large part of the reason was to destroy Fusang. Local defense jobs, including gun and shipbuilding, are among their hardest targets.

And the effect is also very significant. Since then, there have been no large-scale gun factories on Kyushu Island. As for Honshu Island, there is no such thing, so it can't be called a blow.

Later, the Tang Dynasty continued to sell ordnance to the Fusang Islands. Because of its low price and good performance, it was welcomed by the majority of famous people. However, due to the difficulty of self-manufacturing technology and the higher cost, it formed a situation where it was better to buy it earlier.

Therefore, in the following years, no large-scale defense industry has formed on the Fusang Islands.

However, nowadays, Shishan Hongan Temple has developed such a small ordnance work under the eyes of the Tang Dynasty, and Xia Wuyan can't bear it.

Immediately, he took the report and met the generals of the army and navy!

At this time, there were more than 15,000 army troops stationed in the Fusang Islands area, including the Army's First Mixed Brigade, Osumi Guard Regiment, Daban Guard Regiment, Edo Guard Regiment, and Colonial Guard Battalions.

The navy has the Oriental Fleet in the Fuso area. In addition to the main fleet stationed in Osumi Prefecture, the fleet also has the Osaka Squadron stationed in Osaka, the Edo Squadron stationed in Edo, and several other colonial squadrons.

The above-mentioned fleets have a total of one cruiser of 800 tons, five frigates of 400 to 500 tons, 16 patrol ships of 150 to 200 tons, and the remaining 100 tons. There are also many small warships below.

Judging from the above-mentioned military strength, in fact, the Datang Empire has already completed the deployment of its troops in the Fusang area.

And now, Xia Wuyan is about to ask the military to dispatch!

What to do?

Naturally, I went to kill the arsenal at Ishiyama Honganji Temple!

It is a strategic task to control the development of the national defense industry in the Fusang area, even if the Ishiyama Honganji Temple, who has cooperated for a long time, is directly killed for this purpose.

Anyway, the Tang Empire supported the temple, not because it has any special strategic value, but because they were smart and active in their early years. It's about accumulating strength.

This situation is something Xia Wuyan does not want to see.

So after receiving the report, he simply went to see the generals of the army and navy, and then informed them of the relevant information, and in the name of the 'supervising Fusang affairs' commissioner, he formally requested the military to send troops to destroy this disobedient one. , and also wants to develop a daimyo that has accumulated strength.

In addition, Xia Wuyan also mentioned other reasons when he asked to send troops!

One of the reasons is that the area of ​​the existing Osaka colony is too small to meet the needs of development. At the same time, the geography of Osaka is very important. As long as the area is completely controlled, then the Miyoshi family in the west will move eastward in the future. , or Oda Nobunaga in the east who wants to go west, will be blocked by the Tang Empire.

As the situation in Fusang continues to get out of control, Oda Nobunaga has regained several daimyo in the past few months, and the daimyo supported by the Tang Empire to fight against Oda Nobunaga has been defeated, and it is difficult to completely destroy Oda Nobunaga. When Chang strangling was in the central region, Xia Wuyan believed that it was necessary to end the stage in person and prevent Oda Nobunaga from completely controlling the Gyeonggi region.

It is Xia Wuyan's strategic intention to completely control Osaka, prevent Oda Nobunaga from advancing westward, and at the same time prevent the Miyoshi family from annexing other daimyo, thereby dividing Honshu Island into two and avoiding the phenomenon of unification.

After receiving the notification from Xia Wuyan, the senior officers of the army and navy stationed in Dayu County also started a consultation meeting!

To fight or not to fight, this is actually no need to discuss, because Xia Wuyan has already used the name of the imperial envoy to ask them to send troops. Although it is a request, the army and navy have no 100% reason, that is very difficult refused.

As the minister supervising Fusang affairs, Xia Wuyan is a serious imperial envoy. He has the authority to declare war, negotiate, sign contracts, etc. in Fusang affairs. have this power.

Of course, in the political environment of the separation of military and government in the Tang Empire, even if Xia Wuyan had this power in name, he did not have the courage to directly order the army and navy to do something. It is estimated that when he goes back, he will be directly impeached, and then he will be finished first.

So, what he used was a request!

It's just that the army and navy will not refuse his request at this time!

The fight is definitely going to be fought, otherwise the situation in Fusang will change in the future, and Xia Wuyan can't file a complaint, saying that their military did nothing, and their military generals will have nothing to eat by then.

But how to fight, this is debatable!

At the high-level meeting of the army and navy in Dayu County, the generals expressed their opinions!

"The garrison on the Osaka side is a reserve division troop drawn from China. More than half of them are recruits who have served for less than a year. Their combat effectiveness is worrying. It is not a big problem for them to defend the city, but they want to attack directly~www. It's not easy!"

"Yes, and there are also three thousand enemy troops on the side of Ishiyama Hongan Temple. In addition, they are friendly with several surrounding daimyo. It is not ruled out that there will be reinforcements. In the end, we will probably face more than five thousand people. , there may even be a coalition of seven or eight thousand people, so relying on the Osaka garrison alone, I am afraid it is difficult to complete this task."

"However, if you increase the number of troops, you can't increase the number of troops too much. The situation on Kyushu Island has not been stable recently. We must leave enough troops on Dasumi County to deal with any unexpected events. Once Kyushu Island changes, we must immediately Send troops, so if you increase troops to Osaka, you must control it to a certain extent."

"But we also have to take into account that, according to military intelligence, the army of Ishiyama Hongan Temple is better at defense, and because most of their soldiers are believers, their will to fight is relatively tenacious, and they have learned a lot of our tricks in recent years. If We are not enough troops, I am afraid that the war will form a stalemate, which will not only increase casualties, but also cause unnecessary trouble!"

"As for the situation on Kyushu Island, you don't have to worry at all. Even if these Fuso people make trouble, they will only be confined to one Kyushu Island, with the navy here, so I'm afraid they won't be able to turn the world upside down!"

"That's why I suggest that the 1st Mixed Brigade be dispatched directly to take Osaka with thunder and deter the surrounding daimyo!"

"Whoever dares to disobey, we will beat him to accept it!"


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