Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: Daring Huating County

Valley Emperor

There is also Datang Western Trading Company. This company is even more special. It is a listed company. The major shareholder is the Royal Assets Division. Other shareholders include the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises and many other domestic enterprises and securities companies. There are also private shareholders. Its profit distribution is naturally It is distributed according to the shareholding ratio of each shareholder.

At present, the taxation system of the Datang Empire is relatively complicated, and the financial distribution is also relatively complicated. However, if we put it all together, about 60% of the central government's revenue is married, and about 40% is retained by the local government.

And this place, including local finance at all levels, not only refers to counties, but also includes provincial and state capitals.

After the specific distribution, in fact, the local fiscal revenue that many counties can obtain only accounts for between 10 and 20% of the county's total fiscal revenue. Specifically, it depends on the economic development status of each county. There are different.

Because the proportions are not equal, in many places, the fiscal revenue is not enough. For example, Huating County has a total fiscal revenue of more than 500,000 yuan a year, but the fiscal revenue retained by the county finance is only more than 50,000 yuan. !

This number, if it is for most counties in China, is very large, and even many state capitals do not have so much available finances, but Huating is not an ordinary county, although officials in Huating Cry poor every day.

But this is compared to Shanghai!

No matter how bad Huating is, it is also a traditional land of water and rice, and although the development of industry and commerce is not as good as that of Shanghai, it is compared with Shanghai. If it is compared with other places, it is quite good. It is a third industrial zone. , has completed the investment of more than 500,000 yuan, and there is a potential investment quota of 500,000 yuan. After this is completed, it will be an investment quota of one million yuan.

Therefore, Huating said that he is poor, but he still has more than 500,000 yuan in financial revenue. The annual financial revenue that he can dispose of is 80,000 to 90,000 yuan. This figure is not comparable to most of the state capitals in China.

At present, most of the prefectures and counties in the empire, even if they are high-level prefectures, have only a few hundred thousand yuan in annual financial revenue. In fact, the financial revenue that can be retained on hand is often only tens of thousands, and even in poor areas it may only be a few thousand yuan.

Therefore, many places need financial subsidies from superiors.

This time, Chen Lifu gave Huating a subsidy of 50,000 yuan, which is not a small number.

But, again, it depends on who you are comparing with!

If you compare it with other poor state capitals, the 50,000 yuan can make the place catch up with a lot of things, but if you compare it with Shanghai, it is not worth mentioning.

It cost hundreds of thousands of yuan to build a Wusong River Bridge in Shanghai, and to develop a North Shore Development Zone, the funds used successively reached the 100% level.

This mere 50,000 yuan is only enough to build a bridge pier in Shanghai.

Although Huating is poor every day, there is a big local tyrant next to him. He has never eaten pork and has seen pigs run, but he is very clear that if you want to develop industry and commerce, a mere 50,000 yuan is not worth it.

It's not enough to build a second main road for the third industrial zone, let alone a wharf project.

So, after they got the money, they threw the money out and prepared to start the second main road, but don't expect any cement-hardened road, just build a cinder road.

Then the officials from Huating went to Chen Lifu's side and continued to cry poor...

Annoying Chen Lifu!

In the end, there was no way to be annoyed, so I made it clear that I didn’t want money, I didn’t want to die, so hurry up and get out, or I would start a riot, I would be afraid…

But I didn't expect that the officials of Huating County could not get the money this time, so they gave Chen Lifu an idea. The government has no money, but Shanghai has money. Shanghai and Huating are close brothers.

When Shanghai opened its port, Huating, as the big brother, gave a lot of support to support the development of Shanghai in terms of money, resources, food, labor and so on. It has been silently supporting the development of Shanghai over the years. Forgot Big Brother!

Naturally, Chen Lifu would not open this mouth, this is even more nonsense!

The financial money of the special county in Shanghai can be whatever you like, why should you support the brother county next door! Even if this matter is to go to the Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven will not let Shanghai give money to Huating.

In order to give the local government the enthusiasm to fully develop the local people's livelihood economy, Li Xuan made it clear that the central government will not interfere with the use of the local financial resources. , as long as the report comes up, if it is reasonable and reasonable, the central government will not veto it.

Chen Lifu directly asked them to find the people in Shanghai, but the people in Shanghai naturally refused. In the end, it was said that the senior officials in Shanghai really couldn't stand it, and finally they gave a travel fee of 1,000 yuan.

Yes, not in the name of support, but in the name of tolls!

That means, get out of here with the toll!

It's not easy when it comes to money!

People in Shanghai are not stupid. This money is related to construction, construction is related to people's livelihood and economic development, and people's livelihood and economic development is related to political performance.

You ask me to give you your political achievements and let you develop them. Do you think I am stupid or are you stupid?

No matter how rich Shanghai is, it belongs to Shanghai. Even if it can't be spent for a while, they would rather invest hundreds of thousands more to improve urban traffic, to develop cement-hardened roads, and then to engage in rail transportation, even if it is to subsidize it. The people will not give it to others.

As for you Huating, you don't even have a cinder road, it's none of their business!

In the end, officials from Huating came to Chen Lifu again, saying that the officials in Shanghai were too much. Several officials who were over 100 years old actually pretended to be pitiful in front of Chen Lifu, and even squeezed out. Tears come.

Chen Lifu is so annoying!

But still no money!

It's not that I don't want to give it, but I really have no money. In the end, I have no choice. Chen Lifu can only use other methods to replace it!

That is, since no money is given, then policies must be given. However, the preferential policies that Songjiang Prefecture can give are basically given, and what can be done about the rest? The officials from Huating took the initiative to propose a plan, that is Let Chen Lifu hold an investment promotion conference for the development of the third industrial zone and meet the investors.

As long as they bring in another million investment, they dare to directly press the entire county's property to find the Imperial Bank and the Royal Bank for loans, and then rely on the loans to build the industrial zone.

And let Chen Lifu come forward and have a talk with the Imperial Bank and the Royal Bank!

As soon as Chen Lifu heard it, he wanted to hit someone. Doesn't it make it obvious that he is going to be used as a sign, and it's still a risky sign!

If I came forward in person, most of the investors would believe me when they saw that the grandfather of the mansion was standing on the platform in person, but those plans in the third industrial zone cost a lot of money, and they would definitely not be able to be repaired. If you are deceived, you must not point your nose at yourself and scold you, and then mobilize public opinion. Maybe a lot of people will impeach you.

Then let’s talk about the loan from the Imperial Bank and the Royal Bank. Everyone knows that these two banks, one is the bank directly under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, and the other is the Royal Bank. They are both very typical policy banks. In order to support local development, they will also Loans are issued, but they need to be considered for the safety of funds.

As far as Huating's financial income can be exchanged for this huge loan principal, it is estimated that even the interest is enough.

In the event that a large amount of loans are released and cannot be collected in the future, people will not be polite. At that time, they really dare to loot all of Huating's belongings. At that time, they may not even take away the building of the county yamen!

It's not like this has never happened!

In the early years, Tongzhou, a subsidiary of Yangzhou Prefecture, took out loans in Tongzhou Textile Industrial Zone with great ambition in order to develop the cotton textile industry and compete with Shanghai next door. Taxes have been collected, and even the funds to maintain the daily operation of the industrial zone are not available.

In the end, the loan has expired, the principal cannot be exchanged, and even the interest has been in arrears for a long time, and the higher-level finance is also poor, and they are unwilling to wipe their **** in Tongzhou. It is a government, and the Imperial Bank is also a state-owned enterprise and a fraternal unit. No matter what, it will not go bad there, so the money has been dragged on.

As a result, the person in charge of the Imperial Bank was ruthless and sued directly to the Central Court. Because the hundreds of thousands of yuan of funds could not be recovered, the relevant person in charge of the Imperial Bank had to lose his official hat and even lose his life. Life and official hats, don't care which big guy speaks, it doesn't matter if the influence is not good.

More importantly, the court even ruled in favor of the Imperial Bank and came to enforce it!

As a result all official assets of Tongzhou Yamen were forcibly auctioned off and then used for compensation, including Tongzhou Yamen Building!

In the end, it was the Finance Department of Yangzhou Prefecture and the Finance Department of Jiangbei Dao who came forward to clean up the mess and raised funds to help repay the loan, preventing the matter from getting out of hand.

But in order to teach local officials a lesson, this Yamen building was deliberately auctioned off!

The poor Tongzhou prefectural government is still working in several large warehouses temporarily rented, and most of the annual financial revenue is returned to the finance of Yangzhou and Jiangbei, leaving only the most basic flowers. As for the subsidies and benefits for officials, they are all canceled, and some positions that require hiring people are also canceled, and officials are left to do it themselves.

Not to mention how miserable it is!

As for the relevant officials who presided over the incident at that time, most of them were very unlucky. Although this kind of thing is not a crime, but such a big basket has been smashed, don't expect it to be better. These people are all sent overseas. , Don't expect to be able to return to the mainland to serve in this life.

Therefore, it is very easy to get a big problem if you find a loan from the Imperial Bank or the Royal Bank, or other banks, and then use it for investment.

Otherwise, why don't the yamen in other places go for loans? As long as you have confidence that the project will pass, you can get a large loan from the Imperial Bank by bragging and fooling people!

But why are so few places doing it?

Because this kind of problem is too easy to go wrong, once there is a problem, it is a big trouble!

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