Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: midshipman

The reason why the governor of Zhejiang is so enthusiastic is because the economic development of Zhejiang is not balanced.

For Zhejiang, the north of Zhejiang is an economically affluent area, because this area belongs to the south of the Yangtze River in a broad sense.

The definition of Jiangnan, although the literal meaning refers to the south of the Yangtze River, but not all areas south of the Yangtze River are Jiangnan areas, basically around Taihu Lake, there are Chengtianfu (including Jinling City), the southeastern area of ​​South Anhui Road, and Jiangnan. All roads, Jiaxing and Huzhou in Zhejiang Province.

The above-mentioned areas are all considered Jiangnan, and they are not just Jiangnan Road.

Part of northern Zhejiang, which belongs to the Jiangnan region, is naturally relatively good for people's livelihood and economy, and the central region is also supported by Ningbo and Hangzhou, which is also decent.

But the southern part of Zhejiang is normal. The southern part of Zhejiang belongs to the mountainous and hilly area, and it is also a place with more people and less land. It is not a land of fish and rice in the traditional sense.

Since the companies in Shanghai want to recruit people, then yes, you can go to the south of Zhejiang to recruit people. There are many people there. If you can recruit the local surplus labor to work, the local officials are also happy to see it. You can set up a business directly in the local area, and the local officials are very welcome!

It’s just about investing, and you can’t force it. Those investors don’t even want to go to the north of Zhejiang, let alone the south of Zhejiang. Now they would rather compete in Shanghai than go to places where other conditions are immature. Invest in factories.

However, it is still possible to go to southern Zhejiang to recruit workers.

In the face of Zhejiang's initiative to come forward and say that the company was invited to directly recruit workers in southern Zhejiang, Feng Ni's worries were also put down. As long as the company can recruit workers, he does not care whether these people are from northern Zhejiang or southern Zhejiang. Woolen cloth.

As for saying that companies will pay more for this, it’s actually not much. On the contrary, if you recruit workers in areas where the economy is more backward, the salary will be lower, and the local government will owe a favor. .

Zhejiang has taken the lead in recruiting workers across the country, but other places dare not lag behind. When the central government of the empire issued relevant policies, many places, especially the economy, were relatively backward and there were too many people. There is little land, and there are not many areas that can be developed even in wasteland, so the relevant officials are thinking about it.

Bringing the surplus labor in the jurisdiction to work in the city will not only relieve the pressure on the local population, but also allow the people in the jurisdiction to have more ways to live and make more money.

In the end, a considerable part of the wages earned by these workers still flows back to the local area.

Because Chinese people have a strong hometown plot since ancient times, whether they go out to be an official, a businessman, or an ordinary part-time worker, many people will return to their hometown in the end.

What's more, the labor force who goes out to work is unlikely to be accompanied by a family. They often go there alone, with their wives, daughters and parents behind them. After making money in Shanghai, they still have to send them home.

So there is no need to urge them, officials in many places just did it themselves!

Especially in economically backward areas near industrial cities, officials began to organize large-scale labor to go to other places to work. Of course, the government's organization is only the lead, and it is impossible to do anything like labor dispatch.

Generally speaking, it is the government who comes forward to contact enterprises and invite them to come and hire workers.

As for the government's direct labor dispatch, and even want to take a rebate from it, other companies are not stupid, and they will not easily deal with the government. From ancient times to the present, businessmen and the government have dealt directly with the government Great.

Therefore, the businessmen would rather go to hire workers by themselves. If this place is not good, they will go to other places. Anyway, as the empire grows and the population is large, workers can be recruited anywhere.

In this case, it can be regarded as an initial relief of the relatively developed industries and agriculture represented by the surrounding areas of Shanghai and Guangzhou, resulting in conflicts between industry and agriculture for population and land.

However, this kind of large-scale recruitment of workers out of the country has also given companies a means of driving down workers’ wages.

In the past, they were recruited directly in the industrial area, rather than taking the initiative, so they needed to compete with other companies, resulting in a gradual increase in the wages of workers.

Excessive salaries will increase the operating costs of enterprises, thereby restricting the investment enthusiasm of businessmen and slowing down the development of the industry. Now that they have taken the initiative to go out and have more choices, they will naturally reduce the salary space. This also led to the fact that the treatment of workers did not improve with the development of imperial industry and commerce, but rather decreased.

This has to be said to be a great sadness!

Even the salary of ordinary workers in Shanghai is already the highest nationwide, but in fact ordinary workers are still living a very hard life.

Except for the technical staff and management staff, the hard times have nothing to do with them, but such people occupy only a very small number in the entire Shanghai area.

Most of the people are ordinary workers. Their salary is generally between one yuan and five yuan to two yuan, but they still have to use this money to eat, wear and live.

Today's Shanghai has basically become a pure agricultural product consumption city. Almost all agricultural products, regardless of whether it is grain, vegetables, or meat, basically require external input, and the price is definitely higher than other places. be higher.

Basically, the salary of ordinary workers is just enough to support themselves. If they want to support a family, it is more reluctant.

So at first glance, this money seems to be more than the subsidy received by some ordinary soldiers of the Datang military, but in fact the overall treatment is far inferior to joining the army.

According to the latest subsidy plan of the Datang military, a second-class infantryman's monthly subsidy is aniseed, less than one yuan.

However, this kind of subsidy is only a daily subsidy, and does not include wartime subsidies. If you participate in the war, there will be wartime subsidies, and if you go overseas, there will also be overseas subsidies.

In addition, more importantly, the subsidies received by the soldiers of Datang are pure subsidies, and all expenses such as food and clothing in the army are free.

If you add up the cost of food and clothing, then the money will be more!

These days, eating is very expensive, not to mention that we are still full of white rice and bread every day, and we still have meat to eat every three days. Otherwise, why are the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty so strong and strong, and why are there so many poor people? The children of the family all want to join the army.

Interestingly, most of the rice and meat that the soldiers eat are the pigs, chickens and ducks they have acquired and raised in their own settlements. Again, food is too expensive these days, and the military’s military spending is limited, so it’s impossible to say All of them go to military spending to buy food.

Therefore, since the end of the Unification War, the military has launched a vigorous self-reliance. The troops stationed in the army have grown all kinds of food, and raised pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks.

At the same time, in order to prevent the troops from weakening their combat effectiveness during the long-term reclamation, and then becoming soldiers of the former Ming Guard, the military has made strict regulations on the cultivation and training of the reclamation, and requires the troops to ensure the amount of training.

In addition, the military settlement policy of the Tang Dynasty was different from the Weisuo system of the former Ming Dynasty. The biggest feature of the Weisuo system was the hereditary system. Sons who were soldiers also had to be soldiers, and they were soldiers for a lifetime. Continue, and at the same time can not escape.

It made ordinary soldiers trapped in the guardhouse, and then evolved into serfs of hereditary officers.

However, the Datang military currently implements a recruiting system. The service period of ordinary soldiers is only four years. Therefore, a large number of soldiers are rotated every year. Interestingly, most of the soldiers are unwilling to retire after serving, and want to find a way to stay. In the army, the only way they wanted to stay in the army was to become a non-commissioned officer.

According to the Datang military system, all non-commissioned officers are selected from soldiers. Once they become non-commissioned officers, they can extend their service period to eight years.

After eight years, I still have to retire. If I don't want to retire, I have to find a way to improve my military literacy and try to be admitted to the martial arts school.

Every year, the martial arts school will give active soldiers (soldiers and non-commissioned officers) a certain number of places, and they are encouraged to study and consider the martial arts school. Of course, very few can be admitted.

At present, there are only more than 400 students enrolled in the martial arts school each year, and in order to further cultivate higher-quality officers, the Datang Empire has already launched an officer candidate program.

This so-called officer candidate program is actually to train professional officers since childhood!

Junior military academies are set up in various to recruit teenagers between the ages of twelve and fifteen, and their studies are three-year. After three years of study, some people are selected to be promoted to the Royal Youth Military Academy.

The restructured Royal Youth Military Academy actually bears the name of a military academy, but in fact, strictly speaking, it is a preparatory school that favors basic military education. There is a lot of basic military education, and even foreign language and etiquette training.

After three years of study, you can apply for the Army Martial Arts School or the Navy Sea School.

Although theoretically, students of preparatory schools can also report to the above two military academies, but judging from the situation in the past two years, the proportion of students in preparatory schools has become less and less, and most of them can be admitted to these two military schools. The students of the two official military academies are also students from the youth military academy.

The military is even considering that in the future, it will simply not recruit students from general preparatory schools and normal schools, but will recruit students directly from youth military academies, which in turn only recruit from junior military academies in various places.

This can ensure that every officer has received the most formal nine-year military education, and at the same time cultivated since childhood, it can also better cultivate their loyalty to the empire.

After all, brainwashing is the best thing to do when they are young, and it is hard to say the effect of brainwashing when they are about 20 years old.

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