Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1369: railroad explosion

The success of Fung Shipping Company's integrated model of shipbuilding and shipping in the market has also been greatly welcomed by the capital market. In recent years, it has continuously raised a large amount of funds through stock market financing.

These funds are used to acquire shipyards to expand the scale of shipbuilding, acquire other shipping companies, expand the fleet and operate routes, and at the same time, through acquisitions, long-term lease of more dedicated terminals, and began to set foot in the port service industry, thus forming the A huge super shipping company integrating shipbuilding, shipping, and ports is not much worse than the Yangtze River Shipping Company in terms of volume!

The Yangtze River Shipping Company has more than 500 inland river vessels of all sizes, while the Feng Shipping Company has nearly 500 vessels, and the difference is only a few dozen vessels.

In terms of coastal ships, Feng Shipping Company is a little worse. Yangtze River Shipping Company has more than 80 ships, and Feng Shipping Company has more than 40 ships.

However, in the lucrative inland water freight market segment, Feng Shipping Company has surpassed the Yangtze River Shipping Company to become the first in China.

The Yangtze River Shipping Company still relies on its heritage, a large number of coastal ships to maintain the share and profit of coastal transportation, and coupled with the professional inland passenger market, it can maintain the situation of the No. 1 shipping company.

And Fung Shipping has a shipbuilding business, and a port business, through which they are able to pass on the cost of shipping to be more competitive.

In the end, Fung Shipping's transportation cost of bulk cargo is lower than other companies, but its company's profit has always been higher than other companies.

But if it continues like this, it is estimated that Feng Shipping Company will surpass Changjiang Shipping Company with a high probability. For this reason, the management of Changjiang Shipping Company has been worried in the past two years.

In fact, they also want to pursue diversified development, but they are limited by the problem of risk control. They have not been approved by the management department of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises. The development strategy of the company cannot be as radical as that of Fung Shipping Company, and it is financed by giving up equity and other means.

In terms of flexibility and risk tolerance, these enterprises of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises are still inferior to ordinary private capital enterprises.

This is impossible!

The management department of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises will not allow excessive venture capital investment and then lead to the loss of state-owned assets. They prefer to adopt a conservative strategy.

After all, the enterprises under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, in fact, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises does not expect them to make money. It's not about how much money the SOEs can make and how much they can compete with private capital enterprises.

On the contrary, sometimes, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises even sacrifices the interests of some SOEs for the sake of overall domestic economic development and in order to stimulate private capital to enter certain industries.

Enterprises under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises are just a tool of the imperial government, and they are not tools for making money, so this is also doomed. Many enterprises under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises are still relatively restricted in terms of business operators.

If you want to pursue some other more passionate market-oriented strategies, you will not be able to use some market competition methods that kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, because this is not what the top wants to see.

Therefore, in the past two years, the Yangtze River Shipping Company can only watch as many private capital shipping companies catch up and threaten their leading position.

Feng's Shipping Company is just one of them. In fact, all of the top ten domestic inland and coastal shipping companies are competitors of Datang Changjiang Shipping Company.

But now, with the emergence of steamships, the management of the Yangtze River Shipping Company sees an opportunity to once again leave competitors behind, and there is still no chance of too much political risk.

Without the slightest hesitation, after seeing the success of the maiden voyage of the Lady, the Yangtze River Shipping Company had already officially determined its steam strategy even before the commercial ship-based steam engine appeared!

They are expected to take out all the profits they have made over the years, and they are also going to pledge many assets in exchange for funds to refit and purchase steam ships!

They want to take the lead in realizing steaming in front of all shipping companies, and with the spring breeze of steaming, they will regain the lost market share and further drop the price of the inland coastal shipping market to squeeze the profit margins of other competitors.

After seeing the successful voyage of the Lady, the Yangtze River Shipping Company made a strategic adjustment to steaming, which was also in line with the official imperial requirements for them.

Because the imperial government originally hoped that the Yangtze River Shipping Company could play a leading role and lead the domestic shipping enterprises to steamize, realize the steamization of domestic shipping, and set off a shipping revolution.

The successful trial voyage of the Lady was not only stimulated by the Yangtze River Shipping Company, but also many military and political officials who accompanied Li Xuan to watch the trial voyage.

Needless to say, the generals of the navy have already started the steam warship plan. The design plan of the new steam patrol ship in Xuanping’s 18th year has been finalized, and the hull construction is currently underway.

The army generals also felt that the steaming of inland water transportation would bring great convenience to the future inland river supply transportation, which would greatly facilitate the army's operations in the inland river basin.

For example, in military operations in the Heilongjiang River Basin, although it is said that the ships are under the control of the navy, the ships of the navy still provide supplies for the army in the final analysis.

The relevant officials in charge of the railway plan and several officials of the Datang Railway Corporation are worried. They are worried that the steaming of inland water transportation will have an impact on the upcoming railway construction plan.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be fierce competition between river transportation and railway transportation, which is not a good thing for railway development.

At this time, the officials in charge of railway construction were already planning to revise some of the planned railway routes. Some sections of the route they previously designed were parallel to rivers and canals.

Now it seems that it is better to keep a certain distance from the main rivers to avoid direct competition between river and rail transportation!

These railway-related officials muttered in a low voice: "It seems that the railway lines in the north need to be adjusted. The previous plans are not good, and it is better to change to the backup plan!"

"Yes, it's better to change it to avoid direct competition. Let's build the railway first. For this northern road network, you can use the No. 8 plan!"

There are actually many plans for the construction of the railway network in the north. The first plan is to go from Jinling City to Fengyang, then to Xuzhou, Jinan, and then to Tianjin.

Among them, Tianjin is a strategic transfer station in the north, pulling out the northeast branch line to Tangshan, passing through Shanhaiguan and entering western Liaoning and eastern Liaoning.

To the north, you will reach Youzhou, then continue north to Xuanfu, and then go west to Fengzhou.

The key point of this plan is to connect Hebei and Jinling City!

But today's shipping is still relatively developed, and shipping plus inland water transportation is enough to meet the demand for the time being.

However, in the eighth plan, the focus is not on connecting Hebei, but on connecting Henan, the strategic hinterland of the Central Plains, and using Henan, the hinterland of the Central Plains, as a transportation hub, connecting Shanxi and Hebei to the north, and Shaanxi to the west.

As for the eighth plan, it is actually more of a comprehensive plan. The core is to use Henan as a cross-transit station, and then radiate to all directions.

Of course, the construction of the entire empire's railway network is still centered on Jinling!

According to the current planning of several main lines, such as the Jiangnan Railway, the Northern Railway, and the Southern Railway, these three major railway lines all start from Jinling City.

The problem lies in the specific direction of these three railway lines!

Around Jinling City, the Datang Empire will build several main lines and many branch lines!

For example, the railway line plan from Jinling City to Hangzhou has already been planned. Although there are already railway lines from Jinling City to Shanghai and Shanghai to Hangzhou, the Department of Transportation still plans to go through Guangde, Huzhou and then from Jinling City. The railway line arriving in Hangzhou. This is to connect with the Jiangnan Railway to form a whole line around Taihu Lake.

Of course, these are still just plans. Currently, only the Jingzhen Railway is under construction, not even the Jiangnan Railway!

During the trial voyage of the Lady, although it took several hours, Li Xuan did not leave first, but stayed in the building of the Guards Fleet Base, listening to the trial report and occasionally talking to his courtiers. When it comes to government affairs, most of them are related to steam engines.

Especially focus on the application of steam engine, promote and popularize in industry, and promote and popularize in transportation.

It also involves steel production and coal supply.

The Ministry of Commerce proposed that a large amount of coal resources have been detected in Shanxi. However, due to the problem of transportation channels, it has been difficult to develop large-scale development. If the railway is added, it is hoped that the railway will be built to the coal production area in Shaanxi~www to solve the problem of Shanxi coal outbound transportation.

At the same time, they also proposed that they have also discovered more coal in Tangshan, Hebei and Pingxiang, Jiangxi, and also hope to build railways to these mining areas.

It sounds a bit exaggerated to build a special railway for a little coal, but it is not an exaggeration, because with the increasing application of steam engines, coal is becoming more and more important.

As for the northeast side, in fact, the relevant exploration departments have also discovered a lot of minerals, but there are no people there, various infrastructures are poor, coupled with the severe cold weather, it is still relatively difficult to develop large-scale development.

On the contrary, the Guangning coal mine in Annan is relatively easy to develop and has huge reserves. It has become the most important supply area of ​​high-quality coal in the empire.

In view of the increasingly high strategic position of coal resources, especially high-quality smokeless coal, Li Xuan also considered that it was time to put Guangning in Annan under imperial rule!

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