Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1373: Today we create the future

Li Xuan wanted to get on the train to participate in the test, which naturally changed many of the original plans. The **** of the Guards troops quickly deployed, and then blocked the railway line.

At the same time, the original test was only driven by a trained train driver, but now it has become the boss of the locomotive project team to drive the car himself, and a ticket of technicians is also accompanying, ready to solve any technical problems at any time.

At the same time, a large group of cavalrymen from the Guards Cavalry Regiment followed on both sides of the train, ready to **** and rescue people at any time.

In short, even if Li Xuan himself didn't think there was any danger, others still didn't dare to be slighted.

After waiting in the carriage for a while, I could hear a loud rumbling sound from the locomotive in front. This is the steam engine starting to start, but it is still in the state of boiling water and pressurizing it. It is estimated that it will not be able to leave for a while.

As for the steam engine, it is troublesome to start it. Whether it is a ship-based steam engine or a train, it has to pass a period of time to increase the steam pressure. Li Xuan is not in a hurry. car.

This carriage is a passenger carriage specially built for trains. The main structure is made of iron. However, in order to reduce the weight, many parts are still made of wood. The whole carriage is covered with wooden seats. There is an aisle in the middle. There are seats on the sides, because the seats are relatively dense, Li Xuan can seat thirty or forty people visually.

With the five carriages, apart from the one at the front near the locomotive, which is used to pull coal and fresh water, the remaining four carriages can pull more than 100 people at a time.

This number is not small.

Now the four carriages are full of people, and these people also carry a lot of things with them. At the same time, the rifles and even the shotguns of the soldiers accompanying the guards are not less.

The Holy Son of Heaven is traveling and the guards are escorting him. How can this be done without enough weapons and equipment!

Regardless of whether the Son of Heaven takes a train or a carriage or walks, the accompanying guards will always carry a lot of weapons and ammunition so that they can **** them at any time.

These people, along with carry-on luggage, gear, etc., plus coal and fresh water in the second car of the train and other heavy loads prepared for the test.

Now the whole train's load is almost 30 tons.

When the person in front said that he was ready, and when he asked Li Xuan to show it, Li Xuan immediately said, "Let's start!"

Following Li Xuan's order, the locomotive in front sounded a loud whistle, and then it was obvious that the train began to vibrate slightly!

The train is moving!

Although it is still very slow, the train is really moving, which makes the civil and military courtiers who ride the train with Li Xuan are both amazed and panic at the same time.

Several timid ministers with relatively rotten and uncivilized heads even screamed and were born, muttering the words of monsters, monsters, ghosts, gods and Buddhas.

But Li Xuan stood up obviously, then walked to the bedside, stuck his head out, and looked ahead!

At this time, you can clearly see the locomotive in front, constantly spewing black smoke and white fog. At this time, the locomotive is constantly burning with coal, and outputting high-pressure steam to drive the turbine to drive, and finally drag the heavy train towards forward.

The speed of the train that has been started is slowly increasing. At the beginning, it was the speed of people walking, but it will soon be similar to the speed of people trotting.

The speed of the train continued to increase, and finally stabilized at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour!

Li Xuan was sitting on the train and felt that the train was running relatively calmly without much vibration. At this time, he happened to see the head of the Guards Cavalry Regiment and several other guards cavalry riding on horses. Drive with you outside the car.

Immediately Li Xuan said: "How about it, can you keep up!"

On both sides of the train, there are hundreds of cavalrymen from the Guards cavalry regiment to follow and protect them. Well, in fact, it is not only these cavalrymen. The railways along the railway running test are all blocked by the Guards.

The guard officers turned their heads and said with a smile: Your Majesty, I can keep up with you, this train will be fine, but the speed is still a bit slower! "

Li Xuan laughed and said, "But this train can go to Zhenjiang in one breath. Will you be able to keep up?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, several cavalry officers showed embarrassed expressions!

As a cavalry, how could they compete with the endurance of the train? As long as the train has enough coal and water, it can run all the way to Zhenjiang, but the horses of their cavalry regiment can't support the long run.

Seeing that Li Xuan was in a good mood, one of them said boldly, "But we're not going to Zhenjiang either!"

Li Xuan said: "That's true!"

This time, naturally, I wouldn't run all the way to Zhenjiang in one go. In fact, it would only be about ten kilometers at most, and then turn around in a circle.

After returning to the platform, Li Xuan got off the train and said to a group of courtiers: "This train is a good thing. It must be popularized as soon as possible, so that the vast number of people in the empire can also get on the train!"

This is to let the people get on the train. This is only one of the tasks of the train at this stage, and it is also the kind of task that is not very important.

Because for contemporary empires, the biggest role of trains is not passenger transport, but freight transport.

The huge material transportation capacity brought by the railway can connect major industrial areas, mining areas, and cities, making the transportation of goods more convenient and cheaper, thus forming an economic blood vessel, allowing countless materials to circulate in the railway network.

In terms of passenger transport, in fact, the population flow of the empire is not very large at present. The current river transport and official road carriage transportation can actually solve the problem of population transportation. The appearance of trains is at best the icing on the cake. The enormous significance brought about is on a par.

Looking back at the train that had already stopped, repaired, and prepared for the second test, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel very proud. With the ship and the train, is it still far to conquer the world?

So he stood up straight, then looked at the courtiers, and when everyone's eyes were focused on him, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Today, we created the future!"

"The future must belong to us!"

Many people present know that the future in His Majesty's mouth is not an illusory word, but a word with a specific reference, that is, the world!

The future of the Tang Empire lies in conquering the world!

This was confirmed many years ago, and it is no longer a secret among a few core executives. Now those who know the empire's grand strategy, hear Li Xuan talking about the future, then they can be sure, Li Xuan is not talking about anything else, he just means conquering the world!

After Li Xuan finished the first train test, he did not wait for the second train test. Because the second train test will be a full-line pass, the test train will depart from Jinling Railway Station, then arrive at Zhenjiang, and then arrive at Zhenjiang. , and then return.

This round-trip journey will reach more than 150 kilometers. According to the power of the current 18-year-old locomotive, it needs to run continuously for more than ten hours.

At the same time, for the safety of the test and to allow more time to deal with unexpected problems, it is impossible to run continuously for more than ten hours, so this round-trip plan will be divided into two days. Today the train will leave for Zhenjiang and come back tomorrow.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Xuan to stay at the train station and wait for the results of the second test, and it was even more impossible for him to get on the train and go to Zhenjiang.

After his inspection, he took people back to the palace. Before he left for the palace, the second test of the train had already begun. The train had already left the station and headed for Zhenjiang, which is more than 70 kilometers away.

In the evening of the next day, he got the good news. The train successfully completed the round trip from Jinling to Zhenjiang, with a cumulative running time of more than ten hours, and the train itself did not have any faults on the way.

However, there were some minor troubles in the railway itself, because the heavy load test was carried out on the return journey, and eight carriages full of goods were hung, and the total weight of the whole train exceeded 100 tons.

Due to the high load of the passing trains, the railways along the way were under great pressure, and some sections of the road even experienced land subsidence, deformation of railway tracks, and even collapse of railway bridges.

Because when the Beijing-Zheng Railway was designed a few years ago, although it was said that the trains with higher carrying capacity were taken into account in the future, both the land-based and the rails were raised to the standard, but the design and construction personnel were still too conservative at that time.

Their instinct was to use the horse-drawn carriage as a reference, and then they also expected that the load of the train would be relatively large. uukanshu. com, but I didn't expect it to be so big. A single carriage can carry more than ten tons, and several carriages are connected end to end. The dead weight of the whole train plus the load exceeds 100 tons. This locomotive It can still be pulled.

Although it is said that the speed is very slow, it is not much faster than the walking speed of a person, but after all, it can be pulled.

This can be said to have brought a lot of pressure to the newly constructed Jingzhen Line.

At present, the Zhili Railway Company, a subsidiary of the Datang Railway Corporation, has been in urgent discussions with relevant technical personnel such as the Royal Institute of Technology to discuss how to improve the existing railway tracks in order to better run the trains.

Naturally, Li Xuan doesn't care about these things. Anyway, these are trivial matters. Anyway, the train has been created, and the next step is to continue to improve.

And now that there are problems that break out and are solved, it is better than having the national railway network built and then finding out that there are problems.

Now that the boat is small, it is easy to turn around, otherwise, when the national railway network is built, it will not be so easy to change it.

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