Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1653: Suzhou Oilfield

As a later generation, Li Xuan naturally has a relatively basic understanding of petroleum. After all, the later generations belong to a world with extremely developed information. Even if you do not actively search for information yourself, you will still receive countless information every day.

Some people say that the information that the later generations can access every day is more than the information received by the ancients in a whole year.

This statement is not necessarily accurate, but to a certain extent it still reflects the huge gap in knowledge between modern and ancient people.

Li Xuan was just an ordinary person in later generations. He didn't know much about the mining industry, whether it was oil, coal, or iron ore. He didn't know much about it, let alone a professional, even an amateur.

But he still knows that there are a large number of coal bosses in Shanxi, a large number of minerals in the northeast, and a large iron mine in Dangtu.

I also know about the Daqing Oilfield, and I also know that this oilfield was not discovered by the Japanese until after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Before the development of the Daqing Oilfield, the Huaxia region had always been an oil-poor country with only a few small oilfields.

Li Xuan of these small oil fields does not know about others, but the name Yumen Oil Field has been heard before. This oil field is one of the more important early oil fields in modern China.

The Yumen Oilfield is located in the territory of Suzhou, Gansu Province, which is now the Tang Empire, west of Jiayuguan.

According to information from later generations, he reminded the Royal Oil Company to stop messing around and go directly to Suzhou, Gansu, where there is oil.

The Royal Oil Company found an area west of Jiayuguan after investigation. It is true that there were people who exploited and applied oil through indigenous methods, and immediately sent people to conduct a detailed survey.

Li Xuan is not to blame for the slow progress of the Royal Petroleum Company in oil exploration and exploitation.

He knows that until the drilling technology reaches a certain level, he should not expect to be able to develop several important oil fields in the Huaxia region. At least for a long time in the future, the mainland of Datang should be a veritable oil-poor area.

The source of oil should focus on Southeast Asia, West Asia and the Americas.

As for the local oil production, it can only be used as an embellishment, but if you want to develop a large-scale oil industry, don't count on it.

However, mining oil outside the mainland will involve a lot of other problems, so Li Xuan will not take the initiative to promote it on a large scale for the time being, but will sit and watch the Royal Petroleum Company develop on its own.

After all, the oil industry has just started. At present, the practical application of oil is only the extraction of kerosene, and the biggest application of kerosene is to use it for lighting.

Although the lighting market is not small, there are many substitutes. It is not so easy for kerosene to completely open the market.

Therefore, Li Xuan's short-term expectation for Royal Petroleum Corporation is to first improve the relevant technologies of the petroleum industry, such as surveying, mining, refining, transportation, etc., and develop the kerosene lamp market at the same time in this process.

With the gradual development of the kerosene lamp market, the demand for oil will gradually increase, and then use the power of capital to increase the exploration and development of oil. At that time, it is the time to develop domestic and foreign oil on a large scale.

However, Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven, did not have high requirements for the Royal Oil Company in the short term, but the Royal Oil Company was anxious.

More precisely, the middle and senior management of the company are anxious!

Steady and steady sounds very safe, but a few years have passed in the blink of an eye, if they still haven't made any achievements, it is definitely not good for the future development.

Whether it is a person who wants to enter an official career, or a person who intends to continue to make great achievements in the business sea, they all hope to make achievements in the Royal Oil Company and prove their ability and value.

Therefore, although the Royal Petroleum Company made slow progress in the first half year, they are now cruel. Just for the R&D institutions they established, they are ready to spend hundreds of thousands to develop more advanced surveying, development, and refining technologies.

Poaching people from the Royal Institute of Technology and poaching people from other places to enrich the research and development force, it can be seen that they are already in a hurry and are ready to spend money.

When the Royal Petroleum Company set up several laboratories for research and development, one of their oil exploration teams also arrived in Suzhou by train.

When they arrived at Jiayuguan Railway Station and got off the train, they did not see the chilling atmosphere of the border defense town, but a peaceful atmosphere!

There are a lot of troops stationed here, but not as many as imagined, only more than 3,000 people are stationed here.

On the contrary, they saw a lot of forts, and someone familiar said: "These are the forts built in the early years, and now you only see a small part. In the heyday, our fort in Jiayuguan was enough to equip hundreds of forts. The artillery!"

In the early years, Jiayuguan was an important frontier defense town of the Datang Army in the northwest. At the same time, it was also a forward base and a transfer station for troops and materials. Its strategic position was extremely important. The highest garrisoned troops reached more than 250,000.

After all, Jiayuguan in Suzhou used to be an important frontier defense town. Whether it was during the Ming Dynasty or the first two decades of the Tang Dynasty, it was always a frontier town, and it has always hoarded heavy troops.

However, after the Tang Empire entered the Western Regions and even entered Central Asia, let alone Suzhou, even the entire Western Regions now has actually become a hinterland.

Even Ili Prefecture, an important frontier defense town that received great attention in the early years, is actually only a logistics transfer station and a logistics base for the border troops to rest and replenish.

As for the focus of the military's defense and strategic transfer points, they have already moved to cities on the eastern edge of Central Asia such as Bar City and Tash City.

Among them, Bar City is located at the southern end of Lake Balkhash. It is a city built by the lake, or more simply, a huge military camp. More importantly, it is also the end point of the Northwest Railway, as well as the Central Asian Railway and the South Asian Railway. railway.

Among them, the Central Asian Railway, that is, the railway line built westward to the northern end of the Caspian Sea, is also the strategic armament railway that the Army attaches the most importance to at present.

To the south, the South Asian Railway to Tash City was more important two years ago, but as the Tatars voluntarily gave up the southeastern Caspian Sea area and turned to focus on the defense of the northeastern Caspian Sea area, the importance of this area naturally became less important. Rapid decline, so the construction of railway lines is also slow.

Today, in the Tang Dynasty, the cities of Bar and Tash and other cities in Central Asia can be regarded as border towns. As for the cities in Tumi Province in the Western Regions.

For example, the three major cities of Yili City, Tubo City, and Hami City still have many soldiers garrisoned, but they have become ordinary cities. Provide logistical support, etc.

As for the cities in Gansu Province further behind, they have directly become the so-called northwest hinterland.

No way, who made the nearest Tatars more than 2,000 kilometers away from Jiayuguan?

If the distance of 2,000 kilometers is not enough to make Jiayuguan area known as the hinterland, how can you let those countries with a land area of ​​only a few hundred kilometers live!

Jiayuguan, Suzhou, which became the hinterland of the northwest, was a small accident for the survey team of the Royal Petroleum Company.

However, they were not in the mood to browse the majesty of Jiayuguan and the relics left by the years of war, but were busy unloading their many surveying equipment off the train.

Although there are not many people in their survey team, there are only more than 40 people, but in fact, more than 30 of the more than 40 people who come here are the main technical backbone, and more than 10 are logistics personnel. Administrative personnel, as for the labor required for the actual survey, will naturally be hired locally.

Before the survey, Kong Jiayu, the manager who led the team, had to contact the local government yamen!

Because the large area they are going to survey is still official land, and the official land will naturally not allow you, a commercial company, to survey and develop it casually.

Kong Jiayu's task this time is not only to lead a team to survey and extract oil, but also to sign a land purchase agreement with the local government.

Suzhou officials had long received a notification from Jinling City that the Royal Petroleum Company was planning to come to their Suzhou to survey and extract oil.

When they first received the news, the local officials didn't really care, because most of them didn't even know what oil was, but when they knew, the Royal Oil Company planned to invest tens of thousands of yuan or even more here. After a lot of money is spent on exploration and extraction of oil.

They just know that there are still flowing black gold mines under their own It has not yet been determined how much oil there is. Royal Oil Company plans to invest tens of thousands of funds for exploration and gradual mining. , If there is more oil, wouldn't it be able to attract hundreds of thousands or even more investment in minutes?

How many job opportunities can such a large investment bring to the local area? How much tax can be brought, how much performance ah!

After knowing this, the local officials in Suzhou paid great attention to it!

Whether this can turn over to be the master, develop Suzhou, and use this to get promoted and rich depends on this.

So when Kong Jiayu went to the state yamen to sign a relevant cooperation agreement with the local yamen, he saw that the prefects of Suzhou were greeted at the door in person.

As soon as he saw people smiling, he took the initiative to greet him, and asked Kong Jiayu and the others how hard they were on the road. That kind of concern made Kong Jiayu, who has dealt with officials a lot, feel a little surprised.

Kong Jiayu is not a technician. Although he is the captain of the survey team, he is mainly responsible for administrative management and other matters. To put it bluntly, he is a housekeeper. While serving those technicians, he is responsible for all troubles.

The technicians in the survey team are all very expensive and arrogant. They are not willing to deal with ordinary people and officials at all. They are all uncles.

The Royal Oil Company paid a lot of money to dig them here. It specially sent a manager to be their big housekeeper, so it was a trivial matter to do a good job in logistical support.


ps: Because of the extreme remarks of some people, the old group has been treated like that. Let’s add a new group: 254981398, this is the group, please provide a screenshot of the subscription to enter the group! There are also trolls who complain about the world and the society, don't come, the group only accepts readers, not politicians!

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