Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1658: buy colony

Saint Li Xuan has always been aware that the Navy is trying to expand its influence and actual control over the Atlantic Ocean, and this actual control and influence needs to be maintained by supply ports.

However, for the purpose of maintaining the balance of power in Europe, Li Xuan was not willing to prematurely destroy the European maritime trade system in the early years. Otherwise, countries such as Spain and the Portuguese would soon be finished, and it would be impossible to resist the Tatars.

If the Tatars quickly unify the European continent, then a large number of Tatar troops will be transferred to the east, not only the Tatars themselves, but also the Europeans, who will be transferred to the east as cannon fodder .

The Tatars have done this in Central Asia and Eastern Europe before, otherwise it would be impossible for them to rule such a large area and maintain such a large army with a population of more than one million in their own tribe.

At present, in the Jin Kingdom established by the Tartars, there are actually a lot of local indigenous people of various ethnic groups, especially in the army. Among the hundreds of thousands of troops, the Tartars themselves only occupy a small part, at most more than 100,000. It's just people, and the rest are all the tribes they conquered.

Including the Tatar army currently fighting in Central Asia and the Western Expedition of the Tang Dynasty, at least three-quarters of the soldiers are from other ethnic groups.

Preventing the Tatars from occupying Europe was the established policy of the Tang Empire.

However, relying solely on Datang's overseas dispatch forces, it is actually difficult to achieve this. Datang can send 120,000 people, but with the current maritime transport force, it is impossible to maintain more than one person. Can't keep up.

But it doesn't really matter if there are fewer people.

So, at present, Europe can not cross!

Among them, Spain cannot be crossed, because Spain has actually become the core force in Europe to resist the Tatars. Although its army is not the most capable, it bears most of the military expenses. There are nearly 200,000 troops in France. The army is basically armed with money from Spain.

The premature collapse of Spain was also troublesome for the Empire.

This is also the reason why the empire is clearly capable, but it has not changed the current situation of Atlantic trade.

But this is the past.

With the continuous enhancement of the empire's navigational capabilities, what is more important is that the imperial navy has always been idle. Facing the army's expedition in Central Asia, the navy is also eager to find its own sense of existence.

There's nothing to mess with anywhere else, so that's just the Atlantic Ocean.

So the navy suggested that to support Europe, it is not necessary to let them have the Atlantic trading system, and it is not necessary to let Europeans keep overseas colonies.

For example, now the Portuguese are not short of money, and they can't come up with enough funds to purchase the empire's ordnance, but they have no money but have ports, so they can sell a few ports to the empire!

For example, some of their ports on the west coast of Africa are quite good, and the empire pays to buy their colonies directly.

In this way, the Portuguese had money to buy weapons to resist the Tatars, and the empire gained colonies on the west coast of Africa and more important supply ports.

Not only the Portuguese can do this, Spain can do this too, not only the African colonies, the colonies in the Americas, and even their own continents in Europe can do this too!

The Navy's suggestion made Li Xuan quite speechless!

The navy was even more shameless than he expected. At first Li Xuan thought they would suggest a war or something.

But they did not expect that they would propose a direct purchase of the colony.

And this method, to be honest, has not been mentioned before, because in the traditional concept of the Chinese people, how can this territory be bought and sold? If you want to expand the territory, you can only start a war.

But the navy said that Europeans are very open-minded. For Europeans, these territories are actually the industry of kings and nobles.

Since it is an industry, it is natural to be able to sell it in exchange for funds when the family is down.

Li Xuan was also reminded at this time. He remembered that in the original time and space, it seems that the Americans also bought a lot of territory from other European colonial countries.

Now Datang seems to be able to do the same.

Although it is said that the Tang Dynasty is fully capable of armed capture, it is not to mention that fighting will kill people, and it is easy to destroy the established policy of the empire in Europe.

Spending a little money is nothing if you can buy it in a friendly way.

After all, the current Datang Empire is very rich.

As a country that has entered industrialization, the Datang Empire has an economic aggregate that is unmatched by other countries.

When European countries can't even afford tens or hundreds of thousands of Tang Yuan for the purchase of ordnance, the Datang Empire can spend more than two million to build a battleship for display.

Moreover, the purchase of their colonies, ports, etc. is not with cash, but with ordnance and other materials, and the cost of these weapons and weapons is actually lower.

After all, the arms dealer of Datang, Heixin, is famous all over the world, and they can sell a backward arquebus for dozens of yuan in some places!

Even in Europe, the price of various weapons provided by Datang is very high.

But the price is high and they have to buy it, because they usually can't produce it themselves, even if they can barely produce flintlock artillery, but the performance is low, and more importantly, the production capacity is too low.

The war in this world, because of the promotion of the Tang Dynasty, has already entered the age of guns, and the demand for ordnance in the age of guns is too great, especially the daily consumption of ammunition is very large, not at all. What European countries can support in the era of handicraft workshops.

To sustain the war, they had to import a lot of ordnance to fill the gap.

Who can provide the ordnance gap they lack?

Naturally, there is only the Datang Empire!

So, to a certain extent, this ordnance business is a monopoly business for the empire, and you have to buy it for any amount of money.

Unless you want to be defeated by the enemy!

Therefore, the price of imperial ordnance has always been high, but the actual cost is very low.

If the armament is exchanged for colonies, the cost will be very low, it will not require too much money, and it will continue to support Europe against the Tatars.

The best of both worlds is already worthy of Li Xuan's consideration.

In the end, he made a decision to let the foreign ministry and European countries, especially Spain and the Portuguese, get in touch with one or two.

When the Spanish ambassador to Datang, Jeffery, heard from the officials of Datang's Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Datang intended to buy some colonies from Spain, he didn't know how to respond.

Mass sale of colonies?

To be honest, Spain has never considered this kind of thing before. If it is only sold on a small scale, then it is not a big problem. It is just to please the Tang Dynasty, so that the weapons can be smoothly transported to Europe, and a few small colonies or islands can be sold. .

However, since the people of the Tang Dynasty have spoken, they naturally don't want a little colony. What the people of the Tang Dynasty want are large tracts of colonies.

Although Datang has not yet proposed to buy that piece of colony, Jeffery can generally guess that they want to continue to expand the territory of North America.

In other words, they estimate that they want colonies in the Mexican region, but it is hard to say how many.

Or the Inca region of South America, which is also estimated to be their target.

He had never imagined such a thing before, but the diplomats of Datang brought it up and asked them if Spain had any idea of ​​selling American colonies.

Have a fart idea!

People in Spain are still discussing whether to transfer some of the nobles to America first.


Because the Tatars are so powerful, Spain is worried that they will not be able to stop it. If the Spanish mainland falls, the royal family and nobles also expect to go to the American colonies to continue their leisure.

Therefore, Jeffery did not hesitate in the Spanish mission in Tang Dynasty, and directly stated that the American colonies were an inseparable part of Spain, and neither Mexico nor the Inca area would be sold.

However, for the intention of the West and Tang countries, Spain can sell part of the territory in northern Mexico or a few islands as appropriate, but the price is naturally not cheap.

While the Spaniards were surprised by the straightforwardness of the Tang Dynasty, the Portuguese were very careful to consider the possibility of this suggestion.

The Tang diplomats also met with the Portuguese ambassador to Tang and made similar inquiries.

Do you Portuguese have any idea to sell the colony, we Datang can buy it, and the price is negotiable.

The Portuguese are not as firm as the Spaniards. For them, the American colonies, that is, Brazil, will naturally not be sold. They have already vigorously developed Brazil, and they even think that if Europe cannot stay any longer, they will run away. Go to Brazil.

But the American colonies are not for sale, some of the colonies on the west coast of Africa are.

In today's west coast of Africa, the Portuguese have established several large-scale colonies, mainly in Luanda and Guinea.

There are also numerous small ports in other places that act as supply ports.

According to common sense, these ports are located on the west coast of Africa. At present, the west coast of Africa is the main waterway connecting South Africa and Europe controlled by Datang. Relying on this golden waterway, the Portuguese can also obtain a lot of benefits.

However, there are many pirates in this waterway, and today's Datang War has also frequently entered and exited this waterway.

Now the Datang warships come over every three days and say that they have entered the port to supply supplies and rest. The Portuguese had the courage to refuse two years ago. Later, they were forced to watch several exercises. The port was bombarded. After many conflicts, they simply When not seen.

Therefore, although the colony is still under the control of the Portuguese, the Tang Dynasty has gone as far as they want, and has also set up local commercial stations, and even parked warships in some ports for a long time.

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