Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1679: Inexpensive rear cannon

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As the first pure civilian construction shipyard in the Tang Empire to set foot in the field of warship manufacturing, Shamian Shipyard has also experienced numerous storms in the development of more than 20 years.

When Xu Zhuliang's father was in charge of the Shamian Shipyard, although he had a good relationship with the military, he could also take orders for some patrol ships and frigates, but because of limited technology, the scale was always small.

At the same time, Xu Zhuliang's father attached great importance to equity. Even when the shipbuilding industry was most prosperous back then, he only gave up about 10% of his shares to introduce strategic investors.

There are not many funds, and the technology is not improving quickly. Naturally, it is impossible to receive high-profit ships, regardless of whether it is an order for civilian ships or warships.

Later, Xu Zhuliang inherited the family business and became the controlling shareholder and general manager of Shamian Shipyard, and started a comprehensive reform.

He has successively introduced a number of strategic investors. Although the shares in his hand have also dropped to more than 30% due to the introduction of strategic investors, he is still the largest shareholder, and has more than 20% of the shares. It was purchased by several fund companies, and its voting rights were entrusted to Xu Zhuliang.

Therefore, Xu Zhuliang still firmly controls the shipyard by relying on more than 30% of the shares.

After the introduction of strategic investors, the money is to upgrade the technology, build a new type of large-scale dock, and even set up a branch factory.

Shamian Shipyard has two production bases, the First Shamian Shipyard and the Second Shamian Shipyard, with a total of three 5,000-ton dry docks, four 3,000-ton dry docks, and one 10,000-ton dock under construction. one.

Purely in terms of technical capabilities, the technical capabilities of Shamian Shipyard are enough to rank first among private capital shipyards. Even if you look across the country, including official capital shipyards and royal capital shipyards, Shamian Shipyard is also Able to squeeze into the top five levels.

Only Guangzhou Shipyard, Jiangnan Shipyard, Dingsheng Shipyard and Qingdao Naval Shipyard are ahead of him!

Even a large shipyard directly under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, namely Zhaoqing Shipyard, is actually not as technically capable as Shamian Shipyard.

However, this ranking is limited to shipbuilding technology, especially the technology of building large-tonnage high-performance ships, not capacity.

In terms of production capacity, the combined number of shipyards affiliated to Feng Shipping Company exceeds that of Shamian Shipyard, but the shipyards of Feng Shipping Company build ordinary civilian ships, which are similar to those of Shamian Shipyard. The gap between the shipyards that build the main warships is still relatively large.

Building warships is one of their important businesses. Recently, the Navy is promoting the construction plan of a new generation of warships on a large scale. Although it is inevitable, the bulk of it will be taken by Hong Kong Dingsheng Shipyard and Qingdao Naval Shipyard. .

However, orders for cruisers and frigates can still be obtained by Shamian Shipyard, Guangzhou Shipyard and Jiangnan Shipyard.

In recent years, Shamian Shipyard has also received orders for several warships, but Xu Zhuliang felt that it was not enough!

He wants more, especially to squeeze into the large warship business that has been monopolized by Hong Kong shipyards.

Otherwise, he would not have invested heavily in the construction of a 10,000-ton dock, which was prepared for the military's 10,000-ton ship.

As for civilian ships, for the time being, civilian ships generally do not have such a large tonnage. After all, the construction cost is too high, and many domestic civil ports are still difficult to meet the berthing of 10,000-ton giant ships.

In this year's civilian ships, the ones below 5,000 tons are the best sellers, especially the ocean-going merchant ships of 2,000-3,000 tons. Overseas trading companies like them the most.

Because the tonnage is not small and the transportation volume is large, the more important thing is that it can be berthed in the ports of overseas territories or simply the ports of the indigenous people, so there is no need to worry about the ships being too big to dock.

Among civilian ships, generally only luxury passenger ships that perform ocean-going routes are large-tonnage ships.

For example, the Pacific route from mainland China to Xinjinshan.

Another example is the Indian Ocean route of South Africa.

And these luxury passenger ships will actually carry a lot of cargo to make money, and simply transporting passengers will also lose money.

At the same time, these luxury passenger ships are actually only six or seven thousand tons in size. At present, there are no luxury passenger ships of tens of thousands of tons in the empire.

In the civilian ship market, the market capacity of large-tonnage ships is still relatively small. It is difficult to recover the cost of the 10,000-ton dock in the civilian market.

Therefore, Xu Zhuliang has always wanted to win orders for the Navy's armored cruisers.

As for battleships, he doesn't expect this for the time being. Battleships are too high-tech. At present, only the heyday shipyards in the empire can build 10,000-ton battleships.

All he wants is an order for armored cruisers!

Large ships of seven or eight thousand tons are also quite profitable.

Therefore, even though the construction process of this Colombo cruiser was rather bumpy, not to mention the fact that it failed to make money, it almost lost money, but Xu Zhuliang did not complain, but complained whenever he had the opportunity.

Only in this way can the navy see the grievances and sacrifices of its own shipyard. At that time, the bosses above will soften a little, and maybe they will be able to grab an order for an armored cruiser.

As for Xu Zhuliang's ideas and the development of the Shamian Shipyard, Navy Colonel Ge Chengbin was naturally not interested in anything, he was only interested in the Colombo cruiser in front of him.

This Colombo cruiser is a new ship that has just been completed. The paint on it is still brand new. The waterline is red, the hull is gray, and the upper wooden deck is white.

Almost all steel battleships in Datang are painted this way.

This red, gray and white paint actually has no tactical effect or special significance. It is purely because the three paints used for the underwater and water brushes of the battleship and the deck are red, gray and white...

Just like the eyes of the dead fish look weird, just because they are weird and have no special meaning.

The navy uses this red, gray and white paint, and there is no special meaning, it is purely because the paint is originally this color.

On the Colombo, Colonel Ge Chengbin walked very briskly, following the iron stairs all the way to the main deck of the bow, looking at a 150mm rear-mounted gun on the semi-enclosed turret on the deck.

Colonel Ge Chengbin just leaned over and looked at it: "The barrel of this gun is very long. The barrel of thirty-five calibers is much longer than the front-mounted gun we used before!"

The lieutenant colonel's chief of staff beside him also looked at the artillery with curiosity, and said at the same time: "We have a total of four 150 artillery pieces on this ship, one on each side of the front, rear, left and right. When facing the enemy, any Three main guns can be concentrated on one broadside."

Ge Chengbin said: "Don't forget, we still have four 100mm secondary guns. When the broadside is against the enemy, we can also put in two 100mm secondary guns. If the ship is facing the enemy from the bow or even the stern , the same amount of artillery can also be put in, which should be very useful for chasing the enemy."

In addition to the four 150mm main guns, the Colombo has four 100mm secondary guns on the left and right sides of the hull.

As for the two small-caliber secondary guns of 75mm and 40mm, these guns are generally used to deal with close-range self-defense firepower such as the enemy's small sampans, and are usually not included in the statistics of the main ship's naval guns.

In terms of firepower, Colombo is naturally not as good as the West India-class cruiser newly designed and finalized last year. After all, the tonnage difference between the two sides is almost 500 tons.

However, both sides are equipped with the same artillery, and the other designs and subsystems are not very different. To some extent, the two sides are relatively similar.

Leaving from the deck, Colonel Ge Chengbin continued to climb up with his people. First, he climbed to the bridge. Looking down from the high bridge, he felt that the Colombo was even more powerful.

"Good ship!" Admiral Ge Chengbin, holding the iron railing, sighed sincerely.

The Colombo cruiser, originally the No. 3 ship of the second Zhangzhou-class cruiser equipped with front-loaded rifled guns built by the Navy, was modified along the way with the other three semi-completed ships of the Zhangzhou-class, and then refitted into a rear-loaded rifled gun. battleship.

Therefore, in fact, there are four Zhangzhou-class cruisers in total, and they are also the first batch of newly built cruisers in the Datang Empire to use rear-mounted naval guns.

The ship's standard displacement is 2,000 tons. The main guns are four 150mm guns, the secondary guns are four 100mm guns, a number of 75mm and 40mm small-caliber close-in anti-aircraft guns, and the sail is powered. , the maximum speed of pure steam engine power is 16 knots, and the more traditional armor is used, but only a very narrow, not thick steel armor is laid on the waterline.

Colonel Ge Chengbin, who had just accepted the ship, was quite excited. After getting acquainted with the officers and soldiers on the ship for a few days, he drove the ship directly from the Shamian Shipyard and went to the Hong Kong Naval Base.

Although it was the first time to drive on a ship, it was only a few days of familiarity, but Ge Chengbin and the others were old navy.

They were still on a long voyage on the Fuzhou before, but this time a new ship came, and they could still drive away if they were a little familiar with one or two.

After all, when the Datang battleship was designed, many details and some usage habits were reserved, so the officers and soldiers were a little familiar with one or two, and it was not a problem to drive away directly.

Of course, this does not mean that it has combat effectiveness.

This is the first time they have contacted Ge Chengbin and the others. They have heard of it a lot before, but this is the first time they have actually come into contact with the real thing.

After arriving at the Hong Kong naval base, Ge Chengbin and his officers and non-commissioned officers were busy getting familiar with the battleship every day, and then went out to sea for a trip, and also conducted artillery training.

When conducting artillery training, they were still not used to these rear-mounted artillery!


The rate of fire was so fast that the gunner was in a hurry to keep up with the rhythm.

Then Ge Chengbin also found a very important problem, that is, the 100mm ammunition bay is a little far from the two 100mm guns.

And the 100mm naval gun uses fixed-loaded shells, and the rate of fire is much faster than that of the front-loaded even compared with those rear-loaded guns with separate ammunition.

The speed of fire of the artillery is relatively fast, which actually caused the soldiers to have no time to carry the shells!

Colombo was originally going to use the front-mounted artillery, but the rate of fire of the front-mounted artillery was not so high, so they concentrated the drug depot for protection at that time. It has become so fast that it is too late to transport the shells.

This is a design defect. Even if he finds the problem, there is nothing he can do. He can only report it, saying that the ammunition cannot be transported, and let the top find a way to solve it.

But the response above made him vomit blood: it is recommended to reduce the rate of fire and win with precision.

In fact, the Ordnance Department in charge of this time not only replied to the Colombo, but also issued a similar document to the commanders of all battleships equipped with rear-mounted artillery: for the 100mm and The 120mm rear-mounted rifled gun cannot blindly pursue the rate of fire, but rather the pursuit of accuracy.

The reason for the high-level Navy to do this is very strange!

Because the firing rate of these two artillery pieces is too fast, the consumption of artillery shells has risen sharply, and the design of the ammunition supply inside the battleship cannot keep up.

Another more important problem is that after the rear-mounted artillery is equipped, the rate of fire is too fast, and the ammunition consumption is doubled compared to before, and the new cylindrical collision fuze shell is too expensive.

When the top navy officials saw the ammunition consumption data of the quarters department, all of them could not help frowning!

Dare to toss for several years, spent countless funds, and finally increased the rate of fire of the naval guns. Now you tell me that I can't shoot so fast, and I have to take it easy?

This made the Navy high-level particularly speechless.

And Li Xuan was even more speechless!

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