Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1688: Immigration is more than a year

The military system of the Datang Empire is relatively complete. In addition to the regular army, there are reserve troops and militia troops.

In the local area, the regular army is mainly garrisoned, and the reserve is the main reserve army. In the case of the militia, it was just unified in the early years, and when there were more bandits and landlords, they played a more important role. However, in recent years, the local area has basically played an important role. There are no illegal arms anymore.

And the militia units are not very useful.

Today's local militia forces are more of a mobilization mechanism. When a large-scale war breaks out in the future, the militia will be quickly recruited to supplement the reserve force, and then mobilization divisions will be formed to fight.

But in overseas territories, the importance of the militia is much higher.

Due to the influence of distance and military expenditure, the Datang Empire cannot send too many troops overseas, and due to the local population, it is impossible to have too many reserve troops.

Therefore, in addition to the regular army, in fact, the main supplement that the military can obtain is the militia.

Therefore, in overseas territories, militia units will often assist the regular army to participate in wars, although all they do are **** supplies and maintain logistics lines.

However, even in normal times, militia forces are an important force in protecting settlements from indigenous invasion.

These militia units, with retired military officers and soldiers as the backbone, plus many young and strong immigrants, cultivate when the farming is busy, and conduct training when the farming is slack. , but still quite impressive.

The same is true in the Americas. Those indigenous people who can’t stand against the regular army of the Tang Dynasty like to go to attack the ordinary immigrants of the Tang Dynasty. In order to protect themselves, the immigrants of the Tang Dynasty will frequently organize the militia of the militia, and then attack the surrounding people. Aboriginal tribes conduct raids.

In fact, this kind of thing is not unique to the Tang Dynasty. In fact, the Spanish and Portuguese colonies overseas also did this. When dealing with the natives, the regular army is only a strategic strike force. Usually, most of them rely on the immigrants themselves. against the natives.

The militia force formed by young and strong immigrants is also one of the important forces for Datang to maintain its rule in overseas territories.

Therefore, Li Xuan has always attached great importance to the construction of militia forces, especially the construction of overseas militia forces.

Usually the backbone of the militia is retired officers and soldiers. These retired officers and soldiers are allotted a large amount of land for free in overseas territories because of their military merits. In order to protect their own land, they will also be very active in training the militia. , and then fight with the natives.

It can be said that the expansion of Datang's overseas territories is actually more of the spontaneous behavior of immigrants. The militia forces take the initiative to attack, and the local regular army is usually only responsible for killing the large-scale troops of the enemy, as for the rest. Forget it, after all, the troops are limited, and the garrison is too large to be busy.

This situation is even more pronounced on the North American side.

More and more immigrants went to the Americas, and so did the militias, and at the same time they were expanding more and more inland.

Quite a few places in North America are very suitable for human survival, and the climate environment is similar to that of the Empire. It has always been the favorite place for immigrants from the Empire.

In the early years, because of the slow speed and small tonnage of ships, the cost and trouble of going to the Americas was high and troublesome, but now with the emergence of steam steel ships, the safety of navigation has been greatly improved, and the transportation volume has also been greatly improved.

This immigration is less risky and less expensive.

So the number of immigrants from the Empire's native land to the Americas was increasing year by year.

In the 33rd year of Xuanping, in just one year, about 100,000 people from the empire immigrated to North America.

This number is quite frightening.

Fortunately, the tonnage of today's ships is large enough, and the passenger ships across the Pacific Ocean are several thousand tons at every turn, and in order to transport immigrants, many ocean-going passenger ships adopt a high-low parallel strategy.

Nowadays, the ocean liner of Datang will have first class, second class, and third class. The first two are naturally for the powerful and the middle class, but in fact these cabins are very few, and more are cheap. , 3rd class for ordinary immigrants.

This trip has been able to transport thousands of people, but because there are many people, comfort is naturally not to mention, it is not too much to say that people are crowded.

Moreover, for the transportation of immigrants, the Imperial Immigration and Reclamation Division will also provide subsidy for tickets, so the current shipping companies will pay attention to immigration transportation when designing ocean liner.

Otherwise, there will not be enough migrants to be transported, and the ocean liner of the normal passenger shipping company will lose money.

Although there are enough overseas territories of the empire today, there are also a lot of immigrant populations in various places, and the number of normal passengers is also large.

But can't stand the competition!

The imperial shipping company has caught a lot of it.

In addition to Fung Shipping Company and Yangtze River Shipping Company, the two giants, Pacific Shipping Company has also risen rapidly in the past ten years. In addition, there are more than ten shipping companies engaged in ocean shipping business.

Relying on cost advantages, these shipping companies have already squeezed most of the maritime transportation business of many ocean-going trading companies.

Many ocean-going trading companies involved have even abandoned their own fleets and instead hired shipping companies' ships to transport goods.

With so many shipping companies, they are already out of their minds on various domestic routes. The competition is fierce and the profits are naturally getting lower and lower. Some powerful shipping companies are aiming at the overseas transportation market.

For example, the large-tonnage cargo ships they created have directly squeezed many self-owned merchant ships of ocean-going trading companies to death. Now, in this route from mainland China to Malacca to India to South Africa, a considerable part can be It is the freighter of the major shipping companies. Of course, the transportation above is still from the major ocean-going trading companies.

In addition to cargo ships, they have also set foot in the ocean passenger transport business.

In fact, the profit of this piece is not low, because there are not many shipping companies that have the strength to participate, and the earth is so big and the empire has so many overseas territories, so the competition between them is also smaller.

However, the total number of mid-to-high-end tourists is still relatively small, and more are immigrants.

If only relying on mid-to-high-end passengers, these ocean liners will have to lose money!

This is why major shipping companies focus on immigration transportation.

At the same time, in order to carry out immigration at a lower cost, the ocean liner is also getting bigger and bigger. After all, the larger the ship, the more immigrants will be transported at one time. Relatively speaking, the transportation cost will be reduced, and then the fare can also be Make it cheaper and attract more migrants on their boats.

Nowadays, ocean liner, four or five thousand tons are standard standard, and even Feng Shipping Company has produced a large ocean liner of more than 7,000 tons.

This thing is at sea, but it is a huge immigrant city. Except for a small number of first-class and second-class rooms, the rest are cheap third-class cabins. To put it bluntly, this is a ship specially designed to transport immigrants. Built ocean liner.

This is related to the consistent strategy of Fung Shipping Company.

Their competitive strategy for the past two decades has been low cost, and they made a breakthrough in the freight market by relying on low cost.

They do the same in the passenger market.

Fung Shipping Company’s ocean liner’s third-class ticket price strategy is low, and other shipping companies naturally have to follow suit. This has also caused the price of tickets for overseas immigrants to be lower and lower.

Allow more people to immigrate.

Because of the development of shipping, the population of the empire in various overseas territories has also grown significantly.

The total population of Luzon Province, Banten Province, Malacca State, and Australia in the Southeast Asian region has exceeded two million. The major cities are the Port of Malacca and the Port of Luzon Bay.

In the Luzon Bay Port, the number of people in the entire harbor area has reached nearly 150,000, and the population density is even comparable to that of some parts of the mainland.

And a small place like Malacca Port has a population of almost 100,000.

Beihai Province, which has already been listed as the, not to mention this, has already had a population of more than one million, and now it is almost 2.5 million.

In the peninsula of India, Gehe state, Ceylon Island, and Pomu state are the main ones, with a total population of about 400,000.

West Asia and Northeast Africa are less, adding up to just over 50,000 people.

On the contrary, South Africa and West Indies in southern Africa have more people. The port of South Africa has a population of more than 80,000, and the entire southern African region has nearly 200,000 people.

However, the number of immigrant populations in the above-mentioned regions is much lower than that in the Americas.

Although the empire developed the Americas later, the number of people was not large at all.

Today, there are nearly 400,000 people on the east and west coasts of North America, and the west coast has not been developed for a few years, but now there are more than 300,000 people, and the total population is nearly 800,000.

So many immigrants are inseparable from the development of the empire's navigation industry. Without large-tonnage ocean-going liner transporting immigrants, and without large-tonnage freighters transporting various materials, it is impossible to export such a large amount of goods overseas in just over 20 years. more immigrants, and ensure that they settle down in the local area.

Of course, when immigrants have just arrived in overseas territories, most of their living needs for the first year are not transported from the country. They are generally purchased nearby or directly recruited.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful Datang's transportation power is, it is impossible to do this.

For example, much of the food needed by the immigrants in North America in the early stage was actually purchased from the colonies controlled by the Spaniards and Portuguese.

But when they got through the first year, and the second year's crops started to come out, then things changed.


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