Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1690: You both are bullshit

The master Li Xuan pursued was not in the interests of most people, nor in the interests of the entire Tang Empire.

Even the generals of the military, they are pursuing the expansion of the territory, but they will not be as paranoid as Li Xuan and insist on localization.

The localization policy has caused great trouble and trouble for the empire.

For example, with the current military capabilities of the empire, is it difficult to conquer India?

It's hard, just dispatch the army directly, it will take a few years to completely take it down, and then establish an effective rule.

However, Li Xuan is not willing!

This took down the whole of India, and then directly ruled it. What about the natives above?

To turn them into people of the Tang Dynasty, Li Xuan would rather blow up the Indian Peninsula directly to the sky than do it.

So, let's play localization slowly. When the population of Datang in India exceeds 90%, it can be declared that this place is Chinese.

As for the use of only a few colonial officials for colonial rule, Li Xuan is too lazy to do it.

It's just that with Datang's current globalization policy, the cost of unifying the world is quite high, and the cost of follow-up maintenance is also not low. If nothing else, the cost of immigration is extremely high.

When Li Xuan dies, the empire will most likely not continue to spend huge sums of money to immigrate overseas.

At that time, it is estimated that it will embark on the traditional colonial path. After all, it is profitable to play colonial interests, while the localization of overseas territories is a loss.

This account can be clearly calculated by many people.

But still unswervingly follow Li Xuan to do this.

Everyone is a person who has pursuits. Well, the Son of Heaven wants to unify the world, to be a saint of all ages, an unprecedented **** emperor in human history.

Those of them who are ministers also want to be famous ministers of all ages.

In the future, when we talk about the unification of the world by the Son of Heaven, it is inevitable to say that the Son of Heaven unifies the world with the help of a certain official.

Therefore, it is clear that this will play the role of localization of overseas territories, but Datang still spends a lot of money on overseas immigration activities every year.

If nothing else, it is just an annual immigration ticket subsidy, which is not a small amount.

After the Holy Son of Heaven unifies the world, and these courtiers are also famous for eternity, how to maintain the global rule of the empire, let future generations worry about it.

Anyway, we are now playing the game of unifying the world, dividing the vassal kings to all parts of the world, and then by the way, dividing the nobles to all parts of the world, and then carrying out large-scale immigration!

Li Xuan estimated that after decades or hundreds of years, there will be Datang people in every corner of the world, and many places will be dominated by Datang people.

One planet and one empire will be completely formed.

Even if the empire is gone in the future, the conflict between overseas territories and the mainland is big, and even wars break out with each other, but a planet and a nation will still not change.

In the future, with the development of industry and commerce, the contradiction between the mainland and overseas territories will increase, and eventually it will evolve into a large-scale war. This is a high probability.

But the Chinese people fighting against each other in a global war is far stronger than the Chinese and other indigenous barbarians fighting a world war. Even if it is smashed, the meat is still in the pot.

This kind of psychology of Li Xuan is reflected in the global strategy of the Tang Empire, and also in the vassal king's policy of vassalization.

But it's not bad to be able to really see through Li Xuan's inner thoughts.

After all, not everyone is a lunatic, not a lunatic. It is difficult to understand Li Xuan's mentality.

However, although it is impossible to see all of them, at least some of them can still be seen, such as Crown Prince Li Hao!

Having been with Li Xuan for so long, he has even started to handle some affairs independently, and Li Hao has become more and more mature with the accumulation of time.

And the more mature he is, the more difficult it is for him to understand his father's global localization strategy.

In his view, this so-called global localization strategy is actually not good for Datang, but has a lot of disadvantages!

It is natural for the empire to control the Americas, Africa, India, and Europe, but this control does not necessarily mean that the land above must be turned into a place where the Tang people live.

In his opinion, it is good to have colonial rule in America like the Spaniards and Portuguese.

Datang people became farmers and factory owners in the local area, and then they used the indigenous mining and farming to earn a lot of wealth and return to their homeland.

At the same time, with so many natives, the empire's industrial products have more markets for export, allowing the domestic industry and commerce to develop better.

But now, in the overseas territories of Datang, there are only a few immigrant markets, which are completely insufficient, and the most important thing is that when the Datang people go, those indigenous people have disappeared, and even the indigenous market is gone...

This also resulted in the very interesting industrial and commercial layout of the Tang Empire today. The rise of the industrial revolution in various countries in the original time and space mostly relied on the international market. Colonial markets, etc., but the Datang Empire alone was developed purely on domestic demand, and overseas is basically only used as a supplier of industrial raw materials, and it is still a very small number of industrial raw material suppliers.

Because most of the industrial raw materials are available in the empire, there is no need to import them overseas.

The same is true of the market. The industrial and commercial products exported are basically nothing but weapons, and there are not many.

Today's empire's enterprises basically rely on the domestic market to survive, even the three major arms companies that export a large number of ordnance.

The reason is that the overseas market is too small, for example, in Europe, with so many people, so many places, so little money, it is impossible to buy much of Datang's industrial products.

In the early years, Datang attached great importance to the European market, but in recent years, local companies have shown little interest in opening up the European market.

More important domestic market!

No way, although the domestic market is too large, the overseas market is too small.

In the past two years, Li Hao has delegated power to certain economic affairs, so he still has a certain say in the economy.

Today, the amount of foreign trade in the empire is still too small and too small. Although the domestic market is already large enough, no one will set off a bigger market.

If the overseas market is established, for example, there are so many natives overseas, there must be hundreds of millions of people, and if each of them buys things for one Tang Yuan, it will be a market of several hundred million yuan.

But the current imperial glocalization policy does not focus on expanding these markets.

In the final analysis, it was Datang's overseas policy, which was completely different from that of the Spaniards and Portuguese.

The Tang Dynasty pursued territory, and the Europeans pursued interests. The two are irrelevant, or even contradictory.

However, although the economic aspect is somewhat incomprehensible, Li Hao also knows that the father has a dream of unifying the world. If anyone stops the father from realizing this dream, the father will not hesitate to throw him into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish. .

Therefore, even if he is the prince, he will never object to the global localization policy easily.

Otherwise, he estimated that his position as the prince would be unstable.

Therefore, although he does not understand the economic impact of glocalization policies, he can accept it.

However, one thing he couldn't accept was that those vassal kings had too much power overseas.

If he wanted to, he would actually rather let all these brothers stay in Jinling City, instead of being enfeoffed to overseas territories, and he also had real power.

Li Xuan's feudal lord has all the restrictions, but it is still not small.

Not to mention their fiefs and salaries, all nobles have them, and the vassal kings simply have larger fiefs, more fiefs, and more private territories.

However, the feudal lord still has military power, although there will be a royal guard corps after that, with a rated number of 3,000 people.

But almost all the prince's palace guards are all elites, and they are placed in overseas territories, which is a considerable military force.

In addition, the feudal lord seems to have no political power in the local area, but even relying on the political influence of the feudal lord can easily influence the appointment of fief officials.

This holds money, army, and political influence. Now the vassal kings of the Tang Dynasty are in overseas territories, and their real power is still very large. Otherwise, the princes who are vassal will not happily go overseas and become vassal. .

Maybe it will be the same as those vassal kings in the former Ming Dynasty, trying to rely on the capital and staying in the capital longer.

Now that the father is alive, these vassal kings naturally have no problems, and they dare not make trouble if they are given a hundred courage.

But what about a hundred years later?

After he succeeded to the throne, would those brothers be honest as ordinary vassal kings?

Thinking from another perspective, if you were a vassal in North America, I am afraid that as soon as you hear the news of the father's death, you will immediately expand your army, and then actually control the entire fief.

Even if you don't have the will to rebel, you have to prevent the new emperor from cutting the clan!

I thought so myself, wouldn't other brothers think so?

Li Hao thinks it is Everyone is not stupid!

Even if they are stupid, the advisors around them are not stupid!

Li Wei, the eldest son of the emperor of Beihai Province, is located in the Qi Wang Mansion in Osaka. There are 500 diners, and many of them are very ambitious. Those who didn't find an opportunity in Li Hao's place voted there.

Just wait for him, Li Hao, to die, and then fight for the throne.

He couldn't sleep well when he thought about the problem of the vassal king after he succeeded to the throne.

Sometimes the eyes looking at Li Xuan are full of resentment!

At any rate, I am also the crown prince that you personally selected by your father, so you can cheat on me like this?

However, he also knew that this was not because his father was dissatisfied with him. On the contrary, he knew that his father was quite satisfied with him, otherwise he would not have gradually delegated power over the years to let him handle some of the government affairs.

Over the years, he has basically turned around all the military and political institutions, and even went to Central Asia to inspect the front-line troops instead of the emperor.

In recent years, he even knew that his father had begun to promote the military generals who were close to him. Although they were all school officers and brigadier generals, they were also marginal roles in the military.

But it is worth noting that the generals in the army belonging to other prince factions were all pinned down and unable to move.

This comparison shows that the emperor still values ​​him and is cultivating him.

Still paving the way for him step by step!

However, the father emperor let himself inherit the throne of the empire, but he created a bunch of vassal kings to shake the foundation of the empire, which made him incomprehensible!

If Li Xuan was told that Li Hao felt that he was cheating, he would laugh!

I pit?

That's because you haven't seen your grandpa!

But even if Li Hao heard this, he would probably say something in his heart: You two are both pit bulls, and neither of you are normal people!


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