Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1731: domestic demand-oriented economy

This is an artificially established social division of labor and selection mechanism. Through this educational system, one hundred people will be elected as an official, one as a scholar, a few as businessmen, senior management and senior technicians, and a few as ordinary staff. Staff and technicians, while the vast majority of the rest are farmers and workers.

Therefore, the education system of the Datang Empire, where you want to go to study, go there to study, it seems fair, but in fact it is not fair, especially for ordinary people.

In fact, there are many similar policies, and they are not limited to the education system.

Just like local development, some places have good natural conditions and good cultural heritage, so the development will be very smooth, and there will not be too many obstacles, even if the government does not deliberately support it, it can develop very well, such as Some cities along the coast are said to be resource-heavy places.

When the development is good, the conditions in all aspects will be better. For example, in the Pearl River Delta region, the railways are very dense, and the rail carriages in the cities are also very dense. In some places without rail transit, there will also be ordinary public Horse-drawn carriage.

In this way, a complete set of public transportation system has also been built, coupled with two-wheeled rickshaws and ordinary private carriages that have appeared in recent years, enough to allow people from all walks of life to get the most suitable travel mode.

In some developed areas, many people living in the middle and upper classes on the outskirts of the city take the train to the city to get off work in the morning, and take the train home early after work in the evening.

However, in some places, the natural conditions are not very good, the economic development is not good, and the infrastructure is not very good. Many places do not even have railways.

Especially in several southwestern provinces, there are basically no railways connecting other provinces, and there are very few railways in the provinces.

The Southwest Railway and Sichuan-Hanzhou Railway plans that Li Xuan came up with are to support the development of the southwestern provinces to some extent.

It is impossible to say that a few provinces on the eastern coast are extremely rich, and other places are poor.

To support the local economy, only the railway is not enough, there must be other policies to keep up, such as supporting the development of certain industries and commerce in the local area.

Especially labor-intensive industries that can provide jobs.

These provinces in the southwest are all places that lack arable land, and cannot be prosperous just by relying solely on agricultural development like other plain-type areas. If these places want to improve their economy, they still have to rely on industry.

Supporting industrial and commercial development also requires funds.

However, in recent years, the financial revenue of the Datang Empire has increased year by year. Although the expenses are also increasing year by year, it is still much easier than before when it comes to collecting money.

In the thirty-sixth year of Xuanping, the Datang Empire had already completely got rid of the financial deficit, and the central government had no debts, and there was a surplus every year.

And more importantly, in the thirty-six years of Xuanping, the central fiscal revenue of the Datang Empire has once again increased, reaching 350 million Tang Yuan.

This number is not low!

Enough for the Tang Empire to do a lot of things.

In contrast, the British Empire, the empire on which the sun never sets, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, its fiscal revenue was only around 100 million pounds.

The gold content of Tang Yuan is 6.5 grams. The gold content of the pound in the 19th century was about 7.32 grams. Although the gold content of Tang Yuan was a little less than that of the pound of later generations, it was not much less.

And a very important point is that the Tang Dynasty actually had a huge difference from the later Britain. This difference was mainly caused by the difference in population and territorial area.

As a result, there was a huge difference between the Datang Empire and the British economic system at the end of the nineteenth century, and it led to a huge gap in taxation.

The United Kingdom is an economic system that relies heavily on foreign trade. After all, the United Kingdom is just a small island country with a population of only tens of millions. The British economic system is based on the use of strong industrial production and financial capabilities to control other countries and colonies. The market, plundering raw materials and dumping industrial products, its taxes mainly come from tariffs and various indirect taxes.

As for the Datang Empire, although the scale of Datang's overseas trade is not small, the scale of tariffs is actually very small, and more taxes come from other industrial and commercial taxes.

This can also be seen from the fact that Datang entrepreneurs pay more attention to the local market!

For any Datang enterprise aspiring to grow and develop, the domestic market is the most important and largest market.

In the thirty-five years of Xuanping, the total export value of the Datang Empire was only about 100 million Tang Yuan. Well, this total export value includes mainland mainland, overseas mainland, local mainland and all Datang-controlled areas in overseas territories. exports of the region.

Whether it is shipped from Shanghai and then sold to India, or shipped from New South Port in North America and then sold to Europe, it is included.

However, even so, it is only 100 million Tang Yuan!

And this is because Datang has added a variety of highly competitive, and at the same time exported a large number of arms and other industrial products and Datang also has huge military and political advantages, forcing other countries to open up their markets obtained only in the case of .

Considering the population of overseas markets and their economic strength, it is actually difficult to increase the total amount of overseas trade on a large scale, because people only have so little money in their pockets, and no matter what, they can't make more.

How can the overseas market of only 100 million Tang Yuan satisfy such a huge industrial and commercial business of the Datang Empire?

In contrast, Datang's domestic market is much larger!

Datang's domestic market actually refers not only to the local market, but also to all areas actually controlled by Datang, including mainland China, overseas mainland, and overseas territories.

Well, in fact, the local area is not the focus, the focus should be on the consumer group.

Datang people's own consumption is much stronger than that of foreign aborigines!

Don't say anything else, just say that the oil industry has been very prosperous in recent years.

Today's oil price is about 7.5 Tang Yuan per barrel. However, the oil output of the Tang Dynasty has reached about 10 million barrels. The various products such as kerosene and lubricating oil extracted from these oils are basically consumed in the domestic market.

According to this calculation, it will be found that the crude oil market alone has reached more than 70 million Tang yuan.

And most importantly, this figure is still far from meeting the huge domestic demand. The Royal Oil Company estimates that, based on the current oil price, the domestic oil market can reach at least 100 million yuan.

If oil prices continue to fall to expand consumer groups, then this market can continue to expand to 200 million yuan or more.

It is just a nascent oil industry, and its output value is already comparable to Datang's entire export volume, and it may even be higher in the future.

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