Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1737: Shipbuilding boom

At present, although there are many ships in the empire, they are still not enough. If a large amount of shipping capacity is to be moved to the countries of the South China Sea for transportation, it will inevitably affect other aspects.

However, this matter is also related to the overall layout of the empire in Southeast Asia, so it must be done.

Once it's done, within the year, in a huge Southeast Asia Peninsula and islands in the South China Sea, except for a very small number of uncivilized cannibals and other savages, all other indigenous people will be relocated to Africa.

At that time, the Datang Empire can easily accept the entire Nanyang region and then emigrate.

Don't worry about localization and other messy issues.

Therefore, even if the transport capacity is insufficient, these Southeast Asian natives have to be transported to Europe.

In order to solve the problem of transportation capacity, this time the official came forward directly, and the Immigration and Reclamation Division signed relevant contracts with several major shipping companies.

These contracts included the hiring of shipping companies to transport indigenous immigrants from the South Seas to Africa, as well as subsequent immigration of empires for a decade or more.

At present, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire has signed relevant agreements with various countries in the South China Sea. According to the relevant agreements, the Empire will provide relevant services for the subsequent immigration and transportation of the natives of these countries.

Of course, just like other supplies and so on, these all have to be paid, and they are not cheap.

Aboriginal people naturally have no money, but it doesn't matter, Datang people can also provide loans.

In this series of cooperation agreements, part of the final implementation still needs to be done by the Immigration and Reclamation Division.

Because in the Tang Empire, only this institution is best at engaging in such large-scale immigration.

In order to do things, the Immigration and Reclamation Division naturally needs a large number of ships. Now, in the Immigration and Reclamation Division, except for a few large immigration ships, they have very few official immigration ships of their own, and they all directly communicate with major shipping companies. Cooperate to hire their ships, or give them a subsidized ticket, etc.

Nowadays, the transportation business of various countries in Nanyang is led by the Immigration and Reclamation Division, and has signed relevant transportation agreements with several major domestic shipping companies.

According to this agreement, a number of large shipping companies in the empire will transport four or five million people from the Southeast Asian region to Africa in the next five years. Some of the materials they slept in were prepared by themselves, while others were prepared to be purchased from Datang. Of course, they also used loans.

With so many people and materials, the transportation capacity required is quite huge.

To this end, major shipping companies are intensively placing numerous orders with major shipyards.

And many are obviously temporary orders for emergency use.

For example, Pacific Shipping Company, they are very smart.

They specially ordered a group of special transport ships. The tonnage of these ships is generally only about 1,000 tons. Although they are powered by sails, the steam engines are all old and small-powered steam engines.

Then, the cabins of these ships are specially spaced and utilized to the fullest, enabling more personnel to be transported.

These specialized personnel carriers of the same tonnage can transport at least three times more people than other passenger ships!

The most important thing is that these ships are very simple, and the technical standards are quite low. Basically, they can be produced by any similar shipyard. Many shipyards on the edge of the Yangtze River can produce such ships.

Of course, the price is also very cheap

This is not the first time the Pacific Shipping Company has done this. When they took orders from Spain before, they had already done this kind of thing. At present, their company already owns more than 30 such specialized cheap transport ships. Transporting people to and from all over the world for the Spaniards and several major labor companies in the Empire.

The reason for the purchase of additional ships this time is that after the company has repeatedly confirmed with the Immigration and Reclamation Division, this time the immigration operations of various countries in the South China Sea will refer to the way of transporting laborers to Spain.

The Imperial Shipping Law clearly stipulates that when ships carry people, they must not be overloaded, and each passenger needs to be provided with corresponding safety guarantees, such as life jackets and lifeboats.

Otherwise, it will not be able to pass the approval of the relevant yamen, and will not be able to obtain the relevant operating documents.

This move was made by the imperial government to ensure the safety of immigrants during their travels.

The lives of the people of the empire are very precious. Even the immigrants who have nothing are very precious to the empire, but they cannot be allowed to die like those native laborers, 10% or more of them die after a trip to the sea.

However, these related laws are naturally only used to protect the people of the empire, and the indigenous people are not within the scope of protection of the laws of the empire.

For example, in recent years, some Datang merchant ships in Europe occasionally carry some European passengers to make a little money. At this time, no one cares about the riding environment of The Tang Empire has always helped the Spaniards to transport natives from all over the world to the Americas.

This environment is even worse. The ships provided by the early empires are all cargo ships. As for how many people the Spaniards put in them, the Tang Dynasty does not care.

Anyway, they charge the freight according to the full load, and they do not charge the freight according to the number of people!

Later, the Spaniards still felt that the transportation cost was a bit high, so the Pacific Shipping Company created a special transport ship to help them transport labor.

Today, the customers are not Spaniards, but Southeast Asian countries, but it is still the same for major shipping companies.

Anyway, they collect money according to the boat trip. As for how many people the indigenous authorities of various countries put on the boat, the imperial officials will not care, and their shipping company will not care. Anyway, the boat is so big and the carrying capacity is so large, you natives love it. Install as many people as you want.

If you have the ability to stand on the deck full of people, that is also the ability of your natives!

The nautical performance of this cheap transport ship is naturally not good, and it is even more dangerous when it encounters a storm. Imperial officials have repeatedly warned Pacific Shipping Company and several other shipping companies that have purchased similar ships.

Ships of this type that do not meet safety standards must not be used to transport the people of the Empire!

At the same time, the crew on the ship must be provided with the most adequate security, such as lifeboats.

However, such cheap transport ships, although not very good, have been greatly welcomed by the Spaniards, and now the countries of the South China Sea are very satisfied with this kind of ships specially designed for them.

Because it is cheap enough, these ships seem to be loaded with a lot of people, but they are also thousands of tons of ships. The actual riding conditions of the immigrants are still much better than those of the wooden ships with sails of several hundred tons.

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