Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1775: beat rather than buy

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According to the relevant agreements signed by Datang and the Spanish and Portuguese, the money that Datang purchased these colonies will be directly used by the Spaniards and Portuguese to purchase Datang's goods and related services.

The goods are mainly ordnance ammunition and some other industrial products, such as cloth and the like.

Then it is used to pay for the freight, not only the freight of these ordnance commodities, but also the freight of Datang to help Spain transport the indigenous labor.

After all, the current Tang Dynasty is a serious sea coachman, much better than the Dutch, a later sea coachman. A single large-tonnage ship can transport several thousand tons of goods, and the speed is very fast.

The transportation competitiveness of Datang's ships in the seas around the world is hoisted all over the world, not only the speed is fast and the volume is large and the price is cheaper, but it also comes with security guarantees.

Now people in Spain don't even have a fleet of treasure ships, and the valuable things such as precious metals or spices obtained from the Americas are often directly hired by Datang's ships to help transport them.

So these years, the Spaniards have been transporting this piece by sea, in fact, the burden is not small.

However, the freight is to earn hard money, and the more profitable thing is to export goods, especially ordnance products.

Datang's arms dealers have always been extremely black-hearted.

They are expected to sell a total of 2.8 million Tang Yuan worth of ordnance to the Spanish and Portuguese

The manufacturing cost of these exported ordnance plus shipping costs is only 450,000 at most!

In other words, Datang only spent hundreds of thousands of yuan to acquire these colonies and the incidental rights.

As soon as this result came out, the people in the military were completely speechless!

Ma Dan, it is cheaper to buy territory directly than to acquire it through war, and it is countless times cheaper, so what reason does the military have in the future to ask for tens of millions of millions of dollars in military spending?

Don't blame the military for worrying, because someone from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already shouted the slogan: Fighting is worse than buying!

Fighting a fart, you can directly spend money to buy all the territory that Datang wants. Anyway, it doesn't cost a lot of money. No matter how much, it is cheaper than fighting!

This kind of argument made the military worried and angry at the same time.

Some of the military's young Zhuang faction is already clamoring to kill those national thieves who are clamoring to fight rather than buy!

Otherwise, for a long time, the most proud army and navy of the Tang Dynasty will be finished!

After all, the reason why the Tang army and navy can maintain such a huge scale and fight all over the world is because of the needs of the empire's global expansion strategy.

Once you don't have to fight, you can buy it directly with money, and you can buy these lands at a very cheap price, so what value does the army and navy have?

At that time, there will definitely be a lot of cuts in military spending!

Isn't this just killing the military!

The young Zhuang factions were clamoring to kill those national thieves who were better off fighting, while some of the military's top brass were already considering whether to re-establish an enemy.

Otherwise, they are really worried that they will be put into Nanshan by horses, and the rabbits will die and the dogs will be cooked!

It's just that the world has been searched, and the Tatars are barely reliable, and then the Spaniards, the Ottomans, the Safi Dynasty, the Mughal Dynasty and the like can also make the Tang Dynasty pay attention.

But this estimate alone is not enough.

Datang must have a long-term enemy, an enemy who keeps Datang vigilant and devotes energy to developing technology and armaments.

In the end, the high-level military officials searched and searched and couldn't find it. Anyway, they couldn't find it on Earth.

Then the military personnel turned their minds, since they couldn't find it on earth, they should go outside the earth to find it!

Just recently, there was a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology who said that humans are not the only intelligent life in the universe. The universe is so big, there must be other intelligent life.

It is too far away, but the Martians in the solar system, or the Mercury people, and the lunar people, are all possible.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

When the military people heard it, this idea is good!

Datang is already invincible all over the world on earth, but isn't there still aliens!

Although it is said that no aliens have been discovered yet, this is because of limited science and technology, and it has not been discovered yet. Maybe there are people on the moon.

In mythology, isn't it just that there is a moon palace?

There is no wind and no waves. If there are no people on the moon, how can there be a moon palace, Fairy Chang'e and the like.

The energy of the military is huge. Although it is only a very immature idea, with the secret support of the military, a large number of science fiction writers have emerged!

In the winter of 36 years of Xuanping, a sci-fi book called "Mars Invasion" suddenly broke out. The bizarre descriptions in it were very eye-catching.

Although this is just a science fiction on the surface, since the military has come up with this thing, it must have a deep meaning, so a large group of people just said in the newspapers that the probability of intelligent life on Mars is quite high.

Then came the idea of ​​an alien battleship. After an adventure team ventured deep into the Americas, they did not know what danger they encountered. Anyway, only one person came back, and this person swore that they met After the alien battleship, dozens of his companions were captured by aliens...

In the 36th year of Xuanping's winter, there was a sci-fi wind in the Datang Empire, and the word "alien" was quickly popularized!

All this is seen by the Son of Heaven.

Then he was speechless...

Li Xuan, who holds Hantong, can easily know that behind all this is the ghost of the military, and the intention is very obvious, which is to promote the alien threat theory.

As for why?

It's nothing more than worrying about being cooked by rabbits and dogs!

But what Li Xuan really wants to say is You really want to!

Even though the Tang Empire seems to be very beautiful now, the crisis hidden behind it is still huge.

Internally, the contradiction between the mainland and overseas territories cannot be seen in a short time, but it will definitely break out slowly after dozens or hundreds of years, especially for the new generation of citizens born in overseas territories. Good, but after a long time, after a few generations, the imperial subjects of these overseas territories will become more and more unfamiliar with the mainland, and even no longer identify with it.

In fact, most of the many colonies of European countries in history were so independent.

It was not overthrown by the natives, but by the descendants of immigrants from the metropolitan country.

The early independence of various regions in the Americas is a very typical example. Even in the African regions of later generations, the initial independence of large colonies was actually led by the descendants of immigrants, but later the descendants of these immigrants lost the support of the suzerain, even if Independence, but soon they were all killed by the natives.

Li Xuan himself can foresee that in a hundred years or more, wars will inevitably break out between the mainland and overseas territories, and then cause a wave of independence, and he can be sure that the independent subjects at that time must be these now. Descendants of immigrants, not barbarians.

Aside from the internal contradictions, the external contradictions are still huge.

Even if the Tang Dynasty was arrogant, aren't the Tatars still jumping around now?

Even if Datang crushes these indigenous people in terms of science and technology, they will always catch up.

After all, even if Datang imposes strict import and export restrictions, science and technology will always leak out slowly.

Today, the English and Spaniards have successively used primitive steam engines to pump water from coal mines and other mines.

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