Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1913: Datang people furious

Earl Carlton knew that the embassy district of Cádiz and the city of Cadiz under the control of the Spanish were basically two concepts. They seemed to have similar names, but they were not actually connected. The embassy district and the main city were separated by several kilometers. Woolen cloth!

Even in the outer area of ​​the embassy area, there is an isolation belt hundreds of meters wide, all of which are to prevent the local indigenous people from entering the embassy area.

It can be seen from this that the Datang people are not willing to contact the local indigenous people.

Datang is like every embassy area around the world. In the embassy area, the local indigenous people are prohibited from entering. There is no fence, and there will be patrols by the army of the local indigenous country to ensure that no indigenous people will sneak into the embassy area. Then create big trouble for them.

Because those **** Tang people hate to have contact with the local indigenous people, they want to enter the Datang embassy area with a whole set of very troublesome procedures, and they have to get permission from the Datang people. If someone sneaks in, the Datang people will not only deal with the parties involved Indigenous punishment, but also to put pressure on the local Indigenous state.

And the pressure from the Datang people is no joke, they have to pay compensation for all kinds of benefits.

So this also creates a very interesting situation, that is, those indigenous countries often send their soldiers to patrol outside the walls of the embassy area, prohibiting the local people from crossing over and entering.

Of course, this is not necessarily without fear of the people of the Tang Dynasty, and plans to send troops to surround the embassy area in advance.

No matter what, it also led to the fact that Tang people were running all over the world, and various embassies and colonies were all over Europe, but there were actually very few Europeans who could enter and leave these embassies and colonies.

The people who can have more practical contact with the Datang people are actually diplomats from various countries, as well as a very small number of military and political officials, and big businessmen. Even these people have to take a bath before meeting the Datang people.

If you rashly go to see the Datang people without taking a shower, the Datang people will get angry...

When the Datang people first arrived in Scotland, after the Datang's ship docked, the local Scots enthusiastically ran to the pier to greet them in person, and the result was.

Those Tang people who had just disembarked turned their heads and ran. After getting on the ship, they directly turned the muzzle of the naval guns to conduct a live-fire exercise, destroying some facilities in the local port.

Scared the Scots to death, and finally dared to ask, the reason why the people of the Tang Dynasty were angry, just because the people who greeted them didn't take a bath and didn't say anything about the smell, and the people of the Tang Dynasty also said that they were full of germs.

Later, the Datang people said that someone was infected with the disease by their Scots, which resulted in the death of several Datang crew members, including an official, and caused large-scale infection and caused major property and personnel losses, and demanded compensation from Scotland!

Losing money is a trivial matter. The key is that Datang people have offered too much compensation, and the sum of the various compensations has reached more than 1.8 million Tang Yuan.

This number is not huge for the Tang Empire, but it is an astronomical amount for the Kingdom of Scotland.

However, the Datang people were not unreasonable, and allowed Scotland to pay the reparations in other ways. Finally, after some friendly negotiation, Scotland allocated the Orkney Islands in the north as indemnities to the Datang people.

The archipelago is actually not very important to contemporary Scots. There are not many people on it, and even this place did not belong to them, but belonged to the Norwegians. However, in 1472, it was used as a dowry. The collateral is formally ceded to Scotland.

Therefore, the Scots directly ceded this place to Datang without any psychological pressure.

Of course, the Tang people will not go too far. After acquiring the islands, they not only exempted Scotland from indemnity, but also placed a large number of anthracite purchase orders for the Scots, and promised to invest in the mining of coal resources in the Scots.

In other words, in recent years, because Datang has invested in coal mining in Scotland, the Scottish people have had a relatively smooth life.

The same goes for Scotland and Wales.

This huge island is extremely rich in coal resources, and mining is simple. Even if the current Datang businessmen invest in the local area, they cannot use machinery and equipment, and can only hire local people to dig coal by hand, but the output is quite large. At present, the United Kingdom The regional coal production has become Datang's main coal supply area in Europe.

From the time when the Datang people first entered Scotland, they can know that the Datang people pay attention to hygiene.

Therefore, even if the dignitaries want to meet the Tang people, they have to take a bath first, otherwise it will be light if they don't see the people of the Tang Dynasty.

However, if these dignitaries have a bath and are approved by the application, they can still temporarily enter the embassy area, but ordinary people don't expect it.

At most, they will be able to get in touch with the temporary residents of the Tang Dynasty.

And that's why the Earl of Carlton sees so many workers in European restaurants.

There is a very special group in the Tang Dynasty, that is, the temporary residents, that is, the aliens who have obtained the temporary residence permit of the Tang Dynasty for various reasons.

These people are widely active in Datang's overseas territories.

In fact, there were not many temporary residents in Datang before, but with the growth of time, there are more and more.

In the early days, the source of temporary residents of Datang was very simple, mainly the local aborigines accepted by Datang after occupying some overseas territories.

The Portuguese temporary residents accepted after the occupation of Malacca was a typical example. Back then, Malacca had a large number of Portuguese and even people from other countries. After the Tang Dynasty occupied this place, they did not expel these people. They were basically free and willing. If you leave, you can leave, and those who don’t want to leave can stay, but they must pass various assessments.

It is mainly a matter of language and loyalty or belief. After passing the test, you can get a temporary residence Another source is the interracial women who married men of the Tang Dynasty. Free entry into mainland China, and at the same time, after the ten-year period expires, you can formally apply for a Datang household registration.

At the same time, her immediate family, that is, parents and siblings, can also obtain the right to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Of course, this also needs to be assessed, it just gives you a way to apply, whether it is passed or not is another matter.

Because according to tradition, the Tang Dynasty adopted the household registration system with the husband. After a woman gets married, she will move into the household registration where her husband is located.

This is also the legal basis for an alien woman to marry a Datang man and to accompany her husband to move into the Datang household registration.

Similarly, if a Tang Dynasty woman married a foreign male, her household registration would be cancelled.

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