Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1929: incredible

The Datang Empire in the era of complete steam, the development of its technology has long been not the development of a single aspect, but the development of a whole system, and its overall development is based on a perfect industrial system.

The integration of industrial systems in heavy machinery, light industry, chemical industry, shipbuilding and other aspects is the basis for Datang to dominate the world.

The steel steam warships and rifled guns seen by the natives are just external manifestations.

But to be honest, there are not many natives who can see all of this clearly, even the Tatars can see through it. As for the European countries such as Spain and England, who are now holding the big Tang's thighs, they can't see through. because they are not even as motivated as the Tatars.

The Tatars still know how to steal Tang's techniques in various ways, and they will spend money to dig people if they can't learn it.

As for Spain and other countries, they basically don't have the heart, and they have the heart and the strength.

As the princess of the Kingdom of Spain, Elizabeth has received cultural etiquette education from the Tang Dynasty since she was ten years old, but she still doesn't know much.

She hadn't even seen the Tang Dynasty steamship with her own eyes, so when she saw the New Atlantic moored near the coastline in Cadiz, she was just as stunned as all the aborigines who saw the Tang Dynasty steamship for the first time. I could hardly believe that the ships I saw were real.

In fact, not only Elizabeth, but also many Spanish natives who have lived in Cádiz for a long time, who have seen many steamships of the Tang Dynasty, were stunned when they saw this suffocating 10,000-ton luxury passenger ship.

They had seen a lot of Tang Dynasty steamships before, but most of the Datang steamships they saw were actually only a few hundred tons or more than a thousand tons.

Because this kind of small-tonnage ships is the most numerous, it is widely used to carry out offshore and inland routes, as well as long-distance routes. The European branch of Feng Aerospace in Ceuta operates in Europe and the Atlantic Ocean. Among the more than ten ships, most of them are ships of 1,000 tons and mainly carry out coastal routes.

Occasionally, ships of three or four thousand tons come here, most of which are ocean-going liners or ocean-going freighters from China. However, ships of this tonnage usually go straight to Ceuta and do not go to other ports in Europe.

Mainly, the port of Cadiz, like most of the other colonial ports of Datang in Europe, is a small port, and at the same time, there is no maintenance capacity, and even the port facilities of many ports are unable to berth these large-tonnage ships.

Therefore, although there are a lot of luxury passenger ships of thousands or even 10,000 tons to and from Europe, these ships do not go to Cádiz or other European ports, but go directly to Ceuta, and then return directly to South Africa or North America to New Zealand. Southport's.

So for many Spaniards in Cádiz, it was the first time they had seen such a huge ship!

"It's almost unbelievable, how was such a huge ship built?" When Elizabeth saw the New Atlantic, she also sighed like this: "Are we going to Jinling on this ship tomorrow?"

The old lady sent by the Palace Affairs Office said: "Qi Niangniang, this is the New Atlantic built by Hong Kong's Dingsheng Shipyard. Tomorrow we will take the New Atlantic back to Jinling!"

Another old mama next to her also interjected: "I heard that building such a large passenger ship is very troublesome and expensive. I heard that a passenger ship of this 10,000-ton passenger costs hundreds of thousands of yuan!"

Hundreds of thousands!

Although I don't know the specific hundreds of thousands, this number also frightened Elizabeth.

Although she is a woman, she is not a woman who doesn't know anything. On the contrary, after she was determined to go to Datang to get married before the age of ten, she has been educated by many tutors, including tutors sent by Datang, and others. Their Spanish court teacher.

In terms of cultural literacy, it is actually not bad.

So she knows better than ordinary people what the concept of these hundreds of thousands of constant yuan is!

For example, her dowry, in order to reflect the majesty of the kingdom and the importance attached to the marriage between Tang and West, the dowry given by Philip II to Elizabeth was quite generous.

Across Europe, that's a jaw-dropping amount.

Leaving aside the colony of the Principality of Chile, just talking about other dowries, it is worth at least 250,000 constant yuan.

And this number is enough to make all countries in contemporary Europe drop their jaws, even the Kingdom of Spain itself, in order to collect this dowry, not only has the royal family started saving clothes and diets a few years ago, Philip II even misappropriated part of the military spending .

These 250,000 Hengyuan were not easy to come by.

But these 250,000 Hengyuan are not enough to purchase the steam unit on the Atlantic!

Zooming in to the entire Kingdom of Spain, since the Kingdom of Spain is still a noble feudal system, its royal income and the kingdom's financial income can generally be equated.

Therefore, it is meaningless to discuss the fiscal revenue of contemporary European countries, because they do not have this concept at all.

Therefore, when we talk about it, we usually refer to the income of the royal family. In the royal family of the Kingdom of Spain, the direct income of the territory is a part, the direct mining of gold and silver in the colonies and the profits of the royal fleet's overseas trade are part of the colonial income, customs duties and other taxes, such as wine tax , the salt tax and even the special war tax are part of it.

However, all of these add up to only a few million dollars a year!

And this is based on the fact that tax revenue in Spain has risen sharply in the past ten years, especially the rapid increase in tariffs. At the same time, many taxes formulated by Datang have also greatly improved the finances of the Spanish royal family.

In other words, the Spanish royal family only earns a few million dollars a year, but their war expenses exceed this figure.

In fact, in the opinion of the Datang Tax Department, the Spaniards have a large local population, and they control a large area of ​​American colonies, and maritime trade is not bad. If the taxation work is done well, I dare not say more, but one There must be some 20 million constant yuan a Not to mention, just because of the so many goods imported by Datang into Spain every year, the import tariffs on them can be collected a lot. Pen.

Unfortunately, the Spaniards are destined to not be able to collect so much tax.

Not every country can, like Datang, establish a sound taxation system and have sufficient capacity to levy taxes.

The taxation system of the Kingdom of Spain is not even as good as that of the Tatars, and the Tatars can still receive 20 to 30 million yuan in real money or in kind a year.

But the income of the Spanish royal family is compared with that of the Tang Dynasty...

Well, no comparison at all!

Datang Xuanping's 38-year fiscal revenue budget is 420 million.

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