Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1937: steam chariot

The Army has spent a lot of money over the years to upgrade the troops, replacing the previous smoothbore and even front-loading rifled weapons, and replacing them with rear-loading rifled weapons.

After several years of hard work, it is now almost finished, not to mention the main force, even the second-line garrison troops stationed in China have been replaced one after another.

At present, the troops with the official designation of the army, regardless of whether they are first-line or second-line, have basically been replaced with rear-loaded rifled weapons.

Even the front-loaded rifled guns were invisible, only widely seen in the militia.

The rear-mounted weapons have been roughly replaced, but the procurement of these new weapons will not stop. On the one hand, the equipment of the active troops will also be worn out and need to be continuously supplied and replenished. On the other hand, I also want to reserve some of these rear-mounted weapons. ammunition.

Another reason why it will not be announced to the public is that the military needs to continue to provide orders for major defense companies to ensure the production lines and continuous research and development of major defense companies.

Therefore, when the Datang military purchases a certain weapon, it often lasts for many years.

For example, the combined rifle has been in production for many years. At the beginning, all major manufacturers produced it together. The annual output was very high. It could even produce 200,000 to 300,000 pieces a year, but now the output has dropped. , the annual output is about more than 100,000 pieces, which are used to replace conventional wear and tear and strategic reserves, and also to equip the militia forces.

The military of the Datang Empire, including the active-duty troops of the army and navy and the militia, will have a demand for more than two million combined rifles. This figure still refers to the number of possessions, not the total production.

Therefore, even if the military has fully replaced the joint rifle at present, the production of the joint rifle will continue until the army is ready to replace the new rifle.

It's just that this time should not last too long, because with the maturity of technology, the cost of rifles with high precision, metal bullets, and magazines, represented by Li Fu rifles, continues to decline. When it drops to a certain extent , the Army will consider replacing the new rifle equipped with metal bullets.

As for how long this time will last, it depends on the development of technology, especially how much the cost of new rifles can be reduced.

The cost issue is the most important issue, relatively speaking, the performance issue is not a big issue.

Anyway, the current joint rifle can also hang the natives of various countries.

Therefore, the military, especially the army, is not in a hurry when it comes to new rifles. They are very interested in several other new types of weapons, and they are eager to equip them.

On the outskirts of Jinling City, the shooting range of the Jiangnan Weapons Company, the senior officers of the army and navy accompanied the Son of Heaven to watch the live ammunition test of several new weapons.

"This time we have several new weapons that can be said to be epoch-making. Once they are mature and equipped with troops, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved!"

"Yeah, I've seen one of the burst guns before, tsk tsk, that power is unbelievable, and the target on the opposite side can be directly smashed into pieces when fired!"

"Yes, that is simply a weapon against the intensive charge of the enemy!"

The Holy Son of Heaven Li Xuan stood on the observation platform, and he naturally heard the whispers of the generals behind him, and he deeply agreed with the opinions of these generals.

Why, because what they are about to see will be a truly epoch-making weapon: the machine gun!

Although it is still a very primitive hand-cranked machine gun, the terrifying rate of fire is still enough to make any enemy in this era unknown and fearful.

The appearance of the machine gun is naturally inseparable from Li Xuan's guidance.

It was not done in the early years, it was because of technical reasons, and now, even the Li Fu rifle can be produced, so technically speaking, there is no technical problem in building a hand-cranked machine gun.

The only thing missing is the idea.

And Li Xuan has this idea. He asked the three major domestic weapons companies to develop a rapid-fire gun a few years ago, requiring continuous shooting to form an absolute fire suppression on the enemy.

Based on contemporary technological development, the approaches developed by the three major weapon companies are highly consistent. They all chose the hand-cranked multi-barrel machine gun invariably, but the specific details of the design are not the same.

After the hand-cranked machine guns of these three major weapon companies have been tested by the military, they finally selected the hand-cranked multi-barreled machine guns of Jiangnan Weapons Company for improvement.

The reason is also very simple, mainly low cost and low failure rate.

More importantly, the designer considered the use of metal bullets from the very beginning, so there are two sub-models of Jiangnan Weapons' hand-cranked machine guns. One model uses paper shell bullets, but there are also models that use metal bullets. Most parts are common between the two sub-models.

This also means that even if the machine gun with paper shell bullets is used at the beginning, after subsequent upgrades and modifications, metal bullets can be used, and the upgrade and modification costs are not large.

This is very important, because metal bullets are the future, and all the military know this well. The guards have long been fully equipped with Li Fu rifles and use metal bullets.

Although the Army is still using paper shell bullets, it will definitely use metal bullets in the future, so in order to be able to connect with technology, this hand-cranked machine gun must be able to use metal bullets.

Many advantages have made the hand-cranked machine gun of Jiangnan Weapons favored by the army and navy, and then appeared on this occasion for the Son of Heaven to see.

Li Xuan looked at the hand-cranked machine gun in front of him, and didn't have much special feeling. He had seen this thing in the laboratory for a long time, and even the general concept was formulated by him.

And he knew better than everyone present the importance and huge role of the machine gun.

And Li Xuan is actually not satisfied with this kind of hand-cranked machine gun, mainly because it is too heavy, and there are many people to operate it, just like a small-caliber artillery, with a gun mount, or the kind with wheels , otherwise it will not be able to maneuver.

This weight and maneuverability are incomparable with the heavy machine guns of later generations.

But for the current level of Datang's industrial technology it is not easy to come up with this thing. It is too difficult to come up with a heavy machine gun similar to the level of World War I in later generations.

After Li Xuan nodded, the test firing officially began. Amid the exclamations of people, the hand-cranked machine gun directly smashed the target on the opposite side.

And the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Xuan, is still calm!

It's just that another new weapon in the follow-up makes Li Xuan uneasy!

Because he saw a chariot coming slowly!

The huge car body, the crawler running mechanism, the strong soldier waving the shovel, added the coal in the rear compartment of the car body to the coal-fired boiler, and let the steam engine generate power to drive the crawler to move forward slowly!

That's a steam chariot!

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