Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1962: The Tang court: more wolves and less meat

From the moment Elizabeth accepted the canonization, the marriage between the Tang Dynasty and Spain was actually completed, and the terms of all aspects had already been implemented. Later, on the way Elizabeth went to the Tang Dynasty, she had already gone to Zhaoyi as the Son of Heaven. In the Tang Dynasty, it was the same after entering the palace. ,

She has been in the Tang Dynasty for more than half a month, and has been in the palace for ten days, but she still hasn't been able to see the Son of Heaven.

This was not what Elizabeth had expected before.

Far from the same.

She also knows why, that is, there are many women in the Holy Son of Heaven, and there are many more.

This is also the difference between the Tang Dynasty royal family and the European royal family.

Although everyone adopts the monogamy system, the marriage law of the Tang Dynasty is a monogamous system. For example, the title succession law strictly stipulates that only the son born to the wife, and this son must be born in the presence of witnesses. It is registered in the register to avoid the situation of the civet cat changing the prince, so that the heir can have the right to inherit the title.

The illegitimate son, whether born in the name of a concubine or a woman in other names, has no right to inherit the title of title. The Tang Dynasty's title succession law does not recognize the right to inherit the title of any non-direct son. If the noble has no direct son, then after death The title is inherited by an heir within three generations. If there is no heir within three generations, the title will be cut directly.

It sounds very grim, but the law of succession is just like that.

The inheritance of property is quite loose. Except for the property that is bound to the title, such as fiefs, houses, etc., which are inherited together with the title, the inheritance of other property is given priority to the officially recognized will.

But in order to emphasize and maintain the succession system of direct descendants.

In any case, the eldest son unconditionally inherits at least 30% of the property. Whether you want it or not, you must leave 30% of the property to your eldest son, otherwise the official will not recognize the legality of your will.

Well, unless you appeal, sue your eldest son, and completely sever the father-son relationship legally.

But if you want to sue successfully, it is not easy. Unless the other party is really a rebellious child, there is basically no hope.

The succession system of direct descendants is the foundation of the inheritance of the imperial throne of the Tang Empire, and it is also an important guarantee for the inheritance of noble titles, and its authority and legitimacy must be maintained at all times.

From the marriage law to the inheritance law, it is basically a combination of the Chinese tradition and the new laws and regulations of the contemporary Tang Dynasty. It is different from the past, and it is also different from the European side. At least, in the Tang Dynasty, it is absolutely impossible for women to inherit. A matter of nobility.

Even inheritance is out of the question unless you make a will in advance to give your daughter some of the property.

If there is no will and the property is divided purely in accordance with the law, the court will most likely award most of the assets to the eldest son, as long as the eldest son has no serious problems, such as being unfilial.

Other direct sons will have a small amount of property. If they are underage sons, the court will order the eldest son to pay additional living expenses on a monthly basis.

In the case of the first daughter, being married has nothing to do with inheritance.

If they are unmarried or underage, the court will award them a part of the living expenses, but it will definitely force the eldest son to give his sister and sister how much living expenses each month.

The keynote of the Tang court's judgment on this kind of thing is: the eldest son inherits the family business and also inherits the responsibility.

While the eldest son inherits most of the property, he also needs to bear the responsibility of raising minor siblings and the elderly at home.

Well, this is legally mandatory.

The eldest brother is like a father. This word was not only spoken in the Tang Dynasty, but was clearly written into the legal provisions.

But all of this has nothing to do with concubine, adopted son, etc. Even if the direct son dies, the court will award these properties to relatives, but not to concubine.

This is Datang's efforts to reverse the trend of wives and concubines in the society.

Concubines, equal wives, etc. of any nature are not recognized, nor the inheritance rights of concubines and illegitimate children. ,

But all this has been completely changed in the Tang Dynasty royal family!

Because the legal wife of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is not only the empress, the empress is only the one with the greatest political status, and the other concubines of the emperor are also the legal wives of the emperor.

The princes born to them all have the right to inherit the throne.

This is to ensure a smooth succession to the throne.

After all, the fact that the queen cannot give birth to a son has been staged countless times in the long history, and Li Xuan will naturally not be so brainless that he will deprive other concubines of their right to inherit the throne.

This also means that the Son of Heaven has many women and many children.

Otherwise, how could Li Xuan seal his son all over the world? Even if there are so many overseas territories, he must have so many sons.

In order to seal the world, especially for the Principality of Chile to have an heir, the Son of Heaven did not make Elizabeth wait too long. After Elizabeth entered the palace for half a month, he called him to sleep.

If it were twenty or thirty years ago, Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven, would have been very interested in an exotic princess like Elizabeth, or a blond ocean horse with a bulging front and a back.

But having experienced many similar things, Li Xuan seems to feel that he has almost become a sage. Although he is still impulsive physically, his heart is not disturbed.

If you like it, you will definitely like it, but the limited period of this like is a bit short!

But for Elizabeth, the Holy Son of Heaven Li Xuan still gave her enough respect, resting in her West Wind Building for many days in a row, the purpose is naturally very clear.

The Principality of Chile needs an heir!

In the past few days, Elizabeth, you said that she was not happy, but it is not really that much. There are so many women in the harem, but the Son of Heaven spends the night with her every day. She naturally knows how rare it is.

But you have to say that she was having a good time, this is not enough.

This is not to say that the age difference between her and the Son of Heaven is a bit big. For a man like Shengtian who has absolute power in the world, age is not any obstacle.

More importantly, the marriage itself.

She is just a 16-year-old Even if she comes from a royal family, she has been exposed to politics since she was a child, and marriage is commonplace, but when it's your turn, if you want to say how comfortable you are, then It's impossible to talk about.

But regardless of her inner thoughts, during this period of time, she still tried her best to keep the Son of Heaven by all means.

She knew very well that countless women in the harem were waiting for the Son of Heaven, and once the Son of Heaven left, he would not know when he would come next time. Because there will be countless women who will try their best to entangle the Son of Heaven.

God knows when the next time the Son of Heaven will think of her Elizabeth will be.

Because in the Tang court, the concubines were all wolves, and the Son of Heaven was the prey.

There is only one prey, but the wolf maintains a scale of several hundred people at any time...

The wolf has more meat and less meat!

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