Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1965: Falcon in America

In a two-story masonry building in Xinnangang, Xinnanzhou, North America, two people are discussing in a study.

One of them was wearing casual clothes, but he wore this lark medal on his chest, representing the middle-aged man of the fourth-grade rank of this person, and said slowly: "Chen came here this time, why is it, you should be able to do it, Mr. Yun. Guess it!"

On the opposite side was a man in his fifties, also wearing an official uniform, but the pattern on the badge on his chest was a peacock, and it was a genuine third-grade badge made of gold and silver.

Master Yun nodded slightly: "Master Chen is the director of the American Department of Hantong, and he came to Xinnangang in person during his busy schedule. What he did must be a major case, a major case, and looking at the recent development of the Americas, it can be regarded as a major event. It’s nothing more than localization along the railway line.”

Director Chen smiled: "Yes, the co-organizer of Yun is indeed a person with enough political consciousness. Just looking at Chen's identity, he can guess Chen's purpose. Yes, this time Chen came to America for this railway!"

Co-organizer Yun said: "But, hasn't the previous supervisor been dismissed for investigation? Is there anything else I've missed?"

Director Chen said: "The case handled by the former American inspector was naturally handled by someone from the inspectorate, and it has nothing to do with our Hantong."

After counting here, Director Chen showed a slight smile, and then said: "Master Yun should also know that our Hantong will not interfere in these ordinary cases."

Hearing this, the cloud co-organizer frowned slightly.

He is very clear who the person in front of him is, no, it should be said that many people know.

This person's name is Chen Guangqing, a very common name, and his grade is not high, only the fourth grade.

However, he was the director of the American Division of the Sixth Bureau of the Investigation and Statistics Division of the Imperial Academy.

The Investigation and Statistics Section of the Hanlin Academy was a very special and mysterious institution within the empire. Many outsiders and even imperial officials could not understand the detailed institutional settings of Hantong.

They only know in general that there are nine bureaus under Hantong, and the nine bureaus have department heads.

But this is only superficial. In fact, Hantong has another set of institutions. For example, a branch will be set up in each province, and a station will be set up in each state capital.

There are more than 5,000 Hantong officials on the surface, but how many people Hantong actually has, how many direct employees, and how many secret employees are absolutely secret from beginning to end.

Anyway, people know that Han Tong is almost everywhere.

After years of reform, Hantong is a very large and complex intelligence agency, subordinate to various bureaus, and each station is responsible for different intelligence affairs.

Among them, the ninth bureau is an agency specially responsible for overseas territories, and is responsible for all overseas local, partial local, and overseas territory affairs except the mainland mainland.

Judging from the area they are in charge of, then you can see what their main job is, that is, to prevent rebellion in overseas mainland and overseas territories, and to kill any possibility of rebellion in the cradle in advance.

The ninth bureau consists of various divisions, including the South Ocean Division, the India Division, the African Division, the European Division, and the Americas Division.

Cheng Guangqing is the official responsible for handling the affairs of the Americas!

Even if it is only a fourth grade, but his power and deterrence are enough to make any official serving in the Americas tremble.

Cloud co-organization is no exception!

He was dispatched to the Americas three years ago to serve as the co-organizer of American affairs. He could be regarded as the second-in-command of the Datang Empire in the Americas, including South and North America.

This year, his immediate boss, the Superintendent of the Americas, didn't know if he had ulterior motives or was out of his mind, and he even wanted to localize the railway, which directly made the big bosses in Jinling vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, his immediate boss was fired and investigated.

This also allowed him to see the opportunity to further become the supervisor of the Americas, but before he had time to act, he just welcomed the guest in front of him.

A dangerous guest, a hawk dog.

As an official of the Tang Dynasty, regardless of whether it was a civil official or a military general, they were all extremely disgusted with the Hantong Eagle Dog.

If there is a chance, they will dismantle Hantong without hesitation.

Because, the Han Dynasty of the Tang Empire was actually an organization dedicated to preventing rebellion.

Whether it is to guide and monitor public opinion, or to guide and monitor public sentiment, or to monitor hundreds of officials, monitor civil unrest, etc., their core goal is always only one, that is, to prevent rebellion, and to turn those who try to rebel. Killed directly in the cradle.

This rebellion!

Not only against the empire, but also against the rebellion against the royal family, but also against the emperor himself!

This kind of task characteristics of Hantong has also led to the fact that hundreds of officials and dignitaries are their key targets of prevention, especially those ministers of the frontiers, overseas vassal kings and even princes, all of which are their key monitoring targets.

Once anyone reveals any clues and tries to create a rebellion against the Son of Heaven, Han Tong will not hesitate to take various means to restrain them, including but not limited to direct assassination, poisoning, and accidents.

Han Tong never expected to send them to prison.

They will simply kill people!

Because a dead person will not rebel!

Of course, over the years, there are actually very few dignitaries who really want to rebel. The prestige of the Son of Heaven is so high, and the big guys are also smart people, so naturally they won't make any moves.

The military bosses who fought in the world in the past are now retired one by one, and they will not interfere in any court affairs whether it is openly or secretly.

The current ones don't have this burden.

The vassal kings who have already joined the vassal and the princes who have not joined the vassal are all very honest, and no one dares to show even the slightest rebellion, and even the idea of ​​​​taking the heir has never dared to tell anyone. .

Because they all know that among the people around them, maybe servants or concubines, there may be Hantong Eagle Dogs.

In this case, everyone is quite honest, and some are dishonest, but no one knows if they died in the hands of Han Tong.

It is their job to prevent rebellions from But this is not what Hantong does most of the time, because things like rebellion rarely occur, and most of the time it is mainly based on monitoring .

In daily life, the cases investigated by the Han Tongs are generally not cases of treason, but ordinary cases.

But even for ordinary cases, most of them are big cases ordered by the Son of Heaven personally.

This time, when Chen Guangqing came to Xinnangang in person, he was instructed by Jinling to thoroughly investigate this railway case and find out who and what was involved. The Son of Heaven needs to know every detail!

Who is the man behind this railway?

Chen Guangqing already has an idea, because it's not hard to guess, who else besides the three vassal kings dares to do things in America?

The only question is, how to prove it!

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