Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1971: Earth's first ship

By the time Li Xuan received the Hantong report from the Americas, it had been more than a month.

And this is because the Navy's communication ships use relay transmission, and the Panama region directly conducts land transportation transfers, without detouring South America or passing through Africa.

At the same time, a number of the most advanced communication ships of the Navy conduct high-speed relay voyages regardless of the cost, so that the news of the New South Port in the Americas can be transmitted back to Shanghai in just over a month, and then transmitted back to Jinling by rail. city.

The actual cost of the whole process is very high. If it is transporting ordinary goods, or even a battleship executing a battleship, it will not do so.

At present, even within the Tang Empire, only the postal department led and the maritime communication lines established by the navy can achieve such a terrifying average speed.

Datang Post Co., Ltd. cooperates with the Navy to deploy a large number of fast communication ships around the world to transmit the official documents of Datang to and from the world, a few precious or urgent goods delivered by the government, as well as expedited private letters. , a small number of expedited goods.

In order to ensure that imperial documents, especially urgent documents, such as military intelligence, can be delivered quickly, the Postal Service has built and commissioned many rapid communication ships over the past few decades.

These rapid communication ships include early sail clippers, including horizontal sails and vertical sails, as well as sail clippers equipped with steam engines, that is, motor sailboats, and now pure steam ships.

No matter what type of boat these ships are, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are fast.

This kind of fast is not only reflected in the maximum speed, in fact, it is more reflected in the average speed.

Today, the Datang Post Department and the Navy require that the ocean-going fast communication ship maintain an average speed of more than 15 knots, and under special circumstances, the fast communication ship can even soar to a speed of more than 20 knots.

Last winter, during the voyage from Shanghai to Malacca, the fast communication ship of the Postal Service created an extreme discipline of running 1,000 kilometers a day, and the average speed of the day was always maintained at more than 23 knots.

It's just that the captain of the ship was dismissed after the sailing mission, because after this trip, his ship was completely scrapped...

Although the power system of the fast communication ship is good, it belongs to the type of small ship with large engine, but it is impossible for the ship to maintain a speed of 23 knots all the time.

The stupid cargo captain knew that his ship couldn't withstand a long-term limit speed sailing, and the communication ship did not undertake urgent tasks at that time, but only carried out ordinary document and letter transportation tasks.

The captain played a speedboat purely for personal preference, and in the end, he directly scrapped the power system worth more than 100,000 yuan on board.

Normally, the fast communication ship still adopts the relay method to keep the average speed above fifteen knots.

However, even at this speed, it is the only one in the world. There are many ships in the Navy that can run more than 15 knots, but it is basically impossible to maintain an average speed of more than 15 knots for cruising. After all, warships need armor. It also needs naval guns, and although speed is also important, it is not to the extent of pursuing extremes.

Unless there are special mission requirements, such as engagement, otherwise the battleship will not run so fast.

As for civilian ships, most bulk carriers actually have very low speed, with an average of about seven knots. This is because these ships need to control the cost of shipbuilding and the cost of burning coal.

And some fast ships that transport goods, such as those that need to be in a hurry to transport tea, have a very fast speed, and the average speed of these fast freight ships can reach more than ten knots.

Passenger ships are quite special. Some ordinary low-end passenger ships have a speed of about 8 knots and 10 knots.

And high-speed passenger ships can generally reach a speed of more than 12 knots.

But the larger tonnage luxury liner is much faster, and the average speed of these luxury liner, um, or more accurately cruising speed, is second only to fast communication ships.

The rapid communication ship is to keep the message passing quickly, regardless of the cost of the postal service and the military.

As for luxury passenger ships, they only transport mid-to-high-end passengers, and the fares are very expensive. Therefore, there is basically no need to consider the cost of burning coal when sailing on luxury passenger ships. It is to spend a lot of money to engage in high-speed luxury passenger ships.

A few years ago, the new Pacific series of 10,000-ton luxury passenger ships had an average speed of 14 knots.

In order to run so fast, people directly installed the power system of more than 10,000 tons of battleships, but the tonnage is smaller than that of naval battleships, and because there is no need to consider any defensive performance, the aspect ratio can be made larger. As a result, the hull is relatively slender, so it is not surprising to run such a high cruising speed.

How should I put it, if it is a long-distance sailing competition, all the main battleships of the Navy can't run these 10,000-ton luxury passenger ships.

And the new star that Feng Shipping Company spent a huge amount of money on, although it has not yet entered service, but according to the designed theoretical speed, it will be even more terrifying.

According to the design, when the Nova is loaded with rated passenger ships and cargo, and with a full load of 30,000 tons, its expensive and huge power system can reach a maximum speed of 20 knots, and can maintain a speed of 18 knots for a long time for cruising, and this The power system was originally expected to be the power system of the military warship, and it can also be ventilated with strong pressure. If it is ventilated with strong pressure, the maximum speed is estimated to be able to reach 21 knots.

At this speed, it can directly sling all luxury passenger ships and almost all civilian and even military ships.

Among the main ships of the Datang Navy, the West India-class cruiser with the fastest speed has a maximum speed of only 18 knots under normal pressure, and only 20 knots under strong pressure. In order to ensure the voyage, at most 14 or 5 knots are maintained. If you run too fast, you will burn too much coal, and the small body of the cruiser, which is more than 2,000 tons, is equipped with naval guns, ship loading, ammunition and food supplies. After that, there is not much space for coal and water.

In the future, as long as the Nova runs on the sea, there are basically no ships that can catch up with it except for a few of the latest fast communication ships in the postal department.

If it is a long-distance voyage, relying on the powerful self-sustaining ability of the Nova, the Navy's fast communication ships will not be able to catch up.

This is the first ship on earth, and this title, the Nova is estimated to be able to be firmly worn on the head for several years.

If you don't count official ships such as warships and fast communication ships, and only count ordinary civilian ships, regardless of whether it is a cargo ship or a passenger ship, it is even more difficult to break the speed of the Nova.

Because this thing is purely made of money.

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