Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1955: Since you are so good then you come

Looking at the huge airship in front of him, Li Xuan was actually a little scared.

What are you afraid of!

I'm afraid this thing will explode!

Because this airship, which is fifty meters long and more than ten meters in diameter, still uses soft airbags, and the gas inside is still hydrogen!

The hydrogen thing is a flammable and explosive gas, and it has to explode when it comes to Mars.

More importantly, there is a steam engine hanging under this thing!

Those operators are adding coal to the coal-fired boiler in the steam engine!

After Li Xuan read it, his first reaction was to ask a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology nearby: "Aren't you afraid of this thing exploding?"

The professor's expression was very embarrassed. Obviously, he himself knew that the safety of this hydrogen airship was not very good, and the safety of the steam airship with a steam engine as forward power was even worse.

So he can only say: "Report to Your Majesty, the ministers have taken safety measures as much as possible, and there have been no accidents during the previous tests!"

Li Xuan was too lazy to pay attention to him. If there was an accident, he would have known long ago that if a large steam airship flew into the sky and exploded, the huge firelight could be seen by most of Jinling City.

Seeing that Li Xuan's face was not very good, the professor in charge of airship research continued: "But we have already started to study a safer airship structure, and at the same time, we are trying to use other gases. In terms of power, we also plan to use more mature gas. machine!"

"In the later stage, if the gasoline engine is mature, we can also switch to the gasoline engine!"

This person hurriedly shared the planned follow-up improvement plan, just because he was afraid that after seeing the current immature product, the Son of Heaven would kill the research of the airship directly.

However, his idea is obviously superfluous. Naturally, Li Xuan will not allow scientists to conduct research because the current steam airship is extremely dangerous.

Today, the value of airships is still very high.

Airships can still play a huge role before airplanes are developed, or even have large-scale practical use.

For example, now the army and navy have started to introduce tethered balloons as reconnaissance balloons and artillery balloons.

Let the observation soldiers sit on the balloon with high-power binoculars, and then ascend to an altitude of tens or even hundreds of meters for observation. In addition to observing the enemy's situation, it is more important to guide the artillery unit to conduct long-range coverage shooting.

As the range of artillery gets older and farther, especially after the maximum range of those long-barreled cannons has exceeded ten kilometers, it is difficult to directly aim, and other means must be used for indirect aiming.

Although the Army has already begun to equip wired telegraphs, the number is too small, and it is unlikely to send reconnaissance soldiers dragging a wire and carrying a telegraph to the enemy's hinterland to provide artillery guidance.

At this time, the artillery shooting balloon followed the trend of history.

In fact, balloons have appeared long ago, not to mention the Kongming lanterns in the past. Hydrogen balloons have also appeared for more than ten years. However, in the past, only some people were doing research as a personal hobby. The real practical research is still proposed by the army. It only started after observing the balloon from high altitude.

At present, a small number of troops of the army and navy have experimentally equipped a few balloons for reconnaissance and shooting.

However, large-scale equipment has not yet been formed. This is not a problem of easy to use or not, but a problem of demand!

how to say.

At present, there are no enemies, and the army and navy troops of the Tang Empire are needed to hide several kilometers away to carry out shelling.

In the past years, when the Datang Army and some indigenous armies fought, they fought within the range of sight. In pursuit of shooting accuracy, they often carried out shelling between three to four thousand meters.

If it is too far, you can actually fight, but there is no need for that, because the natives can't fight.

Moreover, the accuracy of long-range shooting will inevitably decline, and more shells need to be wasted to obtain the same results.

You must know that artillery shells are very expensive!

The three black-hearted weapons companies bought these new types of artillery shells at an extremely expensive price, and both the army and the navy felt that they could not use them...

Now, whether it is the army or the navy, there is a voice, that is: the most advanced weapons are not necessarily the best.

On the basis of this theory, some generals proposed a new way of building an army, that is, the army only retains a small number of advanced breech-loading rifled guns, with a large number of cheap front-loading rifled weapons and even smoothbore weapons.

Anyway, with Datang's technology, even a smoothbore gun can achieve the extreme performance of contemporary times.

However, in the face of this kind of business, the three major arms companies are very consistent, that is, they are strongly opposed, and it is absolutely not allowed to reverse the historical situation.

You want a smoothbore gun?

Well, now the smoothbore guns we export are already very good, with an effective range of more than 1,450 meters.

If you want to go beyond these export smoothbore guns, you can also use the most advanced alloy steel to make the barrel. Such an alloy barrel smoothbore gun can also give you an effective range of 1,800 meters or even two kilometers. But the cost, sorry, is more expensive than the rear-mounted rifled gun...

As for the musket, it can also give you an effective range of 150 meters or even 200 meters. It also uses the most advanced alloy steel barrels and the highest precision machinery for processing. Even the bullets are specially made with high precision. The equipment is processed, and the performance is guaranteed to hang all the existing muskets. As for the cost, sorry, it is more expensive than the Li Fu rifle.

The root cause of the three major weapons companies' unsupportive, in fact, is that the upper echelons of the empire also do not support it, and they are not military generals, but civilian officials.

After all, the three major arms companies are directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, and the minister of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises directly issued an executive order: The defense industry will never reverse the course of history!

Although civilians do not interfere in military affairs, but!

Our Datang Empire is so The soldiers actually used the same muskets as the natives, which is a shame for the empire.

It is absolutely impossible to give up advanced weapons just because the indigenous weapons are backward, and use the same backward weapons as the indigenous people.

Your military doesn't want to die, and our empire still needs shame!

As for the price, the ministers of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises believe that the price also has the advantage of being expensive!

At least it can stimulate related industries to continue to upgrade. Without so many high-priced orders from the military every year, how can they maintain and upgrade production lines, develop more advanced weapons and equipment, and promote the overall technological upgrading of domestic industries!

Also, after a few decades and the development of supporting industries becomes more mature, the cost can always be reduced.

Anyway, there are no real enemies right now. Even if the ammunition is a little more expensive, you can save a little in other ways.

Every year, so much military expenditure is not seen that your military uses it to buy weapons and ammunition, and most of it is not spent indiscriminately.

It really doesn't work, you should use less.

In recent years, the hard training of artillery and marksmanship by your army and navy is very good.

When fighting for a war, it doesn't take many bullets to kill an enemy with one bullet, and sweep the whole of Europe down.

The same is true of artillery. If you try to kill a hundred enemies with one cannonball, it will not take many cannonballs to kill the entire Indian peninsula.

For these shameless remarks by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, the Army and Navy can only vomit blood!

Since you are so good, then you come, I will give you the gun, and the gun will also be given to you.

I want to see if you can kill one enemy with one bullet and a hundred enemies with one cannonball.

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