Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1962: There are so many rich people in Datang

Qianmu, who was still in Jinling City, continued the research with his technical staff. At the beginning, he was preparing to develop a gasoline engine that could really be mass-produced and applied to tractors.

But when he saw the car made by Zhongyuan Automobile Company, he immediately changed his attention and directly changed the research direction to gasoline engines that can be used in passenger vehicles.

As for the prototype car from the Zhongyuan Automobile Company, he has seen it. I don't talk about the design of the vehicle, but they used the prototype produced by the laboratory of the Royal Institute of Technology. That thing is him and Lin Hui and other bigwigs. Tossed out together.

That thing seems to have good performance, but it can't be mass-produced at all. Even if you are not afraid of high cost, you can't make a few units, because in fact, most of the parts of the thing are all hand-polished by the top fitters and others. , there is no possibility of mass production at all.

Although no one has said it, those who know the inside story know that that thing was specially made for the Son of Heaven to see. With the current technical conditions of Datang, it is impossible to mass-produce it, even if it is manual production for a year, it will not be able to produce a few. tower.

So if Zhongyuan Motors wants to build a car or something directly based on the laboratory prototype of the Royal Institute of Technology, it is destined to be tragic, because it is impossible for them to get such an engine.

What is Qianmu doing with his technicians now?

Simplify the design and weaken the performance, so that the current Datang technology can mass-produce gasoline engines.

Qian Mu has been specializing in internal combustion engines for many years, and has also participated in the research and development of gasoline engines from beginning to end. Even if the understanding of gasoline engines is placed in the entire empire, it can still enter the top three.

With him taking the lead, the original design was quickly developed. After the design was finalized, Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. immediately organized manpower and equipment to manufacture several prototypes for testing.

The results of the test made the executives of Hangzhou Power Machinery Company quite satisfied.

Although the performance is much worse, and even the lifespan is far less than the experimental model of the Royal Institute of Technology, this thing can be produced with the current technical conditions.

Well, even so, their Hangzhou Power Machinery Company needs to invest heavily to upgrade the production line.

Even if it is a gasoline engine with much weakened performance, it is still the top industrial product in terms of the current manufacturing capacity of Datang Industry, and the equipment required is the top of the existing one.

As a result, Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. began to spend money to improve the production line.

At the same time, they also urgently set up a car design department and set up a car factory.

One month after Zhongyuan Automobile Company produced the first car in human history, Zhongyuan Automobile Company had not even thoroughly researched the gasoline engine, and the engine factory invested by their company had not yet started construction.

Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd., a purely private enterprise, officially launched its West Lake luxury car to the outside world and accepted reservations.

Hangzhou Power Machinery Company even spent huge sums of money to advertise directly in the Datang Chaobao, directly shouting the slogan that the West Lake brand car integrates the most cutting-edge technology, the most luxurious decoration, and the most comfortable ride enjoyment in the Tang Dynasty.

Even the ultra-high price of 8,000 Tang Yuan can't resist the enthusiasm of the rich. As soon as the advertisement was released, the number of pre-orders gathered from various places in a few days has already exceeded 1,000, and this order has exceeded 1,000. It is still increasing. Within half a month, they received orders for more than 2,000 vehicles from all over the empire.

When the management of Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. learned that the pre-orders had exceeded 2,000 units in just a few days, they were dumbfounded.

Their little hearts couldn't take it anymore. They estimated that they would only have one or two hundred orders if they died, and there may only be dozens of cars.

After all, this is a car priced at 8,000 Tang Yuan, and it contains the most cutting-edge technology products of Datang. toy.

I didn't think about going by volume, but instead went the boutique route, selling dozens of cars a year, so they directly marked the price of 8,000 Tang Yuan for West Lake brand cars that cost more than 3,000 Tang Yuan.

This is because the rich people who are really interested in these high-tech products will not care whether it is three thousand Tang Yuan or eight thousand Tang Yuan.

With less output, naturally higher profit margins are required to maintain the production line.

But they never thought that this thing could receive an order for 2,000 vehicles, and even some powerful people ordered it directly by sending private telegrams.

Even Lord Chen Lifu, who was known as the richest among the imperial officials, asked the butler to send a telegram over, preparing to order a luxury car of the West Lake brand.

The order for 2,000 vehicles is 16 million. They used to sell gas machines, steam, gas tractors and other messy products. From the establishment of the company to the present, the total sales of all products have not added up. so much

Now there is an order of 16 million Tang Yuan all at once

And the most important thing is that there is a gross profit of more than 8 million Tang Yuan here.

This is Tang Yuan. Datang's annual financial revenue is only more than 400 million yuan, but they directly received an order of 16 million Tang yuan. This order has more than 8 million Tang yuan. profit.

This is higher than the total market value of their entire Hangzhou Power Machinery Company, and many times higher

Qian Mu, a tech madman hiding in the lab all day, was dumbfounded when he learned that his company had received an order for 2,000 vehicles, and the order amount reached 16 million.

After a long time, he murmured, "There are so many rich people in the Tang Dynasty."

But then he thought of a more serious problem. The production line he directly designed did not have such a large production capacity at all. It would be enough to produce hundreds of Xihu brand cars a year.

The key to the low production capacity is the low production capacity of gasoline engines.

Because even the gasoline engine he designed after weakening the performance is still a huge challenge to the existing industrial manufacturing level. The yield rate of many core components is extremely low, and some core components still need The top skilled workers perform manual processing, but it is not like the prototype of the Royal Institute of Technology, almost the entire gasoline engine is ground by hand

The ultra-low yield caused by the ultra-high processing, coupled with the new materials used, are inherently expensive.

So this also pushed up the cost of Xihu brand cars to a terrifying level of more than 3,000 Tang Yuan, and most of the cost came from the gasoline engine.

But now it seems that cost is not a problem at all, the key is how to raise production capacity.

Today, the production capacity of only two or three hundred vehicles a year is simply not enough. The enthusiasm of the market has made Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. burst out the biggest power since the establishment of the company.

In order to urgently expand the production line to increase production capacity, they did not hesitate to mortgage part of the gasoline engine patent to the Royal Bank, and obtained millions of funds for the expansion of the automobile production line.

At the same time, it is also a supporting industry to be used to improve the automobile industry.

For a time, the entire Hangzhou Power Machinery Company turned to the automobile industry in an all-round way.


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