Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2027: Jiaozhou Hybrid Rice

Jiaozhou, Guangxi, on the outskirts of Songping City, has a huge farmland, but unlike ordinary farmland, this huge farmland is surrounded by fences, and there is also a sign: Experimental Farm, Idlers Free entry.


On one side of the large farmland, there is a three-story cement building. This kind of larger-scale cement building is relatively rare in the suburbs.


There is a sign at the entrance of the building: Jiaozhou Cultivation Institute of the Grain Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.


This is one of the hybrid rice cultivation institutes under the Ministry of Agriculture's Grain Department.


The Datang Empire has been researching hybrid rice for a long time. Every year, a lot of research funds are invested in the cultivation of hybrid rice. The Guangzhou Cultivation Institute, the Kunming Cultivation Institute and the current Jiaozhou Cultivation Institute have been established one after another.


It's just that I haven't been able to produce much results. Although it is said that a lot of rice varieties have been cultivated, in the early work, more varieties of improved varieties from the Nanyang region were selected for cultivation, so that the southern regions of the empire could also be planted.


The pure hybrid rice cultivation work has always been in theoretical and small-scale experiments. At least so far, they have not been able to find high-yielding grains.


Relatively speaking, in fact, the transplanting and cultivation of other grains in the Datang Empire should be smoother.


For example, a large number of crops imported from Southeast Asia, America and even Europe have been promoted and planted nationwide after being improved by the Grain Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.


For example, three important crops, such as corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes, have always been the key crops cultivated by the Ministry of Agriculture.


After a long period of improvement and cultivation, the above three crops can already be planted in most of the mainland of the Tang Dynasty, and they can guarantee a certain yield, or even a large yield.


This is quite difficult. If you don't spend a lot of money on special improvement and cultivation, and only rely on the improvement of the people themselves, this time may take decades or even hundreds of years.


In history, there have been sweet potatoes since the Ming Dynasty, but the original sweet potatoes are not suitable for planting in many places, and the yield is not high.


However, after a long period of selection and elimination, it was not until the Qing Dynasty that sweet potatoes could be widely planted in China and ensure a large yield.


The improvement and cultivation of the Ministry of Agriculture is to shorten the process, and has successively improved and cultivated many varieties suitable for different regions.


In particular, corn has now been planted in most areas of the Tang Dynasty, especially in relatively dry and barren land, and corn has been widely planted.


Because corn has strong drought resistance, cold resistance, barren resistance and excellent environmental adaptability, its nutritional value is also high, and its yield is not low.


Of course, the reason that prompted the farmers of the Datang Empire to start planting corn widely was that corn was not picked, and could be planted on any dry land, even on hillsides.


This is very important for the Datang Empire, which lacked arable land.


Similarly, in fact, sweet potatoes have similar characteristics, so the cultivation of sweet potatoes is also very extensive.


Many farmers in the Datang Empire planted rice in good paddy fields or wheat in high-grade dry land, and planted sweet potatoes, corn, peanuts, or commercial crops such as mulberry, cotton, fruits and vegetables in other inferior dry land. .


The officials of the Datang Empire also encouraged farmers to plant these new crops. In the early years, they provided excellent grains for free. Now they also organize merchants to purchase cash crops such as cotton, silkworm cocoons, fruits and vegetables to increase farmers’ income.


However, even if this is the case, it is difficult to completely solve the food problem faced by the Tang Dynasty.


If you simply say that you want to eat enough, in fact, the current Datang Empire is already able to do this.


Even if there is no food supply from overseas territories, relying only on local food can make the local 300 to 400 million people enough to eat.


However, the requirements of the Datang Empire are not only to keep the people full, they also want the people to eat well.


Lower the food index.


The difference between the 60% grain index and the 40% grain index is not 20% of the grain output, but several times the grain output.


This is also the reason why the Datang Empire has always insisted on developing hybrid rice and chemical fertilizers for so many years.


Now, the cost has initially taken shape, and although there is not much progress in hybrid rice, it is still a small achievement.


The Jiaozhou Rice Cultivation Institute submitted a report to the superior, saying that they had initially cultivated a rice suitable for cultivation in the southern region. The rice has a short growth time and a large yield.


Of course, it is not without defects. This defect is that the requirements for the climate are relatively high, and the requirements for the fertility of the farmland are relatively high.


However, if there are chemical fertilizers as a supplement, parts of Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and most of the Nanyang Peninsula are suitable for planting and maintain high yields.


Although this hybrid rice is still very limited, it is still a huge improvement for the rice cultivation work of the Tang Dynasty.


Furthermore, today the entire Nanyang region is owned by the empire, and at the same time, the Nanyang region is the granary area that the Tang Empire focused on developing.


This Jiaozhou rice is just right!


After learning the news, even the Holy Son of Heaven Li Xuan paid attention to the matter in person.


"If the cultivation of this kind of rice is promoted in the Nanyang region, the yield per mu will increase by more than 50% over the current year, even if the cost of chemical fertilizers is increased, but if it is calculated, the final grain will be planted. The cost is still much lower than the current food cost!"


"This is a good thing, a great good thing. When you go back to the Ministry of Agriculture, you have to handle it as appropriate!"


"However, don't be in a hurry. Make sure that there will be no problems. Don't carry out large-scale promotion in the early stage. Just like before, choose one or two places for experimental planting. If the effect is good, then slowly promote it!"


After Li Xuan instructed the Grain Department of the Ministry of Agriculture on the relevant precautions, he called the people from the Immigration and Reclamation Department again!


"The immigration rate in the Nanyang region is still slower today. It has only been a few million people for several years. This is less for the huge Nanyang region!"


"I remember that the number of immigrants who went to the Americas last year was nearly two million, but the number of immigrants who went to the Nanyang region was only over one million. That's not going to work!"


"This immigration work, you can't relax at all times!"


These remarks made the foreheads of the people from the Immigration and Reclamation Division start to sweat!


You can't relax at all times. What this means is that the work of the immigration and reclamation company has been slack. The Son of Heaven has already publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the work of the immigration and reclamation company.


After returning this time, the director of the Immigration and Reclamation Department called the officials from various places under his command and conveyed the word of the Son of Heaven.


When these officials heard the sentence that they can't relax all the time, they all became serious.


Even if he is a newcomer in the officialdom, but the Son of Heaven is so straightforward, he can understand the dissatisfaction of the Son of Heaven.


However, after the seriousness, each of them also showed embarrassment.


Immigration work is not so easy to do.


Immediately, someone sighed and said, "Alas, nowadays people are generally reluctant to immigrate to Nanyang. They would rather immigrate to the Americas at their own expense than to immigrate to Nanyang for free. This is the root cause of the lag in Nanyang immigration in recent years!"


Another humane said: "Yes, although the Nanyang region is already native and there are no indigenous people there, the environment in most areas is still a bit harsh, and many people are reluctant to immigrate there!"


"On the other hand, the conditions in the Americas are good. Although we have canceled the subsidy for immigration tickets for a long time, people still have to go there even if they take a loan to buy their own tickets!"


"However, difficulties are not the reason. We still have to find a way to attract more immigrants to the Nanyang region. I heard before that the grain department has produced a Jiaozhou rice. The waterway of this variety can only be found in the Nanyang region. Planting, and the yield is very high, I think we can start from this aspect and focus on promoting the cultivation of Jiaozhou rice in the Nanyang region, so that the people know that going to Nanyang to farm can get a bumper harvest!"


"Yes, in addition to rice, I think we can also start with rubber. With the increasing demand for rubber in the empire, the price of rubber is also increasing day by day. The only few rubber plantations in the Nanyang region were profitable. Turned it over, now many people in the Nanyang region have begun to grow rubber on their own!"


"The demand for rubber in the future empire is definitely increasing, and the Nanyang region is very suitable for large-scale rubber planting. I think we can start with rubber planting to attract immigrants."


"Since economic crops are attracting immigrants, I think we can add some attention to economic crops such as tropical fruits. Now there are refrigerated transport ships. Last month, I heard that some people used refrigerated transport ships to transport a Ship bananas to the north to sell and make a lot of money.”


"These are the special advantages of the Nanyang region, and we should make use of them to attract more people!"


At this time, someone else said: "Actually, it is not enough to promote agriculture only. You must know that there is still oil and gold in the Nanyang region, and everyone, don't forget, the Nanyang region is now the homeland of the empire, but it is nothing There are no natives in the overseas territories. What does that mean?"


"This means you can invest and build factories in Nanyang!"


"The petroleum resources in the Southeast Asia region are very rich. Now, crude oil is transported back for refining, but it is completely possible to set up oil refineries in Malacca and other regions, so that it can be sold in the Southeast Asia region and exported to India nearby. area!"


"The geographical location of Malacca is so good, it's a pity that it just acts as a transit port. Can shipbuilding and other industries be properly developed!"


"Only when industry and commerce are developed can more capital and people be attracted. Otherwise, it is difficult to achieve the goal of tens of millions of immigrants from Southeast Asia in a short period of time only by relying on agriculture!"


The initial immigration target set by the Tang Dynasty for the Nanyang region was 10 million, but it has been a few years, and now there are only a few million people in total.


And among these millions of people, some immigrants who immigrated to Malacca state in the early days must also be included.


However, although the Immigration and Reclamation Division has proposed many solutions internally, they are only responsible for immigration, and many other things are within the business scope of the Grain Division, the Ministry of Commerce and even the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises. The Immigration and Reclamation Division has no jurisdiction.


However, the Immigration and Reclamation Division has always had a special position in the internal political arena of the empire, and it has a relatively close cooperation with other departments.


After some discussions, other agencies also agreed to cooperate with the Immigration and Reclamation Division to promote the work of Nanyang immigrants.


But what is more important is the newly established Ministry of Health, which has no sense of existence for the time being. This institution can be regarded as the most established institution in the Datang Empire.


As the name suggests, its authority is to be responsible for health and medical affairs.


In other words, the Tang Empire actually had a similar institution before, but the interesting thing is that it was under the Ministry of Patrol and there was a Department of Health Management.


The main authority of the former Department of Health Management was to manage urban sanitation, epidemic prevention, etc. This is because the Datang Empire has always attached great importance to health affairs, especially the emphasis on urban sanitation, which has reached a perverted level. Some patrolmen stared at people, saw you spitting, littering, and immediately went to issue a ticket.


This is also the reason why the Department of Health Management has always been managed by the Patrol Department.


Later, the epidemic prevention and other powers were integrated and merged with the Royal Pacific Hospital. Based on this, the Ministry of Health was established, mainly responsible for epidemic prevention, hygiene, medical and other affairs.


The Ministry of Health is the latest ministerial-level institution to be established, and the affairs it manages are not considered weighty, so it has little sense of existence. The only major thing it has accomplished in recent years is the popularization of government-run hospitals within the territory of the empire.


In the early years of the Tang Empire, at least one government-run hospital was established in every county.


After the establishment of the Ministry of Health, the main task is to promote primary medical care.


For this reason, the Ministry of Health has set up a government-run clinic in the This kind of clinic is not large in scale, and there are often only a few doctors sitting in the hall, but it can be regarded as a formal government-run clinic.


However, what is more important is to promote, support and encourage rural doctors to train a large number of folk traditional Chinese medicine so that they can treat common diseases according to various medical books compiled by the Ministry of Health.


The goal of the Ministry of Health is to strive for a village clinic in every administrative village. It does not need to be too large, not even a nurse. It only needs a village doctor who can understand basic medical knowledge.


It doesn't need to be too powerful, it's enough to cure a common disease.


The purpose of government-run hospitals is very simple, which is to provide cheap medical care for the people, so the fees are relatively cheap.


However, it cannot be said that the treatment level of the government-run hospitals is low. In fact, the highest level of treatment in the Tang Empire is still the government-run hospitals, but they are only higher-level government-run hospitals.


They are usually large general hospitals on provincial roads, and the medical level is first-class.



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