Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2122: The auto industry explodes

After many tests, three of these more than ten armored vehicles have received follow-up research and development orders from the military.


The military signed a research and development contract with them, paid a certain amount of research and development funds, and purchased a small number of experimental models for them to continue research and development. As for whether to purchase equipment on a large scale in the future, we will see their research and development results later.


But there is another armored vehicle that has received a direct order!


The order is for a compact armored vehicle jointly developed by Northern Arms Company and Qixiang Automobile Company.


This compact four-wheeled armored vehicle has been rigorously tested by the military. What can I say about this vehicle, it is barely usable in the eyes of the military.


It's not good to go there, and there are many problems, but it is already among the more than ten test models, which barely meet the military's requirements, so the military tried to order dozens of vehicles.


Mainly for experimental training, exploring the use and tactics of armored vehicles, etc.


To put it bluntly, the military ordered these for experimental research purposes.


To put it further, in fact, the current mechanized troops of the two brigades and regiments of the Army and Navy Guards are all experimental troops in the Tang Empire. The three armies are used to explore the possibility of future mechanized operations and the various a tactical concept.


As for the Central Plains Automobile Company's pursuit of letting the entire military, especially the army, directly promote the mechanization of the entire army, and purchase various types of military vehicles on a large scale, especially trucks, as the main transport force, this is unrealistic.


Unless the price of the car drops drastically!


In recent years, the automobile products of the Datang Empire have experienced a substantial decline, especially the spoiler of Qixiang Automobile Company, after setting off a mass production model, which directly lowered the price of automobiles to a thousand Tang Yuan level.


After other companies saw the success of Qixiang Motors, they also followed suit.


After a long period of research and development, Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. bypassed a lot of patents of Qixiang Automobile Company, and then developed and launched a mid-range car. Although the price has exceeded 3,000 Tang yuan, this is because Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. The company has always taken the mid-to-high-end route in the sedan field.


Even if it is a scheduled interruption product, the price cannot be too low.


Even Zhongyuan Automobile has introduced a mass production model, and developed more advanced technologies to bypass various patents, successfully driving down the price of their truck products.


The current truck price is almost 50% lower than before.


At the same time, they also relied on their own truck advantages to once again enter the sedan field on a large scale and launched a new model.


Their Zhongyuan sedan suffered a failure before, but they didn't completely abandon the sedan field, even if they were half-dead, they kept it up, and they waited for the technology to get out of the way before entering.


After all, in the civilian market, cars are the largest market, and trucks can only be regarded as the second largest market.


This time, Zhongyuan Automobile Co., Ltd. did not use luxury cars, nor did they even follow Qixiang Automobile Co., Ltd. to make middle-class cars. They are going to rely on their own advantages in the truck field to launch a brand-new model. Its design is very characteristic, that is, the first half adopts The layout of the car is the layout of the car but the rear part is the layout of the truck, which they call a sedan.


It can not only be used as a personal car, but also can pull goods when necessary, and has good off-road performance.


Their intended target customers are not the decent gentry in the city, but the wide-ranging landlord class living in the countryside.


The social structure and group divisions of the Tang Empire were quite special, which directly led to a large number of wealthy people who actually lived in the countryside, not in the cities.


Even in the city, it is living in the suburbs.


Considering that the transportation facilities in the suburbs are not very good, then, at least it is impossible to lay cement roads on a large scale, most of which are dirt roads, at most cinder roads.


This requires a higher passability of the vehicle.


At the same time, considering that there are actually more small and medium-sized landlord families in the countryside, they inevitably need to transport goods, and at the same time, they also hope to use cars like the rich and powerful.


In addition, Zhongyuan Automobile also considers the markets in the northeast, northwest, and Central Asia. In these places, the transportation facilities are worse, but there are a large number of private farms in these places, and many farm families own hundreds of acres of land. of.


These people's spending power is not bad, but there is currently no car suitable for them on the market.


A truck? This thing is a pure tool, it is easy to use, but not decent enough.


Car, this thing is purely for enjoyment. If you buy this thing, you have to buy another truck...


Zhongyuan Automobile Company did a lot of market research before launching the sedan card. After confirming that there is a market for this thing, it invested a lot of resources in research and development.


And in the spring of Xuanping 45 years, they officially launched their sedan card. The price of this car is not high. The price of the basic version is only 1,300 Tang yuan, which is basically the same as the Feixiang brand of Qixiang Motors. Cars overlap.


To be able to make the price so low, Zhongyuan Automobile Company has also made great efforts. For this reason, they invested heavily in the construction of a modern factory and a fully mechanized assembly line, so as to effectively reduce costs.


In addition, sedan trucks pay more attention to practicality, so they do not need some flashy and messy accessories, which can effectively reduce costs.


In the end, after many years of overall defeat in the field of private passenger cars, Zhongyuan Automobile Company caught up again, and it showed great potential.


As soon as their sedan cards were, they received thousands of orders, and the orders were growing rapidly every day.


This is not to mention, Zhongyuan Automobile Company, which has finally completed a large-scale assembly line factory, intends to take this opportunity to completely enter the field of private passenger cars.


After successfully launching the sedan, they launched the third-generation Zhongyuan sedan again just three months later.


And this third-generation sedan from the Central Plains is not the same as the previous two generations. This time, they directly aimed at the low-end market and directly lowered the price of this third-generation sedan to 1,500 Tang Yuan.


This is already the core market of the two car brands of Qixiang Automobile Company. ,


In response, Qixiang Automobile Company was more direct, and directly announced a comprehensive price reduction for its car brands. .


Let the automobile field of the Datang Empire officially enter the era of less than 1,000 yuan!



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