Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2126: Huge imperial internal market

The number of patents of the Royal Institute of Technology is the first in the empire, and other companies or institutions cannot compare with it at all, and most of their patents are invention and utility patents, and they are patents that are biased towards the bottom.


For example, gasoline engine patents, gearboxes and other basic automotive patents, these are all patents belonging to the Royal Institute of Technology, but these patents are open for authorization, as long as you sign a patent licensing agreement with the Royal Institute of Technology, then you can get Authorization, and the authorization threshold is not high.


So far, there are at least hundreds of companies or institutions that have obtained the overall basic patent authorization for automobiles.


The patents related to the automobile industry in the hands of the four major automobile companies are more subdivided patents, raw materials, structures, production processes and so on.


But that's what limits other companies.


They can produce a basic car based on the basic patent authorized by the Royal Institute of Technology, but this car is basically unsellable...


Aside from the Royal Institute of Technology, the largest institution with invention and utility patents in China is Zhaoqing Machinery Co. huge.


Among these numerous patents, some old patents have been authorized by the Big Four automobile companies, but the authorization period is about to expire and need to be renegotiated, and there are some new patents that they want to be authorized,


If you want to get these patent authorizations, it is not too much to ask the big four automobile companies to use some of their patents in exchange for authorization!


Once the patent issue is resolved, the rest will not be a problem.


As for the production line, well, the production lines of the four major automobile companies are all developed in cooperation with Zhaoqing Machinery Co., Ltd. Zhaoqing Machinery Co., Ltd. is fully equipped with technology and patents to build a state-of-the-art automobile production line, and the cost is lower.


Therefore, in terms of patents and production, the problem is not big.


Now there are two problems, one is a specific technical problem.


Well, having a patent license allows you to use this technology, but it doesn't mean you can use it, it's okay if you don't have enough technology.


There is also the issue of market competition. The automobile market is a very large market, including private cars, public trucks, sedan trucks, trucks, large trucks, various construction vehicles and so on.


Under the circumstance of limited strength of an enterprise, it is unlikely to set foot in all market segments, and even in the face of competition from the four major automobile companies, it is very difficult to concentrate on one of the market segments.


According to market research, Pang Yan Lun decided to directly enter the most competitive private car market!


Although the competition in the private sedan market is the most intense, a fierce price war between Qixiang Automobile Company and Zhongyuan Automobile Company directly raised the entry threshold of the private sedan market countless times.


But in the same way, their price war has also opened up a wider market!


Now it is estimated that there will be hundreds of thousands of private cars in the market every year. In a few years, won't it break through one million or even several million?


In the face of the rapidly increasing market, the production capacity of other auto manufacturers is seriously insufficient now. Perhaps their cars are the most popular with the public, and they have a lot of orders, but they are absolutely unable to meet so many orders. Instead of their cars, they go to car manufacturers.


And this is the chance for the latecomers!


This is also the reason why Fung Shipping, Tianjin AIA, Dongfang Power and other companies still maintain large-scale investment in research and development even if the automobile business is not profitable in recent years, because they all know the potential of the empire's huge automobile market in the future. , The four major automobile companies in the district can't eat it!


How much potential does the empire's auto market have?


A calculation method that many people like is that there are more than 400 million people in the empire now. If one person buys a car, that is the number of 400 million cars. Calculated according to the average service life of each car for ten years, every year There are 40 million cars in the normal replacement car market alone.


Although this algorithm is very extreme and idealized, it is also a one-sided application of how huge the internal market of the Datang Empire is.


Not just in the automotive market, but also in other product markets.


This can be clearly seen from the textile industry of the Tang Empire.


In the Datang Empire, the textile industry is still the leading industry in the light industry, and this industry has developed in the Datang Empire for decades, but it still maintains a very high growth rate.


The reason is that the population of the empire is too large. With the growth of the economy, the natural increase of the population is enough to bring about a large enough incremental market, not to mention that the service life of clothes is also very limited, and the normal stock market every year is very large. of huge.


In addition, this is also related to the fact that the people of the Empire have gradually changed their consumption habits on clothes over the years.


Before the popularity of machine-made cloth, people, especially the rural population, generally weave and sew their own clothes, and some even grow cotton by themselves. This is a typical self-sufficiency model.


Later, after the development of the mechanical textile industry, a large number of machine-made fabrics began to appear in the market. Slowly, people stopped spinning and weaving by themselves, but directly purchased finished fabrics to sew clothes.


This model has lasted for decades, even now, most of the clothes worn by the people of the empire are sewn by buying cloth or by tailors.


For most ordinary families in the empire, women's sewing skills are Of course, the ready-to-wear market has always existed, but in the early years, the ready-to-wear market was small-scale The non-formed ones are mainly purchased from various tailor shops and customized according to the needs of customers.


However, it is worth noting that the tailoring shop's custom-made clothing model, because of the low efficiency of manual sewing, the sewing cost must be high, so as long as only the middle and upper classes can afford it, most ordinary people still buy cloth and sew it by themselves. system.


However, many people do not have the time to sew clothes, or their craftsmanship is not good, which also gives room for the development of machine-made garments.


With the development of technology, various kinds of sewing machines have appeared, and the efficiency of mechanical sewing machines is much higher than that of manual sewing. In a certain period, the efficiency and use of these sewing machines are still limited, mainly for the civilian market, such as All kinds of tailor shop, home.


During this period, there were actually factories that produced large-scale machine-made garments, but they mainly produced various uniforms of the same style, such as military uniforms, factory uniforms, etc. These uniforms had uniform styles and large orders.


But it didn't become mainstream.

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