Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Ming army counterattack

Su Jiakang was reluctant for the new army of the Tang Dynasty to enter the city, because after the city was broken, he had to bear a huge responsibility. After all, he would end up with an evaluation of losing the city and losing ground no matter what. What would the big bosses think of him?

They would think that Su Jiakang was extremely incompetent, and even let a group of small bandits break through the county seat. Isn't this incompetence? How can such an official be in charge of one party and protect the land on behalf of the emperor and herdsmen?

If it is said that after Su Jiakang lost the town of Zhengtai, he still cannot rely on his own strength to recover the town of Zhengtai in a short period of time, then the consequences will be even more serious.

The imperial court has never been soft-hearted towards officials who have lost cities.

As for Li Xuan's unwillingness to enter the city, he was afraid of causing a shock to the Ming court, which would lead to the Ming court sending a large army to encircle and suppress it.

But they don't want to do it, but reality **** because it rarely goes your way.

This is like a man who is a diaosi but is still a face control, but he wants to marry a beautiful beauty; a woman can scare passersby with her own appearance, but she is still a money-loving girl who likes to be tall, rich and handsome, and she is full of desires Looking for a tall, rich and handsome person, according to reason, these two people can't look down on each other.

But in reality, the beauties are all paired with Gao Fushuai, and Diaosi and Ruhua can only hold hands while despising each other.

They didn't want each other, but in the end they got it together. This is the reality!

Li Xuan didn't want to enter the city, and he didn't want to attract the shock of the Ming court, but at this moment he had no choice. If he stayed outside the city, he would be surrounded by the Ming army on three sides, and the remaining side would be a dead end.

It would be better to enter the city to fight, especially when the Ming army in the city has already surrendered, it does not take much time for him to enter the city, and he will not encounter much resistance. The Ming army stopped him for temporary safety.

As for how to escape the danger in the future, this is a future matter. Whether it is trapped or retreated, it is easy to say. Now Li Xuan has no extra time and mind to think about it.

After Butcher Chen and Fang Dongquan in front of them took the lead in entering the city, the new army of the Tang Dynasty quickly took control of the city gate and the nearby city wall, followed by the musket team, archers and baggage teams who also entered the city one after another.

The speed at which they entered the city was quite fast. It was only a moment. Except for a few dozen people who were alerted at the back, everyone else had already entered the city.

After the new army of the Tang Dynasty entered the city, they immediately divided their troops into several routes. The main force was advancing along the city gate tower and the city walls on both sides. On the one hand, the remnants of the Ming army were cleared to control the city defense, and on the other hand, it was more important to immediately launch defensive operations. deployment in order to meet the attack of the main force of the Ming army in the rear.

At the same time, it was also divided into several key points for small troops to enter the city, such as the county office, school field, warehouse and other important places.

As for the gentry who had planned to surrender, they had long since fled to where they had fled, and at this moment, Li Xuan had no intention of paying attention to them.

At this time, Li Xuan also entered Zhengtai County under the **** of the guards.

Li Xuan on horseback was wearing a tailored uniform of modern generals, with a decorative saber hanging from his waist, a pair of long leather boots on the stirrups, and a hand holding the reins. Wearing a pair of leather gloves.

If he is placed in modern times or even modern times, he is a typical image of a general, but in the eyes of people of this era, it looks funny and weird.

Many people who hide in the houses on both sides of the street secretly look at Li Xuan like this through the cracks in the door panels or the windows, which are somewhat strange and strange.

No wonder the government said every day that the bandits in Huangzhu Mountain were cannibals, this young bandit leader knew at a glance that it was definitely not a good thing.

The eyes of the people in the city are naturally not what Li Xuan cares about. He rode on horseback and looked at the dirt street in front of him and the houses on both sides of the street. The satisfaction of conquering.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has seen the city with his own eyes since he came to this time and space. Unfortunately, when he first came to this era, he encountered officers and soldiers attacking Lijia Village, and he spent the rest of his life in flight. , I spent most of the time in the ravine of Huangzhu Mountain.

Last time, although he led someone to break through Longhua Town, Longhua Town was said to be a city, but in fact it was just a bigger village, just a little bit bigger than Fengjiazhuang, so it wasn't a formal city at all.

More importantly, he, Li Xuan, had never entered Longhua Town for safety reasons.

Therefore, this is the first time he has entered an ancient city for so long!

It's just that this curiosity about the ancient city only lasted for a few seconds, and now he has more important things.

"Since the defense is deployed, the suspension bridge is put away, and the gate is also closed!" Li Xuan turned over and dismounted as he spoke, and then took Qian Mengjiu and Zeng Ziwen directly to the gate tower.

Walking up to the city gate tower, you can vaguely see the corpses of the Ming army and many wounded. There are also many weapons on the ground, as well as boulders and giant trees that have not yet been used, and rolling oil and other equipment for defending the city.

The top of the city is now completely occupied by the Datang New Army, and a few dozen young men who did not have time to escape are being watched by the Datang New Army soldiers and squatting in the corner.

Li Xuan didn't pay much attention to the scene above the city. When he entered the city, he had already arranged it in detail. Fang Dongquan and Wang Danxu brought the musket team, archers, spearmen and other main forces to arrange the city defense matters. The soldiers and horses cleared the Ming army in the city to occupy the key points and so on.

They already have a clear division of labor and they don't need Li Xuan to say more, so Li Xuan did not interfere too much with Fang Dongquan's work.

Instead, he took Qian Mengjiu and Zeng Ziwen to the higher gate tower, and then looked at it from a distance. From a distance, Li Xuan finally saw the Ming army forward in the mouth of the detective.

It was an army of about 300 people wearing Ming army uniforms. At this time, it was about a mile away from Zhengtai County.

As for the further distance, he also saw that more Ming troops were coming, but because of the undulating terrain, he couldn't see it very clearly.

The southwest of Zhengtai County is not open, but there are low hills one after another. These hills do not affect farming, but they affect the line of sight.

Unlike the east and north, it is an open area with a fairly good field of vision, and you can see clearly from several miles away when an enemy kills.

When Li Xuan observed the Ming army outside the city, the new army of the Tang Dynasty in the city had already closed the city gate again, and the musketeers and archers who were the main defense force had also already entered the city.

As for Huang Xueren and the others, they cleared the city very quickly. Like many ancient cities, this county town of Zhengtai is not big. It doesn't take long to run a lap. In addition, Huang Xueren and the others also know that things are urgent and can't waste too much time in the city. The Ming army entered, so they ran all the way, and at the same time shouted slogans such as those who surrendered, and they successfully captured important places such as the county government office and the official warehouse.

It is not correct to say that it was captured, because the Ming army in these places has long since run away, and most of them escaped with Xu Xiancheng and other civil and military officials. war.

As for the young people who originally had hundreds of people, it was even more unbearable. When Xu County Cheng and the others fled, they would not take them with him. After Xu County Cheng and the others were all gone, the leaderless young people were in the new army of the Tang Dynasty. Before the siege of the city, it was already scattered.

Otherwise, the gentry in the city would not have simply chosen to open the city gate and surrender.

That is to say, before Li Xuan and the others entered the city, Zhengtai County actually became an undefended city.

Soon, after clearing the remaining Ming army in the city, Huang Xueren came back with most of the troops. They didn't count when they came back, and they also arrested hundreds of people and came back together.

Without waiting for Li Xuan to ask, Huang Xueren took the initiative to explain: "I saw these young men fleeing at the northeastern city gate just now, so I stopped them. Now that our army is short of manpower to defend the city, they are just ready for use!"

Qian Mengjiu on the side said: "Will these people make trouble during our army's war? This will lead to accidents?"

But at this time, Zeng Ziwen said, "Don't worry about this, these young men and women are very obedient. If there is someone to supervise them, they can't make trouble!"

Zeng Ziwen used to be a thousand households in the Ming army, and when he was fighting, he liked to recruit young men to accompany the army to transport luggage or fight directly. He had a deep understanding of these young men.

These young men are definitely not willing to give their lives to the new army of the Tang Dynasty, but they were also unwilling to give their lives to the army However, the army can use a knife to force them to give their lives, and the new army of the Tang Dynasty can also do it. .

After listening to Li Xuan, he nodded slightly. With the participation of this group of young and strong prisoners to engage in manual labor, at least when defending the city, he can recruit more fighters, instead of having to carry stones and wood to burn rolls. Oil and the like.

When the new army of the Tang Dynasty was actively preparing for defense in the city, and even did not bother to pay attention to the gentry and ordinary people in the city, the main force of the Ming army led by Su Jiakang finally arrived at the town of Zhengtai County.

Su Jiakang, who was riding on a horse, looked at Zhengtai County in front of him with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

That was Su Jiakang's Zhengtai County, but now it has fallen into the hands of the pseudo-Tang bandit army. If he can't recover quickly, I'm afraid his end will not be too good. Losing office is the lightest. If not, they will be beheaded.

Immediately, he sighed to Wang Zhi beside him: "While the bandit army has just entered the city, and now they have a firm foothold, we must attack the city as soon as possible, send orders immediately, attack the city immediately!"

With Su Jiakang's decisiveness and determination, the Ming army launched a counterattack against Zhengtai County as soon as they arrived at the city, intending to take advantage of the unsteady foothold of the Datang New Army to recover Zhengtai County.

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