Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 218: Desperate bayonet charge

In the new army of the Tang Dynasty, there are three distinct groups of soldiers, such as swordsmen and archers, cavalry, and middle and high-level generals. They are all the old bandits, who are either excellent in martial arts or good at archery and riding. Wait for someone with skill.

The more than 200 people who were assigned to the baggage team as young men were ordinary young and strong bandits. These ordinary bandits had nothing to say, no special skills, and they all had old fritters.

But spearmen and musketeers are newly recruited and trained soldiers. These soldiers have two characteristics, one is young and the other is honest!

This also led to the fact that the soldiers in the musket team and the spear team were generally young, especially the soldiers in the musket team, who were generally young, most of them were fifteen or sixteen years old, and there were very few musketeers over twenty years old. .

In the musket team, there were even thirteen- or fourteen-year-old half-boys, who were not as tall as the bayonet-mounted musket in his hand.

The spearman was obviously a little surprised that he could kill an enemy so easily, so much so that he was stunned.

In the next second, he felt a sharp pain. He lowered his head and saw that a knife tip appeared on his chest at an unknown time: a steel knife of the Ming Army style penetrated his chest from the back. !

The steel knife was quickly pulled out, and the spearman didn't even let out a scream. He was paralyzed on the ground. His eyes were still open when he fell, and the corners of his mouth were squirming as if he wanted to say something, but only Can make a slight humming sound.

Lying on the ground, he opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. Half of the sky was blue without a trace of clouds, and half was a blush of sunset. The azure blue and blush were like swords and blood, interweaving the most gorgeous colors in the sky.

With a slight twitch, the blood oozing from his body quickly infected the ground, intertwined with the blood of the Ming army soldiers he killed before, changing the color of the sky!

"Kill! If you don't want to die, just rush up with Lao Tzu and drive them out of the city!" Butcher Chen just beheaded a few Ming soldiers who climbed up the city, and he led his men towards a section of the city wall not far away. go.

There is another Ming army on the top of the city!

At this time, on the top of the city gate, Zeng Ziwen frowned and said, "You can't go on like this. Although General Chen's sword and shield team is brave, they can't rely on them alone. If you want to defend the city head, you must rely on spearmen and soldiers. Musketeer!"

Hearing Zeng Ziwen's words, Li Xuan frowned, and he naturally saw that his own troops, who were fighting meleely on the top of the city, were at the bottom.

In order to defend the city wall, the spearmen are too scattered, and it is difficult to gather together to form a phalanx of spears. If the number of lancers is not enough to form a dense phalanx, then the spear in their hands will not actually play much. It was very easy to be rushed up by the Ming soldiers wearing heavy armor, holding shields and steel knives, and then slashed and killed with a knife.

Although the sword and shield soldiers led by Butcher Chen were not weak by relying on heavy armor, you must know that most of the first batch of Ming troops that rushed to the city's head were also wearing armor and holding shields.

Even in terms of training, the sword and shield soldiers of the Ming army who rushed to the city's head were better than Butcher Chen's men, and they fought more systematically.

After all, they are the regular army anyway, but Butcher Chen's subordinates are just a group of gangsters with better physical fitness and more courage.

And when he saw that the sword and shield soldiers led by Butcher Chen were also entangled, Li Xuan quickly thought about his limited military knowledge in his mind in order to break the situation. .

In today's situation, relying solely on the melee of sword and shield soldiers and spearmen, it is no longer possible to drive the Ming army off the city wall. This can be seen from the increasing number of Ming army climbing up the city wall, and it will continue like this. If so, it won't take long for the entire city wall to collapse.

The new army of the Tang Dynasty is not an elite army that can fight to the end. To put it bluntly, this is just a group of bandits. The ability to bear casualties is very limited. Once the casualties are too large, and there is no hope of victory, it is natural to completely crashed.

Can't wait any longer!

In the next instant, Li Xuan took a deep breath, then took out the long sword from his waist and strode forward, shouting at the same time: "Musket team, line up!"

The musketeers on the city wall were still reloading at this time, ready to shoot more and more Ming soldiers under the city, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that, with the musketeer's current rate of fire of no more than two rounds per minute, when they finished loading the enemy, They all climbed the wall.

Seeing Li Xuan coming over in person and ordering the muskets to line up in person, Wang Danxu didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ordered: "Array... array..."

Butcher Chen and Fang Dongquan were in a **** battle. In less than half a minute, at least 50 Ming troops rushed to the front of the city and established the most basic position at the front of the city to cover the Ming soldiers in the rear. A steady stream of long ladders climbed up the city wall.

Wang Zhitan, who was under the city, saw that his soldiers had opened a gap, and even ordered the soldiers of the Ming Army who were still under the city to climb up to the gap.

Su Jiakang, who was supervising the battle in person behind him, also smiled when he saw this scene. If this situation continues, he will be able to return to Zhengtai County in a short time, and maybe even have dinner in the county office!

At the same time, Li Xuan on the city head personally ordered that the musketeers who were still loading and shooting at the Ming army below the city quickly stopped loading and shooting, and then began to line up on the city wall only three meters wide!

"Tighter, tighter!" Li Xuan was already ignoring the majesty of his emperor at this time, and personally commanded the soldiers to line up. Now this moment of life and death is no longer the time to be dignified.

If you can't drive the Ming army out of the city, then I'm afraid I won't be able to survive tonight.

Under Li Xuan's personal order, these half-size soldiers of the Musket Team began to crowd and line up on the top of the city, almost shoulder to shoulder, forming a tight and almost airtight formation of the Musketeers.

Li Xuan held up the long sword in his hand and shouted, "Bayonet ready!"

His messenger acted as a voice amplifier, shouting repeatedly:

"The bayonet is ready!"

"The bayonet is ready!"

"The bayonet is ready!"

Seeing that dozens of musketeers had lined up urgently, and all had bayonets on them, Li Xuan did not hesitate to point the long sword in his hand to the Ming army ahead, and at the same time, he almost tried his best to shout: "All troops charge!"

"All troops charge!"


Seeing that Li Xuan, who was almost crazy at the front, personally led the musketeers to launch a bayonet charge, Qian Mengjiu and Zeng Ziwen at the back both looked in disbelief. They couldn't believe that this was what Li Xuan did. Because in their impression, the emperor of his family has always stayed at the back of the battlefield. Even if he personally commanded so many battles, he has never been on the front line, let alone charged in person.

But now, this young emperor is wielding the gilded saber that is only for decoration, and leads dozens of musket teams to launch a bayonet charge!

They didn't know that Li Xuan was not brave, but the last counterattack in desperation. The rabbit even bit people in a hurry.

Anyway, if you lose, you will die, so you might as well die on the way to charge!

And who dares to say that his bayonet charge must not be able to drive the Ming army off the city wall? What if the Ming army was driven down the city!

Dozens of musketeers who were temporarily assembled, lined up in a tight formation, forming a full six-column infantry phalanx, striding forward along the city wall!

A few soldiers on the Huangzhu Mountain side along the way saw that they all involuntarily retreated to the side and let them pass.

In the Ming army on the top of the city, a hundred households had just beheaded a bandit from Huangzhu Mountain. When he looked up, he saw a bayonet rushing towards him, and he immediately shouted: "Let's form, hurry, form a battle. !"

Anyone with a little military common sense knows that in the face of the enemy's lined up charge, one's own side must also form a formation to face the battle, and each fight will only be swept by the enemy.

But it was not easy for him to get the soldiers of the Ming army to line up, because once the attackers got to the top of the city, whether it was the attackers or the defenders, it was easy to have a melee. There was no way to stop its massive concentrated resistance.

But now, Li Xuan has gathered the musketeers who were not prepared to participate in hand-to-hand combat, and regardless of the large number of Ming troops under the city, formed an array on the narrow city wall and launched a bayonet charge against the Ming army!

They didn't even plan to reload the gun, they just rushed up with the musket with the bayonet on it!

Looking at the bright bayonet forest in front, the Ming Army Hundred Households involuntarily took two steps back, but behind him there were other Ming Army soldiers blocking his retreat.

He held the steel knife and shield in his hand, trying to block those bayonets that were constantly approaching!

However, this resistance was in vain, because in the next instant, several bayonets stabbed at him at the same time. Although he tried his best to block one of them with his shield, he was still stabbed in the chest by two bayonets.

As soon as the bayonet went in and out, the Ming army fell into a pool of blood!

At the rear of the Ming army's hundred households, more Ming army soldiers began to retreat involuntarily, and tried to form a tight formation to resist with their weapons.

But generally speaking, the attackers who climb the city rarely have spearmen. Most of them are sword and shield soldiers. Although they have armor, steel knives, and they are all good at martial arts, they face the bayonet forest~ ~ all in vain.

Not to mention, what they faced was not the sword and shield soldiers of Butcher Chen, nor the spearmen led by Fang Dongquan, but the musketeers led by Li Xuan himself.

In the new army of the Tang Dynasty, the musketeers have always been extremely special. They were born out of the Guards and still maintain the style of the Guards era. Their average age is very young, and even their physical fitness is not comparable to others. The army, especially the sword and shield soldiers under the command of Butcher Chen.

But the reason why they were able to become the core combat power in the new army of the Tang Dynasty, and they were able to convince Butcher Chen and the others, was not only because the muskets in their hands were powerful enough and far enough.

But because of their bayonet charge!

Many past battles have shown that they are better at bayonet charging than shooting, and several times relying on bayonet to defeat the enemy.

Now they have launched a bayonet charge again!

This was a bayonet charge in despair. They either smashed the Ming army and drove the Ming army out of the city, or they were completely defeated and died under the sword of the Ming army!

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