Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 224: Su Jiakang is going to attack at night

Why take these messy irons away when looting? Because of the serious iron deficiency in the Tang Dynasty.

Nowadays, Huangzhu Mountain does not produce iron itself, and it is not easy to buy large quantities outside, so that the iron required for making muskets, swords and other weapons is not enough. Therefore, every time they go out of the mountain, they will loot a large number of strategic weapons. Iron is the material they focus on collecting.

After hearing Huang Xueren's words, Li Xuan hesitated for a while, and then said firmly: "First throw away the iron and some other messy things, and let's see the situation later!"

Although iron is an important strategic material, its importance in a short period of time is still inferior to that of ordnance and food. After all, the latter two are directly related to the current battle of the new Tang army.

Without weapons, they cannot fight.

And not to mention food, they can throw away all weapons and weapons, but only food can't be thrown away, otherwise they will starve tomorrow.

As for the lost iron, just go back and grab it elsewhere.

As the baggage team of the Datang New Army abandoned a lot of iron and messy things, a lot of empty carriages were vacated. In the end, a small part of these carriages were used for the soldiers who were exhausted and could no longer walk. Many carriages are used to lighten the burden of the soldiers, and put their carry-on things and even weapons on the carriages, so as to reduce the burden of these soldiers who have been exhausted as much as possible, so that they can walk more easily. Some.

In this way, although the marching speed of the new army of the Tang Dynasty is still a lot slower than before, they can still continue on their way.

At the same time, Wang Zhitan at the back was panting and scolding: "These pseudo-Tang thieves are all rabbits. They have been running all day without stopping to rest, I am exhausted!"

Wang Zhitan said that he was tired, and the soldiers of the Ming army around him were even more tired and wanted to scold their mothers!

You, Wang Zhitan, are all riding on horses. It's all tiring. What do you think of us big-headed soldiers who are marching on foot? The old men are also very tired.

Their condition is no better than the pseudo-Tang bandit army in front of them, or even worse.

Like the Puppet Tang Bandit Army, they haven't had a good rest for two consecutive days. Yesterday, they rushed for a day's journey during the day. When they arrived in Zhengtai County, they fought a battle, and they also lost a battle.

At night, it was just because the pseudo-Tang bandit army wanted to break out of the siege, and they rushed to intercept it again. , The pseudo-Tang thieves broke out of the city, and they were called up and ran all the way.

They first captured the town of Zhengtai, and then went out of the city to chase the puppet thieves. They were so busy that they didn’t even have time to eat breakfast.

After marching continuously for most of the day, by the afternoon, these Ming troops could not hold on anymore.

Many soldiers simply sat on the ground and refused to get up and continue marching no matter what.

At first, Wang Zhitan forced them to get up, and if they couldn't get up, they let them walk slowly behind, but as more and more people were left behind, at the same time, the pseudo-Tang thieves in front didn't stop and continue to escape. , Wang Zhitan finally sighed: "Send the order, the whole army rests!"

If you continue to catch up, there will be more and more soldiers left behind. Even if you reluctantly continue to pursue, if you don't have enough soldiers around you, it will be meaningless, and it may give the pseudo-Tang thief a bite back.

Seeing that the Ming army behind him took the initiative to stop and rest, Li Xuan in the front finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time, Li Xuan knew that it was not the time to rest, and they had to take advantage of this time to widen the distance from the Ming army.

As long as the distance between the two sides is more than ten miles, they can get a preliminary security guarantee. If the distance can be opened more than fifteen miles, then Li Xuan is very sure that the Ming army will not be able to catch up with them.

Therefore, he shouted loudly: "The Pseudo Ming Bandit Army can't move anymore. If everyone persists, as long as they persist for another hour, then we can get rid of them completely!"

Completely getting rid of the Ming army, these words made the already exhausted Huangzhushan bandits shocked again. As long as they can escape with their lives, what if they are tired?

However, although the morale of the new army of the Tang Dynasty was high, it still could not change the fact that the soldiers were exhausted. In order to continue their journey, Li Xuan let the baggage team abandon half of the food, just to free up the carriage to lighten the burden on the soldiers. At the same time, take the soldiers who have been unable to move and continue on their way.

"Don't give up any of your comrades!" This was the death order issued by Li Xuan's subordinate generals.

This is not because Li Xuan is soft-hearted, but because of the new army of the Tang Dynasty after several wars, every soldier in it is a veteran with valuable combat experience, and every soldier is a valuable asset to the weak Tang Dynasty.

If they were killed or injured in the battle, they would also be killed and injured. Since they all broke out from Zhengtai County, how could they still be on the way to escape? This is unacceptable.

After they forcibly drove another wave, when it was almost four in the afternoon, they finally could not walk. Even Li Xuan himself was exhausted, and the horses under his crotch were also tired and out of breath. gas.

Getting off the sweaty horse, Li Xuan felt that his legs were a little weak and he could hardly stand up, but he stood up straight with the help of Zeng Ziwen, and said at the same time: "The order, the whole army rests for an hour. !"

Counting from the time when the Ming army took the initiative to stop pursuing, they walked for about an hour, and it was initially estimated that they were about eight miles away from the Ming army.

At this time, as long as you are careful, you can stop and rest for a while.

But it can only be a rest. Li Xuan intends to rest for an hour, and then take advantage of the evening to walk for another two hours, before the sky is completely dark, and the distance from the Ming army is more than ten miles away.

In this case, he would dare to sleep at ease tonight, otherwise he would always have to worry about the night attack of the Ming army!

After the order to rest was issued, the bandits in Huangzhu Mountain didn't care about the queue, they all sat directly on the ground. Many people sat on the ground, not even counting, and even went straight down. After a while Many people are already asleep.

However, although most soldiers can rest, some people can't, such as Cao Mingda's cavalry.

Cao Mingda's cavalry still needed to act as the eyes of the whole army, and the embankment suddenly appeared to provide warning to the whole army.

And the guys are dragging their exhausted bodies and preparing to start cooking fires

The last time the new soldiers of the Tang Dynasty had a serious meal was after three in the morning, although the soldiers could eat dry food while walking on the road.

But to be honest, the dry food of any era is extremely unpalatable. Eating dry food is just an expedient measure. It is just to fill the stomach at noon and supplement the large amount of energy consumed.

When the guys were about to make a fire to cook, Li Xuan, Qian Mengjiu and Zeng Ziwen discussed the defense and the follow-up route, and then lay down and closed their eyes to rest.

Today's escape not only exhausted the bandits below, even if he was riding a horse, Li Xuan was also very tired.

After closing his eyes, he quickly fell asleep. This time he slept very deadly, and he didn't dream as often as usual.

Usually, when Li Xuan sleeps, it is easy to dream, and most of the dreams are not good dreams, either that he was defeated and died, or that he was captured by the Ming army in the capital, and he slept very well. Shallow, often awakened by some small noises.

Li Xuan himself knows the reason for this situation, it is nothing more than worry!

Thinking about it every day and dreaming at night, he was often afraid that the Ming army would come to kill him, so naturally he would have these dreams when he was dreaming.

Today's Li Xuan is extremely insecure.

When he was woken up by Qian Mengjiu, he opened his eyes and looked at the sky, and found that the sky was already reddish, the color of sunset.

After washing his face with cold water, Li Xuan saw that most of the soldiers were already up, and they were eating and drinking soup at this time. Naturally, the men would not cook a good meal in a hurry, but in order to supplement the physical strength of the soldiers, this A meal was ordered by Li Xuan long ago, and the rice was served openly, along with the broth.

Not to mention that the rice is full, this broth is also a relatively suitable food for the soldiers at this time, which can effectively supplement the energy they have lost a lot.

After drinking the broth for one night, Li Xuan himself took two bites of rice and brought the guards of the Guards to inspect the situation of the soldiers.

After walking down this lap, I found that most of the soldiers were in relatively good condition. After an hour of rest, they had recovered a lot of physical strength. Although their spirits were still a little weak, it should not be a problem to continue their journey.

However, some of them have poor physical strength. They have lost their strength before. The small group of soldiers who can only lie on the carriage and pull away are not very good. Many people even suffer from heat stroke.

It's summer at this time, and traveling in the sun for a long time will not only consume a lot of physical strength, but also suffer from heat stroke.

There was no good way for Li Xuan to do this. He could only ask Qian Mengjiu, a part-time doctor, to make a bowl of soup for these fallen soldiers.

After the soldiers finished resting and had their meal, Li Xuan once again ordered the entire army to continue They had to take advantage of the fact that there was still some time before it was completely dark to widen the distance.

After walking like this for about half an hour, the night was already a complete general, but at this time Cao Mingda reported back, and the Ming army behind him narrowed the distance by two miles, and now it is about eight miles away.

"Well, since that's the case, let's go for an extra hour and let the soldiers raise the torches!" Li Xuan didn't want the distance he finally opened to be shortened again, even if he was walking at night.

When Li Xuan and the others continued on the night road, the main force of the Ming army led by Su Jiakang finally caught up with Wang Zhitan's vanguard.

Seeing that Wang Zhitan's forward had been thrown seven or eight miles away by the pseudo-Tang bandit army, he cursed angrily.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Li Xuan and the others just found a small valley to rest on the ground, planning to sleep well for a night and continue to escape tomorrow.

At this time, Li Xuan still didn't know that Su Jiakang, who was behind him, was still forcing the Ming army to continue to pursue at night.

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