Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 235: Land occupation protection fee

Even if he has a modern soul, Li Xuan is not much different from the other bandits in Huang Zhushan. They are all bullies.

Those ordinary bandits are naturally afraid of the government, so Fang Dongquan and Huang Xueren, although they shout about ZTE Datang every day and overthrow the hypocrisy, but they have a natural fear of the Ming court government. Faster.

As for Li Xuan, he is not very afraid of the government and the like, but he is more aware of the horror of a unified dynasty than any bandit in Huangzhushan!

Even if the Ming Dynasty has now entered the middle period of the dynasty, the local guards have long been rotten, and even the Japanese pirates and bandits whose combat effectiveness has declined cannot be defeated.

But they have a big place and a lot of people!

Li Xuan and the others have worked so hard to find hundreds of bandits, but the Ming Dynasty can easily draw thousands or even tens of thousands of troops from the surrounding prefectures and counties.

If these tens of thousands of troops are killed, it doesn't matter. You can also transfer troops from other places, a few thousand in this place, a few thousand in that place, and finally tens of thousands of troops can be easily transferred to Zhengtai County again.

It is precisely because of the clear understanding of the strength of the Ming Dynasty, the central dynasty that unified Kyushu, that Li Xuancai never dared to attack Zhengtai County.

To put it shamelessly, even if Zhengtai County surrendered and invited him into the city, he would not dare to enter the city!

But if you don't enter the city, it doesn't mean you have to give up the hundred miles of Zhengtai County, the people of 100,000!

Zeng Ziwen's remarks can be regarded as igniting Li Xuan's ambition: Now that Zhengtai County is incapable of stopping itself, when will it not take advantage of this time to grow and develop?

The county seat of Zhengtai County will not be attacked, and the military town of Longhua Town will not be attacked, but it does not mean that the vast land of Zhengtai County cannot be included in the bag!

After cleaning the battlefield, the soldiers all went to rest, but the senior generals and officials were unable to rest. Li Xuan gathered them together to hold a military meeting.

At first, Zeng Ziwen thought that Li Xuan called the meeting to attack Zhengtai County, but it sounded wrong from the very beginning.

Because Li Xuan said this at the beginning: "Now that the Zhengtai Ming army has been defeated, it is no longer able to stop our army from running across the countryside. This is a great opportunity for our army!"

Li Xuan's words did not mention the county seat or Longhua Town, but the countryside!

To this Zeng Ziwen said: "Your Majesty, can't I take this opportunity to take the Zhengtai county seat?"

After listening to Li Xuan, he was too lazy to pay attention to this Zeng Ziwen. This man's war mentality was still stuck in the traditional war mentality, and he didn't understand how to carry out a rebellion war at all!

And as a red scarf growing under the red flag, rooted in a red scarf, and the successor of the party's state, he knew a term called "the countryside surrounds the city" when he was very young.

In the industrial age, most of the production resources, especially the production resources for sustaining the war, are concentrated in the cities, so the war needs to be fought around the cities. If it is a country with a small land area and a small population, its main population will also be concentrated in a few In the city, so the war has to be fought around the city.

However, in China in the agricultural era, it was different. First of all, most of the means of production in the country were in the countryside. This means of production included population and land, which could generate taxes, soldiers, food, weapons, etc., strategies needed to maintain the war. sexual weapons.

Secondly, due to the special national conditions of traditional Chinese government orders not to go to the countryside, the officials in the cities have never been able to effectively rule the countryside for thousands of years. The dynasty did gain support from the hearts of the people in the countryside.

The second key point is that the cities these days are actually typical consumer cities. The rural areas are not supported by the cities, but the cities are supported by the rural areas.

As long as you control the countryside, you actually control the blood of the city!

Having said so much, it is better to control the countryside than the cities, and it is much better!

However, Li Xuan will not talk about these reasons to his subordinates at length. He didn't even say the phrase "encircling the city from the countryside". .

So what he said to the crowd was straightforward and simple: instead of attacking Zhengtai County, we will first control the villages near Dashan, and then recruit troops on the spot to collect food!

When a group of bandits heard that they didn't need to fight Zhengtai County, they were relieved. As for looting in the countryside, that was what they were doing, and it didn't matter.

Although Li Xuan was talking about controlling the countryside, not looting, but in the thinking of these bandits, he consciously converted Li Xuan's words into: occupy the territory and collect protection fees!

So after listening to Li Xuan's talk, Fang Dongquan said: "Your Majesty said it very well, and now we are just taking advantage of the emptiness of the Ming army to occupy more villages and recruit troops to collect food!"

Huang Xueren on the side also said: "Yes, now is the time to occupy more territory!"

Listening to the people under his command say that they are rushing to collect protection fees or something, Li Xuan does not care. He has been with these bandits for a long time, and he also knows that these people's way of thinking is so direct, even if they are playing rebellion. Not pulling a few, not tall at all.

Li Xuan can't always count on them to revolutionize one by one, and the righteousness of the nation one by one. It is more suitable for them to grab the land and collect the protection fee.

But then again, this is a rebellion and hegemony. It's all about grabbing territory. Everyone grabs it, and the last person with the strongest strength grabs all the territory. Then the unification is naturally completed, and a new The Central Dynasty was born!

Everyone discussed it for nearly half an hour before dispersing. In the past two days, everyone was tired and panicked.

The next morning, Li Xuan and the others who slept in the middle of the night woke up. After breakfast, Li Xuan listened to the report of the scouts, saying that most of the Ming army who had been defeated last night did not know where they went. , Su Jiakang and Wang Zhitan only gathered two or three hundred people and fled back toward Zhengtai County. As for the rest of the hundreds of soldiers who escaped, ghosts will know!

Those defeated soldiers seemed to be the drizzle that penetrated into the Gobi Desert, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

However, Li Xuan and the others were too lazy to pay attention to Su Jiakang and the other Ming army's collapsed troops. From today onwards, they have a big business, and they have a serious business to work on!

After eating and drinking, Li Xuan gave an order that this new army of the Tang Dynasty was holding more than 200 prisoners and continued to move towards the south.

To the south is the mountain, and between the mountain and Zhengtai County and Longhua Town is a vast countryside of dozens of miles. These countryside are their goals.

These rural areas in the south are close to the mountains. For the Tang Dynasty, it is necessary to rely on the mountains to advance, attack, retreat and defend.

Therefore, they went south not to return to Huangzhu Mountain, but to control these rural areas.

But how to actually control these vast rural areas is a problem. First of all, you have a group of bandits running over to grab people and food, but these people will run away. Why do you want a large piece of wasteland when people run away?

In order to dispel the peasants' concerns about their bandits, Li Xuan put forward serious military discipline requirements for the troops: no disturbance to the people, no looting!

This requirement may be normal for later generations of the army, but in this year, it is an epoch-making 'measure'.

Don't care about officers and soldiers or thieves these days? Anything that doesn't disturb the people?

Less, absolutely less, it should be like this under normal circumstances, no matter it is officers and soldiers or thieves: the army has traveled thousands of miles!

Including the previous Datang Xinjun!

But now, in order to win the hearts of the people, Li Xuan strictly ordered not to disturb the people. Anyone who disturbed the people and looted them will be executed!

This order made a group of bandits in Huangzhu Mountain quite uncomfortable and even confused. It would be better not to disturb the people. It would be better if they did not molest good women. At most, the bottom one was uncomfortable. Can also solve!

But the looting is not allowed, what will they eat in the future?

You must know that the food that the army is eating now is all robbed. They have been eating for the enemy for the past few months. They are not allowed to starve to death when they grab the food!

However, if you are not used to it, there is no way to do it. The military orders are like mountains, and the military orders issued by Li Xuan himself, dare to disobey, his guards will immediately dare to kill!

While rectifying military discipline, Li Xuan also planned to put forward several other slogans to attract the masses to join the Tang Dynasty.

However, what slogan should be put forward to attract a large number of people to join the Tang Dynasty is a questionable issue.

Because this kind of slogan cannot be shouted casually. For example, the side of the Qing Dynasty is not suitable for him, Li Xuan. He Li Xuan is not a clan or a powerful minister of the Ming Dynasty. To mention such a slogan will make people laugh out loud.

There are other slogans such as the people who are struggling to live and cannot shout randomly. Although the people of these days are living in quite hardships, this is due to the limitations of the times. The low grain output and low production efficiency are caused by the world. The world has not yet entered a troubled time, although Many people will still starve to death, but such a thing has not happened.

There are also generals and princes. Ning Youtuan can't shout randomly. He Li Xuan is the emperor. Although he is only an emperor of the valley, he is also an emperor. The slogans shouted by the rebels are not suitable for him.

Then, Li Xuan wanted to shout the slogan of "dividing the land between the local tyrants", but his reason told him that although such a slogan sounded, it would also offend all the gentry and landlords.

There are a large number of scholars in these classes. Although it shows that most of the scholars in the dynasty have been brainwashed by Baguwen, all of them have become rotten things, but I have to admit that these people have a huge role in contemporary society. influence.

Especially in rural areas, the scholars in the local villages and books have great influence. If they are offended to death, they will lead the villagers to carry out various armed resistances.

The Tang Dynasty is still so weak, but it can't stand such torment. Even if the local tyrants have to divide the land in the end, it will have to grow and have a solid foundation and hundreds of thousands of troops before doing this kind of thing.

As for now, Li Xuan feels that he should first unite all the forces that can be united, first hug the thighs of the local tyrants in order to overturn the Ming Dynasty, and then turn against the corrupt local tyrants after the Ming Dynasty is overturned!

As for why you should fight with them?

Who made them local tyrants, do you need a reason to fight local tyrants?


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