Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 267: I want to shoot

After hearing Li Xuan say that he had fired a cannon, Butcher Chen was extremely excited. An old man was still walking around the cannon like a child, watching the craftsmen who accompanied the cannon adjust the angle of the cannon.

From time to time, he also asked a lot of messy questions: "I said, why did you press the muzzle so low, won't you hit the ground with this shot, you should raise the muzzle a little bit, so that you can hit the ground? The Ming army on the opposite side!"

"You cannonballs are really heavy. With such a big iron lump, can you really hit this far?"

"Don't bury your head in doing it yourself, and teach Lao Chen how to shoot a cannon. Hey, this, I told you, I told me to come, why did you put the cannonballs in!"

Butcher Chen was talking nonsense around the craftsmen, so that the other generals wanted to cover their faces. You, Butcher Chen, are also high-ranking generals in the new army of the Tang Dynasty, and the number one general of the Tang Dynasty who made countless Ming army famous and fearful. , how can this be so childish as a child.

And are you the only one curious?

We're also curious, okay, but is curiosity enough to mess around? No, I didn't see the few of us watching quietly on the side with our own identities. At most, we stretched our necks and wanted to look more carefully, but how can you be like you, just walk up and mess up do it.

It took the craftsmen a lot of time to adjust the angle of the artillery, and then loaded the artillery and shells.

At this time, a craftsman headed up to Li Xuan respectfully said: "Your Majesty, it is ready!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly: "Thank you, Master Wang!"

The craftsman surnamed Wang immediately said: "It's not hard work, it's not hard work, this is all the responsibility of the little ones!"

Li Xuan said: "I have to trouble you to stay here for a few days, I will find someone to come and follow you to learn how to shoot!"

In the current Tang Dynasty, although there is a paper organization of an artillery team, this paper organization is a real paper organization, and there is not even a single artillery unit.

Now that this artillery is already available, even if this artillery is only a test artillery, Li Xuan also intends to rely on this artillery to build the artillery team's shelf.

However, playing with artillery is a technical task, how to aim, how much gunpowder is loaded, how to maintain it on weekdays, these are all technical tasks, especially aiming.

It is impossible for Li Xuan to just find someone to make this gun accurate. The selected artillerymen have to receive special training, and who knows more about the performance of this gun than the craftsmen who built the gun himself. , how to operate?

The craftsman surnamed Wang also said at this time: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the younger ones will try their best to teach them!"

After chatting for a while, Li Xuan looked back at which artillery gun, and said, "Since everything is ready, let's fight!"

As soon as Li Xuan's voice fell, Butcher Chen ran out again: "Your Majesty, can you let this minister come to fire?"

Li Xuan smiled: "Why not!"

This is all aimed at, the shells and propellant have been loaded, and the next thing to do is to light the fuse. Since Butcher Chen is willing, let him go!

Anyway, this cannon has been tested many times at Huangzhu Mountain, and there is not much danger of blowing up. Of course, it cannot be said that there is no danger of blowing up. Exploding the chamber, that can only blame him for being too unlucky.

As for Li Xuan himself, he would never touch such a dangerous thing. The quality of artillery these days is worrying. Even artillery made of fine copper, limited by the processing level of this era, cannot be much better.

So Li Xuan himself hid far away, and even brought Fang Dongquan and Wang Danxu along with them. To avoid a blast, he sent the top generals of the Datang New Army for a collective reimbursement.

But Butcher Chen obviously didn't care about this, he held the torch under the guidance of the craftsman, then looked back at Li Xuan and the others with a grinning smile, and then lit the match with the torch.

After the match was ignited, the gunpowder in the barrel was soon ignited, and a loud noise came from the fort in an instant. Li Xuan and the others who were not far from the shock were all ears rumbling.

With the loud noise, there was also a cloud of white smoke mixed with fire from the muzzle, but Li Xuan and the others did not stop at the cannon itself at this time, but turned their eyes to the other side of the river.

In the sight, a small black dot quickly crossed the sky, and then flew towards the other side of the river.

If you look at it with the naked eye, there will also be an illusion that the shells are flying very slowly, but this is just an illusion.

In fact, the cannonball flew over the river at great speed and landed in a small curve among the rafts built by the numerous Ming troops on the riverbank.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the cannonball, like a giant, broke through the obstacles of many rafts, and ran all the way to the end. The sawdust flew horizontally wherever it passed, and one rolled out dozens of meters before it stopped.

Looking back at those rafts, it turned out that a whole row of seven or eight searches was knocked into pieces.

These rafts were originally made temporarily, and they could not be too strong. When they were hit by a solid iron ball, the joints were broken one after another, and then there was a situation of flying wood chips.

The Ming army on the other side of the river didn't know what was going on. After hearing the loud noise, many people ran out to see it, but the new army of the Tang Dynasty only shot one shot, and they didn't plan to continue the test after one shot. Avoid too much exposure.

Therefore, those Ming soldiers didn't quite understand it for a while, but a few people saw gunpowder smoke on the other side of the river, guessing that this might be the big gun of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, but it was not very easy to judge for a while.

Although these Ming troops also had artillery, they did not have the artillery that could hit such a long distance. The two in their hands were bowl-mouthed artillery, weighing only a hundred kilograms.

Of course, the Ming army also had relatively large artillery pieces. For example, the Folang machine guns imitated by the Ming army in recent decades were made of copper, ranging from 150 catties to 300 catties. He even fiddled with a thousand-pound Flang cannon by himself.

However, these Folang machine guns were regarded by the Ming army as a weapon of the military, and most of them were equipped with the northern frontier army and the coastal Ming army, and the remote inland areas such as Xingquan Mansion naturally did not have such a "military weapon".

In addition, there is a very key point. At this time, the artillery of the Ming army, including the Folang cannon, were mostly used to launch shotguns, and the Folang cannon was a rear-mounted letter cannon, and the seal was poor enough to make people Desperate because the range is very short.

This also created a very interesting situation, that is, the Ming army in the opposite Fucheng has never seen an artillery that can hit five or six hundred meters away, while maintaining the accuracy and power of the artillery.

If it is replaced by the Ming army on the coast, especially the Ming army navy, they can see at a glance that these pseudo-Tang thieves are shooting solid iron bullets, and they are still those kind of long guns.

However, after seeing their own rafts being destroyed inexplicably, these inexperienced Ming Jun in Fucheng couldn't react for a while.

At this time, the pseudo-Tang thieves stopped firing again, and they had no way to confirm the truth through the second shelling of the pseudo-Tang thieves.

At the same time, on the fort on the other side of the river, a group of senior generals of the Datang New Army were extremely excited.

"Okay!" After running, the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle hadn't dissipated. Wang Danxu, who was beside Li Xuan, couldn't help but shouted loudly: "With this weapon, our army can add 30% to this victory!"

"This cannon is really powerful. If there are dozens or hundreds of guns, no matter how many Ming troops come, they can't fight!" Fang Dongquan on the side couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this time, Zeng Ziwen also said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, His Majesty has obtained this artifact, with the Italian cannon and other military weapons, my Tang Dynasty sweeping Kyushu is just around the corner!"

Listening to their words, Li Xuan pressed his hand slightly with a calm look: "It's just a small cannon, don't make a fuss!"

Pretend, it's definitely pretentious!

The people beside him looked at Li Xuan's appearance, and they had to give a thumbs up. When it comes to pretending to be forceful, it is still our Majesty's awesomeness!

But let's not say, although Li Xuan pretends to be coercive a lot on weekdays, but this time is definitely not coercion. After taking care of the artillery, tanks, aircraft carriers of later generations, and looking at the antique-like front-mounted smoothbore gun in front of him, Li Xuan I really can't come up with the thought of pretending.

What he wants is not this solitary artillery piece. What he wants is dozens or even hundreds of artillery pieces. Although this piece of artillery in front of him will be of some help to the upcoming war, it will also play a role. not decisive.

To truly stop the enemy's crossing the river, he had to rely on the more than a thousand people under his hands, especially the more than two hundred musketeers.

But Butcher Chen, who fired the cannon over there, came over with a look of excitement at this time, and then said to Li Xuan, "Your Majesty, Chen wants to go to the cannon!"

Li Xuan is a little Didn't he just fight? Could it be that this Butcher Chen didn't feel satisfied after one shot, so he wanted to play another shot? This can't be done. The gunpowder and shells are expensive, so don't play around.

The new army of the Tang Dynasty did not have a comprehensive source of sulfur, saltpeter or even iron. Whether it was gunpowder or the iron ball used as artillery shells, they were all important strategic materials and should not be used indiscriminately.

Besides, with a few more shots, the Ming army will know how to take precautions no matter how stupid it is. When the Ming army crosses the river, it is uncertain what they will come up with.

Therefore, it is impossible for Li Xuan to let Butcher Chen continue to shoot this cannon.

But Butcher Chen probably saw the doubts on Li Xuan's face, and immediately explained: "Your Majesty, I have requested to serve in the artillery team. With this artillery, I will definitely live up to the prestige of Italian artillery!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan woke up. It turns out that you, Butcher Chen, want to change jobs. If you are not a sword and shield soldier, should you be an artillery soldier?

Li Xuan was a little speechless about this, and he couldn't even figure it out. If he didn't say that you, Butcher Chen, didn't know how to play with a cannon, he just said that you were brave and didn't go into short-handed combat, so would it be appropriate to hide behind and fire a cannon?

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