Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 282: Great feudal hero

Allowing retired soldiers to serve in the administrative points of various towns and villages can effectively maintain and even improve the social status and living security of retired soldiers.

No matter whether it is a catcher or an ordinary official, even if it is a chorus, it is covered with a layer of official skin in the eyes of outsiders. In the words of later generations, it is a civil servant.

Higher social status and secure jobs and income are enough to make them decent and prosperous for the rest of their lives.

And this is far from being comparable to the so-called Invalides Farm and other resettlement!

Moreover, placing a large number of retired soldiers in the grassroots government can also bring a great benefit, that is, it can allow the Tang Dynasty, or Li Xuan himself, to better control the grassroots.

The establishment of administrative agencies in towns and villages, the placement of retired disabled soldiers, and even the improvement of various agencies in the center of the Tang Dynasty, these trivial but extremely important matters took Li Xuan three full days to discuss and determine. .

But after three days, Liu Bagou and Fang Dongquan, the civil and military officials, seemed a little excited, and they all walked with joy on their faces.

Because at the end of the meeting on the third day, Li Xuan officially ordered the cabinet to come up with a detailed charter of the title system of the Tang Dynasty.

The establishment of the title system is what everyone is most concerned about at this imperial strategy meeting, because it means that Li Xuan will be officially awarded the title soon, and they have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Relatively speaking, other matters, especially the establishment of administrative points in various towns and villages, are also important, and can even be said to be related to the future ruling foundation of the Tang Dynasty, but in the past few days, Liu Bagou and Fang Dongquan have More concerned about the title.

Liu Bagou, a man who wanted to rebel and become Zhuge Liang, was not idle before, and he was prepared for it early on. Even when he was still in Lijia Village, he had already conceived the title system of the Tang Dynasty. .

Later, I discussed with Wang Wenhua, Qian Mengjiu, Yang Xiucai and other senior civil servants in the Tang Dynasty many times. Before coming to Lanjiang Ferry, the cabinet actually had a draft.

Now Li Xuan ordered to come up with a specific nobility system charter, and they were unambiguous. That night, the cabinet organized a small internal meeting, and after discussing it for most of the night, the draft was revised into a formal plan.

The next day after the imperial meeting began, Liu Bagou immediately presented the detailed plan for the title system.

After Li Xuan took it over, he took a closer look. This title system was obviously based on the title system of the Ming Dynasty and several other dynasties.

The detailed titles are divided into two systems, one is the title of imperial clan, and the other is titled by meritorious officials.

The royal title is divided into five grades, from top to bottom, the prince, the county king, the general of the town, the general of the country, and the general of the Fengguo.

The prince is appointed the prince or the king of the county, the son of the prince is appointed the king of the county, the son of the prince of the county is appointed the general of the country, the son of the general of the county is appointed the general of the country of

Unless there is a special decree, the above-mentioned titles of royal families are inherited in a reduced order, down to the hereditary inheritance of the generals of Fengguo.

However, when Li Xuan saw the line of hereditary, he couldn't help thinking of the many royal families in the Zhu Ming Dynasty. He didn't want his descendants to become the country's rice bugs after becoming hundreds of thousands of people.

There is no need for all hereditary. The fertility of nobles is terrible these days, so he did not hesitate to pick up the red pen and crossed out the word hereditary, and said at the same time: "Remember!"

Li Xuan said that the officials should take a note, which meant that an official imperial decree was about to be issued. Liu Bagou directly picked up the pen and spread out the paper to wait for Li Xuan to speak.

Just listen to Li Xuan said: "The five ranks of the royal family remain unchanged, the prince and the prince inherit the county king, the non-prince son inherits the Zhenguo general, the county prince inherits the Zhenguo general, the non-shizi inherits the auxiliary country general, and the Zhenguo general's son inherits the auxiliary country. Generals, non-shi sons inherit Fengguo generals. Fuguo generals are designated as Fengguo generals, and non-shizis need to pass the examination before they can inherit Fengguo generals.

The heirs of the generals of Fengguo need to pass the examination to inherit the generals of Fengguo. "

The point of this series of remarks is not what title the prince's son conferred, but that the prince of the general Fengguo needs to pass the examination before he can inherit the title of the general Fengguo. Business and politics to make a living.

In this way, the large-scale proliferation of royal titles can be prevented and the country's financial pressures can be reduced. As for whether future generations will starve to death without titles, this is not within Li Xuan's consideration.

If you are born in the royal family and you will starve to death, it means that the mud can't support the wall, and you will starve to death.

Speaking of this, he felt that it was necessary to emphasize one more point: "The title of the clan must not be hereditary. For example, if the descendants of the clan below General Zhen Guo have made great achievements, they can be promoted to the first level. This is an iron law, and future generations cannot change it!"

The royal family needs to maintain a detached status, and this detached status must also be maintained in scarcity. If there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of royal family members with titles, how can they maintain their scarcity and aloof status? It's good to be scolded to death.

Li Xuan can change the title of the royal family according to his own wishes. Anyway, this is only for his own descendants, and it has nothing to do with many ministers here, so Liu Bagou and the others are very conscious of Li Xuan's words. Write it down, and here comes a compliment.

However, the next hero, Li Xuan, will be more cautious.

Liu Bagou and the others also established a system of nobility for meritorious officials. There are also multiple levels. From top to bottom, there are five grades: duke, marquis, uncle, son, and male. , while the hereditary renunciation can only be granted by the special grace of the imperial court.

In addition, the above titles are not the same as the Ming Dynasty and other dynasties, which are equal to the rank of officials, but form a separate system, which has nothing to do with the rank of officials.

That is to say, when a minister sees a prince, unless the prince holds a higher position than the minister, otherwise, there is no need to show respect for the high and low. If you are polite, I will call you the prince, you are welcome You can also ignore you.

The official rank system, the title system and the military rank system are independent of each other in the Tang Dynasty, and there is no strict reciprocal relationship.

Li Xuan, Liu Bagou and the others, thought it was okay, so he didn't make much changes. However, in order to imitate the descendants of later generations, he had messed up the hereditary titles and other titles. Two additions were added: hereditary and non-replacement are not awarded for national salvation; Dukes and Earls are not awarded for military merits.

In this way, to a great extent, future generations can prevent the hereditary indiscriminate use of this big killer, and it can also prevent anyone from being able to get a title.

If you want to get the title, go to war and make meritorious deeds!

Li Xuan said this himself, Liu Bagou and Fang Dongquan naturally would not have any opinions. They are the first generation of rebellion, the proper founders of the country, and the restrictions on nobility and even hereditary relinquishment have little effect on them. Affects later people, and later people will they care? Care about the fart!

They only care what title they can get!

After Liu Bagou and the others handed over the revised title system, Li Xuan took a closer look and made sure that there was no problem except that he had stamped his own seal. Well, it is also the national seal of the Tang Dynasty, so it was officially confirmed. The nobility system of the Tang Dynasty.

After confirming the title system, Li Xuan watched everyone staring at himself, and knew that these people couldn't wait to get a title.

Li Xuan didn't act too pretentious for too long, and soon he began to seal the heroes. After some old-fashioned and obscure words, Li Xuan began to officially open the seal.

Fang Dongquan and the others who don't know big characters naturally don't care about a lot of nonsense that Li Xuan said before. It is nothing more than that the establishment of the Tang Dynasty was the result of the Li family's father and son adhering to the will of God, and the emperor Li Xuan was also given by the destiny and other nonsense. It's okay to deceive outsiders with these words. Telling them is like telling them to cattle and horses.

Who are the Li family's father and son they don't know? I used to be a small landowner. Well, when Li Erbi was in a daze, he pulled Liu Bagou, a fortune teller, and Butcher Chen, a pig butcher, and others to play the game of claiming an empire and building a country.

As for why it was able to survive under the encirclement and suppression of officers and soldiers, and develop and grow to the "huge" dynasty that now controls a hundred miles of land and a hundred thousand people. To be honest, even Li Xuan himself felt incredible. Apart from saying that God helped, he really couldn't think of any other reason.

Since ancient times, there have been many rebels, and there are countless people like the Li family and their sons who established a dynasty as soon as their heads became hot, but they can really build a stage like they are now, and have thousands of troops. Very few people do it.

After some nonsense, Li Xuan soon named all the important ministers of the Tang Dynasty. First of all, it was Liu Bagou who put the Li family and his son on the throne of the emperor with a lot of hard work and hard work, and Li Xuan gave him to him. For the first time ever, he was named an earl.

Fang Dongquan, Huang Xueren, Wang Danxu, Hao Bainian, Qian Mengjiu, and Wang Wenhua were named viscounts.

Butcher Chen, Cai Erhu and others were named barons.

After these titles were sealed, everyone present was unsuccessful, and the last one was a baron, who became a nominal nobleman.

Why is it in name?

Because these titles are virtual titles, there is no fief! And although the salary is said to be how much, but in fact it is just a number, they can't get it at all.

It is normal to have no fiefs, and many previous dynasties did this, but it is not normal to have no salary. Why is this?

This is because the Tang Dynasty has no money, and the treasury has only ten thousand taels of silver, and these silvers need to be used to buy various materials, especially sulfur, saltpeter, lead, etc. needed to maintain the war. Iron, copper and other strategic materials.

Therefore, it is impossible for these precious gold and silver to be sent out as wages. Therefore, the titles and salaries of these nobles are the same as the salaries of officials. They can only be owed first, and when will they be paid? Only God knows that.

So far, the Tang Dynasty has still honorably maintained the fine tradition of not paying a salary!

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