Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 383: 0 Riding Attack

It is natural for outsiders to know what Emperor Zhengde thinks. In the new army of the Tang Dynasty in the Liping House in Guizhou, at this moment, no one pays attention to what the old man Zhengde thinks.

After the 5th Infantry Battalion arrived under the Bronze Drum Guard City, it received another 500 reinforcements the next day, and this reinforcement was led by Li Chunjing himself. This forward deputy commander, the commander of the 2nd Infantry Regiment personally commanded.

As for Hao Bainian, he led the remaining 5,000 main troops to station five miles south of Tonggu Weicheng, waiting for the main force of the Ming army from the north to arrive by himself, and also waiting for the arrival of the Chinese army led by Li Xuan himself.

However, the main force of the Ming army in the north did not seem to be in a hurry. After besieging the Tonggu Fortress, the Ming army in the north did not come that day, and the Ming army in the north still did not come the next day. For this reason, Li Chunjing was also a little anxious. An offensive was launched, intended to put pressure on the Ming army and force the main force of the Ming army to move south.

It was only during the fight that the 1,000 people led by Li Chunjing did not control the strength, and almost knocked down the Bronze Drum Acropolis. It was Li Chunjing himself who called for an emergency stop, and then stopped the offensive. All previous efforts were lost.

Li Chunjing just wanted to scare the Ming army in the city, but he never thought about it. The overall strategy of the Datang New Army will have a great negative impact.

This time, the action of almost breaking the Bronze Drum Acropolis was still very effective, which made the Ming army in the city panic, and letters requesting reinforcements were sent to the main force of the Ming army continuously.

Under such circumstances, the main force of the Ming army finally officially started to move south.

When the main force of the Ming army in the north began to move south to the Bronze Drum Fortress, Li Xuan also led the Chinese army to arrive and join Hao Bainian's army.

After the reunion, all the main forces of the New Tang Army were already near Tonggu Weicheng, including the 1st Infantry Regiment, the 2nd Infantry Regiment, the 3rd Infantry Regiment, the 4th Infantry Regiment, the 5th Infantry Regiment, the Artillery Battalion, the Baggage Regiment, Cavalry battalion, guard battalion, etc.

In Xingquan Mansion, only the auxiliary troops, mainly the robbery battalion, are left for garrison. Fortunately, there are already three robbery battalions in Xingquan Mansion, with a total of 1,000 people. In addition, there are some preparations. A team of hundreds of recruits to form a reserve battalion, a guard battalion.

Although there are not many troops in Xingquan Mansion, and the combat effectiveness is not strong, it is enough to use it to press the area to ensure the safety of the rear.

In the case of Liping Mansion, although there are not many troops in other places, there are only hundreds of people in Liping Mansion City, and there is a newly formed robbery camp stationed there. Worry about what's going wrong elsewhere.

After the leader of the Chinese army arrived at Tonggu Acropolis, Li Xuan immediately summoned Hao Bainian and many other generals to inquire about the situation of Tonggu Acropolis and discuss the follow-up strategy.

At the imperial meeting, Zeng Ziwen also put forward a new idea for the upcoming strategic decisive battle, that is to use the 5th Infantry Regiment and the 3rd Infantry Regiment, which have not yet formed an army, as the forwards to show the enemy's weakness and lure the main force of the Ming army to deepen. Then use the well-established main forces such as the 1st Infantry Regiment and the 2nd Infantry Regiment to launch a surprise attack.

But this idea was just proposed, but it was rejected by Li Xuan!

Because Zeng Ziwen's plan is to use the 3rd Infantry Regiment and the 5th Infantry Regiment as cannon fodder, two new troops that have not yet formed an army and do not even have muskets and artillery, and let them be temptations. Just let them die.

Although doing so may seriously injure the northern Ming army, or even wipe them out, if one goes wrong, the two infantry regiments are very likely to suffer heavy losses.

Today, the new army of the Tang Dynasty has not reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. Today, the overall strategy is also in accordance with the predetermined plan, and there is no need to adopt such a risky strategy.

The reason why Zeng Ziwen proposed such a plan is that he believes that these two infantry regiments are newly established anyway, and many recruits have not even completed basic training, nor are they equipped with muskets and artillery, their value is quite limited. In the eyes of traditional generals, this kind of troops is used for sacrifice in exchange for strategic victory.

But Li Xuan's idea is different from his!

Although the soldiers of these two infantry regiments are all recruits and do not have guns, the soldiers of these two infantry regiments are recruited according to regular soldiers, and their quality is better than those of the robbery battalion and the reserve battalion or the Ming army. The garrison battalion composed of prisoners is much stronger. The quality of the soldiers of these two infantry regiments is solid. As long as they are given a few more months, they will soon become a fighting force.

Can not be used as a real cannon fodder to sacrifice at will!

Moreover, the current situation is obviously beneficial to our side, so there is no need to take a risky strategy!

However, the purpose of the Imperial Strategy Conference was originally to propose various strategic ideas and to fill in the gaps. Maybe a small idea, a small flash point, will bring about a victory.

Therefore, after Zeng Ziwen's idea was rejected, he didn't feel that there was anything. In the past few months, Li Xuan has rejected countless proposals he proposed, and he doesn't even know how many there are. Explain what.

Among the members of the Privy Council, he still sits firmly in the position of Director of the Department of Operations.

Although the total number of the Datang New Army outside the Bronze Drum Guard City has reached the scale of ten thousand people, in fact, there are far fewer really capable of fighting.

Because only the 1st Infantry Regiment and the 2nd Infantry Regiment are fully staffed, and the 4th Infantry Regiment is also fully staffed, there is only one regular infantry battalion in the 4th Infantry Regiment, and the remaining two are composed of Ming army prisoners. 's garrison.

The 3rd and 5th Infantry Regiments are even worse. Although there are enough soldiers, many of them have not even completed the one-month recruit training period, just because the situation is urgent, they are directly crossed out from the recruit battalion and used first. After arriving in the army, continue basic training.

Therefore, you can't expect a group of recruits who have only joined the army for a dozen days or even a few days to fight the enemy with swords and guns. Their actual combat effectiveness is not the same as the young soldiers who were temporarily recruited in the Ming army. How much stronger.

Li Xuan brought them not to let them fight, but to let them see blood on the battlefield and meet the enemy while training.

Of course, it is not ruled out that they will be on top at critical moments, even if ten people are used as one person.

The situation of the baggage regiment is also that there are many recruits, and there is only one battalion of veterans.

Not to mention the artillery battalion. According to the organization, they should have four artillery teams and one artillery transport team, equipped with 18 800-jin artillery pieces and six 1,300-jin heavy artillery pieces.

But the reality is that there is only one team of five 500-jin artillery pieces, and one team of five 800-jin artillery pieces. If the artillerymen add musketeers and artillery transporters, there are only three hundred people in total, far from reaching the scale of the full establishment. .

Moreover, there was also a lack of horses to transport artillery and ammunition. The artillery battalion had to get some cattle, even donkeys, etc., and the ammunition was mobilized by people on carts or simply carried on shoulders.

In short, this artillery battalion is not worthy of the name.

The cavalry battalion is similar. There are only a hundred cavalry soldiers, not even one-third of the full establishment. Because the cavalry battalion is established according to the regulations, it also needs four cavalry teams, but now there is only a little more than one cavalry team.

Moreover, the quality of the cavalry is not good, and the horses they ride are even worse. They say they are cavalry, but they are actually mounted infantry. It is basically unreliable for them to charge and kill. So far, the cavalry of the new army of the Tang Dynasty have mainly done reconnaissance and cavalry, and charging into the battlefield is not their strong point.

If you do such a careful calculation, you will find that the tens of thousands of people in the Datang New Army can actually fight only 5,000 or 6,000 people, no more, and the rest are brought over to watch the show!

With 5,000 or 6,000 men and more than 20,000 Ming troops fighting with the main force of the Ming army, the pressure was still very high, so Li Xuan did not make a statement at the imperial strategy meeting, but instead encouraged the generals to speak freely. Say what is useful or not.

Maybe a small idea put forward by someone can bring great tactical advantage!

Is it war, especially this kind of large-scale war, it is impossible to say that the commander will pat his head and then make all the decisions. This kind of large-scale war involves too many things, even if the commander is a commanding genius, but also He needs a lot of people to help him with all the chores.

This time, the imperial strategy meeting was very careful. Basically, everything was brought out. For example, artillery, the position of the artillery turret should be placed to effectively support the entire army. At the same time, it can also protect itself safely, and will not be threatened by the infantry or cavalry of the Ming army.

How many rounds of solid ammunition should be prepared near the gun emplacement, how many shotguns should be prepared, how many spare ammunition should be prepared at the rear, and then how many spearmen should be prepared near the artillery emplacement to protect the artillery position and resist the possible cavalry attacks of the Ming army. .

These all need to be arranged one by one in advance, and it is not something that the artillery battalion can decide on its own, but requires the cooperation of the entire army.

Just as Li Xuan and the others were sitting and preparing for battle, the belated main force of the Ming army finally arrived at the Bronze Drum Fortress!

When Li Xuan saw the main force of the Ming army, he frowned slightly, because he saw a large number of cavalry in the array of the Ming army!

That was a cavalry of at least a thousand cavalry!

Although Guizhou is not located in the north, the Yunnan-Guizhou area is a traditional horse-producing area. Although the quality of horses is not good, there are quite a few horses. It is normal for the local Ming army to have cavalry!

But there are so many cavalry that something is abnormal!

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