Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 385: Shoot the old man!

As the messenger around Li Xuan used the semaphore to convey the information to the artillery battalion Tiger, at the artillery position, the semaphore immediately reported to Xie Ziwei: "Your Majesty has an order: the artillery battalion is ordered to fire at the artillery team in front!"

Xie Ziwei nodded slightly and said, "Reply: The artillery battalion follows the order!"

Then he turned to Butcher Chen and said, "It should be time for us to show our talents!"

After saying this, he suddenly said in a serious tone to Butcher Chen and another artillery major in front of him: "The first team fires rapidly at the enemy's artillery team due north, and the second team fires rapidly at the enemy's artillery team in the northeast. "

Butcher Chen and another artillery major immediately said in unison, "Yes!"

After the captains of the two artillery teams returned to their respective positions, they immediately directed the artillery commanders to aim at their respective positions, and then loaded gunpowder and shells!

Butcher Chen even went into battle himself and operated an 800-pound artillery aiming. Although he still could not write a complete article, he had learned artillery for so long, and he already knew a lot about artillery. According to a certain range Loading and aiming are already quite proficient, even more proficient than most gunners.

It didn't take long for the guns of Butcher Chen's artillery team to be loaded and aimed, and he looked at the many Ming artillery guns that were being pushed by the gunners a full 400 meters away.

Immediately, Butcher Chen puffed up his breath and said, "Shoot Lao Tzu!"

As his voice fell, the five 800-pound artillery pieces of his artillery team sounded one after another!

In an instant, several loud noises were echoed back over the battlefield, and huge white smoke rose from the artillery positions. The north wind blew away.

However, the solid ball artillery shells vacated from the smoke streaked through the sky for several hundred meters, and then fell directly into the array of the Ming army artillery.

After the cannonball shot by the artillery that Butcher Chen personally aimed at spanned hundreds of meters and landed, it hit a big pit on the ground, splashing a lot of sand and gravel, and then bounced up and continued to fly forward. A Ming soldier just happened to be. Just on the way the cannonball was advancing, before the whole person could react, he was hit on the shoulder by the cannonball. The huge impact took him up, and he didn't even have time to let out a scream. , his upper body was smashed by the impact. After landing, the whole person didn't even twitch, and he was dead.

However, the artillery shell still did not stop moving forward. After bouncing on the ground again, the shell hit a Ming army artillery car on the way forward. The huge impact force directly hit the artillery car. When it was smashed, and the sawdust flew horizontally, even the bowl-mouth cannon that weighed dozens of kilograms on the gun truck collided and flew far away.

After the artillery cart that was smashed by the artillery shell, it still did not stop moving forward, but continued to rampage forward. When the speed slowly decreased, and it seemed to be very slow, it came to the feet of a Ming army soldier. , This Ming army soldier thought that the shell was no longer a threat, and even blocked it with his feet.

The result was far beyond his expectations, the seemingly slow medicine ball directly lifted his feet, and then brought him whole.

The screams came out of his mouth in an instant, and if you look closely, you can see that the feet he stretched out to block the shells are already twisted.

In this round of shelling, there were a total of ten artillery pieces, each of which was moving towards the predetermined target, that is, the Ming army was advancing, trying to get close to the artillery shells fired by the shooting artillerymen, and the results were large and small.

If you are unlucky, the shells are empty, and only a crater is ploughed on the ground, but it does not cause any damage to the Ming army, but some shells are fruitful.

One of the 800-pound artillery shells directly crashed into a pile of Ming troops who were carrying artillery and ammunition, directly knocking these people into their heads, and causing heavy collateral damage. The Ming army's gunpowder was ignited. , causing an explosion. Although the explosion was not very violent, it still caused additional casualties to the Ming army itself.

This cannon caused at least more than ten Ming artillery casualties, and was equivalent to indirectly destroying a Ming army ammunition depot.

The results of this round of artillery bombardment can be said to be quite rich. The placement of the artillery shells is very accurate. If added up, at least 50 or 60 Ming army casualties were caused, and at least two Ming army artillery pieces and some ammunition were destroyed.

This kind of victory can be said to be quite rich, and it can even be said to exceed ordinary standards.

The fact that such an obvious result can be achieved is because this battlefield is the preset battlefield of the new army of the Tang Dynasty. They came a few days ago, and they carefully described the terrain of this preset battlefield and demarcated many Shooting Zhu Yuan.

When the Ming army arrived at a certain place, the gunners of the Tang army did not even need to measure the distance, calculate the amount of charge, directly load it according to the pre-marked Zhu Yuan, and then aim at a certain angle and fire.

As for whether it is accurate or not, that is the problem of the accuracy of the artillery itself, but it is already the greatest possible reduction of human errors.

When the ten artillery pieces of the artillery battalion continued to fire, the artillery units of the Ming army could only stare blankly and could not fight back, because the distance was too far.

Although the number of artillery pieces of the Ming army is extremely large, if all are counted, there are at least 70 or 80 pieces. However, many of the artillery pieces of the Ming army are not actually artillery pieces, because they count some firearms that only weigh a few tens of kilograms into the sequence of artillery pieces. inside.

Therefore, most of the artillery pieces of the Ming army are actually small cannons of about 10 to 100 kilograms. Only a few cannons that are not known to be cast in the Year of the Monkey and Horse Moon seem to weigh 200 to 300 kilograms.

But the artillery of the Ming army also has a feature, that is, most of them are short-barreled artillery, which cannot fire solid ball shells, only shot.

The shotgun is really good at medium and short distances, but the range is too close, and there is no way to hit hundreds of meters away.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is more than 1,000 meters, and the distance is 400 or 500 meters. The heavy artillery of the Datang New Army can hit the Ming army more than 400 meters away, but the Ming army has no way to hit more than 400 meters. The new army of the Tang Dynasty outside meters.

In terms of the artillery strength of both sides, the Tang Dynasty's new army was actually far superior to the Ming army. The artillery battalion of the Datang New Army had ten cannons with long barrels, and they were all 500 jin and 800 jin heavy artillery.

In addition, according to the establishment of each infantry regiment, there will be a battalion artillery team, each with six 150-pound battalion artillery, even if it is thought that artillery is in short supply, only the battalion artillery of the 1st Infantry Regiment and the 2nd Infantry Regiment are It is full, and most of the others are missing.

But if you add it up, there are about thirty battalion guns.

The battalion guns of the new Tang Dynasty are all 150 jin artillery, and the limit range can reach 150 meters, which is much stronger than many bowl-mouth guns of the Ming army, even if it is the same weight of the Ming army. The Wankou Cannon was not as far as the Tang Army's battalion artillery.

This comparison also led to the fact that the artillery strength of the Ming army was far inferior to that of the new army of the Tang Dynasty. This also resulted in a very favorable situation for the new army of the Tang Dynasty, that is, the artillery of the new army of the Tang Dynasty unilaterally massacred the Ming Dynasty military.

And the target of the massacre was the artillery unit of the Ming Army!

According to the plan agreed before the war, the most important task of the artillery battalion and even the artillery of each regiment battalion in the early stage of the battle is to suppress or even destroy the artillery units of the Ming army, so as to prevent the artillery units of the Ming army from advancing to within 100 meters, thereby firing The shotguns inflicted heavy casualties on their own infantry phalanx.

Among the more than 20,000 people in the Ming army, only their artillery units and cavalry units can pose a greater threat to the Datang New Army, and their infantry, to be honest, many generals of the Datang New Army did not pay much attention. inside.

Therefore, the artillery units of the Ming Army are the most prioritized targets of the new army of the Tang Dynasty!

In fact, it's not just artillery, even the musketeers in the infantry, their first mission target is the enemy's artillery!

When Xie Ziwei's artillery battalion opened fire on the Ming army's artillery, the infantry of the Datang New Army were still advancing!

Although from the moment the artillery opened fire, it was already announced that the battle had just begun, but the infantrymen on both sides still did not exchange fire, but continued to enter the battlefield and continued to adjust the formation. A decisive battle of tens of thousands of people is definitely not a simple matter of forming a few square formations and pulling them up, and then the two sides can decide the winner after a fight.

This battle, centered on the Bronze Drum Acropolis, will likely be launched simultaneously within a radius of several miles!

Because both sides are constantly maneuvering, changing formations and positions, in order to seek the most favorable formation for their own side.

This is the same as the battle of naval battleships. Both sides will try to seize the T prefix as much as possible in order to exert their maximum broadside firepower.

In this process, both parties are constantly changing.

And this is why a large-scale battle will last for a long time before and after!

But this maneuver will eventually stop as the distance between the two sides shortens, and it will evolve into a complete large-scale engagement!

The artillery subordinate to Xie Ziwei's artillery battalion is constantly firing at a speed that is neither too fast nor too slow. On the premise that the barrel of the gun does not explode, the frequency of shelling is accelerated as much as possible.

With the shelling, the ammunition accumulated on the artillery positions gradually decreased. Hundreds of solid ball artillery shells were continuously flown into the Ming army array. The physical fitness of the artillerymen even began to appear insufficient, so that they had to replace the artillerymen. Step forward to replace.

The fifth team of the artillery battalion, that is, the soldiers of the artillery transport team, are constantly carrying more ammunition from the rear to the front line to supplement the consumption of artillery.

For this strategic decisive battle, the artillery battalion has prepared at least 5,000 shells!

In addition to the ammunition transported along with the artillery for each artillery, the artillery battalion and artillery transport units of the artillery battalion will also carry spare ammunition.

If these shells were piled up in the artillery positions, they would be enough to form a hill!

In order to transport the artillery and these ammunition, in addition to the artillery team itself and the artillery transport team, the baggage unit also sent two additional teams to help.

In terms of numbers, in order for these ten artillery pieces to be able to fight smoothly, the Datang New Army used more than 500 people to serve them, and there were also nearly 200 horses!

Just these two numbers, you can know why the artillery is a big money swallower!

When the two armies were fighting, it was naturally impossible that the artillery of the new Tang army was firing all the time, and everyone else was watching the show. In fact, about a quarter of an hour after the artillery opened fire, the infantry on both sides launched their first tentative contact. .

It is worth noting that this first wave of contact was not a battle between the main force of the Tang army and the main force of the Ming army, which was commanded by Li Xuan and actually commanded by Hao Bainian, but the Ming army in Tonggu Weicheng took the initiative to attack, trying to break through Li Chunjing's lead. The interception of the two infantry battalions and the confluence of the main force of the Ming army.

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