Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 406: contending

But what shocked people was not the establishment of the first brigade, nor that Hao Bainian was promoted to major general, because after the Battle of the Bronze Drum Fortress, it was normal for Hao Bainian to be promoted one step further.

After all, many people have already been promoted to colonel, such as Li Chunjing, Fang Xitong, Wang Danxu, Zeng Ziwen, who were promoted to colonel on the first day of the war. At that time, the war was actually still in the The finishing stage!

Based on Hao Bainian's military exploits and even seniority, it was a logical thing to be promoted after the war, and it was a strange thing not to be promoted.

It is normal to set up the first brigade. After all, the scale of the Datang New Army is getting bigger and bigger. It is normal to set up a brigade above the infantry regiment, and even set up an infantry division in the future.

They were shocked because Li Xuan also set up a second brigade in this imperial decree, with jurisdiction over the third and fourth infantry regiments, but the position of the brigade commander was vacant.

Emperor Li Xuan did not immediately decide on the candidate for the second brigade commander!

And this is the second in the new army of the Tang Dynasty, and it is also the only brigade commander throne in the near future!

Hao Bainian and below, who are the senior generals in the new army of the Tang Dynasty who are not looking forward to it!

Not to mention Li Chunjing, Fang Xitong, and Wang Danxu. They are now colonels, and they are also the commanders of the main infantry regiment. There is great hope for them to continue to rise to become brigade commanders!

Even Huang Xueren, Fang Dongquan and other veterans are looking forward to it!

Even Zeng Ziwen, the director of the Operational Division, used the pretext of reporting the military situation to ask for the sanctuary immediately after the decree was issued!

What he has done is nothing more than the throne of the brigade commander of the second brigade, and he wants to be promoted to a general officer, so as to become a real senior general in the new army of the Tang Dynasty, so as to reach the pinnacle of life!

For a while, the people in the new army of the Tang Dynasty who thought they were qualified to be promoted to the second brigade commander frequently used various reasons to ask for the sage. The experience and experience of how to lead a large corps to fight, and so on, all he wants to do is to make himself a candidate for this second brigade, or at least a candidate.

However, Li Xuan did not decide on the brigade commander of the second brigade for a while, and was indifferent to the hints of his generals. Instead, he was more concerned about the preparation of the first brigade and the second brigade, and how to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the fifth infantry regiment. Fix equipment issues.

Today, among the five main infantry regiments of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, the fifth infantry regiment is still directly under the Privy Council, as are other artillery battalions, baggage regiments, and cavalry battalions.

Preparing to build a brigade, and there are still two brigades at first, this is Li Xuan's preparation for the subsequent establishment of a formal strategic unit "infantry division".

After the scale of the new army of the Tang Dynasty continued to expand, it was necessary to set up high-level command units such as brigades, divisions and even the army. Otherwise, Li Xuan would not be able to effectively command these troops even with three heads and six arms!

According to the past operations, with the existing scale of the Datang New Army, even if it is an infantry regiment of more than 2,000 people, Li Xuan still has no way to directly command each infantry regiment, which is more troublesome and efficient. low.

In the operation of the Bronze Drum Fortress, Li Xuan actually commanded the troops by directly commanding the forward troops, the Chinese Commando, the Chinese Army and other units, and did not directly command the infantry regiments. Otherwise, he would not be able to effectively command the troops. An army of thousands fought.

Today, the establishment of a brigade-level organization is also to better adapt to the situation of the war. At the same time, it can also be regarded as giving Hao Bainian a large enough platform to display his talents!

This Hao Bainian should be the first potential and capable senior general that Li Xuan has discovered so far in the new army of the Tang Dynasty. According to Li Xuan's training plan for him, the future of this Hao Bainian is far more than He is the head of an infantry regiment, but a candidate for division commander. Today's brigade commander is just a transition.

Besides, apart from Hao Bainian, to be honest, he doesn't have any talents anymore!

As the saying goes, a thousand troops are easy to get and one general is hard to find. Today's Li Xuan is also trapped in the lack of high-quality senior generals under his command!

After the official establishment of the first brigade and the second brigade was issued, it immediately caused a shock within the new army of the Tang Dynasty. Many senior generals were eagerly looking forward to the throne of the brigade commander of the second brigade.

Because this is a general position!

At present, Hao Bainian, who has the most outstanding military exploits and the most outstanding talents, has served as the brigade commander of the first brigade and was awarded the rank of major general.

But who will be the second brigade commander and second major general?

They don't know. In fact, let's not talk about them. Even Li Xuan himself is very distressed, because his generals, except for Hao Bainian, are actually not very suitable for this brigade commander. Otherwise, before He has already started training. For example, he will first be promoted to the rank of colonel, and then given the opportunity to command a temporary large corps, so that he can successfully grow up and be promoted to major general and then serve as brigade commander.

In fact, except for Hao Bainian, the other people in the new army of the Tang Dynasty actually did not like Li Xuan very much. He was also very hesitant about the selection of the brigade commander of the second brigade. Basically, no one thought he was suitable.

, that is the candidate for the brigade commander of the second brigade, many people will have this opportunity!

But this also created a situation, because Li Xuan felt that no one was suitable except for Hao Bainian's accident, so many senior generals had this opportunity to serve as the brigade commander of the second brigade. After all, since the second brigade has been established, after all You need a brigade commander.

But Li Xuan was not in a hurry for a while. There were still a few days left. Although the brigade commander of the second brigade had not yet been established, the brigade headquarters of the second brigade had already been established.

This time, in order to strengthen the command capability of the brigade headquarters, Li Xuan was assigned to the brigade's deputy brigade commander, as well as an additional chief of staff and combat staff.

At the same time, the post of chief of staff was also established in the infantry regiment to further strengthen the command capability.

The chiefs of staff of the two infantry brigades were both major-level senior staff members in the combat division, and the staff officers in the infantry regiment were transferred from young and promising lieutenants.

At the same time, the deputy brigade commander of the second brigade also arrived soon. This person was Huang Xueren. Interestingly, the deputy brigade commander of the first brigade was Fang Dongquan.

The appointment of these two people basically put an end to their desire to be brigade commanders!

Appointing these two people as deputy brigade commanders was considered a compromise by Li Xuan. According to his thoughts, these two people would actually end as a battalion commander, but they were both veterans of the founding of the country, and the Tang Dynasty was only a few years old. When there are a hundred people, they are one of the generals.

In order to avoid giving people the negative impression of treating old officials harshly, getting down on the ground, and hiding everything, Li Xuan had to continue to promote them, but this promotion did not give them actual power.

Give them a brigade of five or six thousand troops to command, let alone a brigade, even Li Xuan, the head of the infantry regiment, does not plan to give them to them, because in this case, Li Xuan will not be assured of anything!

Therefore, a colonel's deputy brigade commander, with a prominent position but not much real power, is the best choice without causing much negative impact.

Not to mention what Huang Xueren and Fang Dongquan thought, but they were promoted from colonel to colonel, and also served as deputy brigade commander.

The other few people continued to stare at the position of the brigade commander of the second brigade!

And this matter can't be dragged on forever. After resting in Tonggu Weicheng for a few days, when Li Xuan got the front of the Ming Army on the West Road and officially entered the territory of Liping Mansion, he finally made a decision, because this At that time, he was going to take the army westward, and he could not let the position of the brigade commander of the second brigade continue to be vacant.

After careful consideration, Li Xuan finally decided to let Fang Xitong serve as the brigade commander of the second brigade.

To be honest, before Fang Xitong, he considered several people, such as Li Chunjing, Zeng Ziwen, even Wang Danxu and Bai Yunqi.

However, these people all have their own flaws, the first is Li Chunjing, this person is talented and quite But this person's character is too tough, and there is a precedent for acting without authorization, Li Xuan But I am quite worried that he will mess up, and if one fails, the Second Brigade with more than 5,000 people will be buried!

In Zeng Ziwen's words, this person's aptitude, prestige and even theory are very sufficient, but his performance of crying in Luohu Valley is something that many people can't forget. Li Xuan feels that this person has no theory, but let him actually lead the way. If they are soldiers, it is very likely that the fiasco of Luohu Valley will be repeated.

Wang Danxu simply said that his ability, loyalty, and qualifications are sufficient, but Li Xuan is dissatisfied that this person's military theoretical knowledge is too lacking, and he does not know big characters. Fighting depends on instinct and experience. Such a person can use it. , but also a lot of trouble.

A brigade commander needs to lead his troops to fight alone, and he needs to make many tactical and even strategic choices by himself. It is not enough to rely only on instinct and experience.

After much deliberation, he still chose Fang Xitong. The ability of this person is not too strong, at least not as strong as Li Chunjing, but there are still some, at least it is more than enough to be a regiment leader.

The experience and qualifications are not as good as Wang Danxu, but they are not lacking!

This person is relatively average in all aspects, not too good, but not too bad!

And this person also has an advantage that Li Xuan appreciates very much. This person is very loyal, and he never forgets to show this loyalty. This kind of loyalty can even be described as stupid loyalty. He would rather be defeated by the army than Disobey Li Xuan's order.

This kind of behavior makes people feel that he doesn't know how to change!

But this kind of flexibility is what Li Xuan needs!

Compared with ability, qualifications, and prestige, for Li Xuan, loyalty is more important!

So after some evaluation, Li Xuan chose the taller one among the short ones, and finally chose Fang Xitong!

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