Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 491: South! South!

Hearing these words, and looking at their outfits, the soldiers guarding the door also knew the importance. Of course, they would not rashly put these two knights in.

Instead, someone trotted forward immediately, and after confirming their identities, the officer with the rank of second lieutenant accompanied the two knights inward.

It didn't take long for the two knights to hand over a letter to Zeng Ziwen, director of the Privy Council's Department of Operations.

Zeng Ziwen first took out the seals left behind for comparison, and after confirming that it was a letter from the 1st Infantry Brigade, he opened it up. After opening it, he did not rush to read the content, but read the handwriting As well as the seal at the end of the letter, it was only after he had truly confirmed that it was a letter written by Hao Bainian himself that he could seriously read the contents of the letter.

And at this sight, there was an ecstasy on his face immediately, and this ecstasy was something he had never seen before when he received Zeng Ziwen's defeat of the Ming army at the Anjia Wharf.

A combat staff officer next to him was a little curious: "Sir, could it be that there is good news from the south?"

Zeng Ziwen immediately said loudly: "A great victory in Liuzhou, General Hao has received good news, the army going south has conquered the Liuzhou city, and also wiped out all the puppet Ming thieves in the city!"

"This officer will immediately attack and report this great news to the sage!"

After saying that, Zeng Ziwen couldn't wait to go out with Hao Bainian's personal letter and good news, and then went straight to the temporary palace not far next door, that is, the former Xingquan mansion to face the saint.

Because Zeng Ziwen was in a good mood, he walked faster, and everyone he met on the road was smiling. When someone asked him why he was so happy, he just smiled and said nothing.

Although it would not be long before the news of the Liuzhou Good News spread, he still hoped that His Majesty would know about it first.

After arriving at the palace, he asked for the face of the holy man, but because he came a little earlier, and His Majesty had not come to work, he could only let the people from the Hanlin Academy report it, while he waited patiently. !

Anyway, this is a good news, and it's not a bad thing. It's okay to wait, and it won't delay anything.

While waiting for His Majesty's arrival, Zeng Ziwen was also thinking in his mind that he had won Liuzhou this time, and he had already defeated the 8,000-strong Ming army in Xiangzhou before. under.

At the same time, the partial division of the army going south, that is, a thousand troops sent to Guilin, is also progressing relatively smoothly. The troop led by the lieutenant colonel has a troop consisting of the 2nd Reserve Battalion and the 13th Guard Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Regiment. There are only about 1,110 people, but after they entered Guilin Mansion, they did not rush to attack Guilin Mansion City. Instead, they fought on the periphery of Guilin Prefecture, and successively conquered small cities such as Yining and Yongning, and in the process captured many conscripts of the Ming army, plus the soldiers recruited by the officials of the Ministry of Recruitment Department who accompanied the army. , and also allowed them to form a new independent garrison battalion, and the second reserve battalion was also able to always maintain a full staff.

After this round, not only did the eastward troops not decrease, but they also expanded by nearly 1,000, so that the westward troops had already expanded to about 2,000, occupying the western and southwestern parts of Guilin Prefecture.

However, although Guilin Mansion is not a key defense area of ​​the Ming army, and there are not many troops in Guilin, there are still thousands of Ming troops and young soldiers guarding the mansion city, and the westward troops have no firearms such as artillery and muskets. They are all cold weapon troops. It is still difficult to conquer a city guarded by thousands of people. Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Xu Ke's next goal is to continue to capture other small counties in Guilin Prefecture, so as to achieve a strategic encirclement of Guilin Prefecture. , cut off the connection between Guilin Fucheng and Wuzhou.

Judging from these circumstances, the situation in Guilin is still relatively optimistic!

In addition, half a month ago, the Department of Operations had already ordered that a mixed team of the regular army and two battalions of the garrison army were dispatched from the west to the central part of Guizhou to go south to Qingyuan House in Guangxi from the central part of Guizhou. Although the troops dispatched were not too many, but There were not many regular troops in the western part of Guangxi, and it was not the key defense area of ​​the Ming army. In addition, after arriving in Guangxi, it could still be the same as the troops advancing eastward in Guangxi. On-site recruitment has already recruited the Ming army to supplement the force, and then the Qingyuan will be won. The government is not difficult.

Now that the department has entered the Qingyuan Mansion, I believe that good news will soon come.

Based on the above, our side has already laid a foundation in Guangxi, especially in the central and northern regions of Guangxi, and at this time, it is logical for the holy drive to go south.

The high-level officials of the Datang Dynasty all know that the strategy of going south is not only the southward movement of the army, nor just the southward movement of the southward detachment, but the southward movement of the political, industrial and military focus of the entire Datang Dynasty!

Long before the army went south to Guangxi, the Tang Dynasty was already preparing to move to Guangxi.

Hao Bainian's army had not yet conquered Liuzhou Prefecture. All the ministries of the Cabinet and the departments of the Privy Council had already sent a large number of officials to the south, especially the Recruiting Department of the Ministry of War, the workshop of the Ministry of Industry, the Ordnance Department and the Training Department of the Privy Council. They are already over there in Guangxi, and even if they are not the first-in-command, the second-in-command is definitely there.

Even in the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Rites and other departments, there are basically people at the level of servants who came to Liuzhou to work first.

On the one hand, their task is to support the battle of the army going south, and on the other hand, it is also to meet the holy drive, and more importantly, to start the work first.

For example, the Ministry of Industry, in order to be able to establish a large-scale workshop immediately after entering Liuzhou Fucheng, has already started preparations in Rong County, and began to recruit workers for basic training.

Once Liuzhou is won, these officials who entered Liuzhou in the early stage will settle in Liuzhou Fucheng as soon as possible, and make a front stop for the holy drive south!

Before winning Zhaoqing in the later period, Liuzhou will become the political, military, industrial and commercial center of the new regime of the Datang Dynasty. Even if Wuzhou is won at that time, it will not be relocated immediately.

Only after Zhaoqing is won, will the political center of the Tang Dynasty be transferred again. However, even after Zhaoqing is won in the later period, Liuzhou will still be an important stronghold of the Tang Dynasty because of the early establishment of the Tang Dynasty. Various workshops cannot be relocated.

In addition, the north of Liuzhou is the starting place of the Tang Dynasty such as Xingquan House and Liping House. These two places are close to Huguang and cannot be easily given up.

At that time, Liuzhou will be an important transit station connecting Guizhou and Guangxi, and its strategic position is still very important.

Even if it is a step back, if the vast army of Lake Hu invades Guizhou, and because of its strategic center of gravity, Guizhou has insufficient military strength and loses Xingquan Prefecture and Liping Prefecture, Liuzhou will become a resistance to the southward movement of the Ming army. important strategic support point.

At the same time, because of the Liujiang River, a tributary of the Xijiang River, convenient transportation links can be obtained with Wuzhou through river transportation, so there are certain merits in developing industry and commerce here.

Otherwise, the Tang Dynasty would not have rushed south to Liuzhou, and was ready to establish a large number of workshops here.

That's because of this need.

It is now the second year of Xuanping. If we use the number of years to record the history of the Tang Dynasty, then strictly speaking, the Tang Dynasty has been established for a full four years, from the first year of Anjian, the second year of Anjian, and Xuanping. In the first year and the fourth year of Xuanping, the Tang Dynasty has gone through four years.

Although it is said that the first year of Anjian only lasted for more than a month, and then this year's second year of Xuanping has just begun. If we use actual time to count, in fact, the establishment of the Tang Dynasty was only two years and one month. !

But in a little more than two years, I didn't talk about it in the first half of the year. It was Li Xuan's father Li Er who was going to mess around, but for the next year and a half, he was always in the battle with the Ming army and own expansion.

Especially in the last half that is, the Datang Dynasty took the initiative to attack Zhengtai County, and the Datang Dynasty continued to conquer Zhengtai County, Xingquan House, Liping House, and then the last two months have been the autumn wind. The posture of sweeping leaves swept across the central, eastern and northern parts of Guizhou. At present, only the western part of Guizhou and Guiyang Fucheng are left in the hands of the Ming army, but in the western part of Guizhou, that is because the march of the King of the Tang Dynasty was not so fast, and it has not yet been there. There you go.

As for Guiyang, it is a provincial capital. Even if the governor of Guizhou, Zhu Zhihai, is dead, other senior officials in Guizhou have already assumed their responsibilities and are desperately hoarding strength to defend Guiyang. This is half a meeting and really can't get it down.

Up to now, the Tang Dynasty has actually embarked on the road of retreating if it does not advance. It is like sailing against the current. If it does not continue to expand, it will be surrounded and suppressed by the Ming Dynasty.

Whether it is for its own development or self-protection, the expansion of the Tang Dynasty is impossible to stop.

At present, the expansion road of the Tang Dynasty is to go south!

Now that Liuzhou Fucheng has been won, Zeng Ziwen guessed, I am afraid that the holy car will officially go south in the short term!

Zeng Ziwen guessed right. After Li Xuan heard the news of Liuzhou's good news, he just came out to meet Zeng Ziwen after breakfast, but he didn't talk to Zeng Ziwen.

Because at this time, Li Xuan had already passed down an imperial decree to convene a strategic meeting in front of the imperial government, ordering the ministers of the cabinet, the heads of the departments of the Privy Council, and the officers above the regiment level in Xingquan Mansion to participate in this meeting.

At this imperial strategic meeting, it is not necessary for Li Xuanduo to say that the civil and military officials who have received the news of the Liuzhou victory had already proposed to move to Liuzhou Fucheng at the beginning of the meeting!

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